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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 10, 2023 12:00am-12:16am CET

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december 22nd on d, w, and the, this is the, the news line from berlin is real steps of strikes on southern garza, the idea for civilians to evacuate the center of the city of casa, when says 84 civilians is on the edge of collapse. and battle lines are drawn and become 20 climates. summit activist announced oil exporting countries for urging other states to reject any deal which was planned, the phasing out of fossil fuels and in the abundance leave your trunk for 10
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champions, fire units. the 1st loss of the season selling 51 defeats that much more coming up from sports the on air until berlin. thank you very much for joining us. israel is again heading, targets and southern gaza has ordered people to leave the center of the territory. second biggest city hun eunice fighting has also served in northern garza as the idea of target some us, which is considered a terrorist group by multiple countries. the u. n. is warning humanitarians important cause faces total collapse more than 2 months since a mazda is federalist attack. and the big name of x ray submitted to offensive, and garza seems like these deep emerging medic rushing into the hospitals among them many children. according to the how my son has ministry,
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the latest is dry, the air strikes in the southern city of con eunice, have killed dozens for those folks and the phone targets are also being hit. many fact with this out, are you getting the war? went straight toward them to leave northern garza done, we were 1st displaced from casa city to con eunice and later to ross. where should we go? now children and women were sleeping peacefully in a 52 year old woman who wasn't carrying a weapon and a 5 year old child where they launching rockets that as well. so this i deal with the strikes, intensified as globally both photos the side identifying to in new york. on friday the united states vetoed a security council resolution drafted by the united of i'm and it's that quarter for somebody didn't see 5 in garza of so soon. as, as long as the mos clings to his audiology of destruction any ceasefire,
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is it best temporary? and it's certainly not piece. and nbc far that leaves from us in control of gaza with an art palestinian civilians, the chance to build something better for themselves. but manufactures opinions failed to understand this argument. i'm the america is the one sending weapons. these weapons have been manufactured in america and in western countries. they support israel and killing us, children, women, and the elderly. the problem is what's your husband alone? i'm talking, i'm a law is our savior and we'll take care of us. let me know when america vito, the ceasefire at the un, reconfirmed to their position against the people who are dying under selling all day and all night with american weapons. and the the human sees the humanitarian support system, and goss on it is stupid collapse. and most gods in naples to see that there are 3,
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leaving them no option, but to seek refuge under heavy stride, the fire and bring them to run to the king's college ones and told us why hun eunice is so important to israel. it is believed to be a strong hold for how much they are for id is concentrating, is hope ration on come eunice and it is also believes that there was an expensive network of tunnels underneath the city. and so now we're seeing that the north has more of glass been clear of this. and now i d, f is proceeding was the sauce. and the idea is send to expand these areas. so to push out from us as much as they can probably do towards the middle of the gaza strip to central bozza and say. and the idea here is to eliminate as many homos as possible, was a focus on some of his commanders to pressure as mounting on these really government to secure the release of the remaining hostages. held by him, us thousands have riley didn't tell if he'd seen the return of the captives must be
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israel's top priority. many are unhappy with the way prime minister benjamin netanyahu is dealt with the situation since the terror attacks of october. the 7th dw special correspondent, i e, but to him, as in speaking to some of the protesters and tele leave. so i spent the day of the afternoon, pardon here until of the 1st, but here at hostage square. and since the beginning of the war since october 7th, this has been the gathering point for families of hostages and are allies to call for the release of the hostages. and here i spoke to one moment who said yes more, it's hard, but she believes that the course that the government is taking is the right one. she told me, but this time us at your group according to her opinions only understand strengthens of. so i did hear some opinions supporting the governments of course also there was
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a massive anti government pro to it's happening here and tell it is not very far away from hostage square. and there, there was a lot more anger at missing, you know, a lot more anger at his government in there. i heard opinions that were a little bit different saying, but the government should, in addition to the military operation, also pursue political negotiations more seriously. they saw that the temporary ceasefire. did you some results and did result in the return of some hostages and the people i spoke to there. they really don't think the missing yahoo is the right man for the moment anymore. and the other alternatives to bring back the hostages. in addition to the military operation should be pursued. that was deed of use i. e for him and tell of eve. and here's a quick look at some other stories making headlines around the world to the biking presidential campaign has conducted a blocked emergency abortion for a texas woman carrying a fetus with a fetal diagnosis. a lower court granted keep tax and abortion with the texas
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supreme court has blocked the ruling. that 20 weeks pregnant cox says she's running out of time and tears without the portion she will have complications of a lead for an easy to have more children. that's with the german chancellor. that will actually, it says jimmy will continue to back to crane financially and with with ins, deliveries folks to the conference of his social democratic party. that age ukraine could be increased if necessary. after the west, germany has been the 2nd largest supplier of military material to crate. since russia's invasion on the beach moves get hundreds of people in the georgia and capital debris. so you have marketing support at the country becoming that candidate for membership of the european union. brussels is expected to announce its decision next week. the us told georgia to address issues like corruption and the like to deficiencies. philippines is accused the chinese coast guard of using water cannon to instruct 3 of its boats near disputed the area of the south china
