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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 12, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news nice from valen critical you and find that talks on the verge of say, the stand off of, of what to do about fossil fuels, blocks a deal comp 28 negotiations go into over time. as delegates try to avoid working away without an agreement to limits global warming. also coming up on the show, israel says it will restart security checks, it to border crossings to ramp up a delivery to civilians and gone, sent multiple aid agencies are describing the humanitarian situation that as
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opposed to a liberal liter tons to pilot in poland, promising stronger ties to the you, the task makes an urgent appeal as he for pass to officially take cobra as prime minister, full mobilization by western nations to help you crate. and it's again the manuscript is mccayden. thanks so much for joining us. we sauce into by web negotiators at the top 28 climate summit have gone into overdrive trying to of the same. yeah. some countries including germany, us, um the u. k. are refusing to sign up for the latest draft deal where were reference to phasing out fossil fuels was taken out. the summits,
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most of the united arab emirates have said they will now try again in the hope of finding a consensus single increase on economy is what some negotiates of. of the talks have been saying, we will not sign or def certificates. we cannot sign on onto techs that does not have strong commitments on phasing out fossil fuels. this text is clearly insufficient and disappointing. so s, we've seen your p union outstanding for, for you and assessable energy for, or in this road. we cannot support this text. and we can come here for 2 weeks in order to say that people might be able to do something. we need to do something. the whole point of the global stop take was to look in the maryland. the mirror tells us we need to add it and that's what we're here collectively to do. and if we don't we have all polluted log in and so and then proceed sciences. i'm pretty sure we need to on a short while ago,
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the cop 28 direct to general magic else. why? the responded to the criticism, holding out hope that the language around the fossil fuel phase outs may end up in the final text. we're facing the most demanding cop agenda of all time. and what we are seeing right now is everybody working through that agenda. all cops are challenging, but in this cop, we're trying to do something that has never been done before. something to start. we are trying to agree a comprehensive plan to close the gaps between where the world is and where it needs to be to keep 1.5 degrees within reach that is on north star. that has been all on no style or long. part of this is to include language on fossil fuels in the text. if we can, that would be his start. the talents cross straight to the cup 28 summit in dubai where our climate reports the tim shown back is standing by. hi,
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tim. now we know that negotiations have gone into over time. can you tell us where things currently stand? yeah, well, currently we are waiting. there was a new draft, a new proposal by the presidents presidency due this morning. this, it was not published, as we have seen in the reports, there was a huge yeah, criticism of the latest proposal being published yesterday afternoon in many countries in favor of a fossil fuel phase out were anything above happy watts in this text. now it's basically the opposite of what they had seen before. there was no mention of a fossil fuel phase out. it was an outright. and now the conversations are back. conversations are back in the negotiations rooms. the presidency said today explained itself, saying it wants to spark conversations and the this literally worked out as we could see um, but for the moment there is
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a lot of silence that petitions are not coming out. this can only mean that tough negotiations being fault in the negotiation rooms over this. yeah. hotly debated, tap topic off of fossil fuel phase out here in july. we heard the cold 28 direct to general, holding out hope that a deal may still be reached. presumably a compromise what, what could a compromise look like? well that is very difficult to say yes, there are many, many formulations. so on the table, a very tiny particular words that are being parties are a fighting about one approach could be a general approach could be that the industrialized countries would need to phase out early of in developing countries. that will be one option that we are hearing. another one is that the rich, the countries develop, countries would need to phase out mean was some developing countries would only need to phase down with some timelines. there's also the discussion over common
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caption storage which can reduce the emissions to some extent and to find the and then the 3rd option, which is rather a leverage i would say is the financial aspect. um, we the, it could be a landing ground opening doors. many developing countries have difficulties to access money on the financial markets of the s. they also have a huge step problems. and therefore the interest of very expensive. they need money for the energy transition, which would require fossil fuel fuel phase out and i'm opening a money few uh, money channels. so yeah, giving them money and forms of friends or loans. put open doors to reach a lot more consensus on the fossil fuels side of the negotiations here. okay. tim, it seem to get off to a permit promising start. what? where does things go wrong and what, what happens if delegates call reach an agreement of the?
