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tv   Kick off  Deutsche Welle  December 12, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm CET

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then she disappears without the phrase. the eclip type queen has been accused of due floating victims on the top 10 list. the cartel leaders in murder is a financial thriller about the world's most wanted woman crypto queen stops december 30th on dw, the basically just stopped green was designed to reach marshall honey. con wants to transform the fashion industry, the rain forest without rain, extreme droughts, and the amazon is tending with us into review that the and climate activist in html now do india, is running thousands of people to help revive work to bodies.
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the as recently as june 2021 vote to abundance was a key issue and brazil's amazon base, and that was extreme flooding with some areas seeing record water levels. now though the world's most towards of which area is suffering, it's west drought since records began to a 120 years ago. these phase carvings are 2000 years old. it's serving due to receiving war to us that they've been revealed to the mountain wells. saki ologist color of the silver, this is probably the only positive aspect of the draft and the amazon f as imagine . yeah, there's more, these image shows the culture of the early amazon people, some of the earth, the water in the forest when the basis for their survival or yeah,
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for their separate. i'm on the as far as view these days it's painfully clear that they still holstered the well it's nice walter, rich river basin is experiencing the west drought since records began. the difference between the rainy and dry seasons has never been so stock. they never used to be a shortage of water here, but now people have to fetch it in canisters with 2 hours away from analyse the capital of amazon us. the city will start to use and help i vote for the community if you have to iran now where we're headed can no longer be reached by water enough to so sererra is the community leader. he says he's never seen a dry season like this before. now he's organizing deliveries and distribution of also canisters in 40 degree he, they then set also across the land that used to be on the water. a few review let's
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all that's left with with last year. so and domingos, even in the small boats, but everyone here uses is becoming hotter and hotter to make progress. it takes us hoffen outlined to cover a distance that used to take just a few minutes. we keep getting stuck every one on board does that fit to east of those? asked the mazda in sun banks. in that box, you can see how hard it is. the motor is a nightmare. it's no good. the boat has to wave down. we have to get out and continue on foot, and domingos ferries, the heavy canisters on his own or around the face. the river is basically our road . well, that's what connect. so stop the here in this region and the rivers, everything where nothing was it is not the wars and normally reaches to the steps
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here. even in the dry season, the muddy voices have receded by several meters. low cost desperately need the clean water and the canisters, but next time, the boats might not be able to make it the spa guarantee surgery, we never used to have the high temperatures, we get these days. so it's only bearable in the shade. and so long as there's a lot of cold water, it's very worrying spam or that purple point. climate research a aram, bizarre on measures the intensity of the sun. and he's observed that climate change has upset the natural balance in the amazon more mo, sit low and high water phases, are normal in the amazon region, and that's not the problem who, what, where is climate researchers? so these phenomena are becoming more frequent and more extreme. i called this and that has consequences for the entire planet. he says, the rain forest,
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the ability to store vast amounts of water and release it into the atmosphere through the process of transportation, has a regulating effect on the global climate for you as well. board is that somebody we also talked about flying rivers or the photos which are masses of water vapor above the forest. you could spread north and south and keep the global climate in balance. this is because the water vapor buffers the intense radiation of the sun. the deforestation means less water evaporated. also the dry season is beginning earlier. the worse it is receding, foster and leaving boats stranded in its wake. sometimes for weeks and months out, the captain junior says i had thoughts, he could make it to the hava, but no such luck if i want you to win, tried to make it help came too late and the water levels dropped very quickly. 30 centimeters a day. the 2nd thing we were fighting the clock a lot is and time wasn't on our side interest. the sample you'll do before
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announcing you now as you and your is staying with his bows until the river fills up again to make sure nothing is stolen. hopefully he'll be home for christmas. he cents a little further west by them off the rarest. closing a house is also run a ground. he's had to dig a well in the river bank to get water. we use the water to wash dishes, do laundry and shower report flooring and it to make sure it's safe and what looks like a picture. s green valley is actually what used to be a tributary of the amazon masses of water have seats away and evaporated. 74 year old vitamin lives from a fishing us now he stranded on dry land and alarmed by what's happening. god bless you didn't want the more the amazon forest as last to logging, i think the more difficult it becomes sick of what kind of drugs are getting worse
