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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 12, 2023 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the visit dw news live in from berlin. little bit zalinski tonight is a man on a mission. the president of ukraine arrived at the united states on a tour, a bit, securing funding for his country's war effort against russia. also coming up tonight that you've been climbing, fox, and overtime, and on the verge of failure at issue a dramatic phase out of fossil fuels to mitigate climate change. some countries say yes, others and say, you know, and don't tell us returning the power in poland to be prime minister,
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promising stronger ties with an e. u and more support for ukraine. the break up is good to have you with us. you. courtney, president. bottom is zalinski has just told us senators that his country can win the war against russia if it gets more aid from america. so if you met with lawmakers in the us capital to push for a new, a package for ukraine and time is running out. this is the final week before congressman go home for the holidays. republicans have been blocking a $110000000000.00 package for both ukraine and israel. the white house, it says current funds for ukraine will run out by the end of the year. so lensky held talks with the speaker of the house, mike johnson, who reassured him that the republicans were behind ukraine, just had
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a good meeting with press, then so lensky, i reiterated to him that we stand with him and against hooton's, brutal invasion of the american people stand for freedom and they are on the right side of this fight. i have asked the white house since the day that i was handed to gabble, a speaker for clarity. we need a clear articulation of the strategy to allow ukraine to win, and thus far their responses have been insufficient. they have not provided us the clarity and the detail that we requested over and over since literally 24 hours after i was handed, the gamble speaker, the house. since the positive words, they're coming from speakers to help us go over to washington. now my colleague janelle demario is following this story. janelle zalinski arrived to a much pessimistic, much more pessimistic mood compared to when he swooped in last winter for a hero's welcome in washington. is there any sign that he has a swede,
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republicans to get the funding that he says his country needs steps of the mood definitely watched more differently this time around, even though by most accounts that closed door meeting between us lawmakers and zalinski wasn't seeing us particularly hostile republicans were already telegraphing ahead of this meeting that there was very little of that zelinski could say that would move them from wanting to see a u. s. mexico, a board or deal a tighter board or a deal agreed before any more ukraine aid could be released. now of course, so this means that republicans are essentially using ukraine aid as a bargaining chip in order to achieve domestic policy goals around immigration, around, around the border around asylum policy. of course, these are obviously very important to republican avoiding issues ahead of an
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election year and 2024. but a lot of these proposals, democrats have bolted, calling the maximum list and draconian and valencia coming to washington hasn't really done that much to change that dynamic. and as you say, brand, they are running out of time to agree a deal. they have 2 more days. lawmakers go home for the holidays on thursday. yeah, that's exactly right. and we know that to lensky boss will be meeting with president by the janelle, i'm wondering what time that he was president. do other than, you know, offer some kind words. i mean, he doesn't control the 1st strings, doesn't, as well as the landscape sports is here on biden's invitation. the idea being that the landscape is the best advocate for ukraine, that the american public and american law makers could benefit a bit from the to the landscape messaging magic. now of course, so zalinski is having a politician and no, we shouldn't say anything on the board or what he can do is continue want to
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highlight to the aid that he needs help quickly. he needs to get it and the risks of not getting that aid. so earlier he was talking about how keith is a protecting the west of from putin's a potentially further expansion is done visions. now by then, of course, is his staunch us ally here in washington. a what a bite and might be able to do in negotiations with lawmakers, could spell the difference for the lens key, but perhaps not soon enough. all right, dw, is janelle, to belong in washington with the latest. tonight's, janelle, as always, thank you. i went out to do by where negotiators at the carpet, 28 climate, so many have gone into overtime trying to avert failure. some countries including germany, the us and the u. k. are refusing to sign up to the latest draft deal or a reference to phasing out fossil fuels was taken out. the summits host, the united arab emirates,
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have said that they will now try again in the hope of finding a consensus, dw, correspondingly only if on how much time is following this conference in due by force i asked earlier. is it a final declaration really within reach? well, that's the question on everybody's mind here. obviously to, you know, last nights and for us and service us during this. it's been a pretty long night and a pretty long day of, of waiting and for the negotiate is behind closed doors. and it has been a very long night and a very long day off negotiating, trying to find compromises, trying to find the, to build bridges. and, you know, the presidency is in talks with this sort of difference, a country groups we're hearing a lot of rumors and the, the stakes are pretty high. the pressure is on. i mean, we're heard some of those statements. they are ministers coming out. there is a pretty stark stand off between, you know,
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those countries like oil producing countries like saudi arabia. i'm calling for for know language of pays out to be included in the draft text. and then especially time in front of the country, small island states and the u. i'm calling for, you know, to add a lot more urgency to the text and calling for song, this language on fossil fuel phase out. and so it's really up to the presidency now to build those ridges to drive to new texts we are expecting. and also there we're hearing a lot of different rooms, but we are expecting a new text to drop at some point during the night, we've just heard that apparently there is going to be a planner you scheduled for tomorrow morning. and so this cop you mentioned it is already an overtime. everybody's pretty exhausted. the pressure is on the stakes are high. so that was the only from how much time they are reporting from the by is really officials say that they are increasing security screening of 8 deliveries bound for gaza to enable more supplies to enter the territory. the crm show long
