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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 13, 2023 10:00am-10:16am CET

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december 22nd on the w and the, basically the news life from berlin. an historic breakthrough of the comp plan with the summer. it's all life that goes here, isn't the device result in an agreement to transition away from fossil fuels. so hot for steel, sends a file from signal to investors and policy makers. scientists say it is the last best hope to stave off the climate disaster. and the pressure is mounting on either . i know, but it's water gave a mazda and does a huge majority of the you are in general. assembly has voted to back an immediate
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cease fire, but these royalties continue with it's offensive. the manage manage you welcome. a deal has been reached at the global climate conference comp 28 in the by of to all our talks. a new text was the least in the early morning and approved just a few hours later. the agreement calls for transitioning away from all fossil fuels, including cold oil and gas. 7 observers called that, well, i think historically others wonders enthusiastic saying they had hoped for stronger language over the rejection of fossil fuels and representatives of pacific island nations course and the coast correction they had hoped for had not been achieved to
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correspond to join us deli in to by explains how this climate ticket was reached. but it was a lot of talking in through the night. the cop president was speaking to all the different groups of countries involved here at comp. and finally this morning, the news of a text being presented and then it was approved. it was a big work of compromise. the only way that they found to bring countries together that had very different positions, especially on the issue of fossil fuels, was to find wording and a compromise that would make everybody happy. then that seems to have happened with disapproval, fossil fuels that pose the sticking point. what is the future of coal, oil and gas now? well, now for the 1st time, this is a big point of progress that we haven't seen before in any comp agreements. we see the words fossil fuels included in the agreement what has not been achieved as what
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the most ambitious countries wanted, which was the wording on phasing out fossil fuels. so stopping the production and the consumption of fossil fuels, the compromise that was found was working on transitioning away from fossil fuels, which a commentators have said is pointing in the same direction as a phase out, but it is weaker language. it gives countries more wiggle room to interpret themselves. what transitioning away means. there are also some provisions in the text that reference specific fossil fuels. for example, coal referencing coal, the most polluting fossil fuels, the tech speaks of a phase down of a reduction rather than stopping it's use. and there's also a reference to transitional fossil fuels. and that is a um, implicit reference to gas. and this would mean that countries like russia, for example, could continue to produce. and so, guess you know, so how, how 4 countries most affected by point i'm
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a change of actor to this what we've heard from the alliance of small island states. and these are really some of the countries that whose livelihood is and whose existence is at risk from a global warming. they have said that of this is not what they wanted. this doesn't go far enough to reach the goal that was recognized by science and was recognized by cop before in the paras agreement, which is to keep the warming of the planets below. 1.5 degrees celsius. they say this doesn't go far enough, and some countries also have concern regarding implementations of the measures agreed today and also funding how can they fund the transition away from fossil fuels and to renewable energy use? we live at the time mean by thanks so much for joining us today at the democrats funding journal. southerly into bye. thanks so much. now you as
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a quick look at some of the other headlines making news around the world, germany is running sweet. bought it or what are some government has reached to date on the federal budget for 2024. it follows weeks of negotiations off to the court ruling through government finances into these array. no details of the budget are available yet for the briefing. you scheduled for later today. down to northern queensland in australia, basing for tropical sites on just but we just set to make land for later today. officials one a winds of up to a 140 kilometers but uh, the 2nd ones. first, wayne's brought down power lines with almost 16000 homes, facing outages for lawmakers in the united kingdom have voted in favor of the governments. rolanda been the been able to send some asylum seekers on a one day trip to the wanda. it is part of by the government action to record levels of regular and irregular immigration. the policy is a good many human rights groups. instead of the 2 knows the economy minister has
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announced he's flashing the value of the countries compensate by more than off. the move is bought of measures intended to ease the worst economic crisis. in decades, argentina has new rights being popular as president, javier, i mean a has promised to drastically reduce public spending. schools in highways, in thoughts of northern and central china. i have been close for the 2nd time this week. after heavy snowfall and high winds, experts predict as much as 20 centimeters of snow in some areas. the snow is expected to be followed by plunging temperatures. the un general assembly is recent, both on a ceasefire and gaza has had overburdening backing. yet israel still being serious, it will continue with its ad and ground defensive against thomas, which is classified as a tete, a group by the us, e. u and other countries, based on the ministry has now designated a metal strip and south cause a gold. i'll move a c as a humanitarian zone, it has directed cousins to relocate,
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but the area lacks the basic necessities of filter water for thousands of display strategies. the strength of barren land, crammed with desperate gauze and seeking safety in us, mostly heated israel's coal, to sleep. and the last, the in southern gaza when her home was boned. she now lives with her children in a thin plastic tent street. it's no place for us to worship pre. if you want to wash and get tons fittest and hopefully for that, there is no way or we can bake or get bread. it has to be clean or supermarket. it's a complete and marked 80 a little in us and other palestinians and the last see describe it is dangerously overcrowded and lacking in basic necessities like shouts, medical services and food. but israel has described alas seat as