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. and the last year it was already very dry sick this year. it's even more severe. i o and who knows what will happen next year, or it could be even worse, so by the mouth. farrah can't use his fishing nets for the time being. so, so now the serving in different purpose until the roles who are tons, the solving is going next on this makes shift ok the, the victoria perry, a team of hunting trees in the northwest of chiles. capital santiago's here on this set, a rank who, over 70000 saplings have been planted in the past 5 years. even more credit because we need to leave some room around the trunk. that simple in the root canal. 6,
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unless it is 0, your insurance has to be very even the most economical like the when it rains the nova. so you can actually treat you with a trench will collect rain, most of that will prevent erosion and cool. cool. so don't all the trees stuff this cup of front of them, they help catch it run out for the rest of the sound kind of things that sound, i hope so now the hill looks green and healthy, but he eats and drowns, exacerbated by climate change, means the area dries out almost completely in summer. when it rains, it can get dangerous for the people who live at the foot of the hill. rain full chains up the earth can trigger lines, lights. the trees are being punted to secure the ground and prevent this from happening. they use a store moisture in the soil and help cool the area. the aim is to create a green lawn, a kind of natural air conditioning system. it could actually save lines,
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ran k is the whole district in santiago. so many people here, it's taking a harsh tone. i know it's just too hot and then, but i'm not in the summer. you really feel it's, well, i used to use going to even, well, it's less than what am i talking about? the can't afford the conditioning stuff and poor people, all they can use to keep close eye water. they have to stay out of the sun roof of a pig, worried because i can't risk. i've told my wife, i don't think i can take the heat in summer anymore. temperatures of around 40 degrees, i predict to you so rank of this summer. this kind of heat is unprecedented. it's victoria perry, and in december there's been a rise in heat when they did fatalities. as a result, the reforestation project is intended to help alleviate the situation however, but they don't affect the meet the minimum. i mean veteran spaces can help and lower minimum temperatures in winter and in the next month, temperatures in some of the week of the in the last young. let me see if i see on
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this why, what's happening with mind rank of going to the room and have to say everyone. yeah, bob will have a direct impact on the immediate surroundings in minneapolis and a rank. you want to look to say why you're going slowly, i'm going for tomorrow into greens. the greater the same thing going to help lower temperatures for the way to win. i mean, it's gonna be a lot them better product from heat and drive, want to waste and evolution. santiago is facing many environmental challenges. it's also struggling with social inequality. the gap between rich and pool is one of the reasons for the protest and violence that the city has witnessed in recent years. demonstrate this voice that rang during the privatization of pension and closed for reform. it will be education and health sector to pull people are especially effective by the impact fee environmental crisis. it's a situation that could escalate dramatically, says a night. ok,
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so from dealing with this without without santiago as an absolutely divide. i'm assisting you guys to perform climate change is exacerbating in a quality. this is one of the triggers for the social conflict and the injustice that so many people are experiencing even the environmental crisis is increasingly becoming a social and political crisis in affluent neighborhoods. in santiago, there's no garbage on the streets, public services where well, there were plenty of green space isn't hawks, and the air is cooler and freshen. this is because they benefit from more public spending. a lot of tax paid by companies, businesses is funneled into these districts, up to 9 times more of a carpet service spent here. that in socially disadvantage districts. and what we're doing and not whether it's income from financial passions. so tolls around 2
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thirds goes into a municipal fund. only one stud stays in vista, colorado. we make an important contribution to other neighborhoods. ready like many neighborhoods, vanka is chronically undefended. a project like the tree planting initiative could only be funded with help from international don't is to our of setting c o 2 emissions but even more trees on to enough to mitigate the effects of climate change, especially for people us socially disadvantaged, explains urban studies expert ricardo fellow feet rank until a thoroughly might be got could be a nickel needs. so thank you for ranking with all the problem is it had the inverse of 70 percent social housing. well, i expense its own can realize the project like this city, if you didn't, all others can do it to them. you don't know, they look it or be able to get, but i saw in the refunded and from the for the most forget that being comes for
