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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 12, 2023 9:00am-9:31am CET

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the, the, this is the w news coming to live from berlin talks the critic critical you in climate talks dripped into overtime. they stand off over fossil fuels, holds off a deal that comp $28.00. some countries want a rapid phase of the cold oil and gas to come greenhouse gas emissions, but the current draft text now only calls for the reduction also coming up, israel says it will restart security checks a to border crossings to wrap up a delivery to civilians in gaza, multiple agencies describe the competitor in situation there as catastrophic. and
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in poland, a liberal leader returns to power after 5 years after 8 years, a conservative rule held donald tusk. plans to change his country and europe during his next term is prime minister. the i'm terry martin. good to have you with us. a deadline for a deal at the comp 28 climate summit has passed with alton agreement. now with talks going into overtime. nations are struggling to c i t i of the latest draft text. this comes after a previous reference to a phase out of fossil fuels was deleted and replaced by calls for a reduction. instead, the change of scene is a concession to oil producing states, including russia and saudi arabia, the us and e. you have both rejected the revised drugs saying it does not go far
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enough as well. several countries have criticized the draft agreement for watering down is working on fossil fuels. here's what some of their negotiators have been saying. we will not find our difficulty certificates. we cannot sign on onto text that does not have strong commitments on phasing out awesome fuels. this text is clearly insufficient and disappointing. so s, we've a senior p union outstanding for, for you and assessable energy for, or in this road. we cannot support this text. and we didn't come here for 2 weeks in order to say that people might be able to do something. we need to do something the whole point of the global stuff. take us to look in the maryland amera, tells us we need to add it and that's what we're here collectively to do. and if we don't, we have a political arguments and then facies, but sciences,
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and we need to end, if we, as the point, 4th, largest oil and gas producer can, except that we, we need to go further. they should, they should to and, and we shouldn't, country shouldn't show, show up here and say, oh, we have this red line in the background line. and this other red lines are correspond to julia. so delhi is covering the climate summit for us into by i asked her earlier about the main objections to the controversial draft text. well, the lack of wording on a fit, complete phase out of fossil fuels, is obviously a big issues for groups of countries like the e u, but also some of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. like some of the small island nations and the term used in the current draft tax reduction is clearly not enough for them, but also the timeline for this reduction pointing to 2050. that is very much in the long term, and they want to see more concrete pads towards
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a phase out of fossil fuels closer to where we stand now. but also the wording itself in the, as they say, is completely noncommittal. there are a lot of sentences that use the word countries could enact measures to fight climate change and they say this leads to a lot of freedom movements for countries. so not really commit to taking on any measures, but also wording on coal. coal is the most polluting fossil fuel that we see in the world. and according to this draft, we are again not seeing a complete phase out of coal, but just a reduction. and the draft also sees the possibility to continue to constructs new coal power plants. if they manage to reduce their emissions and this is something that the countries like the e u r many others, others find absolutely unacceptable. scientists say our whole eco system may collapse if we don't, we know ourselves off fossil fuels,
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given that why are some countries against phasing them out of the well, we have uh, oil producing countries like saudi arabia, for example, or gas producing countries like russia, ari ron they do not want to stop selling fossil fuels because they are a strong base for their economy. and they don't even want a reduction of them in the tech. so they're really pushing back then we have other countries, for example, india, but also many countries from the least least developed countries group. they don't produce fossil fuels, but they use them to power their energy system and their electrical grid. they use coal, they use oil, and they also say we cannot keep our country going and economic development going. if we do not use these fossil fuels, they also say some of them at least, that they want to push forward with the transformation of their energy systems towards more renewable energy. but there is a not,
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not enough funding in this tax coming from the most develop industrialized countries to support them in that transformation. now i understand that representatives they're into by our back at the negotiating table. julia will, can we expect a last minute agreement? well, according to the goal and the plan of the you a presidency of the cop this year, right now, we already should have been finished with with assigned agreements. but we are far from that since many countries find the current text really bad. there's still a lot of work to be done on their front to try to bring back in the kind of language and wording they want to see. and we also have to remember that's agreeing here at cop has to be a consensus based decision. all countries up to almost 200 countries have to all agree on the final text. and given the big disagreements and the big differences that we see here right now that could really take some time. it's julia,
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thank you very much. that was our correspondent julia so that they in dubai is really official, say they are increasing lee. they are increasing security screening of a deliveries for gaza to enable more supplies to enter the territory. but israel's defense minister has pushed back against international calls for an immediate cease fire in gaza. he says, the operation that goes from us considered a terrace group by several countries, will quote take time. meanwhile, palestinians have been marching in support of people in gaza as conditions their deteriorate. they march in solidarity with palestinians in gauze on in the west bank. people say it is the least they can do that sentiment. it goes here to introduce to them. honest indians have closed shop and gone on strikes to show that i support some of the relatives in closure of
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scene again 11 on yeah, i know they all, this is the day in solar. there are so you with the palestinian people because there's nothing we can do, but seriously stand in solver there, see with them via financially, psychologically and both socially. and oh, as the now you this all the data to you this because it's against is rarely strikes around and go the day of to day so far from armstrong has ministry speaks of more than $18000.00 people can i was watching the news and all of a sudden i feel every thing k been on top of me. the children are sitting. i couldn't see the thing, the many among the dead and wounded our children.
