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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 10, 2023 2:00am-2:15am CET

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin is the real steps of strikes on southern gauze. the idea for disability and so evacuate the center of the city of gauze. the when says aid for civilians is on the edge of collapse. also coming up, the european union agrees a landmark deal to regulate artificial intelligence and professional law sets limits on features like facial recognition and penalties. for companies that break the rules and independents reger, frankfurt pen champions buyers unit. the 1st loss of the season,
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stomach 51 defeats the on there and told him welcome to the program of israel's again heading targets in southern gauze and has ordered people to leave the center of this territory. second biggest city hun eunice. fighting has also served in northern gauze as the idea of target some us, which is considered a terrorist group by multiple countries. the one is warning that humanitarian support and gaza faces total collapse. more than 2 months since, how much is federalist attack? and the beginning of the x ray committed to offensive and gaza seems like these deep emerging metrics rushing into the hospitals among the many children. according to the how my son has ministry, the latest is friday. the strikes in the southern city of con eunice, have
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a dozen for those folks. enough. targets are also being hit. made me sick this out. are you getting the war? rent is trying to read them to leave north and gaza. read them. we were 1st displaced from casa city to con eunice, and later to ross. where should we go? now, children and women were sleeping peacefully in a 52 year old woman who wasn't carrying a weapon. and a 5 year old child were the launching rockets that as well the, the strikes intensified as globally both photos the side defined in new york. on friday, the united states veto a security council resolution drafted by the united amended that call for the humanitarian sci fi and gaza, of so soon as, as long as the mos clings to its audiology of destruction. any cease fire? is it best temporary? and is certainly not peace. and as far as it leaves from us and controls garza with
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an ard, palestinian civilians, the chance to build something better for themselves. but manufactures opinions failed to understand this argument. i make any lives in as the north america is the one sending weapons. these weapons have been manufactured in america and in western countries. they support israel and killing us children, women, and the elderly, the proud with me. so what's your husband alone? i'm going to ask you, i'm a law is our savior and we'll take care of us. let me know when americans veto the cease fire at the un reconfirmed in their position against the people who are dying under selling all day and all night with american weapons and the the humans, these, the humanitarian support system in goss on it is stupid collapse. and most gods and naples defeated their retreat, leaving them no option but to seek refuge under heavy stride. the fire
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marina morono kings college london told us why hun units is so important to israel . it is believed to be a strong hold for him. us therefore, id is concentrating, his hope ration on con eunice. and it is also belief that there was an expensive network of tunnels underneath the city. and so now we're seeing that the north has more glass been clear this and now idea is proceeding was the sauce. and the idea is and to expand these areas. so to push out from us as much as they can probably do towards the middle of the gaza strip to central bozza and say. and the idea here is to eliminate as many homos as possible, was a focus on some of his commanders, a military analysts, maureen, in their own, their pressure is mounting on these really government to secure the release of the remaining hostages, held by him us thousands have rallied in tel aviv seeing the return of the captives must be israel's top priority. many are unhappy with the way prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu, who has dealt with the situation since the tender attacks of october, the 7th dw special correspondent, i. e, for him. as in speaking to some of the protesters until of leave. so i spent the day of the afternoon, pardon here until of the 1st, but here at hostage square and since the beginning of the war since october 7th, this has been the gathering point for families of hostages and are allies to call for the release of the hostages and here i spoke to one moment who said yes more, it's hard, but she believed that the course that the government is taking is the right one. she told me that this time us at your group, according to her opinions only understand strengthens of. so i did hear some opinions supporting the governments of course. also there was a massive anti government protest happening here and tell it is not very far away
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from hostage square. and there, there was a lot more anger at missing, you know, a lot more anger at his government. and there i heard opinions that were a little bit different saying, but the government should, in addition to the military operation, also pursue political negotiations more seriously. they saw that the temporary ceasefire. did you some results and did result in the return of some hostages and the people i spoke to there. they really don't think the missing yahoo is the right man for the moment anymore. and the other alternatives to bring back the hostages, in addition to the military operation should be pursued. that was the w as a, bring him in tel aviv. and here's a quick look at some other stories making headlines around the world. the climate active as have denounced opec after reports emerged at the head of the oil export as group of the members urging them to reject any agreement at the top 28th. that would see fossil fuels phase. now, climate campaigners in several countries say the oil cartels resistance threatens
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the planet. they're urging opec to focus on transitioning to renewable energy. the german chancellor that will not show it says germany will continue to back ukraine financially. and with lessons deliveries. schultz told a conference of his social democratic party that 8 ukraine could be increased if necessary. after the us, germany has been the 2nd largest supplier of military material to cranes rushes invasion on the in. the philippines has accused the chinese coast guard of using water can to obstruct the 3 of its boats, and they are disputed area of the south china sea. the philippine says the vessels were delivering supplies to fishermen. near reef control by china. china sees the re from the philippines in 2012 the byte and presidential campaign has condemned a block emergency abortion for a texas woman carrying the fetus with a fatal diagnosis. a report granted take cox and abortion with the texas supreme court has blocked the ruling. the tour at 20 weeks pregnant cox's,
