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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 12, 2023 11:00am-11:30am CET

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the, the, this is the w news coming to life from berlin. critical, un climb at 12, so on the verge of failure. a stand off over what to do about postal fuels blocks a deal at comp, $28.00. negotiations go into overtime as delegates try to avoid walking away without an agreement to limit global warming. also coming up, israel says it will restart. security check said to border crossings to ramp up a delivery to civilians and gaza. multiple agencies describe you can mandatory and situation there as has a strong and after years of conservative rule in poland,
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a liberal liter returns to power donor trust plants to change his country and europe during his next turn. as prime minister, the hello him, terry martin. good to have you with us. we begin in do by, we're negotiators at the cop 28 climate summit. have gone into overdrive trying to a bird failure. some countries including germany, the us and u. k. refused to sign up to the latest draft deal where a reference to phasing out causal fuels was taken out. the summit posts the united arrow memories you have said they will now try again in the hope of finding a consensus part. but here's what some of the go shaders of the talks have been say . we will not sign or disassociate,
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just because we cannot sign on on to take that does not have strong commitments on phasing out fossil fuels. this text is clearly insufficient and disappointing. so s, we've seen your p union outstanding for, for you and assessable energy for, or in this road. we cannot support this text. and we even come here for 2 weeks in order to say that people might be able to do something. we need to do something, the whole point of the global stuff. take us to look in the maryland amera, tells us we need to add it and that's what we're here collectively to do. and if we don't we have all polluted log in. so i'm emphasized sciences, i'm pity, and we need to add a short while ago cop 28 general director, director general margie l. so why they responded to the criticism, holding out hope that the language around the fossil fuel phase of may end up in the final text. we're facing the most demanding cop agenda of all time. and
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what we are seeing right now is everybody working through that agenda. all cops are challenging. but in this cop, we're trying to do something that has never been done before. something to start. we are trying to agree a comprehensive plan to close the gaps between where the world is and wherever it needs to be to keep 1.5 degrees within reach. that is all know stuff that has been all on no style or long. part of this is to include language on fossil fuels in the text. if we can, that would be his start or correspond to julia. so delhi is in due by following negotiations though julia, those negotiations have gone into over time. now wherever things currently stand, as well at the moment, most delegations of all countries represented here are in talks with each other.
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everyone is talking to everyone to try to come up with a new tax that could be a compromise between different positions and make those that are dissatisfied with the current draft of an agreement. happier. for example, we see from the u as we've heard and from other countries, they are really disappointed with the current text that we've seen, the current draft. and there seems to be a critical mass of countries that have disposition. they say that the language on a fossil fuels is not ambitious enough. they want to see all fossil fuels, the production and the consumption of this completely phase out. they say that the language in the text is not committed enough. it's basically leaves countries the freedom to decide which measures and which goals they might want to take or might want to reach. and they also are disappointed and the language on coal, which is the most polluting of all fossil fuels. and it is not going to be phase now according to this text, but only reduced. but there is also
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a group of countries that are pushing against more ambitious language in the text than it is very complex and very difficult at the moment to find a compromise. and everyone is working really hard on this at the moment. what if delegates fail to agree on phasing out fossil fuels? julia well, we've heard from the you a, the host presidency of the cop. we've also heard from the you and also other countries. some developing countries also, that it is essential for a fossil fuel phase out to be in and in this agreement. and we've heard from that you that they are ready to fight for it. they all stay here as long as it takes and they still have strength to keep fighting a, the, a lot of, of these countries are saying that without a phase out of fossil fuels in this to so this would really be a very big missed opportunity. and the science also says that the world is running
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out of time to phase out fossil fuels, which are the biggest driver of a global warming. so the clock is ticking. and it really is one of the important chances for, for the world to reach this disagreement crunch time. a cop 28 julia sun valley are corresponding into bye. thank you very much. now his real is really officials say they are increasing security screening of a deliveries bound for gaza to enable more supplies to enter the territory. the term shuttle check point will not reopen, but it will be used to look over deliveries before they're sent through the roof. of border crossing, connecting egypt and gaza to egyptian security sources said inspections will begin today under a new deal between israel. egypt and the united states are senior international correspondent. finally, paul john has more on the details and it is very,