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a policy on distribution we added on and we must show so very much in the coming from tennessee. but the people that can co, we'll see a long term benefits. i mean it helps lower temperatures and serves as a local recreation area, but also promotes bio diversity. and the project is an opportunity to raise awareness about nature and climate change. if that is one of the as an opportunity to adapt to climate change and make a difference. so as you can see, this is a very built up area and there are lots of highway south to be the better. this is suddenly a place in santiago, which change can happen to us on? yeah, well it keep what i said will come over the next few years. $50000.00 more trees will be planted in rank s for victoria and colleagues. the project is also have a contribution to great social and environmental justice. here in santiago the,
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here's what it looked like, the full, the clean up and off. and that happened in less than 2 hours. the money can done is the found that a local n g is it still in t is have being restoring. both of body is across co and by tools for the past 5 years. it will started in 2017. when coming the tool was facing a severe drought, many can done was determined to revive one of the cities driest tools to bodies bid off. any of the peru or tank hasn't been replenished for years. we decided to clean the time by removing plastics, engine base, so we instead of them, we began the clean up on the 12th of february 2017. in the 1st week, 50 showed up the weeks after i had 400 people showed up. we must demand that we finished the cleaning the tank, the in
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a positive and kayla and we didn't have financial or political support. but we had volunteers who were ready to work for this. so we decided to clean up a very high water bodies every sunday instead of the boat. now that means that the water water, not a lot and i so far we've worked for 249 consecutive sundays. yeah. no thing with them without any thought on an item that came out of the organization has now restored for launch lakes and 9 small towns and 20. no. if you ask money can done which project was hottest, he'll bring you here to the velo tank spread across $98.00 because it's one of co him the tools, oldest tanks. it's supplied by the noise flow river for 15 years. it remain dry because of 3 major problems that throw in the day. and that is not going on. well, there were lots of in basic needs here in the canal. some water had been blocked or otherwise. people have encroached on 4 and a half of the 6 and
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a half kilometers long canal on either side of the river bank. and garbage had been jumped into the chevy dams, through which this child receives water use, where the 3 problems and many more of attending the 2 in 2017 money can done. and his team began cleaning the tank and it's checked. and they also played a role and convincing 2 and a half 1000 families, settled along the river's banks to relocate to state housing. and then for the 1st time in 17 years, the velo tankless folds villages to columbus has a way once lacked a reliable water sauce. but just a few months after the restoration was complete, the course noticed an increasing ground towards the levels because of eleanor tang could now retain the water it received. and the model ventured back in the old days we, i find whenever the rain to time, if it didn't, we wouldn't find. i think it's any since there was water in the tanks on for the
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past 4 years. and there's been water in our wells here. we use a motor to pump out the water for farming. that's i wonder what that may have out of many i used to buy 200 to 300 leaders of the water every day. it's much better now because i can get water when ever i need it at home. my income is increased as a result and the called at the time, it's not only the people who benefit it is and was a tank has become a habitat for various species. so we don't want to see what am i in the body of 155, but species and over 100 bus or fly species have been cited here. the volunteers went beyond just cleaning the tank. they also planted over $10000.00 native trees. this strip of forest protects the rolls here in the tank and attracts wild life to find volunteers, the n g o reaches out to schools and colleges edits most powerful tool has been
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social media and succeeded in bringing many young people together who want to be part of the process go be is the perfect example. he joined when he was just a student today, he pitches in with his skills as a drone, phenomena, tobar for or whatever, guessing lowered a point when we're cleaning a particular lake. we choose a position and shoot it before the cleaning after the cleaning and after the water gets restored. we've been presented to companies looking to fund organizations, and we show it to a government official. so they know, i think i want to see if the funding includes this allows us to continue our work with government approval in other locations. the day you select instead of us approaching people about this, they've become aware on their own. there's a young boy who volunteers with us. if you ask him, what do you want to know when you grow up? he says like you, outland, trees and save lakes? no, but what will you do for food?