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there were a large number of children who arrived with amputations to the upper and lower limits. the number of boxes are in the 10s they've been sent to the month is 10th. there was still a number of them beneath the rubble of my goals and camp, and other areas in the central province. americans, this is a, is royalties that is targeting him off and plus structure to ensure that a ton of attack like the one in october 7 can never happen again. prime minister benjamin netanyahu claims many hum on spite those have some render to the is randy . all mean seen in this with you may say that it is for how most and many from the beginning of the end that's normally the mental good boy. let's go straight over to our senior international correspondent honeypot chart in jerusalem. funny as real says inspection starting today at the cam shalom crossing will allow more humanitarian supplies to enter gaza. what kind of impact is that likely to have
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and it is very, very important. they are territory, the line that we're talking about inspections and not to be confused with the cam shown crossing to be open, which is flows since october. the has actually before that hundreds of trucks could get in and get out and deliver much needed 8 hundreds of trucks i'm seeing. and right now the situation is that the trucks can only get through their off full body crossing, but really a dropping to bucket in the current situation with the ongoing rule. so having said that, an additional inspection of facility, basically they are at the junction between israel and gaza, and egypt and gaza may stop there. and additionally, inspection that is much needed and it seemed read as a ray of hope because of that would push that possibly mean to alleviate the pressure on, uh, which we got to traffic that really hundreds of trucks to a mile away from the roof for border crossing and that would mean that move trucks could possibly get the dispute and it to go through russel border crossing,
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but at least as an additional inspection and the hundreds of thousands of people really in gaza, desperately waiting for food for medicine, food, shelter and for protection. in fact, the u. n. has already said that with the ongoing move is less and less supply available, which means that the trucks that are going in the risk of being attacked simply by desperate citizens. we have all seen those pictures of people trying to come through the rubble underneath us. bake to restore that was attacked, trying to get bread parents skipping meals in order to make sure that the children are getting sued. so the situation is really desperate. as a result that crossing, even though it's not opening, but the fact that more inspection may be possible as a result is as i say, a ray of hope to get at least a bit of me a to sunny the un general assembly is due to vote on a draft resolution calling for a cease fire in gaza,
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the draft mirrors language at the us be towed in security council just a couple of days ago. how much support is there pending for a ceasefire? the 1st and foremost they are $193.00 members in the un general assembly. and even if the majority of the members have a vote in favor for a ceasefire, that doesn't mean that this resolve is legally binding. so it doesn't mean that there's going to be automatically a ceasefire. much more important in that regard was actually that security council, a proposal last week friday that was vetoed by the united states and the fact that the us veto it's really dams and hopes here that is going to be any immediate ceasefire or even just those through many terry and pause, nonetheless the united nations and as pointed out that the had, they are mr. guitars, he's not giving out. so he's going to bring it to the floor again. you're, i say it's more like a symbolic move, almost always to increase the pressure and maintaining the international pressure as well to last a day. and we have been just talking about the trucks that need to get in there.
