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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 12, 2023 2:00pm-2:15pm CET

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the dw business beyond the this is the w. news lies from the critical us employment tools on the verge of australia. the stand also the what to do about fossil fuels, blocks a deal at comp $28.00. negotiations have gone into over time as delegates try to avoid working away without an agreement to limit global will say coming up on the program. israel says it will restart security checks that to border crossings to ramp up a delivery to civilians in gaza. multiple agencies that describing the humanitarian
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situation, the as opposed to elliptic and a liberal leda or tends to pilot and poland, promising stronger ties to the double task makes an urgent appeal, as he professed to officially take over as a prime minister, full mobilization by western nations to help new crate and it's again, it's russia. the money keeps. mckinnon. thanks so much for being with us. we start into by when negotiate is that the cult 28 climate summit have gone into overdrive trying to of salia some countries including germany. the u. s. on the u. k, are refusing to sign up to the latest draft deal where a referendum or to phasing out fossil fuels was taken out. the summit,
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supposedly the united arab emirates have said that they will now try again in the hope of finding a consensus as they will be going through the economies. is what some negotiate. as the talks have been saying, we will not sign our dyslexia certificates. we cannot sign on on to text that does not have strong commitments on phasing out fossil fuels. this text is clearly in sufficient and disappointing. so as we, as a european union, outstanding for, for you and assessable energy for, or in this road, we cannot support these text. and we even come here for 2 weeks in order to say that people might be able to do something. we need to do something, the whole point of the global stuff, take us to look in them or with a mirror, tells us we need to read it and that's what we're collectively to do. and if we don't, we have all polluted login. so in memphis facebook sciences,
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i'm pretty sure we need to act as while ago the cop 28 direct to general manjeet l y d responded to the christmas, isn't holding out hope that the language around a fossil fuel phase hours may end up in the final text we're facing the most demanding cop agenda of all time. and what we are seeing right now is everybody working through that agenda. all cops are challenging. but in this cop, we're trying to do something that has never been done before. something to start. we are trying to agree a comprehensive plan to close the gaps between where the world is and wherever it needs to be to keep 1.5 degrees within reach. that is all know stuff that has been or no style or long. part of this is to include language on fossil fuels in the text. if we can, that would be his start. say, despite see, is a failure of the cop 28. the right to general says use still hoping to seal an
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historic deal, but that would require an almost equally historic compromise. i also dw climate reports of tim shown back was that might look like to well, that is very difficult to say. yes, there are many, many formulations. so on the table, a very tiny particular words that are seeing the parties are a fighting about one approach could be a general approach could be that the industrialized countries would need to phase out early of in developing countries. that will be one option that we are hearing. another one is that's uh, rich that countries develop countries would need to phase out mean was some developing countries would only need to phase down with some timelines. there's also the discussion over common catch and storage which can reduce the emissions to some extent and to find that. and then the 3rd option, which is rather
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a leverage i would say is the financial aspect. um, we that it could be a landing ground opening doors. many developing countries have difficulties to access money on the financial markets of the s. they also have a huge step problems. and therefore the interest are very expensive. they need money for the energy transition, which would require fossil fuel fuel phase out. and i'm opening a money few uh, money channels. yeah. giving them money and forms or friends or loans. put open doors to reach a lot more consensus on the fossil fuels side of the negotiations. here it was the ws. tim showing doug reporting from the you and climate conference now is randy officials say that they are increasing security screening of 8 deliveries bound for god to to enable more supplies to enter the territory. the carol shalom checkpoint was reopened, but it will be used to check deliveries before best sent through the rough uh,
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border crossing that connects. egypt and garza to egyptian securities also said inspections would begin on tuesday under a new deal between israel, egypt and the united states health co workers at a hospital in tel aviv adapting to the needs of a country that his actual as his route to seize its offensive against hamas, which is considered as a terrorist group by several countries. more wounded military personnel are arriving from the battle field also being treated. former is rarely hostages. with delta is working to help patients recover from both physical and mental trauma. disability chopper is taking off from the rooftop of the visas. biggest hospital inside the doctors are treating is really soldiers wounded in action as well as
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form of hostages that were headed by him. us a golf ball for levels underground is solving as part of the hospital because of the ever present tread overall ca dikes. this doctor in the psychiatric department says the ex hostages are struggling to become the trauma. the hostages in some us connectivity, were holding the new main conditions in human sanitary conditions. they were subjects to severe, physical, sexual and mental abuse. i have never seen anything like that already does on hospitals. people continue to adopt here's a look now at some of the of the headlines making news around the world today. and the ukranian president loading is lensky his cold on the us to continue. it's another tray to his country. so let's get travel to washington on tuesday and is to some meet president jo buys and later the latest usaid package for ukraine is in
