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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  December 10, 2023 10:15am-10:31am CET

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unexpected companions check it out is because setting to go long for the ride suit, you bowed native to the amazon is very social and is usually seen finding the space reason, ibex shift asks why tech companies discard just from preparing as smartphones. i did the german with dw 12 or emphasizing the award winning offer is available worldwide. every language level learning gym and has to go out what i mean. i know i might just do it and
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i'm hoping dw new podcast, thanks trace amount, but there's no actually of, i'll know join us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the world. no need to talk to that, just as subscriber id listen to pop, gosh, that will take you along to the right. the, if you ever tried repairing your phone, well, it's not that easy and phone manufacturers want to discourage us from doing so by any means. why is that also on the show? do you like a i do you work for you? yes. we'll show you tools to boost your productivity. and we look at, you know, most of the satellite, internet networks stalling and how it affects was politics. these are the topics that i'm moving the tech world, the if you have a fix, your broken smartphone, the chances are you bought
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a new one instead, repairing the phone is difficult. and that's a problem. we produce more than $50000000.00 metric tons of anyways, globally, each year. that's the equivalent to throwing out a 1000 laptops every single seconds and still tech companies make it hot and expensive to repair broken devices at the forefront of this sustainable strategy. smartphone manufacturer has planned obsolescence. so why can't you easy change your smartphones battery because the manufacturer doesn't want you to, and it doesn't stop there. many companies offer very limited support when it comes to security and software updates up to 3 to 4 years and solutions for updates a top where a pretty much known existence that's intentional. in the united states, for example, an average smartphone only lasts between 2 and 3 years, which means big box, full smartphone manufacturers, as you always have to buy
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a new phone on top of that, even simple smartphone fixes are very hard to do for non experts. and having it done by a registered so this might cost a fortune because the manufacturer is even cashed in on the repub caching in on repass if it's new iphone $15.00 is a perfect example of how to make it very complicated and costly for use us to fix their own phones, it all works through software locks. the phone system recognizes if parts are replaced with the new ones that didn't come from apple. the phone with them display a warning message or functionality will be lost completely. apple says they want to guarantee that the devices works perfectly, but if you asked me, this is probably about selling expensive spare parts, cost me repairs are likely to drive, use this to get a new device. and this means more devices need to be made and shipped,
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increasing the mining off and wasting more resources that adds to carbon pollution and produces even more electronics waste. anyways, contains a large number of hazardous substances like cut me on let's mercury and die of sense. but also valuable materials like gold and red of which often go to waste. how to manufacturer is justified that the environmental benefits of repair, ability are obvious. in the past, various initiatives have been trying to persuade companies like apple and microsoft and amazon to commit to more sustainable products strategies. instead, big tech has spent millions of dollars convincing lawmakers not to support repair ability laws. they side a range of reasons for their position, for one, a right to repair would infringe on the intellectual property rights. they say, another concern consumer safety. what if people injure themselves,
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fixing that stuff? companies also claim to be deeply concerned that independent, repay i will lead to more hacking. and last but not least shoddy with pass code's damage companies, representations, sound like many points to you. well, we pat applicants have deemed these arguments baseless and argue the manufacturers are mainly worried, the repair ability. what is the depth turnover? what is being done? in spite of big techs, extensive lobby inc, their actions being taken by governments. the european parliament has recently voted for right to repair, under the new law sellers, as well as manufacturers are obligated to offer free repass within the warranty periods. in the west state of california and the electronics rights repair act was already passed. it's guarantees everyone access to parts, tools, and menu roads needed to fix the electronic devices, the goal,
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reducing waste and calm and emissions. these efforts sound promising to force device manufacturer us to insight on sustainable business strategies. we probably need international solutions, in case you want to take on the challenge to repair your phone. i fix it dot com offers a lot of step by step explanations of how you can save. you'll get it. would you rather fix your phone yourself instead of getting a new one? let us know which of these emails are urgent? come on another meeting and i still need to send those. remind is how can i get some work done? do you feel like that sometimes flip a i come to your rescue if can help you boost your productivity and work retail goals. and as a recent studies suggest, even to help you get a day off to have more time for yourself. so what exactly can a i do for you? manage your time towards like st box. i'll spot use
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a i to analyze your inbox, your e mail, so then prioritize based on importance this way. you're not missing anything and don't have to stress about messages that i'm not that virgins a i, a systems can even send automated responses for you. same goals for scheduling a. i can help you get the most out of your working hours based on your work pets. on or the importance of your task towards like any dual can suggest and up to minutes schedule. also a, i can help you and your colleagues find a suitable meeting. spots send invites or provide relevant documents. analyzing data a i can analyze data sets quicker than any human could. folks like to below also visualize findings for you. businesses working with a lot of data i might benefit from this. the tools could help identify problems for unused potential. this might give you an edge and feels like finance or research,
