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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 10, 2023 5:00pm-5:16pm CET

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the crypto queen stops to send besides, cs on dw, the faces dw news life from berlin, argentina against the new president. right wing have you really is promising to slash public spending and to make an agency. and i agreed to again, but he's taken office in the middle of the west economics crisis and decades. and these are out all this all civilians to leave the sense of hon. eunice stuffing up it's offensive against from us some of the towns across the
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edi mike, i junior as my name and you are welcome to the program. i didn't see, you know, has one in right. the wing economist have you emulate as it's new president, military has promised to slash public spending. he's gone comparisons with donald trump by filing to make the identity not great again, but he takes office with the economy, my it, and it's was crisis in decades. mean a says is government will do everything possible to avoid a catastrophe of high inflation. the support has turned out to enforce body integration ceremony in windows. are you you? i thought it, i got it or they did of you correspondence. alejandro's really both you has muslim brenda's eyes as well. it is a very big change happening argentina, the 3 to a not going to now with donated by federal news for a p k a. they move in to that. but at the moment the test government are doing to
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now for 40 or the last 8 years. but now it's coming a new a for the move and deliver target movement. and there is adults of thousands of people coming here. you release from tenuously, old people, young people, people from a middle class for people and they are where they are going to be and that's where they are continuing football, national team, the mrs. insured as a year ago celebrating the work up. now they are sort of rating a change in as in tina against the reason for a free market and against they say things are racial economy. that's a lot to be said about have yeah. mila isn't that? he's surprised people by winning the election as an outside. what kind of politician is he? well, some of these defined, seen so far, right? for the dc, and other as a population. right? these 40 titian a when he started to be famous, 5 years of
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o t. the find that seems sofa and an r q. have you been doing these last contain? he said that he was a li liability. they're charging you and you call them used to use for free market these against the states. and i also keep the nice government change on the state to reason of the last a meeting towards the touch of sheep during the 70s. right. he is the new president that's at the very critical time. imagine so united country faces huge economical and social problems. how does, how do you really want to solve them? yes. but due to the campaign, he is the talked about the eggs. what do you think a gasket, but now that sees a starting his government, he has to do new alliances with a tradition of 40 peaks of product in t. m a t p. during the campaign, he promised to eliminate the national recovery,
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especially the right the economy to didn't make this into the bank. but now he has changed his mind. he forget if he has forgotten, he's promises about the station and maybe making this into the bank. and he wanted to start a huge, a cost of public expenses as much as 5 percent of g b. he will evaluate it based. so, you know, there to control the patient during the 1st 18 or in a 24 months of peace. government right alejandro. are both really and when is iris? thank you. i don't see it as new precedent as known for making come back to statements. but even before taking off as these how to soft in some of his more radical ideas, the lion, the wig, the madman. how the emulate goes by many nicknames. a new edition, the chainsaw president. during campaigning, the self described,
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and now co capitalist site, the public and new on certain times what he plans to do to public spending. when it comes to spend the will cut the hand of the case of the genus, the president. it's 9 for his harsh rhetoric. he's described pipe francis, a fellow origin time of ego and miss areas. and an imbecile who promotes communism really stated bluntly that he wouldn't deal with communist sunshine on. oh, neighboring brazil. internationally, malay hesitated strong, good times with the united states and also israel. but in the country struggling under the weight of triple digit inflation, best pressure to focus on issues back home based out of the law, somebody pops from all the doctors. so the situation i want to tell you will that are going to, you know, has a future but not everyone is convinced. we don't know if we help me, lady doesn't do what he says he will because that would be
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a disaster. but there are many women, a consent to milly, a stone sleep, anti abortion. convinced that we have hard times ahead for better or for worse malay has convinced the majority of the electorate. but he is the one with solutions to engine team has problems come down to the bottom and is going to change completely. it's something that many people wanted since this election victory, the man of many nicknames has invited the pub centers, foreign minister to brazil, and purchased dollarization plan on the back. then it's prompted to conservative newspaper to conclude. the lion is no longer exclusively accountable. the sites in, in south and gaza is intensifying as these right. the military tries to talk to him last by to is it believes hiding in the city of han, eunice. caesar out is expanding his ground and now offensive across the
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finest in territory, ordering civilians to leave. han eunice. many people already displeased by weeks of fighting, having to move again, immediately says mall, how my spices i've surrendered in north in gaza. try me to subbing. i mean it's, you know, i was as these are as a mis still to destroy how mass, which is classed by many countries as a terrorist group. jim, on the foreign minister on the nevada. okay, is one and that hung guy in guys that could lead to more terrorist incidents. the english army most the to the it's really army. you must do more to protect civilians and gods us our it's not enough to simply instruct them to seek protection when there is in fact no protection possible on the ground to please is busy and we are not seeing how not just the suffering, but the hunger is fueling further terrorism at all by to the table was most he