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very important. there's harris on the line that we're talking about inspections and not to be confused with the cam shown crossing to be open, which is flows since october. the has actually before that hundreds of trucks could get in and get out and deliver much needed 8 hundreds of trucks i'm seeing. and right now the situation is that the trucks can only get so they're off for border crossing. but really a drop in the bucket in the current situation with the ongoing rule. so having said that, an additional inspection of passivity basically there at the junction between israel and gaza, and egypt and gaza may stop there. and additionally, inspection that is much needed any seen read as a ray of hope because of that, what puts it possibly mean to alleviate the pressure on? uh, we do got to traffic that really hundreds of trucks to a mile away from the roof for border crossing. and that would mean that move trucks could possibly get in. they still need to go through russel border crossing,
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but at least there's an additional inspection and they have hundreds of thousands of people really in gaza, desperately waiting for food for medicine, food, shelter and for protection. in fact, the u. n. has already said that with the ongoing is less and less supply available, which means that the trucks that are going in the risk of being attacked simply by desperate citizens. we have all seen those pictures of people trying to come through the rubble underneath such fake to restore that was attacked, trying to get bread, terrence skipping meals in order to make sure that the children are getting sued. so the situation is really desperate. as a result that crossing, even though it's not opening, but the fact that more inspection may be possible as a result is as i say, a ray of hope to get at least a bit of me a penny. the un general assembly is due to vote on a draft resolution calling for a cease fire in gaza. the draft mirrors language that the us beat out in the
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security council just a couple of days ago. how much support is they're planning for a cease fire. the 1st and foremost, they are 193 members in the un general assembly. and even if the majority of the members of a vote in favor for a cease fire, that doesn't mean that this result is legally binding. so it doesn't mean that there's going to be automatically a ceasefire. much more important in that regard was actually that security council, a proposal last week friday that was vetoed by the united states and the fact that the us veto it is really dance and hopes here. that is going to be any immediate ceasefire or even just the humanitarian pause. none the less the united nations, and as pointed out the had, they are mr. guitars, he's not giving up. so he's going to bring it to the floor again. you're, it's, it's more like a symbolic move, almost always to increase the pressure and maintaining the international pressure. and as well, to last a day, we have been just talking about the trucks that need to get in there. now that's
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really difficult at the infrastructure is continually bombed in a gauze trip. and there's a political reason full of that's a draft resolution as about obviously because it's been put forward by a group of 20 or upstate. no, these arab states have an interest of helping people in gaza because they say they don't want them to become refugees once again. and as they say, um the uh for a minister of jordan yesterday, pointing out they don't want them to be expelled from guys or something that is ralph denies is false and outrages honey. thank you very much. our correspondent, funny foncher in jerusalem healthcare workers in israel have mobilized to help military personnel and former hostages recover from the trauma they've suffered during the conflict with home us. doctors in tell a be treating some of those who were held by him. us say many were drugged to keep them done silent captivity. it's a psychiatric specialist have found that some were subjected to psychological and
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sexual abuse. a disability chopper sticking off from the rooftop of the visas. biggest hospital inside the doctors are treating is really soldiers wounded in action, as well as form of hostages that were headed by him. us a car box for levels underground is solving as part of the hospital because of the ever present tread of rock into dikes. this doctor in the psychiatric department says the ex hostages are struggling to become the trauma. the hostages in some us cuz we're holding in you main conditions is in human sanitary conditions. there were subjects to severe, physical, sexual and mental abuse. i have never seen anything like this before. she also
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describes how the children were allegedly kept under control in captivity. fortunately, there are people that came back and told us that they weren't keeping psychiatric medications. benzodiazepines and other drugs to children for in large stalls and overtime. and they came back here drugs, those drugs, it took us time to realize why the kids didn't fall sleep. the hospital has a warehouse system in place to receive wounded is really soldiers will be the little scars from the war side to our, to my role stop since they put them on ever since they put them on the chopper 15 minutes. if you should, somebody did, i think it's going to take you more time to get to meet any then if you see them in
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gaza as the watering cause are ages on hospitals and people continue to adapt as it looked at some other stories making headlines around the world today ukrainian president below them is the landscape has called on the us to continue its military aid to his country. so landscape has travelled to washington and is due to me to present you a bite. and later on tuesday, the latest usaid package for ukraine is in danger of failing due to the office ocean from republicans in congress. russian election authorities next year's presidential election will also be held in the russian occupied territories of ukraine. ballots will be conducted in don't nets, little hands. yes, on and separation. despite russia controlling only parts of each region, ukraine and its allies have condemned to move as a violation of international law. allies of the jail russian opposition liter alexi, nevada. the says, say he's been removed from the penal colony where he was serving
