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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 12, 2023 9:00pm-9:30pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the dw news live in from berlin tonight, ukraine's president a man on admission holding his zalinski heads to the us capital for talks with the president in lawmakers on securing a for his country's war effort against russia. also coming up tonight, the you in climate talks in overtime and on the verge of failure at issue a dramatic phase out of fossil fuels to mitigate climate change. some countries say yes, do that. others say no. and donald task returns to power in poland. the new prime minister,
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promising stronger ties with the you and more support for ukraine. the regards to our view is watching on cbs in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin with a man on an issue. ukrainian president bonum is lensky is meeting with us president biden at the white house in a bit to get more funding for his country's fight against russia. earlier today, zalinski met with lawmakers on capitol hill to push for a new aid package for you. craig, and time is running out. this is the final week before members of congress go home for the holiday. republicans have been blocking a $110000000000.00 package for both ukraine and israel. the white house, it says current funds for ukraine will run out by the end of this year. zalinski held talks with the speaker of the house, mike johnson,
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who assured him that republicans will help you crane resist russia's invasion. just had a good meeting with president. so lensky, i reiterated to him that we stand with him and against hooton's, brutal invasion of the american people stand for freedom and they are on the right side of this fight. i have asked the white house since the day that i was handed the gabble, a speaker for clarity. we need a clear articulation of the strategy to allow ukraine to win, and thus far their responses have been insufficient. they have not provided us the clarity and the detail that we requested over and over since literally 24 hours after i was handed, the gamble speaker, the house. and that's good. now to my colleague, janelle do allow and washington she has been covering this very important day of meetings for the grading and president janelle zalinski is meeting right now with us. president biden. what more do we know about what these 2 presidents are talking
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about? as indeed we had just heard from them a few moments ago. do you know this has a meeting about one pretty much as expected bite and used it as an opportunity to express solidarity for ukraine, saying that the u. s. stands by ukraine. and i suppose the, the big issue announcement of that he made in his remarks was that he, he declared another 200000000 and draw down funds for ukraine. and this is, of course, so something that so long as he can take home with them. so he doesn't kind of go home empty handed, but of course this is a far from far cry from the 61000000000 dollar funding that i taught biden wanted to see past for ukraine. that of course, is currently in gridlock among us lawmakers. now as far as the lens keys party use this as an opportunity to call, once again for the aid that ukraine needs,
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he wants better air defenses. he wants to be able to get the ukrainian forces to disrupt person logistics. those are the things that he mentioned, but so you know, both these leaders have an uphill climb and convincing the washington establishment . there is of course, this prevailing view here that the counter event offensive has fallen into a ceiling made. there are differences between keys and washington as to how to turn that tied. but of course, without additional us financing before the end of the year, that tide is going to be very difficult to turn indeed. and it seems that the us speaker of the house today, after his meeting with zalinski, was saying that when asked the support ukraine's efforts, the answer was yes, but, and that's a big but i was zalinski. do you think able long term to sway the republicans to continue to stand by ukraine or can he go home with something in his hand and
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then prepare for a blinker future to i think it might be looking like the 2nd and as you said, brand that is indeed a very big, but it's important to realize that it's all, you know, the republicans, they are into a model this on this. there are song like we do in generally support ukraine. but actually really do want to see a, a border deal with district or border controls between us and mexico past. and there are those who, you know, perhaps, or less in favor of supporting ukraine, but for whom tying the deal to a board to a border deal has provided some cover. and this was the dynamic that zalinski walked in to border restrictions. of course, also being a very uh, a very big bone of contention between republicans and democrats. as such, it's difficult to see what the landscape could've said and done in order to, in order to change that dynamic and all before time, of course,