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well, it is the final question of a fossil fuel phase out, which is essential, according to scientists, to keep the 1.5 degree target into reach. we know that fossil fuels heating up the planets and um, this is contrary to a to what some countries, mainly oil producing countries like saudi arabia, once a. and this is a tough, discrete discussion. but we can also mention some positives here at the, at the conference, right. at the stop, we saw a broad consensus of a tripling of renewable energy's until 2030 we saw a commitment to increase energy efficiency, meaning wasting less energy using it more efficiency efficient. and also a huge consensus on, on reducing the emissions for of methane, which is a very, very helpful um, uh, greenhouse gas. so there are some positive c about the focus at the moment is
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clearly on the fossil fuel phase out. yes, oh no. and the conference is always up for surprises. we really can't tell where where his journey is going to go at the moment. 10, thanks so much for the update of the w planet. report to tim shown back now is really officials say that they are increasing security screening of 8 deliveries bound for garza to enable more supplies to enter the territory. a karen fill on check point will not reopen, but it will be used to check deliveries before the sent through the roof of border crossing the connex, egypt, and garza to egyptian securities sole. since set inspections would begin on tuesday, under a new deal between israel, egypt and the united states. i'll senior international correspondent, funny if a child has more details, they're talking about inspections and not to be confused with the cam shown crossing to be open, which is flows since october the has actually sold at hundreds of trucks could get
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in and get out and deliver much needed 8 hundreds of trucks i'm seeing. and right now the situation is that the trucks can only get through their off full body crossing, but really dropping the bucket in the current situation with the ongoing who. so having said that, an additional inspection, a facility, basically there at the junction between israel and gaza, and egypt and gaza may stop there. and additionally, inspection that is much needed any seeing read as a ray of hope. because of that would push that possibly mean to alleviate the pressure on, uh, which we got to traffic that really hundreds of trucks to a miles away from the roof for border crossing. and that would mean that move trucks could possibly get in. they still need to go through rough couple depressing, but at least as an additional inspection and the hundreds of thousands of people really in gaza, desperately waiting for food for medicine, food, shelter, and for protection. in fact,
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the u. n. has already said that with the ongoing move is less and less supply available, which means that the trucks that are going in the risk of being attacked simply by desperate citizens. we have all seen those pictures of people trying to come through the rubble underneath us. baker restored it was attacked, trying to get bread, parents skipping meals in order to make sure that the children are getting sued. so the situation is really desperate as a result that crossing even though it's not opening, but the fact that more inspection may be possible as a result is as i say, a ray of hope to get at least a bit of me. 8 in that was all senior international correspondent, funny for charles speaking to us earlier from jerusalem, now the fighting and go as far as being closely watched by israel's hour of naples . low relations with countries like syria and lebanon, do remain hostile. it has been a long, slower, full, was of a long time,
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so such as saudi arabia. meanwhile, katasha sicily ated facilitated negotiations for the release of hostages and prisoners during the israel hum us conflict. let's take a look now at some of those breakthrough moments that show how things have been evolving in the region. a simple handshake that speaks volumes, israel's president and the mayor of council at the cop $28.00 climate summit. the 1st image ever to show the em in within is really official. while at the same moment in gauze, the catch ah, pro, could si, fi collapsed and full started backup of to 7 quiet days as well. had been developing better relations with countries in the region, including the united arab emirates. and also cuts off, which is both a us and to a mass online and does the most as an effective negotiating partner. although it
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has no formal diplomatic ties with israel. fuss, there was egypt, israel's neighbor to the south, the to have foot several bits of was, but in 1979 with the us mediation, signed a peace treaty, and age. it became the 1st our country to recognize israel's right to exist. it's one of israel's most strategically vital allies, especially when it comes to gaza. the egypt health is well enforced, its brocade and cold nights on security. in 1994 children, israel's neighbor to the east, signed a peace treaty as well. in 2020 israel science agreements, also known as the abraham accords with the united arab emirates and fall reign with the blessing of the middle east. powerhouse saudi arabia there is when they to followed by normalization agreements with saddam and morocco. the biggest, when for israel will be normalizing relations with saudi arabia. the us has been
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encouraging the to, to engage in talks. one benefit for the saudis, as well as other gulf states, is they would gain an ally against arch rival iran. one of our mass is prime sponsors. secret negotiations were reportedly going on, and then came home masses, tara attack on october, the 7th. a mass describe the impending saudi's way, the diplomatic agreement as one of its main reasons for the sold. no, no matter how the war ends, it's difficult to see a pulse is well making major diplomatic progress in the region without some kind of a sustainable long term solution for the palestinians. and some more, i'm joined now by estimate of buddha, an associate fellow with the chatham house, middle east, and north africa program in london. mister buddhist, thanks so much for your time today. has israel's will with hamas done irreparable damage to its, its diplomatic relationships with the, with the, our world?