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now that's really difficult at the infrastructure is continually bombed in gaza strip and there's a political reason full of that's a draft resolution as about obviously because it's been put forward by a group of 20 or upstate. no, these arab states have an interest of helping people in gaza because they say they don't want them to become refugees once again. and as they say, um the uh for a minister of jordan yesterday pointing out they don't want them to be expelled from gaza. something that is ralph denies is false, and outrages monday. thank you very much. our correspondent, funny foncher in jerusalem. a sketchup on a few other stories making headlines, the ukranian president blah, them is a lensky, has called on the us to continue with military aid to his country. polanski is travel to washington and is due to meet president joe biden. later on tuesday. the latest us a package for ukraine is in danger of failing due to opposition from republicans in
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congress. russian election authorities say next year's presidential election will also be held in the russian occupied territories of ukraine. ballots will be conducted until next to the hans castle and separation, despite russia controlling only parts, it'd be to region ukrainians. allies have condemned to move as a violation of international law. but the allies of russian opposition, politician election devoting say he has been removed from the prison colony where he had been imprisoned. of all these lawyers have been unable to contact him for almost a week as current whereabouts are known by his age fear. he has been moved to a harsher penal colony in poland. the pro european coalition under donald task is set to take office today. ousting the nationalist law and justice party, the transition of power comes 2 months after the national boat. that sol record
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high turn out tasks. when is released from many in poland after 8 years of conservative rule that was marked by pressure on democratic institutions and spots with the of the political veteran and per year of heavy weight. the return of donald tusk is a relief so many in poland who would feed for the country's democracy under a t as as conservative room video, the smooth, the we one democracy we've won freedom. we won back our beloved poland, to squeeze prime minister from 2007 to 2014. he left polish politics to take on the presidency of the european council, which he held until $3019.00 william ties with a you have been central to his election campaign that those run to the right wing populous law and justice policy relations between was sore and brussels of salad,
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the you, his voice concerned over the rule of law and for his funds you mocked for poland. k election promises from to 6 coalition has included reversing policies that undermined the independence of poland, courts and media for brussels to excuse a welcome and familiar face. almost 10 years ago. who am i 1st speech of the president of the council? i said that too, i came to brussels with a strong sense of purpose and i think i can repeat these was also today. this is the purpose today is to rebuild the position of my country in europe. and to strengthen that you as a how to school late a broad coalition that has found common ground in ousting the conservative government policy. promises include introducing a bill on same sex,
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civil partnerships and relaxing some of europe's most restrictive abortion laws. but to school faith, vocal opposition, the president andre duda was the law and justice policy candidates when he 1st one office due to could use his visa or to stole legislative reforms until the end of his time at the next presidential election in 2025 impala meant little injustice is still the biggest single party, and they've used the last weeks in office to a point more allies to keep posts in judicial and financial institutions. this leaves the new government with an immense task ahead. as they try to re a line with the a you and under is of right wing policy. monaco sure. i'd sure. sure it's got is dw is corresponding in warsaw. i asked her what's happening today as donald to us prepares to become poems, prime minister again?
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well, today is the it is another um, interesting and very emotional day. i suppose in the end the police department does not those the present because a plan for action in the morning. and then the debate for about 6 hours is a set of to happen in the, in the parliament. and then in the late afternoon there will be a vote of confidence for, for the new governments, but officially, who is take over 1st after the swearing in which will take place tomorrow morning. and to this in the swearing in by the president i on said now the incoming central left government under toes plans to roll back some of the policies of the previous leaders could that prove difficult for them. it isn't as an easy task because the attempt is made to bind the lot in just
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a sparky arbor deep. they announced the thousands of judges only because they were alive for their own party and against the procedure. so only the, the replacing of these thousands of judges will take years. but there are also changes will be made, made squeaky and easy, much easier. and this is very important because poland is already not paying 5 every day for violating the approval of law. because of these different judgements of the european cards, concrete, this, which criticized the violating some portal in poland. so tasks, a task huge task is to unplug this money. many people all over the country are waiting for this because many projects costs have to be passive or stop because of the lack of this money. so this is one of the more most important tasks you mentioned that the outgoing government was quite euro skeptic. toast. meanwhile,
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is a former president of the european council. what place will poland have in the you with him in charge? yes, the strength and ties with the european union is one of the office most important goals. of course. poland is one of the biggest countries in the european union, and in the last 20 years they are being met and men, they're cheap. it has become huge amounts of money for modernizing the country, but still the former law. and just as government was very, very skeptical and very rich critical about the, about the european union. and those of course has to change this onto european optic tools. this on to you through europe in rhetorics, and in poland. and of course, it is also very important because of the situation in ukraine. holden has a long border with the country and which is now facing the russian aggression. and