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runs out before the end of the year. all right, janelle, in dc there with the latest on this meeting of leaders, perhaps not meeting of the minds in washington. janelle, thank you. we're now to do by we're negotiators at the top $28.00 climate. so maybe i've gone into overtime trying to avert failure. some countries including germany, the us, and the u. k, or refusing to sign up to the latest draft deal where a reference to phasing out fossil fuels was emitted at the summit host, the united arab emirates subset that they will now try again. in the hope of finding consensus for the, for the cop to 20 director general, margie dallas to warranty responded to the criticism, holding out hope that the language around a fossil fuel phase out may end up in the final tax take of us that we're facing the most demanding cop agenda of all time. and what we are seeing right now
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is everybody working through that agenda. all cops are challenging. but in this cop, we're trying to do something that has never been done before. something to start. we are trying to agree a comprehensive plan to close the gaps between where the world is and where it needs to be to keep 1.5 degrees within reach that is on north star that has been or on, or start all alone. part of this is to include language on fossil fuels in the text . if we can, that would be his start. it's going to be here, the big table now is our climate reporter, beatrice christophe row and be just let's talk about what is happening right now at this conference. and we thought that it was going to be a done deal. was going to be easy to get this final text. and i'm quoting here, failure is not an option. that's what we heard from the summit president, but that's not the case right now. is it? no,
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it's absolutely not. and now there is even the possibility of failure indeed there . um, we know we have a very fraud span of between the countries. i want a fossil fuel phase out and those who don't. right now it's looking very unlikely that we have any sort of draft agreement in which the, the wording, fossil fuel phase alt will exist, is that one failure would mean in this case, just not being able to agree on a final text. yeah, exactly. and so failure would mean if we don't get all the $198.00 countries to agree on the word. and so that's what we're waiting for right now. will that you and the small islands nations and also other countries and saw the latest draft who said this was insufficient? will they see the alternatives of the which perhaps will be a bit stronger? will those be enough for them? if they're not, this will be the 1st cop that doesn't have a deal. so that would be a pretty big deal obviously. but we do have to keep in mind that at the beginning of cop, we had an agreement on how to run the lawson damage funds. so how poor nations will receive financing to deal with, you know,
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extreme weather in their countries. and even if we don't have a deal here, this achievement will not be lost, okay? and it is important to keep in mind it why are we don't even discussing fossil fuels at this stage? i mean, the science is clear, right? and is this then the work? as critics have been claiming of lobbyists from big oil and gas, are they at work here in, in maybe storing off the suv if you will. i mean, the science has been clear for a long time. unfortunately, business interests have always spoken louder. there's thousands of coal gas, us, or lobbyist, i caught the serious some of them even more than ever before rather than ever before. and they came as part of the delegations also, of course, they're not there to just watch the talks. of course they have some sort of influence, but we also have to keep in mind that it's also in many countries interests to know, keep the, the, you know, to not have any wording around fossil fuels as we do right now. some of those countries have valid reasons, like of course there is meg originations like saudi arabia and the u. a. e. but
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there's also developing nations like nigeria or uganda. we're saying, hey, we need this revenue from the fossil fuels to develop our economies. and if you guys wanna face them out, we're going to need some significant financial help for this energy transition. so this is something that the global north definitely has to keep in mind when talking about a fossil facing. i mean, you know, it, this could be a matter of semantics here, but at the end of the day, if you want to be carbon neutral, carbon neutral means carbon neutral, right? i mean, if you don't want to put it in print, it doesn't change the fact that that's where you're headed. any way. does that mean that even if we don't get a text that everyone can sign onto here, that it's okay to agree to disagree that this does, is that an option? it doesn't even matter the option to disagree. it's definitely there. the question is, do you know the company go sheet or it's kind of want to have that on their, on their conscience before the conference started at talk to some active us and they were saying, listen, if we don't have any wording around those, you know, if we can even agree to tackle fossil fuels,
