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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 13, 2023 7:00am-7:15am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the news life from ballot. a last stage being imagine is to break the deadlock of the time it talks into by all large negotiations that complimented, produce a new text which could mean progress in the transition to net 0. greenhouse gas is, if you have to be approved though, and crucially doesn't cool for phasing out fossil fuels, also coming up, your brains president is on a mission to secure more us aid to president all not walk away from ukraine.
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neither will the american people. but despite biden's buds of support, republicans still blocked funding for ukraine's war with russia. and in the war in gaza is around the pair as increasingly isolated by huge majority of the un general assembly bucks an immediate cease fire. only 10 countries portfolios, the resolution, including israel's closest ally, the us, the expenditure welcome a new draft tax for the final declaration was released in the early morning of the global climate conference comp 28 in the by the had been tense discussions over the past for 2 years because because earlier versions had not talked about the phasing out of all fossil fuels,
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including cold oil and gas. that was projected by dozens of country is including the european union and germany. now following all like that goes your agents, the united auto, but it's conference presidency, has submitted a new proposal with stronger language that goals for transitioning away from fossil fuels. right, let's get more from the, the correspondence eunice identity. who is that golf? 28 in dubai. june up. so transitioning a weight loss is phasing out of fossil fuels. what is the difference? so these might seem like technicalities, small details in the language, but they can actually make a world of difference in this kind of agreement. and a lot of countries were pushing for language on a phase out because it is a stronger language. it means that we're going to have to stop producing and consuming all fossil fuels. what they have come to now, which seems to be
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a compromise is transitioning away, it still means that eventually we will move away from using fossil fuels, but it is weaker language even though it leads to the same goal. it is not the same as the wording phase out. so we have weaker language, therefore, does this draw text become an improvement? even a break to of the it is definitely on the improvement on the draft that cause outraged on monday, coming from the presidency, we see that we have moved from wording on reducing fossil fuels to moving away, transitioning away. that is a big improvement than we've heard from n g o's here on the ground, but also from some leaders that business definitely an improvement. we've seen a clea, a clear reference to of the goal of keeping the goal inside of keeping global temperature rises to the limits of 1.5 degrees celsius. that is also very important,
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but it is definitely a compromise that in there is still language on coal in there, which is the most polluting of all fossil fuels, saying that they will phase down the use of cool. there is also a reference to subsidies to fossil fuels that say, says it will try to reduce inefficient subsidies. so money given to fossil fuel projects. so it is definitely a compromise between contrasting positions here june of why is there so much i'll position to phasing out fossil fuels when everyone knows that fossil fuels of the main cause of climate change? well, economic interest come into play here. there are countries like, for example, saudi arabia who's economy depends on x forwarding fossil fuels, specifically oil. there are other countries who have a similar situation with gas, but then there are also also country whose energy grid and networks depend on consuming fossil fuels. for example, india, uh, using a lot of coal and oil, and
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a lot of these countries say we would like to transition away from using fossil fuels. but we don't have the financial means to bring this transition to fruition. that's why they're also asking for funding in the text coming from industrialized and developed countries to help with this transition. we see in this text and this draft that has just come out to that this funding is not really clearly stated. so this could also be an item of contention. we leave it there for the timing behind so much for all that. do difficult respond to join us on any of the cop 28th. and to bye, thanks so much. i to your plans president followed, debated the landscape has met the political leaders in washington dc in a bid to get more support for this country's fight against russia. the white house is common to aid for ukraine would run out by the end of the year, as republicans in congress refused to release additional funds. often meetings or landscape president biden boned republicans. they would be given russian lead uh
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vladimir to 14, a christmas gift. if they withheld military aid, potent is banking on the united states failing to deliver for ukraine. we must, we must, we must prove him wrong. a strong warning from us president j biden directed straight to the united states congress, where republicans are blocking a 61000000000 dollar defense package for you frame. thank you, mr. president. standing beside him, ukrainian president for low dom is zalinski, said he had received positive signals from no makers about the possibility of more aid, but no results yet. and as us funding for ukraine is foster running out republicans of digging the hills and republicans speak of the house of representatives. mike johnson came out of an earlier meeting with zelinski unmoved
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. and so what the bite administration seems to be asking for is billions of additional dollars with no appropriate oversight, no clear strategy to win. and, and none of the answers that i think the american people are road domestic politics is also guessing in the way republican said they waiting to prove the financial support to ukraine, unless by degrees to tougher reforms, to reduced immigration across the southern us. buddha, welcome back. the u. s. president underlined his backing of ukraine several times during zelinski show a trip to dc, but without the support of congress, he could only sent him home with the fraction of the funding he's hoping for. right next spring and dw grand correspond to me kindly in case make, before we get into what's happening in the us, talk to us a bit about what's happening and key because there are reports overnight about me, sile striking