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has become in the last month an important hot spot for immediate period and humanitarian transports to the ukraine. the lawn just as rejected the corporation in many areas. also in this, in this area with um, european countries. so of course the new one of the task for the new government was the tool strength and to be built and built to this uh, these ties from the beginning. um uh again, uh so this is uh of course 11 of the, of the most challenges for the also for the position of poland in the european union to make this position stronger again want to thank you very much. that was the w. is monica show that's got in warsaw. so here's look at a few more stories from around the world. in japan,
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3 ex soldiers have been found guilty of sexually assaulting a female colleague in a landmark court case. they each received 2 year suspended jail sentences. the case had been dropped twice already as until the victim came forward demanding a re investigation. the turkish football federation has indefinitely suspended all league games. after a top club official attack, the referee, the president of incorrect gucho stormed onto the pitch after his team had considered a goal in stoppage time, and punched the referee in the pace. a detention order has been issued for the attacker. the california coast guard has removed the dead fin well from a beach near san diego. the 16 meter long animal had been washed ashore, and scientists are investigating the cause of the been wales are the 2nd largest well spaces in the world well to finland. now where the government blames
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russia for orchestrating a migration crisis that there are shared border finish authorities say nearly a 1000 silent asylum seekers, mainly from somalia rack and the young men have arrived at the 1340 kilometer border separating the 2 countries since the beginning of august, helsinki accused as moscow deliberately funnelling. these migrants towards finland, finish authorities have decided to close the border until at least the 13th of december. many people in finland, darnell cut off from relatives in russia, dw, corresponded in natalia small landscape. uh, send us this report from the boarder regence. i know about that. hello. hello, how are you? isn't cheerful. so it's all the same to to instead of hugs and kisses,
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now only telephone calls just 200 kilometers separate cubic gainey from his father, east gainey and his family lived in the finish, c t, a flatbed on his lid, across the border in saint petersburg. as finland shut down its border with russia . if guinea doesn't know when he will see his father again, his death was recently diagnosed with cancer and suffered a stroke. the ocean because the last the on doing your says that i'm, i'm very worried about his health. and as i said, what if he gets worse now and i come to you with him. yeah, but i'm glad you think you misunderstood. i'm even thinking that i would have to leave my family here. i was wanting to send you a does rights and drive through more months, going to know or fly by a simple i don't know how to get to him being sent. got to shake. finland says it's closing it's border of to arise. and last time i'm so it goes from so to countries, helsinki blames moscow for orchestrating emigration. crisis. finished officials
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believe this move is in originally asian for finland. joining maita a to rush it needs to be stopped, as i used to be in lapland, a solemn kilometer as a way from helsinki was the last open border crossing w. crew when there in the day before as closed the situation there was calm. in the last 2 days of itself, the ration no asylum seekers tried to cross the border into finland. journalists were shown the pile of bicycles live by those who crossed it already. yet the seniors government decided to shut down the border completely. it was a big blow for nearly $100.00, solomon fresh and speakers in finland. they mostly lived in the south in seat is like let them in court come around 5 percent of left run the citizens are russian
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speakers? russian border. it is only 25 kilometers away, and many have friends and relatives on the other side. as few months down the border men here a wondering when they are going to see their loved ones again, especially since christmas time is approaching. if gainey and his wife victoria hoping that the border will be open again soon and they can spend holidays with their family. yeah, fortunately, i really, really hope for christmas miracle. we are watching them, i believe in it. and i think it will happen, but you don't wish that the procedure for now they keep in touch with their family over the phone every day. and it was a sleeper train service has shut off from berlin to paris for the 1st time in almost a decade. germany and france is transport ministers were there to see off the maiden voyage. the service is a collaboration between the 2 countries. national train operators as well as
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austria's night trains have been experiencing a revival recently as an environmentally friendly alternative to air travel. it's you're watching dw news up next eco africa. it looks at efforts to protect migratory birds in egypt. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching the
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respect. it's all about walking waves and texting nature. that's why sandra, respecting they just studying aids. i mean, it's about being up to date with cameron diaz technologies. i'm trying to eat co way of life, the environment magazine, the co africa next on d w. one woman standing up by elizabeth peterson
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mohammed is in a ronnie in human rights activists. and she is brisk in her life in prison. tell us her story. the nobel peace prize recipient august mohammed, one of the bravest women in the world, close out in 45 minutes on d. w. the shuttle. and key, more people than ever on the news world volume in such a fashion, life facile jessica middle castle. the piano, is it
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a mac on is not the noun. the car is actually also condense type. okay, that's the nanda foundation. one back to the find out about robina story in some migraines. reliable news for migraines. wherever they may be, the how can we build a better future? well, yes, that's a pretty big question. and one that demands all kinds of answers. we'll be looking at some of those today. hello and welcome to a new edition of eco offer of krista lens joining you from lagos. and i am sandra to whom was the 3 nobody coming to from comp.


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