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she's running over time interest without an abortion. she'll have complications that will leave her unable to have more children. 6 hundreds of people. 6 have gathered in the george and capital police in march to support their country, becoming a candidate for membership of the european union. brussels is expected to announce its decision next week. the eu has told georgia to address issues like corruption and the like total deficiencies. to do your opinion has agreed to legislation to govern the use of artificial intelligence. the do includes limits on facial recognition technology and restrictions on using ai to manipulate human behavior that uses the future. legal framework will include tough penalties for companies breaking the rules, but will not stifle development of the industry in europe. the regulations followed years of discussions among members states and lawmakers into european parliament. we had one objective to deliver and legislation that vote to ensure that the eco
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system of a yeah in europe will develop, we'd say human centric approach of respecting fund them into rights and the european values. because this is where it is. some things that is much more, i believe that the book and so it onto platforms, the reopen stops and also research as to 3 to go batteries for what our photos it isn't wrong, but trust or c. d, w, corresponded and brussels better reader told us that the legislation or what the rather the legislation could mean for people and businesses they, you really divide a applications into for risk clauses. some of them will be completely forbidden, like facial recognition and on the, on the scale. there are some exemptions for military and law enforcement and also behavioral control and the control of your thoughts that will be also
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a band and but higher risk applications, for example, instead of driving calls be allowed in the you, but they have to be certified the technique has to be open so that everybody can see how that works. and normally i would call it like check g, b, t on a medium risk level. and that can be in the you without any restrictions, but it has to be documented how this thing works and everybody has to know that he's dealing with a i, that he's not talking to a human. and this is one of the essential measures in the whole legislations. you as a consumer should always decide to, i want to talk to a machine. i have to know whether it is not human. and this is the, the basic principle. but the also some applications have to be not regulated, for example, audio and video altering and programs that make these of well known
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deep phase. these are much regulated. they don't pose a higher risk in the view of a you we turn to sports now and then the bundle. sleek a buyer in munich. we're hoping to gain ground in the battle for the 1st place after leaders, labor quizzes only managed a drawl last week and the undefeated barbarians went on the road to phase frankfort and rainy afternoon. but the host dominated from the outset. frankfurt wasted no time going straight on to the attack and it paid off on 12 minutes home on my motive, submitting his 7th of the season, slap you defending a set onto the crossbar by 5 s i b and my most control, the rebound didn't hit the targets then with half an hour gun frankfurt made it to new attic dina and bean bay doing the honors. this time he waved his way through multiple byron defenders and got up and shot mine. well, no, i should have saved and it took only 5 minutes for frankfort to beg their 3rd.
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thanks to go. lots of my most turn provider. and last, i made some nifty moves and took a sly and go with the finish buyer and finally found something right before half time. so it came, its making it 31 there i sent a t and up to germany international for as long range rockets and giving them a glimmer of hope going into the break. but those hopes were dashed when dina. it'd be in vain ended. his 2nd several minutes after the restart and the home crowd were loving it. so you'd be with a beautiful ball to put the frenchman through and go and make it for one. and on the hour mark, frankfurt dealt buyer and one final blow. i've got to now getting, you know, and the fun with the initial ruling of upside over turn by v a r. the 51. the final score frankfurt grab a huge weight and it keeps them in contention for the european spots. well,
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buyer and suffer their 1st loss of the campaign and below their chance to make up ground on leaders. neighborhoods and basketball is working to help bring peace in south sedan. the united nations mission in the country has organized a week long basketball tournament for local teams. in an effort to build community confidence and help ease tensions in the country, which has enjoyed years of civil war. building bridges with basketball, different local teams compete in the city of yarborough. with the focus on finding come rivalry in the world youngest, the country, they use the, the ticket sales
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who did descended into a bloody civil war shortly after independence in 2011. the violin says reduced sense, but conflict still plagues various areas and basketball is being used by authorities in the united nations as a gateway towards peace. is one of the joy amongst such within 15 minutes as well here watching off the court in december 2024 south sudan is expected to have its 1st general election if you're watching the w news. and here's a reminder of the top story. we're following for you at this hour. israel continues to move our targets in southern gaza. the idea has ordered people to the center of the territory, 2nd biggest city on eunice. biting is also searched in north and garza
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and you're up to date for to stay tuned. for porter is up next, looking at the continued legacy of a. d is 1984 chemical plants disaster that's after a short break there until through and thank you very much for joining us. the name is the calls back said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. is soon about saying it's loud. as would have been nosy bay like good everyone to king. check out the award winning called com. so hold back a.


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