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which are driving climate change. and what are we even doing here is like, what are, what message are we sending to the world? but the good news is that even if there is no agreement, this was definitely a significant step forward because we got oil giants like saudi arabia to at least talk about the future of oil and gas. we will see what happens because it's going to be another long night, i think in the bar. oh absolutely. beatrice. think it's gonna have you in a studio. thank you. all right, here's a look now and some of the other stories that are making headlines around the globe is really officials have said that they are increasing security screening of a deliveries to gaza to enable more supplies to enter the territory. the carol show long check point will not reopen, but it will be used to check the deliveries before they're sent through the roof. up border crossing, connecting egypt and garza lawmakers in the united kingdom, have voted in favor of the governments for one to bill. the bill aims to send some asylum seekers on a one way trip to for wanda. it is part of the wider government action to cuts. what's your levels of regular and irregular migration? the policy has
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a very many human rights group suite. 100 is that when that we turn to poland, we're newly elected prime minister, donald tusk has delivered his inaugural speech to parliament. he presented the cabinet that is set to face a confidence vote later this evening. jessica has promised to head a centrist, a pro you government in the 8 years of right wing nationalist room, the former head of the european council. he has a place to crane high on his agenda and he says that he will urge the west to fully mobile arch in support. you can stomach arctic here in studio with me now is which i just remind you from the w. use polish service. good to have you here. let me just ask you for this that we had talked about this, but considering what's happening right now in washington with zelinski trying to keep us a to live. if that is stopped at the end of the year. what can and donald task as the leader of pulling, what can he do to compensate? well,
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he will have to try to convince the congress in europe and on all the other allies not to stop 8 for, for your training. maybe he'll try to use it. he's sick connections in washington. i may be use case and administer sikorsky who will lead the police department of state. yeah. who, who has some good connections in washington to try to convince them not to do it. but at show we know at the age for your trade is crucial for this country to continue fighting against russia. donald, until us gets promised a lot of change. do we know what his plans are as well? i think at the beginning the notice will try to restore the independence of the judiciary. important, cuz this is a big issue between poland and the european union. europe and commission has been very much concerned about the state of rule of low in,
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in poland. so this is one of the most important issues now for the new polish government. and it is expected that the government will very fast try to reorganize the voltage, public media at the public broadcast that switch for the last 8 years. have the 8 years have been aggressive. foot totally biased, the mouthpiece of the ruling low enjoys. they're gonna have to be a purging of the public broadcasters. this is a very complex situation to do it legally. this is not so this is not so easy, but this is unbelievable how, how biased the media and board and the public broadcast as well. so i expect that the new government and this is what that's good to accept in parliament earlier today with a run more green policy, more environmental, the environmentally aware. and which is very important, i think for the people in poland at the, at the most given, folded into will,
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will change. it will no longer be this kind of a very national conservative with the very big influence of the catholic church. i believe it was changed towards more liberal, more freedom or open. what then? what does it mean for publish place in the european union? donald tusky is a known commodity already and in brussels. so they'll be glad i'm sure, and both of us to see him walk back in the room as the new leader. is that going to be good for the people? the public was disc set to any of the dice you once poland, to regain its position as a leading position within the european union. so it is expected that she will try to make the relations with you with brussels and with the most important neighbors. and the, because the congress of the, you, the re pad those it is this relations and indeed to ask,
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knows brussels very well. he knows how did you work. so she will be a more active and more constructive politicians there. now, however, it doesn't mean that she will accept ever think what you, once you will not be easy partner for the you had issues like migration or a deeper reform of the european union. she differs. his views differs on with, from the, from the ones that we have another because you're, you're looking countries. and last but not least here, she will try to convince the you and the west not to give up on ukraine and to mobilize them to support the country. who's fight against russia? it was the how much influence he has there, which takes you months from dw folder surface. good to have you hear the studio. thank you. finland has announced that it will reopen to crossings on its border with russia. back in november, helsinki shut to all of its 8 border crossings with russia. accusing mos gallons