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a humanitarian zone, and issued orders for civilians to evacuate. the saying, aid will arrive. we'd be making a game with everything we have our in our capabilities, every effort we can to facilitate the movement of civilians and the size in order to mitigate civilian casualties. we're doing everything we can to set the conditions for the humanitarian zone in the otherwise the coastline. the area makes up just a tiny fraction of the densely populated gaza strip. about 14 square kilometer is israel has changed, the exact board is of the safe. so in several times, and some of the occupation orders have not mentioned last, see it all age groups of cold israel is offer of safety, a clean mirage inside the situation. and the last seat is dial. you mentioned a top pocket people stacked on top of each other with all this do without
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a toilet stool without a drop of water. so he, you would absolutely have have side zones that are signs of disease and will become pretty, are in any sign projections onto it. so it's such a important narrative to, to break this idea that people can just go to sizes or anything. i wish there was absolutely nothing sites about this, the gardens sheltering in and the last the say they've found no sense of safety that well, let me spend all night listening to the bombing. we're living with the knife and good. at any moment it may be our done, and our kids going to die as little as not. the united nations says more than 85 percent of causes population has been displaced by the war. and that here in milwaukee, like everywhere in gaza, there is no way a truly safe to go. and just housing blueshot told me about the status of humanitarian aid,
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deliberately managed to reach people in olive mercy. well this is the problem, not only in m o. c, across the goddess rep, we are taking sweet places like north garza, the south and in the mall as the north gauze light is suffering from the shortage of everything. and according to the people i talked to and the reports coming from there, there is no nothing from the anything and delivered there except the time when there was the bose. this house is like, um we are talking about 1900000 people are living in a very small area and the need is very high for them. oh, i see as low as he is. um, uh, it's a design place, a small place. not everybody is there, so some organizations are delivering aid, but it's not, you know, of course. now the idea is, keeps going out of my way. i see uh, is your monetary on zone. i wonder if it is really armies doing anything to
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facilitate that? well what, what is, what are you the army is doing is quoting people to go there. and they said from the 1st day off, but i wouldn't ask the people to go or to evacuate to the south. but as it what they are doing is like, according to the people, nope, environment there, but i mean it's not clear who's responsible for it on there was said like we have no responsibility for the area. it's not under our, our duty, other organizations as well. they are saying we, we didn't know, but still some, some, some charities on some organizations only delivering some food and some aid, which is what people still say. it's not enough. and especially in this rainy and cold weather, how's that? is there any place and goes out that's actually safe for civilians?
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and this is the question i be not like all the time. of course not, there is no shelters. i mean like under, i mean protecting filters as a proper shelter. 4 gallons, and many people were killed or some, at least according to the officers about 40 or even more. their cent of the casualties were from the south, where the people asked to leave a to and, and, and, and many people where displaced from the north and they were killed in the south. and a huge number of people were and maxing this case. and all the people in goals, i say no, no safe place. of course there is some places list danger. then all those, especially the areas where the ground invasion is taking place. the un general assembly has voted overwhelmingly for
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a ceasefire. and president biden has criticized israel. so it's called indiscriminate bombing in gaza to people in gaza. think that the world is on their side in gaza. they care about fast, about the, the basic needs that the, the, the one at this level. so can they call for an immediate cease fire and said they, they uh they complain and, and criticize the whole word because they are not doing enough for them. whether helping them in this circumstances or pushing is will to stop the hostilities and they think they are a bad that isolated and they left alone. this is the common thing that i hear from people, or they need to be bar across. the goal is a stretch, of course, there are some,
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some efforts every day that we're not talking to people. they are on the os. me what, what, what's happening is they are sign or a cease fire or something and people talking about um, but definitely they feel that they are offended and alone. we leave it there for the time being. thanks so much for joining agendas. tubs in ballasa, and i'm on thank you or so in europe, donald task has been sworn in as bolan's new 5 minutes to this morning, and then a to as of next them is true. and he has taken office nearly 2 months after the national election. that was won by coalition of bodies ranging from left wing to model the conservative desk is the former president of the art of pen console and his baton to par is seen as a step forward for police democracy. he has vowed to restore the congress position in the you and is a strong becca off your great, not look to the moment my problem. you're watching the videos here as a reminder of our top story of this. uh,
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there has been an historic break to at the top pretty assignments. summary, oftentimes, thoughts negotiators approved a deal to transition away from fossil fuels. scientists say a shop ton away from fossil fuels is necessary to stave off climate. the best you're up to date of next date of this documentary series takes you to the judge can photo site of one of the last battles of world war 2. that's off the big companies kind of didn't the name caesar we want to be the number one principal carzillo, the car to clean and empire of crime. lose even up to us tells one point a made up currency. then she disappears with house of trees. a financial thriller about the world's most wanted woman crypto queen stops december 30th on dw.


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