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danger of failing because of opposition from republicans in congress. packet stones. um it says at least $23.00 soldiers have been killed in a terror attack in the north west of the country. officials say is limits? militants rammed a truck full of explosives into a police station, launched a motor attack. the police station was being used by the pax dani ami as a base come and a pull in the japanese soldier, rena goodoy has won her baffled, sold, just as an alignment, sexual assault case era, quote, found 3 of a former colleagues guilty with each receiving 2 year suspended jail sentences, the case had previously been dropped. it will still receive well for us to reopen it. following an online campaign bond goodoy in poland. donald's task is to be sworn in for a 2nd time as prime minister tomorrow. also being elected by the country's
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parliament, he will head a centrist pro e u government. and the 8 years of right twin nationalist rules, the new prime minister has place ukraine high on his agenda, saying he will urge the west to fully mobilize in suppose, you will say, vowed to result the truck a dispute which has created a miles long backlog at the board to spend the corresponding and we also want to come to your right sca has more now on those promises from the incoming. put if prime minister as well as don't know if those come it wants to make a police course and the judge is independent again, the whole distribution system. and he also promises more money for a teachers, nurses and other people working in public services. he wants, he also wants to be hi molder care system for, for as early. and he also pro, has a huge tent as in the,
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for the school in the education systems system which is should be more color on the more open minded and promote more european values. he also wants to bring back from is it promised in his 1st speech and i would go to russell's and i will go and bring back the also bureaus back to poland. what he said, he and what he means is money which should should go to poland, boston. and it has been closed because of the violation of the law in poland. me to a very ambitious agenda and obviously the outgoing government was extremely euro skeptic. tough to ask, of course, used to be a top you official. so just remind us again, where will poland stand within the you with tusks now in charge as
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well as on those is it is clear that there are issues which i'm not possible to solve by one single country like climate changes or migration issues. so he says that he wants to play and leaving chrome the fall into taking the anything brought in the building. can you migration policy into your opinion if he wants to take full responsibility for the responsibility for, for the protection of the eastern bar, their opponent, which is also an eastern border of the you, your opinion, between young and the nato. and he also wants to strength and ties with the ukraine to strengthen the co pay race and even to mobilize the west, as he said, the tools support more not to get tired or used it on the what, what this company in indigo right onto our 2000 used one because you're out sca reporting from also thank you so much when it comes to that update since vote for
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you know, and by and mean it will be looking to put the we can see schuman liaising defeats against frank foot in the going to sleep behind them on tuesday nights, they faced england's months to see united in the champions league and the match will have a particular significance for binds english strike. a hurricane. i find unique to lose very often. so the weekends $51.00 hadn't ring at frank for it is all the most shocking a case of sinking in the rain. now that coach expects the reaction, game and mentions tonight is always a big games, cannot, cannot be, cannot be described in any other way to prepares. we make it ourselves very easy to prepare the best moments and, and prepare. prepare ourselves for the best for the best men. united team finds harry kane will play a club game in england for the 1st time. since his summit sunset, the striker saturated brenda's legal reco. it's the season scoring 18 times and 30
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lea games his signing was a cruise to buy and i run a crazy long been linked with a move to manchester united. i think everyone would think that's, that's the way they wish for hurricane in their team. that's why we are very proud that we manage 20 minutes to, to seduce. and we managed to, to steve them and from, from, from, from premier league and from from english football. so you're skipped off your national team by and then no doubt relieved. cain is lining up for them and not against them that were ready through to the know count stages. i'm like united you have to win escape for by and try. it is on the line. finally, a new sleeper train service has special from bell in to paris for the 1st time in almost a decade, germany and francis charles full of ministers with that to see of the maiden voyage
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. the service is a collaboration between the 2 countries. national train operators as well as officer, is like trains across here as are experiencing a revival as an environmentally friendly alternative to travel without you're up to date is coming up next to special d. w program looks in for the positivity and self lot stick around so that if you can, thanks for watching dw, the world in progress pop calls to everyone who wants to know more about this topic. the 2nd son of about this story is beyond the headlines world in progress. the w talk cost what do these do for fun? vi.


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