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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  December 13, 2023 1:02am-1:30am CET

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was as we have for the past 2 centuries, it has to become a thing of the past. but how do we do that and how long should it take? apparently, it depends on who was asking and who was answering in dubai at the cop 20 a climate summit. there is anchor and disagreement over the final paper that everyone is supposed to sign. a reference to phasing out fossil fuels has been removed. and critics claimed this is exactly what the oil and gas lobbyist have wanted. all the law. i'm production berlin, this is the day the this tax needs to be the beginning of and then vicious arrows. the text includes all the elements we need for a comprehensive plan to 25th. what we need is 1st a clear signal that we would use fossil fuels to metric lease in the next decade, as well as pace it out by mid century. there are those who wants to phase out there
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was those one phase down there or what those who want different formulations, if there isn't enough tunnels, go up to any age of from continued on phasing out fossil fuels. this couple of the of failure. the point is to get a consent also coming up the politics of changing course in poland, the new prime minister, promising to repair ties with the european union, knowing it's easier said than done step of is i want to tell you that no one can now claim me into european union but to our viewers watching on cbs in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin the day with climate talks and overtime and in trouble . after 2 weeks of talks to night, the international climate conference are due by it looks headed for failure. thanks to a seemingly unbridgeable divide over the future of fossil fuels of the conference was
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supposed to be over by now. instead the go shaders are still trying to agree on the wording of the final paper that everyone signs. a 1st draft released on monday was rejected by some countries because it admitted any reference to a phase out of coal, oil, and gas, which scientists say are the largest contributors. by far 2 global warming, critics slammed the draft of text calling it a gift to lobby, as for big oil and gas climate activators. and former us vice president al gore, posted this on x or y used to be known as twitter. the world desperately needs to phase out fossil fuels as quickly as possible. but this obsequious draft reads as if opec dictated it word for word. it is even worse than many had fear. or think of course being the power for cartel of oil producing nations led by saudi
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arabia, and they've objected to any strong action against their trillion dollar industry. so report suggesting this, all these push to drop any mention of fossil fuels altogether. the u a. e is hosting this conference and has tried to put a positive spin on everything. take a listen. and we are trying to agree a comprehensive plan to close the gaps between where the world is and wherever it needs to be to keep 1.5 degrees within reach. that is all know stuff that has been or no style or long. part of this is to include language on fossil fuels in the text. if we can, that would be his star. well, outside one of the been using the by active is kept up. the pressure on the negotiators inside demanding an in to fossil fuels. a range of other measurements to reduce greenhouse gas emissions may be included in the final tags. but these protesters, along with more than a 100 countries, are saying now is the time to talk about ending the error of black gold known as or
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why 1st yes is a climate change in human rights lawyer test. the card is the founder and executive director of uplift and organization pushing to end the dependency on fossil fuels misconduct. good. they have you with this tonight? i'm you've been following events in dubai. i'm sure i'd like to get your thoughts on what is happening at the conference, particularly the this outrage over the wording of this final text to yeah, i mean, show us, i think the negotiations are at an impasse in this. there is a clear recognition from the majority of countries in the room that as the science says, you cannot address climate change without addressing fossil fuels. the beginning of fossil fuels is what drives the vast majority of greenhouse gas emissions. so there is not a world in which we stay within that critical threshold of $1.00 degrees that governments
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have a grades are without sizing out fossil fuels. but of course, there are a handful of big oil and gas producing countries as well as i think it's important to say a number of developing countries who don't think they should be made to phase out so. so people, we bass, supportive assistance, financial assistance from countries that have industrialized off the back of fossil fuels. so, you know, it's a very difficult point in the negotiations, and it's hard to say how the cult presidency can bridge dash the man in charge of this conference toll reporters. yesterday of that, the draft and text was a useful tool to determine the red lines for every country i. i heard him say that and then i thought, well this is cop 28. i mean, we're not at cop one or 2. are we supposed to be beyond identifying red lines? what do you say? i agree with you. i mean, especially, you know, what we've been hearing, you know, in terms of what's required to meet the climate goals that countries have grades or,