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sea. the philippine says the vessels were delivering supplies to fishermen. your reef control by china. china sees the re, from the philippines in 2012 oil producing nations are attempting just wait international representatives at the you in climate conference and to buy reports say opec secretary general route to members and allies, asking them to prevent such a deal at the you in climate conference, the us, you and poor nations are backing what would be a historic pledge to end the use of the main contributor to global warming. but oil producers like saudi arabia and russia, are lobbying against the pledge and green, some representatives and protesters. the way, well, why do we, when, when do we want these demonstrators are protesting against the least open message urging countries to block any text targeting fossil fuels. with here many of the comp 28 negotiators are concerned about the lack of progress and resistance of opec
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members. i don't believe what they will break is shane on. we shouldn't discuss actually the pro auction of policy fuels. if we want to be serious the, or see this is in the planet, if we're going to be able to achieve the 23rd, 2 targets off emissions by single pack shortstop directly to children of this plan . it activists declared a day of protests that the climate summit hundreds also marched in solidarity with gaza, demanding a permanent ceasefire as well as climate justice across the globe. the smaller group, staged a rare political protest, demanding the release of pro democracy activists and present in the u. n. e. an egypt. there is no freedom of expression in the u. i. e, there is no freedom of association, an assembly. this very small,
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extremely limited protests within the space you end zone is historic. these names have never been said out loud and the u. a. e and the release has never been publicly demanded in this way. these demonstrations are an unusual spectacle and you, a, we're freedom of political expression is tightly controlled, that protests have taken place under heavy restrictions, yet to offer a rare opportunity to see tides. where they also are tease would normally shut them down, which are into sports. no, i didn't, the point is like a buyer munich. we're hoping to gain ground in the battle for 1st place after leaders live a cruise and only managed a drawl last weekend. the all defeated for variance went on the road to face comfort on a rainy afternoon. but the host dominated from the outset. frankfurt wasted no time going straight on to the attack and it paid off on 12 minutes home on my motive, submitting his 7th of the season, slap you, defending
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a shudder onto the crossbar by 5 s i a b and my most control. the rebound didn't hit the targets then with half an hour ago and frank for it made it to new attic dina, and being gay, doing the honors this time, he waved his way through multiple buyer and defenders and got up a shot 9. well know i should have saved and it took only 5 minutes for frank for it to back there. 3rd things to go lot. so my most turn provider and last i made some nifty moves and took a sly and go with the finish buyer and finally found something right before have time. go see what came is making it 31 there i sent a t and up to germany. international for as long range rockets and giving them a glimmer of hope going into the break. but those hopes were dashed when dina. it'd be in bay now that his 2nd several minutes after the restart and the home crowd
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were loving its side. be with a beautiful ball to put the frenchman through on goal and make it for one. and on the hour, mark, frankfort del fire, and one final blow as guy to now getting, you know, and the fun with the initial ruling of off side over turn by the a r 5 won the final score. frankfurt grab a huge way and that keeps them in contention for the european spots well, buyer and suffer their 1st loss of the campaign and below their chance to make up ground on leaders neighborhoods and and also on saturday our be like prevailed in a select fest endorsement by a score of 3 to 2. that's after the house when a man down early and there's no own goal. this was the final goal from wipes in early an injury time with the use of pulse and the heating the target. strike me to 31. seem to seal the victory, but the doors and kept things exciting when they killed one back just 2 minutes
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later, with lights that hung on and remain in 3rd place at of doors in 4th. now let's take a look at all the bundles leaking results so far this weekend. all right, there's the lights, like when, when you're in berlin, b flat boss. and as we saw it, fine for the buy on what we spoke last at home to fly books. blakeman defeated august board, hiding behind don't you don't stop. and hoffman home depot them on sundays to god face labor costs and, and co meet mites. basketball is working to help bring peace to south, south sudan. the united nations mission in the country has organized all week long basketball tournament for local teams in an effort to build community confidence and help ease tensions in the country which has endured years of civil war. are building bridges with basketball. different local teams compete in the city of yum, yo, with a focus on finding come rivalry in the world's youngest country. they use the,
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the stick and lead to sales, who did descended into a bloody civil war. shortly after independence in 2011. the violin says reduced sense, but conflict still plagues various areas and basketball is being used by authorities in the united nations as a gateway towards peace. was one of the joy amongst such within 15 minutes as well here watching off the court
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in december 2024 south sudan is expected to have its 1st general election and you're up to date, but to stay tuned. sports life is up. next, looking at the problems a top kenyon kayaker base is getting a visa for the olympic qualifications. that's after a short break. i'm here until berlin. thank you very much for joining us. the come have a page. i'll take the highlights you every week in your inbox, subscribe. now. how many platforms can you handle single tenuously without having to feeling that it's just too much you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously.


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