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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  December 10, 2023 9:15pm-9:31pm CET

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rosa's green reptile that rose the oceans around 150000000 years ago. and then those spots of the nose before the rest of the, to me to long ago was excavated, total monthly price, the fossil will go on, displayed the next. yeah. digest. yeah. and that's it from me in the news team, i will have an update for you at the top of the hour, i've got office berlin, the votes. people have to say the that's why we listen to based on the reports every weekend on d, w. my name is the calls
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back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. as soon about taking a loud noise. would it be nosy, b like good. everyone to kings 2 minutes. check out the award winning called call. don't call back the this is one of kenya's based kayak is in training. if i would, if i would be that like the 1st 10 to the following to this level i have. so that's a big box. well it's happening championships held almost exclusively in europe for africans like sammy missouri. that can be an obstacle for us to go out and participate in any events within the country. we have to get lots of documents. submitting all those documents is not a 100 percent likely. i went to get visas,
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so there is someone behind the desk somewhere who have to be side of check on different minutes and decide whether we have went to go out or not. the few natural landscapes are basis use it for slalom kind of training, then central can use to gone over the god you sent me to recruit up just steps from its banks of the is region was chosen to host the african championships. will slalom kayaking in 2015. he began to see the what was his with fresh eyes. i used to see him fed somewhat to somebody by taking the back home and i was young past. uh we have that obligation to ship everyone about what do they quote? so these are big support this big suppose inspired sammy and he started to become
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a kayak pioneer and kenya with minimal equipment. so guys, i'm ready for the team today. so that's my head minutes. my jacket in my face, got my bottle used to be a kayak bottle, double blade on one blade, good broken, that's a level uh stick. i decided to improvise popular it out and i use it for my training . so improvisation is key as somebody is preparing to take part in the canoe, slalom world cup and spain and the bull championships in london, which double as the qualifies for the powers and impacts he's kenya aware of the resource gap between the gear he has. and what's available in europe, most of the other the lead in front of the have easy access on kayaks in for that coupon for us to get maybe like a bottle of a kayak in the country. it will cost
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a lot like the k x we are using right now. the old old button. we just try to maintain them because we know it's hard to get any of the equipments down here for the last few months and few weeks we have been trading really hard. he's a tough ad sleep now about the 1st steps on the what was the were not so easy when i joined the club this i don't i so i would i had some friends who helped me for me. i do enjoy every minute when i'm in there, what i'm doing is taking my main thing totally think maybe and winning that with these way up to the people on idea of the packing. going and coming up. be interesting. yeah,
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it's not even kayaking involves completing the costs of hunting gates and the fastest time possible. green gates are crossed while moving down stream rate gates must be crossed in an upstream direction. oscillates in europe, often training in the office of disease without the official with is and 5 the glass gates. but here on this, the gone to semi and his friends make do with what they have in kenya, the as of equipment. and in, for us stretches, we have the most chatted us compared to other countries. this loan, good, uh, so important that is uh you have to maneuver that on the uh, green falls uh reviews being and cable that we have like both types. so we painted them green and red just to identify the ups. do you mind the dosing? yes. yeah. that's our own. we own house to do
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a level for see if as this disposing and equipment related, obstacles went enough. the biggest challenge lies ahead for sammy guessing visa is in the capital, nairobi we seem to have around like 1010 days before we fly out for our form of edition. uh for the couple of days we, we've not been saying we've been to night will be almost for like 34 days dressing for going for 2 different offices. uh, looking for a visa and all that. but yesterday and today we had a chance to do a training. that's why, how this my, on my, on my face, i like what, uh and this trading almost like building that the space of his visa sagas, seeing returns at home, piles of documents are still waiting to be submitted to the spanish and purchased embassies. a complicated process yet for us to go out and
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participate in an event in the country. we have to get lots of documents is uh like passports because in addition, slater's our bank statements uh, premium. okay. uh they quote statements and all that stuff. i don't know why they do ask for all those documents in as an identity. you seem to have something to come back home for like you have a happy family. you have like the duties from home you want to kind of i would we yeah. if you go out there, you're not like going and thing definitely in the let's it doesn't feel comfortable for you. yes. all those kind of questions and you're just going for sports been done back on. so if i don't get a chance the on the on these events, and i'll have to wait for another like for 5. yes. it's