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you know, in paris that has started piracy agreement where everyone committed to staying within 1.5 degrees. josby see it. we've had again and again from the us and agencies from the international energy agency that you know, well where we started with in 1.5 degrees we caught have more fossil fuels. so i agree that the red lines have been clear and that it is incredibly disappointing to get to this point in the negotiations and not have a solution. let me, let me play devil's advocate a little bit here. the tech's called for the reduction to fossil fuels and a just orderly and equitable manner to achieve. net 0 by 2050. even the mention of fossil fuels is historic. so i would say, um, would you, would you grant that? yeah, i think, you know, it is true. that's thoughtful fuels as a whole. haven't been mentioned in the text before. we've had a mention of coal in the last couple of years. so that is progress. but it is still
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extraordinary when, as i said, we now have that climate change is driven by dining and fossil fuels that we are celebrating. the new recognition if that fact in that text, without a commitment to phase the mouse on a timeline that is commensurate with what the science required. and that indeed recognizes that some countries will need support to ensure that they live in serious economic trouble. is that transition happens too quickly? i mean, again, none of this is new. so i, i think we should wear, in time to expect to move from these processes and some ads. this outcome was inevitable with a major oil producer, wind, the u. a, the united arab emirates hosting the conference. yeah, i understand that seriously them. i mean, it's true that there are been other countries that have major fossil fuel industries that have hosted costs before and we've had outcomes. but the fact i
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think the president of this call is still occupying a position to see or of a national company does. right? some real questions are the, the integrity of the process. and i think the fact that the spot, as i said, the majority of countries wanting and fossil fuel 5 that talked about language didn't appear in the last drop down. start to raise some questions. and predictably that there's been major opposition from opec nations led by saudi arabia. how do you get to those nations on board if a fossil fuels stays out, is so key to mitigating climate change. 2 honestly, you know, i think the one good bit of news in 2023 is that the economics of the size out of fossil fuels are increasingly strong sir the profitability. the fact that there is a massive economic imperative to ship to why for both of you tools, renewable forms of energy. there is to monitor the technology exist,
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it is possible to scale those up. you know, i think you more than gas companies in oil and gas producing countries with serious about the long term economic future. that would be pivoting their business models away from oil and gas and towards renewable energy and the alert 0 calvin technologies of the future. because as i said, we are in position now and be imperative exist beyond climate change to move away from fossil fuels. and isn't that what, for example, so the radio has this project on 2030 isn't, isn't that what, what you're talking about a country built on petri dollars that is trying to basically change the dna of, of its economy. it's the right idea, but the fact is that at the international energy agency set just a few months ago, the oil and gas industry is still only responsible for one percent off. the investment in renewables gladly. it is an industry that is still overwhelmingly committed to extracting and buying fossil fuels. so yes, there are some signs of recognition that the future lies united alternative forms
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of energy, but the big oil and gas produces. and i should say, you know, in the u. k. where i am, you take government has just to prove to manage a new oil and gas field as well. so it's not just the gulf states to, i think doing absolutely the wrong thing here. so let's assume then that the flames will continue burning in the fossil fuel industry for it, for some time to come. there's talk about carbon capture as a solution. what's the problem with that as well, the problem is simply that it is not scalable. come actually in any way that makes it a technology that allows us to continue with business as usual. so there is a tiny amount of custom capture and storage that is functional at the moment globally. and it would only capture a fraction, a tiny fraction. it'd be missions that we're currently creating. and if you look at plans where we continue to the fossil fuels and in the increase expansion of fossil
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fuel production that relies on quantities of carbon capture and storage that, you know, we've had experts, again, like the international energy agencies. chair, say i simply fantasy it's not affordable, it doesn't exist but scale. and it is a huge risk for us to rely on those technology materializing in the future. the scale that we made them and what about the economic opportunities for the global south to leapfrog. but from there, from where they are right now in terms of generating energy and just to bypass fossil fuels dirty fuels and go to sustainable fuels. i'm thinking about africa for example. not everyone has to be nigeria with, with its oil. the visa hard doesn't, there's enough surface area there. if you wanted to put solar panels there to power the entire continent. where is the economic imperative to make that a reality? yeah, you're absolutely right. i mean, africa has hands down some of the best solar resources in the world. and, you know, let's be clear that bypassing fossil fuel development isn't just what's made is to
