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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 10, 2023 7:00pm-7:15pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news lie from ballot. argentina gets a new press to the right wing, have a mail, a is a promising to slash public spending and make argentina great to get about who's taking office in the middle of the worst economic crisis. the country is seen in decades. israel owed as all civilians to leave the central con eunice stepping up. it's offensive against hamas militants across sconces. the
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gulf is welcome to the program. argentina has swollen in the right way economies hobby, emulate as it's new presidents has promised to drastically slash public spending these drawing comparisons with donald trump. 5 volume to quote make constantino great ticket. once he takes office with the economy might and it's was crisis in decades, but i says he's government will do everything possible to avoid hyper installation . the bolt has turned out in full for the, you know, he ration ceremony in gwen as i've tried to do that. because funded alejandro rebel seal has moved from that. i was here. it was a lot of a people, thousands of people, and the persons that come to celebrate a new government officer in the last a tiers are going to now was
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a governed by a bit of a, there is the last 40 or these 80 years. and now the new government delivered tugging bowman rent was to go against that amazing against the intervention of the state and economy and a for a free market. it's a, there's a very strange change for argentina history on here. there was other people said, a breaking with a i didn't time. did you know that with the national football team? a shirts that macy's church a us a new year ago. they was sort of breaking the work up now they are celebrating the new government of new sci fi through 5 percent of the population. now, mean that it has already promised a new era for odds. and so, you know, you touched upon a few things, but what's about to change says he has promised to make a huge, a adjustment of public expenses as much as 5 percent of g d p. a. he says that it
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did, then you of course he brings it to the inheritance of the last the government. he says that the, there is a big in risk of hyper asia. said that maybe in the, from december to february, there would be a new patient of 20 or a up to 40 percent per month. but a so that's why seats me to the population. that is the beginning of the domain of the government with it. the people will suffer, we have to adjust the states and not the private $6.00 he says, but he says fine on site. and of course, you know, this is suspended because the spanish will effect as much as a part of the population because even touch it, for example, of the energy tactics. now, can we also expect any changes in the audience a, as in, seen as foreign policy. yes, of course a he has said that using all the he's campaign that the his priorities will be to
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have it a good relations with united states israel and a free world a he a he will a freeze in the relations with the receiving it with the china, to do that because the boss deal that reporting for him. born as iris and argentina's new president is known for making controversial statements. but even before taking office, he's how to soften some of his more radical ideas. the lion, the week, the madman. how the and the lady it goes by many nicknames and new edition the chainsaw president. during complaining the self described and not co capitalist site, the public and no uncertain terms what he plans to do to public spending. when it comes to spend old cup the hand of the genus new president,
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it's 9 for his harsh rhetoric. he's described pipe francis, a fellow origin time of ego. and this areas, and, and imbecile who promotes communism really stated bluntly that he wouldn't deal with communists in china. oh, and neighboring brazil. internationally, malay hesitated strong, good times with the united states and also israel. but in the country struggling under the weight of triple digit inflation, best pressure to focus on issues back home based out of the optimal, the doctor. so the situation i want to tell you will that arjun to, you know, has a future but not everyone is convinced. we don't know if we helped me, lady doesn't do what he says he will because that would be a disaster. but there are many women are consent to relate, staunchly, anti abortion. i'm convinced that we have hard times ahead for better or for
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worse malay has convinced the majority of the electorate. but he is the one with solutions to argentina. is problems come down for 5 minutes is going to change completely and that's something that many people wanted since it election victory. the amount of many nicknames has invited the pub centers, foreign minister to brazil, and puts his dollarization plan on the back. then it's prompted to conservative newspaper to conclude. the lion is no longer exclusively accountable. fighting in southern gaza as intensifying as these really military tries to route out how most fights has it believes hiding in the city of con eunice as well as expanding is grounded air offensive across the police. the indian territory for doing civilians to leave on the many people already displaced by weeks of fighting
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on having to move again. the military says more how most fighters have surrendered in northern gods. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel's aim is still to destroy from us, which is lost by many countries as a terrace. jordan's foreign minister has accused israel of pushing the palestinians out of gaza, months of 40 condemned the actions of the is really a my forces. did i is created then amount of hatred that wouldn't hold on to this, this, this region that will define generations will come and therefore it's hair. think it's on people as much as it has heard. think of anybody else that that agent, this is a war that cannot be one. not see a, from the gentlest. somebody salt in jerusalem, send me a very strong would stand by a jordan's for a minister. does he have a point? yeah, if we're talking about the plans say he's referring to a plan that has been revealed the. busy recently the local and the price
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a plan that was published on the 13th of october and by the administrative intelligence. and according to this plan, it is ran with start. it's a military campaign in the gaza strip. as it has done in the north, it will call upon the population of the guns are stripped to go as south se bone and then ask it starts the invasion and the ground. the attacks in the, in the northern part of the gaza strip it with a strive to push the other sting in april position over the guns. a strip 8 to egypt. and the propose it is quite the, the thing they're talking about, the establishing a in the northern part of the sign i peninsula, egypt and sippy is made of the tents. and there later on, bending more permanent the cities this proposal. it also talks about
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encouraging these guys that, that will be expelled from the gaza strip it to other countries. and they really countries like a turkey cup out of it. even countries like greece and spain are mentioned in the same document and also a kind of the and the we know that this is not only a document that has been circulated inside the government, but they're also been statements by the prime minister nathan, y'all, when he's talking a to a, some of the european leaders suggesting that regardless of it should move to europe . mm. is this a valid plan? you think that is still in the minds of the israeli government? or is there any other plans for the gaza strip off to the offensive or well, the main, the main problem i would say to go ahead with this plan is the position of egypt.
