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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 10, 2023 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the use of life from berlin, argentina against a new precedent. right wing have emily is progress into slash, public spending and make identity not great again, but he's taken office in the middle of the worst economic crisis in decades. and these are all, all this all civilians to be the central tongues, eunice stuffing up it's offensive against a mazda, but it sounds across the
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i d, michael junior. and you are welcome to the program. i didn't see, you know, is swearing in rights when economies have you really, as it's new precedence. while i should just say the has been sworn in your precedence support has turned out and forceful. the integration so many winters are, is the grains of the method epsky is among the leaders attending really has promised to drastically slash public spending. he's drawn comparisons with donald trump by boeing to make. i didn't see not great again, but he takes off is with the economy, my and it's west crisis in decades of correspondence. alejandro the both of us being as well as that is to photo the integration leandro . tell us how the ad was the in the streets that as well. it is a very big change happening. argentina is 3 to a nothing to now with donated by federal news for a p k a. they move in to it,
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but at the moment the test government are doing to now for 40 or the last 8 years. but now it's coming a new a for the move and deliver target movement. and there's adults of thousands of people coming here. you really is from tenuously, old people, young people, people from a middle class for people, and they are with a team and that's with the audience union football, national team. the mrs. insured as a year ago. well celebrating the work up now they are sort of rating a change in as in tina against the reason for a free market and against the state. things are ration economy that's a lot to be said about have yeah. mila isn't that he's surprised people by winning the election as an outside. what kind of politician is he? well, some of these defined, seen so far, right for the pc, and other us
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a populist right is 42 sion, a. when to start, it's to be famous 5 years ago to define himself. and in our case, capitol, we've been doing this last campaign. he said that he was a lead library to either talk to you and you called him used to use for the free market. these against the states, and i also keep the nice climate change on the state to reason of the last a new topic such as she used in the 70s. right. he is the new president that's at the very critical time. imagine so, you know, the country faces huge economical and social problems. how does, how do emulate one to solve them? or but due to the campaign, he is the talked about the eggs. what do you think a gasket? but now that these a starting his government, he has to do new alliances with a tradition of 4605 in
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t. m a t p. during the campaign he promised to eliminate the national recovery, especially the right, the economy since the bank. but now he has changed his mind. he forget if he has forgotten, he's promises about the station and maybe they can be sent to the bank and he wants to start a huge, a cast or public expenses as much as 5 percent of g b. he will evaluate it based so in order to control the patient during the 1st 18 or in a 24 months of keeps governments, right. alejandro's are both healing buenos aires. thank you. thank you very much. i'll fight then in south and guys i as intensify and as the ease ready, me late fee tries to boot talents on my spices. if it is hiding in the city of the on eunice, these are all this expanding its ground and now sensitive across the financing and territory,
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ordering civilians to leave hon units and how many people are ready displaced by weeks of fights and having to move again. the ministry says mohammed spite this officer ended in northern gaza. 5 minutes that when you mean that to me i was as these are asking me, is still to destroy a mass which is class by many countries as the terrace group. gym and foreign minister auditing in a bad book is wanting that hung guy and guys i could lead to more terrorist incidents. the initial i me most the to the is really army must do more to protect civilians and gods us out. so light, it's not enough to simply instruct them to seek protection when there is in fact no protection possible on the ground to police is busy in all. we are not seeing how not just the suffering, but the hunger is fueling further terrorism at all by to than to have all of us. most he about tv is a cast, international regional director. i asked the international pressure, i kind of help protect civilians in guys a good afternoon. easy uh,
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so far we have seen that since many, many days, no one expected that after almost 2 months, we will be having this conversation and explaining that the situation is becoming more and more harsh than the best. tropic yet we are hearing the people in gaza. we are hearing the colleagues and guys, we are heating, other people, organizations, different actors, all of them trying their best to put an end and reach out to see why it really made helpful. and we hope that that this would be happening and it can be happened that it can happen soon. so we may have put a hopeful, and we hope that these, this, these efforts will make a difference. we saw that they made a difference. even if the slightly during the chose and now we are hopeful that the to and have i don't get in fact you've been speaking to people on the ground in guys out what are they telling you? so unfortunately,
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week after week we were saying that the situation is become more difficult and worse, unfortunately today. and if i can just share with you a very bad a image or a photo of what my colleagues were telling me. and with all the, the images that we see with destruction and the north and potentially in condo and us now you, you would see in the, an industrial and the surrounding area that as the, and my colleagues were describing it. a see of people see of human beings. there is no one space, one empty space for an addition, and then i'm not able to attend. but these would which drastic sheets show to is that people are trying to have. no, no trees are remaining in the south because people use them for, for heat purposes or for cooking purposes. they don't have food. they are most as the more hungry, more in pain. but as i mentioned, although they at