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i think we are living now the lowest level of any prospect of relation between israel and our world. since the 2nd intifada, i think right now they need to, between diplomatically and grow from between our countries and israel would be toxic and very explosive given the, the, the, the growth. some pictures coming from guys with thousands of civilians are being killed, including women and children at buck in the long term. i think the prospect stealing the table and saudi officials said that in the beginning, i think this is the aim for those countries will normalize relations as well, including by having you a roku and even saudi arabia. later, you've spoken about the dilemma, the arab states face and having to balance, showing support for the palestinians with their own strategic interests. could you
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explain to us what strategic benefits. so arab states, a relationship with israel, israel offers. and so before the war, we had a reality with some governments in our world. so some strategic funding in normalizing good relations with israel. and this had to dine mentions the 1st one is disappearing you wrong, and balancing its influence over the region. at the time the united states has been seen as pivoting to asia to contain the rise of china and focusing on the european states. understandably because of the crating in the war and ukraine. the secondary mention is this from quincy mind that the region was going through. and those governments wanted to build a new regional order based on infrastructure connectivity, trade, and economic integration and high take corporation and even military high take
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a corporation with escrow. now, the warning does that prove that bypassing the balance between you in question, normalizing relations with, as, right, and without having the palestinians on the table or even some kind of peace between us. that listing is an as well is not the recipe for regional stability. i think normalization now in the short term is seen as a very risky and i think it became attractive and the option for those countries who didn't normalize with israel until now, including saudi arabian. let's take a moment to look at it the other way around. how valuable original relationships to is ro, as well as well, of course, the present. so benjamin netanyahu made it his ultimate objective strategic objectives to expand as rose outreach and auto group. and to formalize relations
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with as many or countries as possible. and of course, making saudi arabia the ultimate goal, which in his view would open up any stomach, a world to israel and, and it's oscillations sort of under published in question by bypassing the palestinian cause and not having to sit down with the senior leadership to reach a peaceful negotiations or peaceful resolution of the long term. i think this would create great opportunities for as well when it comes to security corporation with these countries which is going on in the secret by the way, but not in public. and of course, expanding its economic footprint and taking a logical footprint over them, at least, but it didn't work among the countries that recently, no more normalized ties with israel as bahrain as part of the room accords in lights of the will. bahrain has said that those ties and recalled it's um,
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bassett of israel says that the relations are stable. you just mentioned the difference between what's going on in public and behind the scenes. i mean, can we see bar rains move as more, you know, to prove it supports of the palestinians to the world but an actual a diplomatic breakup. uh, i think uh, buffering is uh, in a more precarious situation. and that is because, uh in buffering there is a delicate uh, power balance, domestic one between the she on this on these populations. i think we've seen that the buffering, the leadership is aware of the rising public anger. we have seen the lower at trump or in the parliament in the beginning of the war, announcing, cutting off diplomatic relations with his rent, which has been moved back later and proved not to be true. but the free niece has been adopting a low profile position towards the gas award deliberately and not taking the front
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seat and focusing on not placing the war and causing a wide spread this content industry. and also not lifting iran, which has great influence from about reading perspective on the shelf population. use the war in each one benefits i did want to mention saudi arabia obviously very significant. henriette has refused to condemn the hum us attacks on october. the 7th, apparently though it's helped as well by intercepting a, a miss sile from yemen. again, that seems to be this difference between what's being done publicly and what's going on behind the scenes. i think we have to understand 1st that's the only way the ones that really wants to see a permanency sign. it wants to see the humanitarian aid going to goes on and painted. and in a longer term, it wants to see a piece of resolution for this conflict on a 2 state solution basis at the same time cost to use the war to both threats on