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egypt has been from day one expressing its strong position against this plan. as saying that it will not solve the palestinian problem on its line. the dissolution for the policy and in question is to establish a palestinian state in the gaza strip on the west bank. not only that, they've also strings the border between the guns, a strip of egypt in order to prevent this kind of a spillover. so it seems like israel is facing a difficulties if he's of egypt in order to go ahead with this plan. so i'm as a whole and a jerusalem. thank you very much for that insight. here in bel, in thousands of people have rallied against anti semitism and to jewish crimes have searched across germany. since the start of the conflict and garza never again is
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now with that slogan, pointing to the responsibility that flows from german history, politicians, and public personalities most in the center of the lane, been distorted, president fabric boss, who was among the marches, explain why such events and we have noticed that many to still left alone. so it's important that we have put together broad lines, people from politics, the cultural sports, and business to show. we do not want to lead to us without supporting our country. and just to meet the incidents have increased since october 7th. they're up to bunch of non such incidents every day. this is just the ones that have been reported, and that's why it's important to send that to me a message. in fact, only a few 1000 people showed up on a cold day in the lane. those that came with clear it's essential to keep speaking at the door. from this, we must not allow those who found the loudest. i have to say here in germany and we
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had that once before and we know it was a kind of it go to visit the country. mister miss, i certainly not be here and not be called so the old people can leave here and leaving peace. yeah, it's going to switch to i think it's important to take a tent against on to semitism and against hate tripland discrimination in general. despite this whether this the few people can but i think so that was a small glimmer. copeland huffman shima, basically me off the 1st such demonstration of solidarity with keys in gym and a since the 7th of october attacked by a massive israel elsewhere in berlin and around the country. the rules have pro palestinian demonstrations this weekend. the focus here was on preserving peaceful coexistence in germany for anti semitism to still to the jail. it rained in women's rights and pro democracy activists. now guess, well hummadi has been awarded the nobel peace prize. an empty chair was kept on
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stage 2 in the ceremony. and the no regions capital also well embodied. 17 year old twins audience see on our money picked up the awards on her behalf. they made a speech slipping by the mother in prison, in which she hoped the funds would help strengthen the pro democracy movement in a row the to the us and the n. b. a where the los angeles lakers have won the little girl in season tournament, often defeating the indiana pacers, 123 to 109 in the n b. a cop. like the anthony davis has a how to game high 41 points live on james audits. 24 points was names, tournaments of most valuable player. in addition to the silverware, each flap on the lake has also received
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a cash price comes with the house and the major league soccer in the us, the columbus cru defeated l. i a see to win the demo. this call crew coach wilford nancy, spoke on becoming the 1st black head coach to win the sofa way. it was the 4 wheeling that there was a lot of rituals. so between that and um, let them know that you have the same time because of this, not normal, but as that. so i'm proud to represent yes. the the only black that i'm not happy with us. so this is something that has to change . and i know that image has tried to do that, but this is not on the minus. this is everywhere. and that's it from me on the nose
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team for now i will have a was updated for you. of course, the top of the policy out don't go away, i'll take, so shift is up next. okay. why phone companies don't want us to get our old handsets? we had that's up to the show. us got office in bill in from me and the news team here. the mountain is increasing every so many gone up watching online services. the only work that is holiday destination drowning in plastic white at the cost.


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