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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  December 12, 2023 10:15pm-10:46pm CET

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and that they are still trying to reach a deal. this is dw news for all of us here in berlin. thanks for the company. close out. the invite range and listening place of loan in the mediterranean sea mazda and just following up to coming to us. exploring modem, lodge styles, and submitted to amy and admitted to amy and jenny this week on dw
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caught it so stuffy. it's hard to breeze. i'm not, well, is it daytime, nighttime times done still. you've done everything possible to break me to crush my well, my fine to silence. you would succeed. the
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my name is not guess mohammed. i'm writing from a bean prison entailed on the vio sorry terry and religious government has relentlessly suppressed the women life freedom movement. but even if people are no longer protesting in the streets, the spirit of the movement live. so this is the last footage of her as a free woman. after many years in prison, ronnie and human rights activist nor kids mohammed the was released on failed in october 2020. immediately she risk being jailed again, meeting with former inmates and making a film about the iranian regimes. crimes, the small pieces tend, i thought, as the group of 23 activists who have experienced solid tree confinement
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tied to reach out of that. together. we're going to the judiciary offices to file a complaint on keeping that solitary confinement to violate. below the we are somebody doing, this is a historic moment. talk to this complaint means so those the tortured i'm, the perpetrators are registered with deal. so it seems to can you get on that even though it's caustic, you to definitely supervisor you must have. this is an important step. you know, fight for justice. several faith to the how much title young the does for he has not been fixed as you bet about the camera down when any that machine of them can otherwise, they'll take it from you the, the machine to the big it and that's, that's one time moment know what to you to the no matter what you film in iran, you always need permission from the regime forces the police are, there's no motion. the,
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the vision that's included from one is that at some point, and even if you have permission to assume you're strictly monitor all the problems . you need been that you're not allowed to phone your current buildings. and the way of doing your feedback that you wish of us on. so that's why we had to film in secret thinking about getting plenty in the spence. imagine that together was still makers fuck, heeds out as id and gaylor a cook of on august mohammed, he began interviewing regime opponents for documentary white torture. the name describes and especially brutal form of torture experienced by her interview subjects. and by mohammed to herself, it was a dangerous undertaking. almost simultaneously, authorities rated the homes of the entire team and t ron. and then when they broke down my apartment door lock that had the effect of seen by the image, i didn't match. each time we filmed, we had to copy the footage onto
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a separate hard drives up and send them to different places on how to otherwise they would have confiscated the material when they searched our homes, the who know movies and how much is a totally fine not doing that, somebody, the financial model is the kid. they didn't find anything, because on the day they arrested in august, we'd hidden all the film footage or show the fim home road pin on fact any. i was wondering, i guess it was was and i guess from the regime forces broke into her house is how much wonderful and i guess the argument get us started because i witnessed her bravery that day. i followed her example when they came to my place a few days later in the bathroom on the when a man, when they told me to put on a headscarf, i said, you've come into my house. thank you. but you don't have to wear headscarf here and for more money who am i make the rules here shot into soccer. and i'm just those have already know the name of the other 2 filmmakers managed to get the highly sensitive footage out of the country. they now live in exile in germany,
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but not as mohammed, he was sent back to prison a few months later. she's still there today. i gave up everything as a women, a mother, and a human being to fight for freedom, equality and democracy. i don't regret that, but that doesn't apply to my children, ali and kiana. i regret the take home be with them the years ago. now kids mohammed, these children left for parents to join their father in exile, twins, ali and kiana. haven't seen their mother since then. the running machine for bits any contact their last phone call was a here to the same as it,
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but i don't hold much hope of seeing her again. but even if i don't, i will always be proud of her just to come in to go to bed. when i go on the books, if you know we grew up like this with this fight against the government, because no matter where we are, even if we were on mars, one will always be concerned. what's happening in the wrong to been in our country, the growing up in iran, their mother. now guys, mohammed de was already campaigning for women's rights. their father tardy. ross money also thought for human rights. the children have many fond memories of their extended family. but they also remember one or the other parents often being in prison and regime forces storming their home.