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a hospital. so we're all working up here. the rest at about 3 am local time, bye. very loud bangs. i think where we were, that was the defense. michelle is working, but we've had now in recent kind of arrow. so from the authority say that 10 russian ballistic missiles were intercepted, they were all in septic, one of these reports. but that has been ceasing damage from deputy from those pulling me. so that has to be said, this is quite an achievement, this ballistic missiles fly, look foster, and a lot higher than more conventional cruise missiles. and these, when we saw that up to a couple of months ago, ukraine wouldn't have been able to down. so russert is stepping up, it's attacked on key of buffing out key of seemingly able to defend itself, will be at significant cost of about $50.00 people injured to various degrees. and i think it's a reminder now that as an, excuse me, it was in dc that russia is still very much attacking places behind footlights, like cuban resistance of war that isn't just happening somewhere on the front lines . nick, you're talking with me silent tax and therefore we have to talk about ukrainian and
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defensive because they come into the big job. but would they be, for instance, affected if you as a, the ukraine about to be phased out or significantly reduced? well, certainly the us is basically replaceable as the supply of minute create in terms of financial aid, keeping ukraine's pensions and wages paid. that is something that you are paying countries japan other done is increasingly taking over playing a bigger role in but in terms of providing things like me sells for the patriot missile system, which we presume might have been used today to down those rest themselves. there is basically no alternative and even if you create what's getting money for the countries to buy us weapons, if you're buying these things, combustion you often have to wait years to get them. whereas us currently is just taking things out of it, storage and giving it directly to the ukrainians to be able to basically keep up with this balance of, of a rush missile. so that really isn't any way around that us supply of weapons. and right now, basically without us support, it looks like your brain would at best be able to go into kind of defensive mode and basically try and hold the territory. it's currently in control of that being
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said that you can encounter the offensive against russian troops. hasn't uh, gone to plan, how does the ukrainian government intend to win this war? but when you talk to ukrainian, we'll treat people of the record of the camera. they will tell you this, they say we try it and the someone to do what you told us, we try to follow the native doctor and we go to those tanks. we put them in a big column and we try to attack one section. the front line, and that just doesn't work if you don't have control of us based, they say the americans with the europeans would never have done the same kind of attack, would never put their troops at that risk without a superiority. and the other thing that has basically taken everyone by surprise is water role at drones, particularly kindly, kazi, a drones play. basically, nothing can be kept secret on the front lines. lots of the all much technology that used to be able to move is now basically pins to one location has to basically hide is as soon as any tank stopped moving, those drones come in and destroy. it took me at the tech that is worth a lot more than those drones costs. so they are now looking at small out for
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patients trying to get behind the russian lines and hoping that they can break the logistics of the rest inside. we live with their, with the time being. thanks so much for joining us today. at the debit card. respond to me. come late, mt. thanks so much. i to israel has come under pressure from its allies over its war in gaza at the campaigned event. president biden criticized is ralph cold, indiscriminate bumping in gaza and said, is there any risks losing international support? but it's rarely and says, continue for weeks all months with it's offensive against thomas, which is classified as a ton of grew by the us. you and other countries, but position has in, is rarely increasingly isolated. as the un general assembly has overburden mainly back to resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian seas 5 and gaza. a 153 countries voted in favor with only time against including israel and the united
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states, germany and 22 others epstein. unlike security council resolutions, those passed by the general assembly not legally binding. there was celebration of un cease fire resolution paused with more than 3 quarters of the general assembly voting and save the death and israel z u n and bass of the head all the before the vote that the resolution would only benefit a mass. but just a handful of countries joined israel and it's closest ally. the us in voting know hasn't been adopted to day was a historic day in terms of the power for the message that was sent from the general assembly. and it is or could active duty to continue in this past until we see and then to this aggression against our people. while the vote in new york demonstrates much of the world once in the end to the fighting. these riley government seems
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determined to press on. it is repeatedly ruled out ending military operations until all the hostages and calls that are freed. and how mass is mental is that despite thousands of posting and casualties and the increasingly dia, humanitarian situation for those trapped within the besieged territory. these a trucks entering the southern city of rafa from egypt or causes lifeline. but far too few, i'm making it through on tuesday, israel said it would facilitate more a deliveries by starting to check a trucks at the care. i'm shalom check point before the mass terrorist attacks on october 7th. most goods ended garza via this is really crossing. now
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israel says convoys will only be inspected, occur amish alone, and will still have to enter from egypt. as a quick look now at some of the other news headlines around the world in poland, the pro is you government of newly elected prime minister donald task has won a vote of confidence in parliament. that means trust and his cabinet can now take up government business disk would be sworn in later today by opponents president andres to the to so just click that and he knows new economy minister has announced he's slashing the value of the countries come and say, i'm more than half the move as part of measure was intended to ease the worst economic crisis in decades as in tina as new right when pop and as president javier mean a has promised to drastically reduce public spending. and literally a government has destroyed more than 25000 firearms,
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many confiscated by police and the courts present. gabriel board said the initiative helps prevent criminals using fight arms and limits the risk associated with owning guns at home to get up to date up next, overcoming body streaming and impossible beauty standards in india. that's off to the break on page manage it. and then i'll see you soon, the vacation as an applicant, do they have the web i, when i told me that they don't have to do this. and we go say tulsa tissue today, because when they go to that video mailed home,


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