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about tv is the cas international regional director. as to whether international press i can help protect civilians and gaza a good afternoon. easy as so far. we have seen that since many, many days, no one expected, that after almost 2 months, we will be having this conversation and explaining that the situation is becoming more and more harsh than the best. tropic yet we are hearing the people in gaza. we are hearing the colleagues and guys, we are hearing other people organizations, different actors, all of them trying their best to put an end and reach out to see why it really made helpful. and we hope that that this would be happening and it can be happened that it can happen soon. so we may have put a hopeful, and we hope that these, this, these efforts will make a difference. we saw that they made a difference. even if the slightly during the chose and now we are hopeful that it wouldn't have, i don't get an impact. you've been speaking to people on the ground in guys out
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what are they telling you? so unfortunately, week after week we were saying that the situation is become more difficult and worse, unfortunately today. and if i can just share with you a very bad a image or a photo of what my colleagues were telling me. and with over the, the images that we see with destruction in the north and potentially antonio and us now you, you would see, see in the, an industrial and the surrounding area that as the my colleagues were describing it . a see of people see of human beings. there is no one space, one empty space for an additional 10 and not even a should attend. but these would, which drastic she'd start to it, is that people are trying to have no, no trees are remaining in the south because people use them for, for heat purposes or for cooking purposes. they don't have food. they are most as
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the more hungry, more in pain. but as i mentioned, although they at a certain moment feel that they are abandoned and endangered, spend hopeful for a solution that can come in in the near future. and you've also talked about the kids that are traumatized with the ongoing conflict that must also be a critical situation. isn't it? us out only today a couple of hours ago we were talking about specifically the situation of kids here in and join with different actors. and unfortunately, even those who are interested to, for instance, and the education of that everyone was saying that in addition to, to the difficulty with all the destruction, for instance of schools and infrastructure related to education. one of the major barriers that we are facing is related to psychology control now for the kids have seen and how, how many, how months it would require them to go back to what they should be. normally i be
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expect not less than 20 ones for the kids specifically to, to be able to go back to a as close as possible to normal life unfortunately. right. so what can your organization do to help? so for what we have been focusing on and this is our specialty, is related to sector. and we would also working with people to distribute water and what we called hygiene packets. and with the beginning of winter, we focused on on securing blankets the blankets. and i thought just as any items that would be would help people to, to say via the harsh with it. but also to, to be sleeping in, in, in, in the air with no shutters. of course, what we have done is very, very little compared to data requirements. but even a drop in the ocean makes a difference. right? about tv of care. thank you. here in building thousands of people have been
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taking part in the rowdy against anti semitism. the match, the mo, to never again is now stuff that when he joins prayer by protestants, catholic muslim months, jewish faith, lead us to submit to crimes have searched across germany. since the south of contacting gatzo dw, the political correspondent, i'm a spiral was of the riley incense this report, the members of the german government, members of the drummond parliament. but the man of valued celebrities for my athletes have a guy that's here in the heart of the late in front of the brandon buck. gates to speak out against anti semitism. a problem that germany has been facing for several years now. but that has seen a mocked increase since that will be gone between israel ad come us. in fact, we spoke to babylon boss, the president of the german, upon a month before the protest be gone on,
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she told us that the $29.00 on december to incidents of being registered in germany on a daily basis for her, for all the other people that i hear present in berlin. it's important to say that this is something that can not be toner rated in germany today. that stands with a gentleman, bundle the guy buying unit way, hoping to gain ground on the bottle for fast phase. the previous the defeated bavaria and hit the road to face frankfurt. but the host dominated from the onset frankfurt wasted no time going straight on to the attack. it paid off on 12 minutes home on my motive, submitting his 7th of the seas some slap you defending a set onto the crossbar, back, fight s i b, and my most control, the rebound didn't hit the targets. then with half an hour gone, frank for it made it to nail edit deena and being de doing the honors this time.
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he waved his way through multiple buyer and defenders and got off a shop. manuel no, i should have saved and it took only 5 minutes for frankfort to back their 3rd things to go. lots of my most turn provider and loss. i made some nifty moves and took a sly and go with the finish buyer and finally found something right before half time. so i came, it's making it $31.00 there i sent a t and up to germany international for as long range rockets and giving them a glimmer of hope going into the break. but those hopes were dashed when dina. it'd be in vain edit his 2nd several minutes after the restart and the home crowd were loving it. so you'd be with a beautiful ball to put the frenchman through and go and make it for one. and on the hour mark, frankfurt dealt buyer and one final blow as guy. now getting, you know, and the fun with the initial ruling of off side over turn by v a r. the 51. the
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final score frankfurt grab a huge way and that keeps them in contention for the european spots well, buyer and suffer their 1st loss of the campaign and blow their chance to make up ground on leaders neighborhoods and and that's all the news when i got out 1st, how small of itself, all the things go to these places in europe especially stepped into a bold adventure. the treasure map for modern globetrotters discovers some of us regular bragging sites on youtube and also into dw, still on fix. on the inside every day the world wide
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