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check point will not reopen, but it will be used to check deliveries before they are sent through the roof of border crossing, which connects egypt and gauze, up to egyptian security sources. said inspections will begin on tuesday under a new deal between israel. egypt and the united states are senior international correspondent funding. the chart is in jerusalem and she told us more about the delivery screening and what it could mean for goss. they're talking about inspections and not to be confused with the cam shown crossing to be open, which is closed since october. the has actually before that hundreds of trucks could get in and get out and deliver much needed 8 hundreds of trucks i'm seeing. and right now the situation is that the trucks can only get through their off full body crossing, but really dropping the bucket in the current situation with the ongoing rule. so having said that, an additional inspection, a facility, basically there at the junction between e's real and gaza,
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and egypt and gaza may stop there. and additionally, inspection that is much needed and it seemed read as a ray of hope because of that would push that possibly mean to alleviate the pressure on i got to traffic that really hundreds of trucks to a mile away from the roof for border crossing. and that would mean that move trucks could possibly get the dispute and it to go through rough for border crossing, but at least as an additional inspection and the hundreds of thousands of people really in gaza, desperately waiting for food for medicine, food, shelter, and for protection. in fact, for you and has already said that with the ongoing move is less and less supply available, which means that the trucks that are going in the risk of being attacked simply by desperate citizens. we have all seen those pictures of people trying to come through the rubble underneath us. bake to restore that was attacked, trying to get bread parents skipping meals in order to make sure that the children
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are getting sued. so the situation is really desperate. as a result that crossing, even though it's not opening, but the fact that more inspection may be possible as a result is as i say, a ray of hope to get at least a bit of me. a to there was a senior international correspondent public char. they're reporting from jerusalem . let's take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines this. our pakistan's army says at least 23 soldiers have been killed in a terror attack in the north west of the country. i think to say is this militants rammed a truck full of explosives into a police station and then launched a mortar attack. the army had been using the police station as a base camp. a former japanese soldier, rena goodoy has won her battle for justice and a landmark sexual assault case. earlier, a court found 3 of her former colleagues guilty with each receiving 2 year suspended jail sentences. the case had been dropped, but the authorities were forced to reopen it. following an online campaign by
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finland has announced that it will reopen to crossings on its border with russia. back in november, helsinki shut all of its 8 border crossings with russia after it accused mos gallons encouraging migrants to try to enter finland. he'll think he says this was in retaliation for finland's decision to join nato. the kremlin has denied the accusation. in poland, the newly elected prime minister donald tusk has delivered his inaugural speech the parliament. he presented a cabinet that is set to face a confidence vote later today. tusk has promised to head a centrist as pro e u. government ok ending 8 years of right wing nationalist group. the former head of the european council was placed ukraine high on his agenda, saying that he will urge the west to fully mobilize in support. so she became our chief political editor, mikella cosigner, asked the members of the german parliament, the bonus tag for their reactions to news that donald task has been elected.
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colin's new prime minister. first of all, i'm really positive about uh, doing a task um election. so be a stay now at the opponents government is a on a more pro your team course and also for the by letter of the job and polish relations. this is really great news and i'm really looking forward to the ongoing corporation with poland. and i am quite quite optimistic that this will be a major shift in our relations both on those by. that's right. and also on the european agenda. federal tough. cuz pledge to re establish the rule of law in poland. it's a rollback. controversial reforms. a lot of rights that has been cut into like abortion rights to reboot the message, taking that what kind of signal is this? as he comes to the new summit this week, this is a, as a great signal that the rule of law is going to be back on the states and europe with regard to poland. and this is also a very important signal that we will take the rule of law even more seriously on
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the european level. and because with regard to hungry, we are still not so up to mistake, but we need to keep a pressure because it's not a good how it, the things are going on at the moment with hungry. so it's important. the poland is changing its course now with him. all right, from the world of politics to the world sports, byron munich, we'll be looking to put the, the weekend, simulating defeat against frankfort in the book, just thinking behind them on tuesday night. they faced england's manchester united in the champions week. the match will have a particular significance for buying in english striker harry king. buy a new unique don't lose very often. so the weekends $51.00 hadn't ring it. frank for it is a little the most shocking. a case of sinking in the rain. now that coach expects a reaction game and i'm interested in either is always a, be games cannot, cannot be, can not be described in any other way to prepares. we make it ourselves very easy to prepare the best moments and, and prepare
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a repair. also saw the best for the best men. united team finds harry cane will play a club game in england for the 1st time. since his summit sunset, the strikers saturated brenda's legal reco. it's the season scoring 18 times and 30 lea games his signing was a cruise to buy. and ironically, he long been linked with a move to manchester united i think everyone would think that's, that's the way they wish for hurricane in their team. that's why we are very proud that we manage 20 minutes to, to seduce and we manage to, to see them. and from, from, from, from premier league and from, from english football to. so you're skipped off your national team by and then no doubt relieved. cain is lining up for them and nothing against them that were ready through to the know count stages. i'm like united states,
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you have to win this game for by and try. it is on the line. and with that, you're up to date, the city w, news they with us coming up. next is a documentary about one of the last battles of the 2nd, one more in a forest nickname, the death factory. i'll be back in the top of the hour with mobile names. i can see even the we want to be the number one for the car to clean empire of crime. news to us tells one point a made up currency. then she disappears with house of trees. a financial thriller about the world's most


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