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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 12, 2023 7:00am-7:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news coming to live from berlin is real analysis, increased security screening of paid for goes up that says checks will be wrapped up in 2 crossings into the territory. but it's unlikely to quickly improve conditions for civilians and gaza. multiple paid agencies to describe the humanitarian situation there as catastrophic. also coming up, fall out over the phase, out of fossil fuels at the un climate conference, the us and you reject a watered down compromise on phasing out fossil fuels. talks will likely move into
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overtime as countries push for deal to limit global the hello i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. is really official, say they will increase for security screenings of a deliveries regardless of from tuesday to enable more humanitarian supplies to enter the territory. but israel's defense minister has pushed back against international calls for an immediate cease fire and gaza. he says the operation against them us considered a terrace group by several countries. will quote, take time. meanwhile, palestinians have been marching in support of people in gaza as conditions their deteriorate. they march in solidarity with palestinians in gauze on in the west bank. people say it is the least they can do
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that sentiment. it goes here to introduce to them. honest indians have closed shop and gone on strikes to show their support. some of the realities enclosure. seen again in 11 on. yeah, i know they all, this is a day in solar directly with the palestinian people because there's nothing we can do but seriously stand in solar there see with them via to financially, psychologically or socially. and oh, as the now you the solid devotee this because is against is really strikes pounding garza day of to day. so far from us thrown has ministry speaks of more than 18000 people can i was watching the news. and all of a sudden, i feel every thing kicked then on top of me. the children, especially, i couldn't see the thing,
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the many among the dead and wounded children. the river, a large number of children who arrived with amputations to the upper and lower limits. the number of boxes are in the 10s. they've been sent to the mount has tents. there are still a number of them beneath the rubble l. mcguffey camp and other areas in the central provence americans. this is a israel saves it, is targeting him off and plus structure to ensure that a ton of attack like the one on october 7 can never happen again. prime minister benjamin netanyahu claims many homeless by those hudson rendered to the is randy all mima scene in this with you may say that it is for how most and many from the beginning of the end. that's why i'm the dental, i'm in or people in those cross over to our special corresponding to abraham in
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jerusalem. israel says that the inspections will be stepped up at the crum shalom crossings. starting today. that's supposed to allow humanitarian supplies into the inter goes a faster. what kind of impact is that's likely to have so they won't be stepped up . they'll actually be restarted. the cam shalom crossing, which was actually prior to the war, responsible for about 60 percent of all the in the goods coming in and out of the gaza strip has been closed completely since october, 7th. and so far for a to go through the rough crossing a it between gaza and egypt it, it has to still be inspected by israel. because even though his real maintains it does not occupy the gaza strip and that it has withdrawn since 2005, it's still maintains according to the un effective security control. so nothing can go in the strip without israel's permission. and so the commercial i'm crossing
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will be open for inspection as an additional spot to inspect goods and be approved by israel before they can then be routed to go in through egypt the impact. so it will certainly, you know, levy the bottleneck that has a, that is an age group say has, is now happening in the china. but at the same time we're again talking just about inspection is real still maintains, but no aid will be coming directly from israel into gaza. and of course, they're the logistical challenges of distributing that age effective way that having to be secure within the guys district again can not be emphasized enough. one of the most densely populated spots on earth for the under bombing from air since 2 months more than 2 months and with an ongoing ground operation. 90 percent of the guys districts population has been displaced. virtually everybody there is in desperate need of humanitarian aid. so the challenge is still, you know,
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will still continue, but at least there is that hope on the horizon with the inspection bottlenecks. you know, hopefully being slightly eliminated in the coming days. egypt and culture have been playing a crucial role as mediators in this war. let's take a look at israel's complicated ties with its arrow of neighbors. a simple handshake that says volumes, israel's president and the mayor of guitar at the comp $28.00 climate summit. the 1st image ever to show the emir with it is rarely official. while at the same moment in gaza, took a tar brokerage ceasefire collapsed, and wor, started back up after 7 quiet days. this video reveals some of the complex web of connections between israel and other countries in the region, including guitar, which is both of us and him, us ally,
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and has emerged as an effective negotiating partner. although it has no formal diplomatic ties with israel. the 1st to establish diplomatic ties with egypt, israel's neighbor to the south, the to a fault, several better wars, but in 1979 with us mediation, they signed a peace treaty. and egypt became the 1st aram country to recognize israel's right to exist. it's one of israel's most strategically viable allies, especially when it comes to guys that age of health is real enforced. it's blockade and coordinates on security. in 1994 jordan israel's neighbor to the east side, the peace treaty as well in 2020 is real science agreements, also known as the abraham accords with the united arab emirates and bahrain with the blessing of the middle east. powerhouse saudi arabia. those were later followed by normalization agreements with morocco and sudan in 2021. the biggest win for