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personalized learning to really ex, so as your job you constantly have to improve your skills. a high powered learning platforms, like addicts can help you with that. they can create past the life training programs based on your skills and weaknesses and provide you with individualized feedback. keep in mind that such tools often come with a price text. plus, there are many more out there than the ones i mentioned. so do you own research to find the product that suit your needs or right now i can become a superhuman at work. but what about guessing that they also we mentioned earlier? well, 2 studies conducted in britain and the us suggested that a, i might enable millions of people to move to a 4 day work week by 2000 and so cheap suite. in concrete numbers a, i could reduce the work week from faulty to 32 hours for 28 percent of the
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workforce. that's 8800000 people in britain and 35000000 in the us. but if companies will give their work as full pay for working less, that's another story. one idea to ensure, well, cuz i'm not losing out on money due to a, i is universal basic income for u b i. this means that everyone would regularly get an unconditional minimal income . but where would somebody be coming from? well, some experts suggest texting companies on the prophets they make by using a i. others go even further and say everyone should have the right to you b, i because we collect the fleet created all the data that's being used to train a ice however you wanna go. so the basic income is still subject to much debate and won't be coming anytime soon. but it's an interesting concept if you ask me, are you already using a i in your every day work that us know you know,
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mosque is failing, big time with, with, uh, uh, ex, another plan office seems to be working to establish a world spending satellite internet network called styling with this service provided by his company space, ex mosque and of grand, or take away internet access. he recently offered styling services to aid organizations in gaza, and he provided people any wrong with internet. do we want a private invest the like markets to have that much power? here are some examples of what must us with his satellites, internet, or no internet for ukraine. the internet's plays a crucial role in the ukraine was military government. she went to terry and organizations and citizens have any depends on it. in 2022 ukrainian incidents and communication networks were compromised during the russian invasion. musk styling step in and provided ukraine with internet services ukrainians,
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use the internet to defend themselves, but also to a tech russian positions. but when you create a new military, targeted russian forces outside ukrainian voters mosque disapproved and limited styling services in these regions. for this, he will strongly criticized by ukraine. ego mosque seems to like getting involved in world politics. the internet for aid organizations in gaza just recently must created another controversy by offering stalling services to internationally recognized 8 organizations in gaza. in the wake of the terrorist attack by hum of classified by multiple countries as a terrorist organization. and as well as response telephone and internet blackouts isolates its people in the gaza strip. so far styling cabins provide that information on how they want to make sure. only 2 minutes here we and organizations
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access this services is royal considers mux initiative, a key approach palestine move free access to information in your on free internet via styling can compose the biggest threats for governments in all 3 . terry and countries like iran, iran is heavily regulating domestic networks at times with complete internet shutdowns. but during the mess of civilian protests in 2022 styling positions about a 100 of the satellites over iran, making its very difficult for the government to control the flow of information. but why is set to light incident, how to control? so let's say you did as google search via satellite internet, your request would be beamed up into space. a satellite then receives the data and relates it back to us from where it can be sent to its intended recipients. in this case, a google search of the information then gets back to you the same way this way.
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governments have little to no control over internet traffic because the traffic does not pass for any domestic communication infrastructure. so far, satellite internet was mostly pretty slow though. the traffic has to travel long distances, but with styling mosque has developed a new fleet of interconnected satellites, much closer to us. those are supposed to make connections much faster. is it fair for a private player to be able to brand or take away internet access? if anyone should have that sort of power, we'd love to hear your opinions. that's all for me today. by and see you next time . the
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on the ground in front of kenya's, 2 largest refugee counts. here. we meet refugees and he has been living name kenya, and beyond what this means to be forced to leave your home and adapting to a life of not knowing if or when you ever go back the 77 percent. next on d, w. you tell him is leaving and also special intelligence is transforming mobility you solutions. industry is increasingly relying on a unities and rates. we show you where the journey is heading in 60 minutes on d, w. those to know understand
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can have a site like the right to present data used on instagram. follow the hello and welcome to another episode of the 77 percent. my name is edith kimani, and this week we are in come from a town location in northwest and kenya on this week. so we're talking about what it means to be forced to leave your home and adapting to a life of not knowing if or when you ever go back. here's what it's prepared for you. we meet refugees and see how they're living in kenya and beyond. in south africa we'll find out what drives been appropriate. you said in communities.


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