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a mall and wait for like the nic calling because somebody has good reason to be consent off to being invited to a u. k. olympic qualifying 2015. he acquired his 1st passport at great personal expense, but the bridge is visa was never issued and his documents languished on used for another half decade. it's a problem sized by many african athletes, even at the highest levels in 2022 visa today is caused canyon spencer funding. not on yana to be left behind, while his teammates travelled ahead to the world athletics championships in the united states. the o africa recruit holder had his visa to non reversed at the last minute and ended his 20 hour plane journey to 3 hours before his $100.00 mesa race began. hardly ideal conditions. first, supposing, superstar office like been in these athlete or d o m, i knew were even less fortunate despite being the only african to qualify for the
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contests, hip test loan, she was never grown to the visa at all even well, huge business travelers, phase months long backlogs, when applying for visa is at western embassies with the interview process can be grueling and invasive. so actually it's like sammy, the recurring 2 hour bus, done a to nairobi means he's at a disadvantage for us to get visas. we have to, this is the out of the what the and we have to go tonight will be done every day. skipping our sessions on training, somehow visit for cameras. i'm not allowed inside the embassies, so we catch up with sammy, for a tea break, as they propose to drop off his final application for a visa to spain. yeah, it has been a long day looking for visas. i have my documents here and the already,
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they don't know the guy behind the desk with that he's going to approve all my documents. and i've done these before going into the m s. c. and sometimes i didn't actually own the time or even monday to get visas, so i don't know what time remaining would be. dropping these documents into the building over there. i'm hoping we'll get the visa the application is now out of sammy's hands, and he's able to focus on what he loves most, preparing for his upcoming contests, and motivating a new generation of sedona locals to take an interest in this for the. okay, you'll continue games meet when you go into those sweet about forward sweets and bucks week's window, but then you come back. all right, let's see it. do it so no nice
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so uh ben's on he's one of the other thing we have. i don't think i know he was like the best junior for the last one, but he was meant to come with us in spain. but he didn't have a passport. and i'm sure it was a hustle for visas. yeah, we have a big group. nobody on your, from the same area the all we sing me not of this. and i'm happy to be present them, you know, big events. and i also know the happy for me. um. yeah, i'm so tired, man, sitting this training. it was to find the boat next month. what i'm doing next month. we have 2 competitions. there's a world cup in the world championships, emily, i finally divide. i don't know if this training of ours will be enough for us to go
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over there and compete with us guys. window homepage. now my demo with the boat. there's visa stuff about the stuff. yeah. it's been hard to go when and they told me to go to my ruby and come back, things like that. but anyway, let's try what we can. we're gonna do. i'm just waiting to see if this visa hope can be go and tell you what's hold on. so it's almost time for lunch. why do we head up and drop something to eat? so the day of sammy's departure has finally arrived and he's delighted by the news from the spanish embassy today the day. i'm so excited. i'm heading to the airport. i already have this buddy's visa, so i'm going to put it in my country. it's way. but unfortunately, i don't have the u. k visa. so i will have to sit in my passport but hope to get a visa for you. k. it'd be something you're going to say, bucks does hoping all everything will go to some awarded all v. as i'm you know,
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for the guns they, we though with my buckboard on my bus, i will set it like back to can you and kind of, i don't know where the, the goodness doesn't fit. toner. sunny is you. k visa was ultimately granted that his passport was mailed back late. he had to re book his flight and last important days for preparation in london. sammy came in a task out of $105.00 and failed to qualify funds. he tells us his dream of becoming the 1st pallet to be present can you at the olympics still lives on the . 2 the, the view will tell you the we are happy that we are boxing
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the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the sales force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. next on d. w. a glimpse into the depths of the universe with the new european space telescope. you cannot, it's designed to increase precise 3 d map cause models. fast images are as impressed as quantities on the surface the basis for further research on the mystery. tomorrow today. in 60 minutes from d w,
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we are all set and we're watching closely. we all seem to bring you the story behind the news. we're wrong about unbiased information for 3 months. done the, this is data, the news africa coming up on the show. what is behind relates as bells of instability in guinea, basalt president. tomorrow's. the social envelope dissolved parliament off during the legend coup attempt, but the opposition to choose as the president of staging a crew of his own. we've got and that is and mail survive is of the section abuse we'll hear from one man in nigeria way efforts to help men hill from the trauma of being violated on making progress plus a decade off to his death home.


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