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he replied, i'll go home and, and take it on. we're seeing such a positive change amongst children under the protection of water bodies requires mold and restoration, increasing encouragement, waste, dumping effluent discharge, and lack of proper maintenance by civic bodies. just some of the problems that i want to know because if you eat alluding well in the village, people are angry. how much. but if someone dirty said trying here, nobody raises questions because nobody drinks this water and um, the government to sweep anything, tens of millions of rubies, 25 lakes, indicating by tory that i don't know. but, and i didn't need our efforts to make the water drink of people. when we get into k, i kind of get a cold money can done, has succeeded in uniting people who care about russia as a result. now he has his site set on restoring the noise river, which is the backbone of modern day, co, inventor, this river that passes through the full districts and supplies $25.00 tanks is under threat crime for 61000000. going back to our city itself is on the bank
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something know you all river, but we don't drink from it and then little. and then the on the island that needed to the number of days that water flows through this river is decreasing each day. not kinda, we want to increase that and that's what we're working towards. so, you know, kind of, we get to that are to volunteer organizations like money can guns help spread awareness about the urgent need to save locals to bodies. the state of time on that do has of a 200000 tanks. but few of the 90000 of them are in use. it will take a collective effort from the government and citizens to safe wolf for future generations. the, you know, series global queens, we meet successful women entrepreneurs around the world. this time we had to india
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. my name's sky, summer, tiny cod. and um okay. i'm just gonna start again. my name's sky sunshiny khan and i'm from from the in. yeah. i'm the found the gotcha. we work in northridge, index tires and handle, and we do live upside thing in the iowa store i saw in the lifetime use it is it's an intelligent good. find it well, sorry, philosophy at oxford and do something things we're doing life volume starting fashion and just doesn't want to find the best option for me is really more than just the product that we ran into the way it talks about where it as a country as well as the world and where we may go to the i would be like if i said i always wanted to be a cash. and as i know, i wanted to be so needed. some things i wanted to be like, and they were supposed to buy it. and i just, i wanted to be in that in all sorts of things. but somewhere along the way, i had
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a book which my father still has the same life and dropped it off from the movies. and i was i, descriptions of one day. well, i'm not convinced of my father that i want to be a fashion designer. i'm sorry that i was just, i shouldn't be okay. it was studying there like they were talking about recycling of psyching sustainability. so i don't know we bought a so interesting but then when i what about uh oh my god. you know what is upside doing? what is it a site like at home? well, i don't, i look for anything i can get a bunch of papers together and we can just create this new found out why and not being wastewater. right? same people kind of t, y are not throwing things into the knowledge. can the,
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i think the hardest part of starting the is, this is all it is just starting. i like being like, i'm going to just do this. i saw this on like my dad's, but again, then i moved to my mom's office one bought the same thing to leave, to go online to find definitive to the warehouse for me to been under space. we had other issues likely be the only thing that goes on how would resource everything, how is coming here, all the hiring people like how do you find the right person to get on board the it's a funny thing was a destination, the fashion, a 1000000 fashion makes complete sense, i mean, even assumes that when was open up would be somewhere. so from that point of view into, i mean, in fashion is most vaudeville. if it go down, you will still be able to mix that you are the producers of fashion. i mean,
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so to sometimes make them trust you and believe you, thanks a lot of time, especially when you're like a 20 to 20 people, send this young out of college and let's do this on. definitely people who could you know we've and show you what you're doing. oh, just like positive princess on the side of business. i actually got paintings. i mean, i with us to that now. i mean, somebody isn't even going to do is because i don't even want to hi. so for me that was one time and i realize that actually when i, once i would tell you people, i would expect different things from the i think accounting below says of gosh, i was just about making something that's not going to hurt anyone. we don't say it was sustainable life unless what we're doing is we're saying that,
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let's just think good. let's lots to say, let's not explaining we. let's make part of that a good for downloading. let's think products back to making it always skimming screenplays. let's say for the last, for a long time, the, when i say they put it on me thinking and talking about the children's education like that to me is a very hard for me all when i see them talking, wonder why is now going to walk like that and makes it, and i said we're doing something correct, wendy. like i said, all these things are so important inclusion the, the the i think that if we just stop being wash, if he's going to be the job. no, i need didn't just use was because they were times i can also statement it is a be a feeling that things have changed quite like, i mean,
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even if it needs to change the the
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time is leaving and part of the official intelligence is transforming mobility the alternator to the industry is increasingly relying on a unities and race. we show you where the journey is heading on d. w. forest. with a terrible past it was
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a nice new page. was us troops advanced in germany to bring in or to in europe to i was a miracle this year i was witness accounts for the battle of root forest in 75 minutes on d w. the you'll see about the video that goes enabled, other data media and legal law give a lot going to be done by the get. i will stop into that and i'll give you a go on with your you ain't mature to lit up. joe made any of the water power into the more people than ever on the move world wide in search of it. there's a nice to jump be able to use minute, they can t mess with the guns already. already a few megs up
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a piece and the general does all of pierson minutes useful or is that almost 3 gets expose? go to lunch when you find out about all the story info, migraines, reliable news for language, wherever they may be. the fast fashion as an environmental nightmare. a clothing graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need. and the why does the textile waste gets stranded here? all about the final stuff in the global fashion industry. fast fashion. watch now on youtube the
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. this is dw news, live it from berlin tonight and do by you and climate. talk it over time on the verge of failure and issue, a dramatic phase out of fossil fuels to mitigate climate change. some countries say yes. others say, you know, so how much room for compromise is there now also coming up is real, says that it will restart security checks. it to border crossings to increase a deliveries to civilians in gaza. and he's been here before donald task returning to power in poland. the du prime minister is promising.


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