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there's use reducing even many, many breaking down to d. c. my father was finding when they came in, even though i was so little, i still shut the thinking about it. and so i remember the terrible feeling of seeing my father being taken away or fox. this is what i thought, you know, let go of dad. he doesn't want to go no, but i should stop by his refunded. i mean tardies of money was imprisoned dinner. ron, for 14 years. in 1988 when i told of how many had thousands of political prisoners executed. he survived. when he faced imprisonment again, he fled to paris. he hasn't seen his wife for 11 years and hasn't been able to visit his homeland but the party seemed to be named my apologies and powers of my soul is into wrong tad on sometimes when i'm on the streets of congress on
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right. i imagine that a great deal of the stuff to wrong traveling. so the revolution street and red, lovely exchange jones, if you don't want to, i told them to move you. now guys, mohammed did not follow him into exile despite the fact that iranian authorities would have been more than happy to let her leave from abroad. her voice would have been less powerful nutrition. yeah, i wanted us to go together to the when i went to abroad, i realized that i wanted to go back to living abroad is like living in an aquarium too much. you're not in a place where you'll need to move. everything is happening in around the world in this fight. it's important to have principles as the way i know. now, guess she wouldn't leave that wrong because she wouldn't leave. we have to organize our alliance accordingly. like i was in the area,
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the regime wants me to disappear, but i wouldn't be defeated by this long separation. even if at times i'm overcome by an overwhelming sadness that makes me think i went suffice. even after her public accusations against the government interviews, exposing the regimes, crimes and continual present sentences. now guess mohammed de has kept working, including by filming her documentary white torture in it. she describes her own experiences in solitary confinement, alone in a cell for weeks and months at a time or one. yes, the next you have to in the i meant to your hot stops will actually have to order been to us when the doors slammed shut to the 5 digits. meetings didn't pardon me
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towards the 4 times and so the treat myself just 3 paces wide. oh, it's official lines 24 hours a day. no book, nothing the the spreading sign. and so it's like an endless screen power lising my brain cells . so a saw speaking to her, stripped of all your senses and so the tourism, your sense of smell is going on. that's the only sense that might work a bit is hearing from you soon. i of the
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size that they take away your sense of the shape. you lose your ability to perceive things you're going to avoid. your organs are working to rely even an endless graves. but you're not dead. you're still there. right. and nothing this is really like experiencing that bad journalist, son of right, has search numerous prison sentences in iran, including a total of $288.00 days in solitary confinement. in 2009, as iranians protested against the official results of the presidential election. he was one of the journalists, making sure the news reached the wider world trying to do that,
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you begin to focus kind of ridiculous when i say that their crime was journalism. while the teenager journalism is usually significantly by many iranian journalists, have been in prison in t as in the to. it depends on the length of the detention he goes. after a few days, it's your township political prisoners especially subjected to that treatment. they put pressure on them by keeping them in solitary for a few months, instead of getting off and the government of these nomic republican and similar all sorts. having made james claim that political prisoners of foreign spies and things like that. so if you go you ready to the race, she makes up a story along those lines, or that one chooses the people who will play a long coat. the people are often arrested without being told the charges they'll face, or how long they'll be detained. then come degrading interrogations, which also fall under the term white torture included. and i enjoyed a year and
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a half in solitary once the 6 months then full months, 3 months and 6 weeks. how do you suggest that you got imagine how hard it is? actually when you go into the sound, you feel like the walls are closing in on you and your heart is strict. it is like your heart is being ripped out. probably read. that's what, why don't you feels like and try to do so did she can use it? feet we use the term white georgia try because it leaves no visible boons on the body. head on nissan. ca, logical ones, the roof and model of your british, iranian student phone che, hop on me was imprisoned in 2014 her offense. she had trying to attend