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israel would be normalizing relations with saudi arabia. the us has been encouraging that to, to engage and tox, one benefit for the saudis, as well as for other gulf states, they would gain and ally against arch rival iran, which was one of her mazda is prime sponsors, secret negotiations for reportedly going on. and then came home officers, terror attack on october 7th. how much describes the impending saturday is really diplomatic agreement as one of its main reasons for the assault. now, no matter how the war ends, it's difficult to see a pass for is real making major diplomatic progress in the region without some kind of sustainable long term solution for the palestinians. how is more in does affected israel's relationship with the error of neighbors as well. let's start with it's, you know, it's the most immediate neighbors. the closest geographically,
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if you really have egypt, and you have a jordan who have from the beginning, been very vocal calling for an end to the hostilities. and even though these are the, you know, the 2 as the report prints out, the 2 countries with the oldest peach trees with israel. and any kind of talk of the mass displacement of palestinians is highly alarming to the governments of both of these countries. and so there's a real sense but by both egypt and jordan that there's an attempt by is really officials to displace the people of gaza and that they would be the ones that would have to shoulder the burden of that population. and so that the governments of these 2 countries, even though strategic partners of israel on the security level, and certainly and so to some extent on an economic level, have been very wary of this possibility and has pushed back explicitly against there. of course, 3rd of the gulf countries which are sort of newer to the peace treaty. uh you know,
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have their piece readers have come more recently in the past couple of years or so . and they, as was caught, there had been trying a couple of does not have a peace treaty, but it is, you know, a golf country. the gulf countries have been trying to clear mediating rule to try and bring an end to this conflict. so even though their worlds very diverse, different countries with different goals, there has been an attempt to at least tow up to 5 to strike a balance between their strategic interests and. and of course the response that they're getting from their populations. and they're again, a very diverse region, different religions, different ethnicities. but i would say if there's one issue that is universally a motor of across the error region, it's the palestinian question. it's seen as a moral issue. it's seen as an issue of justice and to a certain extent also of, you know, an issue of a religious oppression, of course, because muslims, you know,
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want posting is to have access to their holy sites here in jerusalem as well, which have been under restriction by is really authorities over the past 2 years. and they're, we've seen boycotts attempts to boycott companies, sorry, efforts to brother efforts to boycott companies that have that are believed to, you know, be connected to israel or a sponsor. it's government in any way. anger that that the region has, i would say not seen in decades on the palestinian question, which has been to large extent, sort of forgotten and sort of disappeared into the background, giving the turmoil in the region. but it's now back center stage and it's politicizing, a whole new generation of people in the region, getting them interested again in that question. and i think not doing israel any favors to win hearts and minds in the region. something that is really is really government has long wanted it. thank you very much. that was special. correspond to abraham in jerusalem. now climate advocates are
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warning the cop $28.00 summit in due by could be on the verge of failure because of disagreements over the latest draft text where all references to a phase out of fossil fuels have now been deleted. instead, the most recent version of the tax calls for a reduction of fossil fuels see just a reduction seen as a concession loosing states, including russia and saudi arabia. the us and you have both rejected the revised draft saying it doesn't go far enough. conference is due to end the later today which could now be extended to time economies for that just on germany is one of the countries that has criticized the draft agreement for watering down its wording on fossil fuels. here's what foreign minister on the bell book had to say. as this text is clearly in sufficient and disappointing, the text is far away from what the world needs for 20 points. so as we, as
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a european union outstanding for, for you and assessable energy for, or in this road, we cannot support this text or correspondingly, on a fund. how much time, who's out that some of the into, by shared her takeaways on the draft deal. and why it's been slammed by many well, would jump to mind and you mentioned it are the words and the phrases that aren't in the draft. analysts put it very aptly when he said, you know, the word phase out has been phased out. because what isn't included in text is a phase out of fossil fuels, or even a face down. and the word oil or natural gas gas are not even mentioned in the text . and a cold phase out is optional, as it stands in the draft text right now am, and you know, there is a reference, you mentioned that to reducing fossil fuel consumption production. but the urgency of a sense of urgency in how that paragraph is framed is lacking and,
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and in order to keep sort of, you know, the 1.5 degree target stilton side, which is the main purpose of this. this document in the science has been pretty clear about it. i mean what we do see what is mentioned in the text. the 1.5 degree target has mentioned the text, their commitments on fine and support mechanisms. and they're to, they're kind of chaotically scattered across the tech, so it is, remains pretty big, pretty weak. let's take a look at a couple of other stories making headlines today. ukraine's president below them is lensky has called on the us to continue its military aid to his country, to landscape travel to washington, and is due to meet president joe by them later on tuesday. the latest us a package for ukraine is in danger of failing due to opposition from republicans. in con, the turkish football federation has indefinitely suspended all league game. so after a top club official attacked a referee, the president of uncle rog,
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good choose stormed onto the pitch after his team had conceded a goal in stoppage time, and punched the rep or re in the pace. a detention order has been issued for the attacker. of next 3 women in asia share their experiences with online dating. i'm terry mark. thanks for watching the tall system or a station in the rain forest continued carbon dioxide emissions have risen again the people of the world.


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