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a sentence. of all these lawyers say they have been unable to can, unable to contact him for almost a week and his whereabouts are unknown. the kremlin says it has quote, nobility or intention to track prisoners mail to poland, where the pro european coalition, under donald tusk is set to take office else thing the nationalist law and justice party, the transition to power comes 2 months after the national boat. that's all record high turn out tasks. when is a relief for many in poland after 8 years of conservative rule that was marked by pressure on democratic institutions and spots with the of the political veteran and per year of heavy weight. the return of donald tusk is a relief so many in poland who would feed for the country's democracy under a t as as conservative room video, the smooth,
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the we one democracy we've one freedom. we won back our beloved poland, to squeeze prime minister from 2007 to 2014. he left polish politics to take on the presidency of the european council, which he held until 3019 william ties with a you have been central to his election campaign. that's those run to the right wing populist law and justice policy relations between was sore and brussels of salad. the you, his voice concerned over the rule of law and for his funds you mocked for poland. k election promises from 26 coalition has included reversing policies that undermined the independence of poland, courts and media for brussels to excuse a welcome and familiar face almost 10 years ago. and my 1st speech of the president of the council, i said that too,
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i came to brussels with a strong sense of purpose. and i think i can repeat these guys also today this, this purpose today is to rebuild the position of my country in europe. and to strengthen that you as a whole to school late a broad coalition that has found common ground in ousting the conservative governments. policy promises include introducing a bill on same sex, civil partnerships and relaxing some of europe's most restrictive abortion laws. but to school faith, vocal opposition, president andre duda was the law and justice policy candidates when he 1st one office, due to could use his veto to stole legislative reforms until the end of his term at the next presidential election in 2025 impala meant little injustice is still the
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biggest single party, and they've used the last weeks in office to a point more allies to key posts in judicial and financial institutions. this leaves the new government with an immense task ahead. as they try to re a line with the a you and under is of right wing policy. monica assurance go is dw, is corresponded in warsaw. i asked her, what's happening today has donald to us prepares to become poland, prime minister again to as today in the parliament. those, those is presenting his plan of action and his new ministers. and he uh, is expected to win the vote of confidence, which is going to take place in the late afternoon because now the 3 parties in parties in his office government has left central government has a, have a majority in the new parliament. and but the officially he was take over tomorrow
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after this learning even by the president honestly, due to fail, the outgoing government was quite euro skeptic task. meanwhile, as a former president of europe and council, what place will poland have an e you with him in charge? it was, this is a very important for those, those to improve their license with brussels. the opponent is one of the biggest country on the you and it has a very intensive and big economy ties 1st of all to germany, but also to other european countries. don't the many pull the majority of for these people are a strong support the for the men there she was in the european union union. so the challenge for the government is to strengthen these ties and still repute the relations almost from yes, from the beginning,
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almost in marietta or in many areas. because the line just as far as was a spreading of iris and you are skeptical the other fields in poland and what was the reluctance to different form farms of cultivation. it is also important because of the role of poland right now. connected to the war is the situation in ukraine for hold on. it's in house called spot for military and humanitarian aid at crossing the bar there to ukraine, going to the, to the, to the people until the media to retire. so and the former government was also reluctant to inspect because of different corporations as farms in this area as well. so, and then you government has to improve this as well. it is very important. not only for funding, but, but for the cooperation with you all do your opinion on monica. thank you very much . that was the w. is monica shariska in warsaw or the
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government of finland is blaming and russia for funneling migrants towards their shared border finish authorities say nearly a 1000 asylums, acres mainly from somalia rack and yemen have turned up at the border since the beginning of august, helsinki decided to temporarily close entry points with russia in late november with consequences for people on both sides. dw correspondent, natalia, small and say, but reports from finland's border region. i knew about that. hello, how could you mid july. how are you? well, he's on cheerful. it's all the same. instead of hugs and kisses, now only telephone calls, just 200 kilometers separate guinea from his father, east gainey and his family lived in the finished city of elaborate on his lid across the border in saint petersburg. as finland shut down,
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it's border with russia. you're guinea doesn't know when he will see his father again. his death was recently diagnosed with cancer and suffered a stroke, the ocean. but as the last the on doing your says that i'm, i'm very worried about his health. as i said, what if he gets worse now and i come to you with him. yeah, but i'm glad you think you misunderstood. i'm even thinking i would have to leave my family here, but i assume you he does rights and drive through more months going to know or fly by a simple. i don't know how to get to him. that got to shake, or simon says it's closing it's border of to arise and asylum seekers from search countries. helsinki blames moscow for orchestrating emigration. crisis. senior officials believe this move is in originally asian for finland. joining maita said to russia