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a men's volleyball game and to run something band for iranian women. back. so you back. she feels sure one of their strategies is to humiliate you on you're not even allowed to use the toilet when you want to live. she's had to have to that she's got on the end. an important part of this humiliation is that they open and close the door whenever they tune messiah, choosing those and at any credit because on how you have no privacy at all. but you keep task the guy can come to humiliations of a patriarchal society who are you anyway? i'm going to the pass and you're a woman here on the corner to the exact pressure by telling women that they are inferior. you said to absorb one weapon. if white torture in prisons is to force women to make sexual confessions, many women who have told in august,
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i've experienced this because it's systematic was the interrogator isn't doing it for his own sexual gratification until it's part of the procedure in a male interrogator will say, to a female prisoner describe your sexual relationship with that my on my payment will now get mohammed the used to a brief time out of prison to document the stories. and later in prison, she took the risk of continuing this work. during the woman life freedom protests, she succeeded in publicizing accounts of sexual violence, against prisoners to long separation from family, and children is also used as a method of torture. the non case mohammed de is haunted by a dream she had in herself of her young daughter the well, i'm not for you 203 of you, but i'm says i actually felt can is mission. so my cheek will be, you know,
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personal, your lips to and i'm out here on a case to me, i'm on, you're going, i wanted to hook up when i suddenly realized i'm in a cell join us now there's some could choose from. i didn't want to open my eyes to be sure to do that in moments like that was simply human beings. i had one of them many years have passed since then. kiana is now 17. she thinks about the milestones, big and small, that she hasn't been able to share with her mother. may i pray, causing the ones that i go to old? i start to miss my mom more and more or i was a bit fed up with her not being with us for 5 years. i wanted my mother's actor a man. i wish he had told me how to put on makeup house a dress. she's a woman, we have the same body here and she could teach me so much about myself when call,
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but i have to figure it out through on my own. it says, i wish my mom had been that's helped me. of course i missed her, but there are people who are worse off than me. i consider myself lucky. there's that my mom is still the lines of the film for this talk with a i do sports on the side just to keep going. feel free to take my mind off things so that life can go on. and if it takes an attempt to escape the situation, even if at the end of the day it doesn't work. i'm on you little bit. my mom and dad are my role models. feel i've seen it for think sacrifice the whole or the delta thing, us the own people, the sacrifice lead. unimportant moments of, of got home. i mean, i remember mom coming into prison, very ill people. that was hard for me,
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but it was also an expiration of the of us the climax and my mom is a fighter and i'm really proud or so hold for this. i wish that one day she'd sit next to me and i could throw ha, that would be so cool to go for it was. so this is just a person i still looking by, but i wanted to draw her. she was incredibly pleased and free at the same time. you're close vision. this young woman is popular, saw spirit, an investor, and i think freedom has something to do with us on the whole financing because it's wonderful to feel creek reserve esther calling me. we think freedom is every single case throughout an investor for a pool is the young women in the wrong could be as free as she is. there's that
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would be great. we're at or send the 10 to 12 cuz this confirmed them. now kids mohammed de was able to smuggle a letter to us out of prison through secret channels. she wrote about what moved her most during the interview she conducted with inmates with the torture workshop . to me was how severe the consequences of so that she can find mental even decades like to it has huge effects on the so the mind and even the body you should be to see the doctor. one of the worst things was that they could open the door whenever they wanted, honey, and that a pleasant and that after i was free, i always locked the door of my room that you holding before i didn't mind someone coming into my room, donald was ok but afterwards, i suddenly being shown whenever i, since the movement. sure then, and that will tell them that i was on edge, that someone could come in and i would have no control over as the actual yet to
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insulate instead of the, you know, and the solitary. so they told me we'll go out and come back with your family. i'll come on in and enjoy you too. when i got into the interrogation room, i heard voices of a woman and a child. i don't know, i know it has to be there. so i felt the burning pain a whole nother my heart had stopped beating by the chest. the chap i'm been turned out that i'd had a stroke wrapped me to them. then i can hardly see now ask them to chat and see if i can only read with my right eye. i get your estimate. i can't drive for right now, don't i'm to give you to number one. no, no. so once you've been inside, can't even see my food properly. as all, newton i'm that was the baby and i'm calling in son will be to take a human being and put them in a meat grinder. what comes i will still have some human material yet, but these 5 the to call you as well. so, but, so what's the confinement info at the time?