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regional leadership academy. i've seen it all the way they're using it, convening and both auto body stomach world now. so the river has been bothering as being adopting a balancing act that is appeasing the rising public under satellite radio, which is very obvious on social media. but at the same time, it, it, it wanted to adopt a watered down language to preserve its long term interest, whether that is, was with israel, or they not in states. so we have seen them on one hand. this i'll get into shape very aggressive to us as well, even to that, to the extent of demanding a weapon embargo imposed on his robe. but at the same time sticking to the standard score language off to situation based on the other piece initiative, which has been seen in some quarters and as not compatible to the exceptional moment them at least going through. i'm interesting. the recently we have seen this audio, fish and media, i think the anti and being very aggressive and criticizing from us,
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accusing it of causing that. i mean, i'm paying that the boasting isn't guys are going through now. so to conclude, i think the normalization for saudi arabia is still on the table and i think in the long term it has not been scrapped all together. we are almost as time, but i do want to ask you in general, what would you say the arrows and gulf states see right now as the best possible outcome in this will in the long time. i mean is, is a 2 state solution solution still on the table. i think that 1st of all the countries do not want to see the brother scene using guys are being forcibly displaced into this. i'm not going to ensure that i think they don't want to see any change in the boundaries of guys this trip was that, that is to create a buffer zone, as mentioned and you know, as being demanding. and the longer term i see the are of a countries are playing some role in reconstructing and financing the construction of gaza. but i do not see them wanting to play
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a central role in maintaining security in gaza or run and governance after the war . and the long term i think they do want to see a 2 state solution based on the order of a peace initiative or any kind of solution that x rays and boasting is with agree on to be able to live peacefully side by side in the future. by the, from the in international affairs. think tank, trust them house. thank you so much for your time and for your insights today. thank you for having its opponents, incoming prime minister has cold on the west to fully mobilize and support the view crane tunnel tusk also paled for strong ties with the e. u. in his 1st policy speech to parliament, those codes a pro european coalition, but ousted the nationalistic law and justice policy and elections 2 months ago. tusks, when is a relief from many in poland of to 8 years of conservative will have
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political veteran and per year of heavy weight. the return of donald tusk is a relief so many in poland who would feed for the country's democracy on the 80th of conservative rule video, the smooth, we've won democracy, we've won freedom. we've won back our beloved poland. to squeeze prime minister from 2007 to 2014, he left polish politics to take on the presidency of the european council, which he held until 2019 warm ties with the a you have been central to his election campaign. that's those run to the right wing populist law and justice policy relations between was sore and brussels of salad. the you, his voice concern over the rule of law and for his funds. he mocked poland. k election promises from 26 coalition has included reversing policies that undermine
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the independence of poland, courts and media for brussels to excuse a welcome and familiar face almost 10 years ago. and my 1st speech of the president of the council, i said that too, i came to brussels was a strong sense of purpose. and i think i can repeat these words also today this, this purpose today is to rebuild the position of my country in europe. and to strengthen that you as a whole to school late a broad coalition that has found common ground in ousting the conservative governments. policy promises include introducing a bill on same sex, civil partnerships and relaxing some of europe's most restrictive abortion laws. but to school faith, vocal opposition,
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president andre duda was the law and justice policy candidates when he 1st one office, due to could use his veto to stole legislative reforms until the end of his time at the next presidential election in 2025 impala meant more injustice is still the biggest single party, and they've used the last weeks in office to a point more allies to keep posts in judicial and financial institutions. this leaves the new government with an immense task ahead as they try to re align with the a you and under is of right wing policy. the w correspondent, monica shariska, is in will. so and she told us what's happening as donald to takes office as to the parliament of those. those is presenting his plan of action and his new ministers. and he uh, is expected to win the vote of confidence,
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which is going to take place in the late afternoon because now the 3 collision parties in his office government has left central government has a key, have a key majority in the new parliament and about the officially who he was take over tomorrow after this learning even by the president, honestly to the correspondent one because your match got in full full that you all watching dw news is a quick reminder for you of our top story today and the top 28 climate summit in due by is risk and tell you the over a disagreement on fossil fuels. several countries say a draw off tense, but less spouse. a reference to a phase out is too weak. organizes site torques have gone into over time. and they all still trying for a deal with that you are up to date is coming up next kickoff. as will be action for much. de 14 of the bundle soniega. and for more international headlines, take
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