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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 13, 2023 5:00am-5:16am CET

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december 22nd on d w, and the this is dw news line from berlin, ukraine's president on a mission to secure more us a mr. president, on my walk away from ukraine. neither will the american people, despite biden's boards of support for republicans are still blocking funding for ukraine's war against russia. also coming up on the program, israel appears increasingly isolated as a huge majority in the un general assembly backs and immediate cease fire and gaza
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. only 10 countries oppose the resolution, including israel's closest ally, the united states, the, and there, and took maryland. thank you very much for joining us. we're starting to washington, we're ukraine's president of the loading. there's a lensky has met with political leaders in a bid to get more support for his country's fight against russia. the white house says current aid for ukraine will run out by the end of the year, as republicans in congress are refusing to release additional funds for key if, after the meeting, the lensky, president biden, excuse me, after the meetings the lensky and president biden said that that would be a gift to a russian leader vladimir, put for food is banking on the united states. failing to deliver for ukraine. we must, we must, we must prove him wrong. a strong warning from us president j bite and directed
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straight to the united states congress where republicans are blocking a $61000000000.00 defense package for you. right. thank you, mr. president. standing beside him, ukrainian president for low dom is zalinski, said he had received positive signals from no makers about the possibility of more aid, but no results yet. and as us funding for ukraine is foster running out republicans of digging the heels and republicans speak of the house of representatives. mike johnson came out of an earlier meeting with zelinski unmoved . and so what the, by the ministration seems to be asking for is billions of additional dollars with no appropriate oversight, no clear strategy to win. and, and none of the answers that i think the american people or domestic politics is
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also guessing in the way republicans say they were in to proof of the financial support to ukraine, unless by degrees to tougher reforms to reduced immigration across the southern us . buddha, welcome back. the u. s. president underlined his backing of ukraine several times during zalinski shore trip to dc, but without the support of congress, he could only sent him home with the fraction of the funding he's hoping for. earlier i asked the w as washington correspondent janelle dom island, if there was any sign that the republican blockade could soon be resolved as well. if there was any sign that the republicans are willing to make concessions, we haven't seen that was so much evidence of that yet. the fact is that the republicans had their position on this, even before the lensky came, and that the landscape, and even after the landscape arrived and talk to them and,
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and give a speech. so there's a, there's very little sign that he was able to move them from their positions. but i think it's important to realize that, you know, there is, this is an amano, this among republican. now there's an, a monolith in thinking law, the republican lawmakers that there are those who generally support aid for ukraine, but are still willing to use of ukraine aid as a bargaining chip in order to extract concessions on the us mexico border. and there are those republicans for whom the ukraine aid is loss over priority, but for whom perhaps these republican demands for a border deal might have provided cover. so this was the dynamics that zalinski was walking into. there was very little that he could say or do to move these republicans from their positions because of the fact that the end of the day is the thing that was holding you. crane a buck had nothing to do with ukraine,
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that was dw washing correspondence and now do my on. and as the lensky tried to draw on support in the us, there has been another russian missile attack against the key of the mirror of cubes. so several people have been wounded in that attack. and now we turn to israel, where it is increasingly looking to isolated as the un general assembly has overwhelmingly back to resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in gaza. unlike security council resolutions, those passed by the general assembly are not legally binding. $153.00 countries voted in favor of the measure and with only 10 voting against, including the us and israel, germany and $22.00 other nations epstein that of the vote. israel's un representative condemned the resolution. he said a ceasefire would only benefit from us, which is regarded as a terrorist group by many countries. there was celebration of the un as to cease fire resolution paused with more than 3 quarters of the general assembly.