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a certain moment feel that they are abandoned and endangered, spend hopeful for a solution that can come in in the near future. and you've also talked about the kids that are traumatized with the ongoing conflict. that muscles will be a critical situation, isn't it? this out only today, a couple of hours ago we were talking about specifically the situation of kids here in and join with different actors. and unfortunately, even those who are interested to, for instance, in the education of sex, it'd be one way of saying that in addition to, to the difficulty with all the destruction, for instance, of schools and infrastructure related to education. one of the major barriers that we are facing is related to psychologic control. now for the kids have seen and how, how many, how months it would require them to go back to potentially normally i be expect not less than 20 funds for the kids. specifically, to, to be able to go back to
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a as close as possible to normal life unfortunately. right. so what can your organization do to help so far, what we have been focusing on and this is our specialty, is related to sector. and we would also working with people to distribute water and what we called hygiene packets. and with the beginning of winter, we focused on on securing blankets, thurman blankets. and i thought just as any items that would be would help people to, to say via the harsh with it, but also to, to be sleeping in, in, in, in the air with no shutters. of course, what we have done is very, very little compared to the requirements, but even a drop in the ocean makes a difference. right. about tv off cap. thank you. a 1000 solve these right. these have riley didn't have to press other governments to secure their release of their remaining hostages,
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held by how mass they are relatives once they are released to be the main priority of benyamin. nothing now is government did of use i, i, you brought him reports the stance as a reminder, a reminder that nearly a 140 hostages are still believe to be held in gaza. among them is 26 year old. know are good money, was terminally ill mother recently pleaded to see her daughter one last time. also among the speech therapy bus taken when he was just 9 months old. each day that is the best thing. they suffer more and more. we are in what has become known as hostages square, located in central tel aviv it's become the police people gather to demand the return of those taken during the october 7th, almost her attacks many here including shimmered schiffer,
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believe this is what their government needs to do. to meet that demand, to fight them hard from us because that's the way they understand. no other way. they where they understand the way of power. and if that's the way to to get our people back. so that's the way i expect my government a to act nearby. hundreds of protesters closely back. seem government to be replaced here. it's not just hostages that need to be freed. but the whole state, as the sign reads up there shouting slogans like impeachment now. and the government has blood on its hands. after 16 years in power, the people here no longer believe that prime minister netanyahu is the right person to leave the country. especially in this moment that the me on this to say is, it was my responsibility. i wasn't charged and i'm going to resign if it so,
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so it can, it can, it can perhaps live a few more months until the end of the war among the people out on the streets today. there's also mounting anger at the weight, the missing yahoo government is handling the conflict with from us. i think the real argument you may as well right now is between people who see themselves leaving here in peace and a willing to make the sacrifice to get there. and the people who don't to the people who feel if you feel content leaving on the sword, that's how we say thing hebrew. like if you feel content leave, you mean war i have nothing in common with you. and there's too many people in the government to feel that way. then you know, of school to the defense. think about it instead of record search by you. because only with if i and we can go and, and make
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a good deal to blink all the way through this all the time. it's what was the beginning continue it's don't do the protestors continued their march through the streets of tel aviv until they reached hostages. square, they may have differing opinions of israel's leadership, but they are one in there to bring the hostages home. among those already here is 85 year old. your should that live shits a former hostage one of the 1st to be released from gaza, living walking sign of hope for the many, still waiting for their loved ones to return. so that's, i got some all stories and making headlines around the world position president of those 5, how cc was among the fast voters and then the election. he was expected to win with one and see the vote as a shell. after years of government crackdown on defense, egypt as grappling with anything on the crisis and the guys i was on its border or
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the children of the jail, the reunion of women's rights activist. now i guess how much you have accepted in abilities prize and had to have an empty chair and was kept on stage during the ceremony and origin capital also settings in yellow tunes early on piano romani, ready speech the amount that roots in prison at least 6 people have been killed in severe storms in the us state of tennessee. thousands where hospitalized as high wins lip cause i'm toward use of houses, tens of thousands where that's without power. and right here in balance, several 100 people have been taken pods. any riley against anti semitism the much, the mo to never again is now. statutory joins pay. i buy for the distance catholic, most of them on the jewish faith, lead us to submit types of crimes have searched across germany, says this that the concepts gather next time as a,
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as without a tiny danish territory of bon home is actually the greatest islands in the wealth to find out if you want more news, you should uh, go check on our website, the www dot com, but also stay with us as long use coming up at the top of the out, the, every jenny surprises. we've gone all out to give you some of the right people in your northern most count the police the free time but still very much alive.


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