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when you come out, there's nothing left of you. i'm in the room to even if you have the energy to defend yourself for that. and you know at that, um, which i probably get more of a month for me. so entry confinement is really an attempt to destroy a person i'm time most of the v one child then then gave you, do them. torture is a method that eventually breaks its victims. the regime, coerce is false confessions in order to publicly present detainees as guilty activist abdulla, i'm on a, has experienced how that works. first hand based on the cost of the present indictment was drawing up on the basis of solid evidence,
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as well as clear and unequivocal confessions, find the defendants in the, in the next 10 minutes. it's enough for us so that when i read the confession big, i felt immense hatred for myself. well, and i asked myself how i could be so weak websites, them to the many deadlines. and i wondered how i could make up for us if we cheated . bunch feel like the fall list person in the world has any control not to drive you to suicide. they saw us how much she went to pictures. today i'm thinking about those who made forced confessions and some that she confinement to an executed the stories a buried wisdom in december 2023. now guess more, hummadi is not in solitary confinement. she's in
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a vain prison in the women's wing for long term political prisoners. taking photos is for business. these are images from a hacked surveillance camera in another wing back home. sure, the pictures are a lot like how it is. that's against the wall bunk beds. it has those who have been inside say that it's very similar to what it looks like in the womans when i them, companies often contact allstate, mount m cloud and has been a political activist since her mother, the german of ronnie and not hate hobby, was jailed in around 3 years ago, to hobby to campaign for women's rights and was sentenced to 10 years in prison. august my name was ha, now guys and my mom have the same room and their beds are right beside each other than now. i non that,
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or some detainees are permitted occasional phone calls. now guess mohammed has been able to smuggle out statements critical of the regime. that's kind of an invisible side. that's kind of doom during one visit or spread over several phone calls divine and under. they can be via another prisoner who answers questions bernardez . if you're not, i guess, but it's really not easy. it's, and it's very dangerous on which is why not every prisoner does it. the thing must, as often as you'd have to find a knock is mohammed the severely ill with a heart condition. she's now dependent on medical care. in november 2023, when the prison administration tried to force her to wear a head scarf for her journey to the hospital, she went on a hungry strength. no food, no medication for life was in danger. days later, no guest mohammed deed was allowed to go to the hospital without a head scarf and her friends created this photo montage. a small victory against
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the machine. i mean, much out of here besides signing a care advantage 1st using to wear headscarf to go to the hospital, might seem trivial to many people there bullshit body, margie mccormick, republican envelops us like the shell of a big a kaufman multiples. org. and it tells me your haven was where it is your model, your people are knocking against a shell from the inside, hoping that cracks will appear in one day that i will bring the job. i'm going, i'm the district has that is not kids mohammed the is 51 years old. she spent a total of almost 9 years in prison and still has 8 more to go. despite this, her will to fight has become even stronger miniature, but she's decided to fight against the use of solitary confinement. no, not today. no gas is much braver, more determined,
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and maci don's done before the or more they give you or the ending constituents and what's impresses me most as far as humanity that she puts others before herself. the a teacher, she some of them sometimes that's not good thing, but in situations like these, it's a strength because she never gives up. victory is not easy. so it won't come today or tomorrow, but that is something that's what she said. and that's what i believe is unbreakable against a powerful regime that suppresses its opponents and has silenced so many but even if major protests have stopped, many continue to resist by challenging the rules of the islamic republic.
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maverick, them for them to to you don't it it is you, i don't think there won't be any more protests any ron that might have had in my religious family. my sister responded to what happened to by taking off her head scarf. joe said his name is that the movement is like embers among the ashes. i like the fire can reignite at any time. who am i sure? nevada bush, i guess mohammed d was awarded the 2023 nobel peace prize. it's both an honor and an inspiration for all those who have taken to the streets and risk their lives under the banner of sion, john as id, woman, life, freedom. this is not guess mohammed's message from the prison. i called on own of you to help free people from all sort terry and systems, especially religious and miss such an estate, ones the stand up for peace,
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