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present a safe climate and confidence like africa. some of them are as vulnerable as the climate change and about it, you'd also have all of these other benefits including reducing evolution, which takes a massive tall especially in developing countries when coal and so on of us. so i think it's absolutely right that we should expect, that those countries embrace those opportunities. they absolutely do not need financial support and technological support from countries industrialized countries who have been promising to provide support for those countries to transition for many years now. and i think that that's at the moment, the missing and gradient, as well as private investments from, from the private sector to ensure that they can sleep from 30 technologies and move straight to the claim. technologies of traffic on excellent to talk with you straight talking straight analysis about a situation, a problem that deserves everyone's attention. thank you. thank so much
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so both got your whole into use and will be a key strong saw from link of the north atlantic alliance. lowell stable ally to the united states. confident in its reasons, confident and its strength. unimportant, some of the it just follows god, poland will be gained. the position of leader of the european union, the base that was published smoothly elected prime minister donald tusk, promising that warsaw will be a stable ally of nato and a leader in the european union. this marks a political change, of course, for the country of nearly 40000000 people tusks, centrist pro western government replaces 8 years of rule by right wing anti easy populace task is also a former head of the european council. he has promised to one block and billions of europe. it was it is you age for his country aid that was frozen because of the
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tensions between brussels and the outgoing polish government task is also placed support for ukraine high on his agenda. he has criticized european leaders, are giving a voice to quote war the t. zip code is i'm, i want to say that ponens task, the new government's task. but also the task of all of us is too loudly and firmly demand food determination from the entire western community to help ukraine. and this more, i will do this from day one there go. yeah. my next guess now is you've seen it is on yucks use a publish political analyst and she joins me now from bloomington, indiana, it's good. they have you. where this to night from the great state of indiana tusk is a known commodity in europe as well as in poland. i mean there is this temptation to expect that to us. we'll be able to undo the past 8 years and simply move forward.
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in other words, put humpty dumpty back together again. is this expecting too much from him? a good evening them the thank you for the invitation. no, i don't think it's too much to expect from him. uh. you know, the, those gets not only that the, he pledged to go back to the european union and then to bring full land again of the one of the union. so it's not only was about the, you know, those cars be known for really contributing to the european integration for a, for many years. as you mentioned, the in your, in your clip uh tools cause the president the all and then you will be and conceal . he was also the president of the euro. can people spot in the european problem? and so this what it hasn't been doing for a for a 7 are yes, she really prove that she's the pro european union leader. and this is the
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2nd time that to the, to is going to be the prime minister. and during his 1st of the, of the 1st minister of the prime minister. it was between 20072014. uh, you know, poland was very much appreciated as the member of the european union and the poland was for a very active and submitted. so that all initiate the if in the european union to strengthen the they were getting the gratian. so in an actual i would say this was the tools come is promising, has already, has been already doing 1st of all. right? yeah. what, what does he represent now that he is prime minister again? does this mean that questions about poland, perhaps not being a liberal democracy any more? can those questions, can they simply be dispelled and removed and,
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and your end of stories? let's move forward as uh, you know, hope so. uh, there will be quite a lot of things to do in order to restore the sofa to the form that has been done by the law and just these. uh so that needs to be the legal on that the pest will be approved by the problem. and but go see that thing, but now the, the college impact is they've got, they've got the majority in the problem and i think it can be done. the obstacles is, and this can be one of the difficult issues that see, you know, the president of poland is a i'm sure i do the course affiliated with the line just days and that she's got the instruments also to block somebody go on that can be approved by the, by the problem and by the presidential election in poland will take place next year . it went, it went the for so hopefully, you know,
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there also be the president who you have a more the better on it problem. let me, let me ask you about that. you know, that you said due to is, is there, he's the president. there are still mechanisms in place that could block what mr. tusk would like to do with his government. i'm how realistic is it then that his ambitions, you know, they, they could be hampered and limited to a significant degree moving forward. you know, some, uh, some, uh, acs can be for sure. approved even without the problem. it can be just implemented by the government. i'll act, uh so this, this can be done. so, so i, i wouldn't say that it's not possible. yeah it's, it's definitely possible to change some of those. the stuff has been implemented. but again, i would say there are still some challenges. go see that thing, but learn just these uh receive, you know, the, the quite large number of votes in the election. they go to more than 30 percent,