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voting and save the death and israel z u n. and bassett. a had all you before the vote that the resolution would only benefit a mass, but just a handful of countries joined israel and his closest ally the us in voting. no one has been adopted to day was a historic day in terms of the power for the message that was sent from the general assembly. and it is or could active duty to continue in this past until we see and then to his aggression against our people. while the vote in new york demonstrates much of the world once in the end to the fighting. these riley government seems determined to press on. it is repeatedly ruled out ending military operations until all the hostages and calls that a freed a mass is mental that's despite thousands of posting and
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casualties. and the increasingly dia, humanitarian situation for those trapped within the besieged territory of these a trucks entering the southern city of rafa from egypt or causes lifeline. but fall to few. i'm making it through on tuesday, israel said it would facilitate more a deliveries by starting to check a trucks at the care. i'm so long check point before the mass terrorist attacks on october 7th, most goods ended gauze a via, this is really crossing. now israel says convoys will only be inspected, occur amish alone, and we'll still have to enter from egypt. here's a quick look at some other headlines making news around the world. a new draft deal at the top 20
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a climate summit calls for transitioning away from fossil fuels like no phase out emerge from overnight talks. and due by the previous draft face resistance after it removed a reference to phasing out fossil fuels under pressure from some oil producing nations argentina's new economy minister has announced he's flashing the value of the country's currency by more than half the move as part of the measures intended to use the worst economic crisis in the country in decades. argentina's new writing populace president have you emulate him, as promised to glasgow to public spending in poland, the pro e u. government of newly elected prime minister done on task as one of those of confidence in parliament. that means tusk and his cabinet can now take up government business to us will be sworn in later today by polish president andre to the company. we're a middle spot that ivonya finland has announced it will reopen to crossings on his border with russia. in november, helsinki shut all of its 8 border crossings with russia after the keys. moscow of
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encouraging migrants from 3rd countries depressing to finland. helsinki says this was in retaliation for its decision to join nato. the criminal has denied that the council of europe has asked finland to ensure it keeps and stores open for migrant seeking protection. the closures meant many russians speakers living in finland or cut off from family members inside russia. i knew about that. hello. hello. how are you? he's on cheerful. it's all the same. instead of hugs and kisses, now only telephone calls, just 200 kilometers, separate to mckinney from his father, east gainey and his family lived in the finish city of elaborate on his bed across the border in saint petersburg. when seen and shut down, it's border with russia. you're guinea didn't know when he would see his father
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again. his death was recently diagnosed with cancer and suffered as to the ocean because of us though of doing your says that i'm, i'm very worried about his health. as i said, what if he gets worse now and i come to you with him. yeah, but i'm glad you think he misunderstood. i'm even thinking i would have to leave my family here 5 years a while you send you a decides and drive through more months. going to know a fly by a simple i don't know how to get to him. being said, got to shake, feel on says it's close. it's a border with russia after rice and asylum seekers arriving from 3rd countries. helsinki blame moscow for orchestrating and migration crisis was deletion for fema joining nato. a just say to russia that it needs to be stopped and i used to be in lapland,
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as 1000 kilometers away from helsinki was the last border crossing to close 80 w. crew. when they're the day before the situation, there was calm. in the last 2 days, no asylum seekers had tried to cross the border and to finland. journalists were only showing a pile of bicycles and allegedly left by those who had overdue crossed. yet this thing is government decided to shut down the water completely. it was a big blow for nearly 100 solomon's russians speakers instantly and they mostly lived in the south in seat is like let them in costco. around 5 percent of left run, the citizens are russians speakers, russian border. it is only 25 kilometers away. and many have friends and relatives on the other side. you've jeannie and his wife victoria had been hoping that the board would open again soon to allow them to spend the holidays with their family. yeah, fortunately, i really,
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really hope for christmas miracle life and i believe in it, and i think it will happen. but you don't wish that the procedure for now they keep in touch with their family over the phone every day, or germany has pulled his very last soldiers out of molly, ending a decade, long deployment to the west african countries as part of united nations peacekeeping force that you wouldn't mission and molly was created to help stabilize the country as a battled or do you, how does insurgency, molly's really know when they demanded the mission is departure despite being in the grip of the hottest violets and other crises. it's the end of the mission considered among the board. does this most dangerous german soldiers a pulling out of money often more than a decade? it all started back in 2013 often militant islam is threatened to accomplish little by my cool german troops arrived as part of it. and you training mission 1st to so molly and soldiers,
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how to defend the country against separatists. and then as part of a un peacekeeping mission called mino sma overtime. more than 24000 german soldiers were deployed in money. the mission repeatedly extended by the board to talk. at 1st there were huge majorities for continuing the mission to watch the end. however, skepticism grew both in parliament and among the german public. when monte is military over through the civilian government in 2021. germany's relations with the contact became increasingly from not least because the new rulers maintain strong ties to moscow and brought in russian series. in june, molly's government demanded the immediate withdrawal of all un troops. the motors law, unfortunately, most most seems to have become part of the problem by ceiling. tensions in the community familiar with it was and by extremely serious accusations, that's
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a very detrimental to piece reconciliation and national cohesion in molly. yeah. luck with you on us or not. would you mind the situation leads to a feeling of mistrust among the population towards mendoza? and to a crisis of confidence between them all the and also or it is and been us about the money in the let me do some like other members of the un mission, germany decided to pull out the door with data. and i very much regret that this mission is now coming to an end in this way because it has become clear to us in the discussions we find ourselves in a real dilemma. situation in molly has not improved and yet not the mission itself failed. it is the conditions that have caused the mission to fire. this is not the fault of given politics, and certainly not the fault of the book despair and its sole just disability on the bottom. even though its soldiers are now gone, germany wants to continue providing development 8 for money. whether the security
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situation is stable enough for this 8 to make a difference, is now in the hands of monies government. and you're up to date, but to stay tune up next or the film program takes you on a train ride on the beat, the muse reunification express, which helped to reconcile with divided north and south after the vietnam war. i'm here until berlin. thank you very much. for joining us the trast fashion as an environmental night a clothing graveyard in the to land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and light us textile waste gets stranded fashion, watch now on youtube.


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