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encouraging migrants to cross into finland. he'll sink. he says that this was done retaliation for its decision to join nato. the kremlin has denied that the council of europe has asked been meant to ensure that it keeps its stores open for migrants who are seeking silent protection. now the closures meant that many russian speakers living in finland were suddenly cut off from family members inside russia . i knew about that. the hello customer to me is a law. how are you? he's i'm cheerful. it's all the same. instead of hugs and kisses, now only telephone calls, just 200 kilometer a separate cube guinea from his father, east gainey and his family lived in the finish the chief of lot, but on thought is that it goes to border in st. petersburg, when seen and shut down, it's border with russia. you're getting, you didn't know when he would see his father again. his. this was the recently
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diagnosed with cancer and suffered as to the ocean because the last, the on doing your says that i'm, i'm very worried about his health. that i said, what if he gets worse now? and i come to you with him. yeah, but i'm glad you think you misunderstood. i'm even thinking that i would have to leave my family here a while. you some you a decides and drive through more months going to know a fly by a simple i don't know how to get to him. getting set. got to shake. seen on says it's close. it's a border with russia after rice and asylum seekers arriving from 3rd countries. helsinki blame moscow for orchestrating and migration crisis. deletion have seen them joining nato just said to russia, that
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it needs to be stopped. and i used to be in lapland, as 1000 kilometers away from helsinki, was the last border crossing to close 80 w. crew. when they're the day before the situation, there was calm. in the last 2 days, no asylum seekers had tried to cross the border and to finland. journalists were only showing a pile of bicycles and allegedly left by those who had overdue crossed. yet this thing is government decided to shut down the water completely. it was a big blow for nearly 100 solomon's russians speakers instant and they mostly leave in the south in seat is like let them in costco. around 5 percent of left run the citizens are russians. speakers. russian border is only 25 kilometers away. and many have friends and relatives on the other side. you've jeannie and his wife victoria had been hoping that the board would open again soon to allow them to spend the holidays with their family. yeah, fortunately, i really,
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really hope for christmas never co c o i from i believe in it and i think it will happen, but you don't wish that the presenter for now they keep in touch with their family over the phone every day to where it is alexi volney concerns are growing about the fate of the russian opposition leader and evolving the last contact with him. it took place more than a week ago. unconfirmed reports on telegram news. channels say that he could have been transferred to moscow. officials at the prison colony weren't of all he has been serving a 19 year prison sentence for extremism charges. they confirmed that he has been moved, but they gave they further details. united states has expressed concern over and of all these where a balance and called for his immediate release, the kremlin, has dismissed the us. comments calling then unacceptable. med are for more now enjoyed by dw rush or analysts costs a teenager t. as in vilnius,
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lithuanian constantine is always good to see you. so we've got these reports fit and of all need may be in moscow. now. let's do a little of my mind guessing here if that is the case, why move him to moscow? well, the only reason to move him to moscow and that is if he is indeed moved, it is to uh, basically make him take pause in the new investigation of a new case that will probably bring another sentence. and it will surely be something political like he's extreme, is he's kind of extreme is both the quotes, the sentence balls, we don't have a confirmation of the telegram channel that reported to that as well. not particularly reliable in many ways. uh and uh, basically i wouldn't be surprised if you still in the let email they don't call anywhere he was before. this is just the way for the administration, the ultimate,
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the crime. and they're actually harassed his lawyers and his family to make their life unpleasant. that is what i've heard of him in, in the, the, and those are the rest of the present history. so the volume support is apparently expected him to be moved to what is known as a special regime penal colony. and i understand that is the toughest, the harshest prison that exists inside russia. can you give us a sense then of what that could mean for him? oh, well look, ever since the days of joseph stolid, the russian prison system didn't change much and essentially, and he has a country wide uh, system of different types of torture, different levels of torch, if you take him to a maximum security sort of a prison, no i'm making make some security call with me. that means you have much, few, uh, uh, visits from relatives and uh, lawyers, you have a limited number of,