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then they've got the future presentation in the, in the fall and, and also with the president. but definitely what we can expect is the different style of the government a and the approach to the, to the partners. and i would say, you know, the donna, dues and, and the ministers because he also mention the names of the ministers of his, of his new government. they all pay a passion, you know, to the dialogue to corporation with the partners to the compromise. and they know the poland asked to go back. those said, you know, uh, that stronger the european community is the stronger poland is. let me just ask you really quickly, there's been this narrative that right wing parties are on the rise in europe. is poland, an example to book that trend? i think so. okay, yes. so there is the far right spot, same in poland,
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but they didn't tries and they knew both the configuration. but this far right vocalist parker, they got more or less the same goals that they had the last time. and so i would say yes, the full length is the, is the example that the trends can be reversed. okay? you seem to is not just talking to us tonight from bloomington, indiana. we appreciate your time and your excellent analysis. thank you. thank you so much for helping me download tasks the 1st day back on the job. as prime minister also had some controversy with an active anti semitism in the parliament building and mt from a far right party, used to a fire extinguisher to put out a honda crv nor the menorah had been led to mark the start of the jewish holiday. the festival of lights, of the incidents, delayed a vote in parliament, confidence in the 1st new capital to success. the action was
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a disgrace. it has been widely condemned, both inside and outside. the home. president zalinski made it so clear how he needs help. but if he gets the help, he can win this war, we need a clear articulation of the strategy to allow ukraine to win. and thus far their responses have been insufficient. if we lose who wins. and this will be very, very dangerous for the united states. what the, by the ministration seems to be asking for is billions of additional dollars with no appropriate oversight. he also make one other point. he needs the aid quickly. those are just some of the comments coming from congressional leaders in washington today, after talks between lawmakers and ukrainian president. both of them is the landscape as so lensky was backed us capital today, but it was far from the heroes. welcome he received last winter. you may recall,
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he's been trying to break the gridlock in congress over new aid for ukraine to keep up the fight against russia's invasion of the additional money. about $60000000000.00 is bundled off in a sweeping security package requested by us president binding and white. so often the split is along partisan lines, republicans are insisting on more immigration and border restrictions in exchange for passing. this bill in time is running out. this is the final week before congressmen go home for the holiday. the white house says that current aid for ukraine will run out by the end of this year. president biden told the president zelinski that despite the hold up in congress, the us will stand at ukraine's saw. this is one of those moments congress needs to pass the supplemental funding ukraine before the break holiday recess,
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before they give the credit as christmas gift, they could possibly give me a call back congress to do the right thing to stand with ukraine to stand up for freedom to your brain is less depends on age and we are moving to the right thing, right direction that i want to discuss with the president. how, how distressed, and it's especially in enhancing our here to pass and the ability to destroy process logistics like holly janelle, doing well and has more now on the meeting between these 2 presidents, between zelinski and by you know, this has a meeting that one pretty much as expected bite and used it as an opportunity to express solidarity for ukraine, saying that the u. s. stands by ukraine. and i suppose the, the big issue announcement of that he made in his remarks was that he, he declared another 200000000 and draw down funds for ukraine. and this is,
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of course, so something that so long as he can take home with them. so he doesn't kind of go home empty handed, but of course this is a far from far cry from the 61000000000 dollar funding that i taught biden wanted to see past for ukraine. that of course, is currently in gridlock among us lawmakers. now as far as the lens keys party use this as an opportunity to call, once again for the aid that ukraine needs, he wants better air defenses. he wants to be able to get the ukrainian forces to disrupt person logistics. those are the things that he mentioned, but so you know, both these leaders have an uphill climb and convincing the washington establishment . there is of course, this prevailing view here that the counter event offensive has fallen into a ceiling made. there are differences between keys and washington as to how to turn
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that tied. but of course, without additional us financing before the end of the year, that tide is going to be very difficult to turn. indeed. that was, you know, do, but now they're reporting from washington. today continues online. you'll find this on x, also known as twitter and youtube and dw news. you can follow me on those platforms at brent golf tv. and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day, we'll see you then if the, the, the
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