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it needs to be stopped. but i used to be in lapland seldom kilometers. a way from helsinki was the last open border crossing dw crew. when the in the day before is closed. the situation there was calm in the last 2 days of its authoration. no asylum seekers tried to cross the border into finland. journalists were shown the pile of bicycles live by those who crossed it already get the seniors government decided to shut down the border completely. it was a big blow for nearly $100.00, solomon russians, speakers and finland. they mostly live in the south in seat is like let them in costco. around 5 percent of left run the citizens are russian speakers? russian border. it is only 25 kilometers away. and many have friends and relatives on the other side. as few months down the border, many here a wondering when they are going to see their loved ones again,
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especially since christmas time is approaching. if gainey and his wife victoria hoping that the border will be open again soon and they can spend holidays with the family. yeah, fortunately, i really, really hope for christmas miracle. we are watching them, i believe and into and i think it will happen, but you don't wish that the printer for now they keep in touch with their family over the phone every day to there's a look at some more stories making headlines. pakistan's army says at least 23 soldiers have been killed and a terrorist attack in the north west of the country. according to officials, as long as the militants rammed a truck full of explosives into a police station, and there is my con and then launched a motor attack. the police station was being used by the pakistani army as a base camp. former japanese soldier rena go noir has won her battle for justice
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and a landmark sexual assault case. earlier, a court found 3 of her former colleagues guilty with each receiving 2 year suspended sentences. the case had previously been dropped, but authorities were forced to reopen it. following an online campaign by the victim, the turkish football federation has indefinitely suspended all league games. after a top club official attacked a referee, the president of anchor a good you stormed onto the pitch after his team had conceded a goal in stoppage time, and punched the referee in the face. a detention order has been issued for the attacker staying with football by a munich will look to put the weekends humiliating defeat to frankfurt, and the bonus lea a behind them on tuesday night. they faced england's manchester united in the champions league. the match will have a particular significance for by an english striker. harry came by and
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munich don't lose very often. so the weekends $51.00 hadn't ring it. frank for it is a little the most shocking, a case of sinking in the rain. now that coach expects the reaction, game and mentions tonight is always a big games, cannot, cannot be, cannot be described in any other way to prepares. we make it ourselves very easy to prepare the best moments and, and prepare. prepare ourselves for the best for the best men. united team by him is harvey kane will play a club game in england for the 1st time since his summit sunset. the striker's saturated brenda's legal reco, it's the season scoring 18 times and 30 lea games his signing was a cruise to buy and i run a clean he long been linked with a move to manchester united. i think every son would think that's that
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they wish for hurricane in their team. that's why we are very proud that we manage 20 minutes to, to seduce. and then we manage to, to see them. and from from, from from premier league and from, from english for both your skip off your national team. by and then no doubt relieved. cain is lining up for them and nothing against them that were ready through to the knockout stages. and i'm like united states, you have to win this game for buying. pry, it is on the line. a new sleeper train service has settle from berlin to paris for the 1st time. and almost a decade. germany and france is transport ministers were there to see off the maiden voyage. the service is a collaboration between the 2 countries. national train operators as well as fostering is night trains have been experiencing a revival recently as an environmentally friendly alternative to air. trump. and
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you are watching dw news up next tomorrow today looks at what the euclid space telescope could tell us about the evolution of the dark universe. i'm terry martin . thanks for watching the
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a glimpse into the depths of the universe with the new european space telescope. you cannot, it's designed to increase precise 3 d, my phone calls for fast images are as impressed as quantities on the surface, the basis for further research on the mystery. tomorrow today, next on d, w. a pulse,
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the beginning of a story that takes us along for the ride. it's about the perspectives culture information. this is the the news w. mine's the to clean and, and probably of crime engine is $15000000000.00 us dollars. even up to us, those point because one coin made up the we want to be the number one or a c o n. she disappears without the phrase secret type queen has been accused of folding
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victims on the top 10 list. the cartel leaders in murder is a financial thriller about the world's most wanted woman crypto queen stops december 30th on dw radio telescopes, and how us to listening to what's going on in the states. they search for signals that originate many light years from us with the help and international research team has now discovered a new form of gravitational ways. it's certainly in recent years that we've been able to imagine such waves directly that and coming up on tomorrow today. welcome.


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