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uh, let us say packages that can be sent to you. uh, as far as i understand, even you know, uh, routine the prisoner has to take fresh air. uh once a day can be limited. you can put in solitary confinement. so a full full final months on end of essentially brett's what you have to understand . once you're inside the system, there is no way you can apply any kind of or to control what's being done to you. and so anything that's written in the rough regulations, in this particular case, the case of the volume, it was an even number one or 2, the crumbling is completely irrelevant. okay. are russia analysts konstantin acreage in vilnius lithuania is always constantine good, talking to you? good, given your analysis. thank you. thank you. i would say germany pulled is very less soldiers out of molly, ending
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a decade of long deployment to the west african country as part of the united nations peace keeping force of the un mission. and molly was created to help stabilize the country as it babbled ag hondas insurgency. molly's ruling hunter demanded the missions to departure despite being in the grips of jihad, his violence and other crises. it's the end of admission. considerate among the board, display of the most dangerous german soldiers, a pulling out of money often more than a decade. it all started back in 2013 of the militant islam is threatened to accomplish little by my cool german troops arrived as part of it in you training mission. first to so modern soldiers how to defend the country against the separatists. and then as part of a un peacekeeping mission called mino, small overtime, more than $24000.00 german soldiers were deployed in money. the mission repeatedly extended by the board to stuck. at 1st they were huge majorities for continuing the
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mission to watch the end. however, skepticism, including both in parliament and among the german public when montes military over, through the civilian government in 2021. germany's relations with the contact became increasingly from not least because the new rulers maintain strong ties to moscow and brought in russian mercenaries in june, molly's government demanded the immediate withdrawal of o u. n. troops. the miss motors law. unfortunately, most most seems to have become part of the problem by ceiling. tensions in the community. listen by extremely serious accusations. that's a very detrimental to piece reconciliation and national cohesion in molly. yeah, luck with you on us or not, would you mind? the situation leads to a feeling of mistrust among the population towards mendoza and to a crisis of confidence between them out of the and also or it is and been us about
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the money in the let me do some of the like other members of the un mission, germany decided to pull out the door was that us that i'm, that i very much regret that this mission is now coming to an end in this way because it has become clear to us in the discussions we find ourselves in a real dilemma situation in molly has not improved and yet not the mission itself failed. it is the conditions that have caused the mission to fire. this is not the field of human politics and certainly not the photo of the book despair and it's so just have one disability as well. got in on so that even though its soldiers are now gone, germany wants to continue providing development 8 for money, whether the security situation is stable enough for this $8.00 to make a difference is now in the hands of montes government. you're watching dw news. here's a reminder of our top story. ukrainian president zalinski has told us president biden,
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and us senators on capitol hill that his country can window more against russia if it gets more a from america. so lensky is on a trip to the us hoping to secure funding, which is currently being blocked by us. republicans, this is dw news after a short break. i'll be back to take you through the day stick around. we will be right back.
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the or the one woman standing up peterson mohammed is in a ronnie in human rights activists. and she's risky, her life in prison to tell us her story. nobel peace prize recipient. in august, mohammed de, one of the bravest women in the world, close out in 45 minutes on
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d w. the . let's view. we'll tell here was a story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force. and for the present feelings about what's going on in the story of dentistry. instead of being discussed across the continent, dw news, africa every friday on the w. the crew to clean and empire of crime essentially is $15000000000.00 us dollars even up to us. so we, because one point a made up here and see,
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we want to be the number 110. she disappears with south trade. secret tide queen has been accused of do folding victims on the top 10 list, the cartel leaders in murder and a financial thriller about the world's most one sort of woman crypto queen stops december 30th on dw. the science is clear in order to limit global warming, burning fossil fuels as, as we have for the past 2 centuries. it has to become a thing of the past. but how do we do that? and how long should it take? apparently, it depends on who was asking and who was answering in dubai at the cop 20 a climate summit. there is a angry and disagreement over the final paper that everyone is supposed to sign. a reference to phasing out fossil fuels has been removed. and critics claim this is


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