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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 13, 2023 2:00pm-2:15pm CET

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of the the, this is dw news live from the land and the historic breakthrough at the cold climate summits all night negotiations and do 5 results in an agreement to transition away from fossil fuels. the hard for deal sends a powerful signal to investors and policy may cuz fine to say it is the last best hope to stave off climate disaster will say coming up on the program, prussia is mounting on israel over its boy games come off in gaza. a huge majority of the un general assembly voted to fax an immediate ceasefire,
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but israel says it will continue with it. so $0.10 on president biden supports ukraine in its mission to secure us 8 to president on our walk away from ukraine. neither will the american people, republicans in congress, are still locking us funding for ukraine's against russian. the new tips mckinnon. thanks so much for joining us. a deal has been reached at the global climate conference club 28th in due by officer will night talks a new text was released in the early morning and approved it just a few hours later. now the agreement calls for transitioning away from all fossil fuels and including from coal, oil and gas. several observe is cool. that loading historic is what the comp
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28 presidents health enough met al job i had to say about that is a plan that is led by the science. that is a balance that that goes emissions bridges the gap on i deputation. but he imagines global finance and delivers on loss on damage. we have the basis to make a transform ation of the change happen. let us finish what we have started. hitting no objection. it is so decided that the deputies attend the sound bug is in divine. he gave us an assessment of the reactions to the deal. well,
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it is for such an historic deal or has at least a story, elements for 30 years of climate change, the climate change conference history. it was never possible to mention fossil fuels in the final agreement. and now parties have agreed to, to just transition away from fossil fuels. so this is huge, and this is indeed his story about germany's foreign minister said before we have been with one foot in the fossil fuel worlds and with one foot in the world of the renewables. now the end of the fossil fuel era has been decided for 2 years ago. it was unimaginable to talk about to negotiate about fossil fuels. this has been done here before the hospitals. we saw that in the, in the past days, it was really emotional. but we also have to say those commitments on non bind. so it really depends on lead us to go back home now and put into practice what they have decided to you. otherwise, it's an historic agreement on people. right?
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so this is, disagreement is non binding and talking about things, practically, we're talking about a transition away from. so does this really mean the end of fossil fuels any time soon? well, definitely not. and here is the devil in the detail. um, it mentions just to highlight some points and countries are required to transition away from fossil fuels according to their capacity. this is necessary as, yeah, as we know, countries in the world for example, developing countries, avoidable companies, countries have very different financial capacities, the very different points in the economic development, etc. but this also means they can adapt of the transition energy transition to that that needs. but this also means, okay, they might use a fossil fuels longer, then it also mentions natural gas as a transition energy as
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a transition fuel that means, okay, um if the country wants to go to lots of renewables shuts down, i cope our plan, it's can use natural gas, which is a fossil fuels as a transition energy. and thirdly, there are exceptions. for example, for coal, we only speak from a coal phase down. and that was instead of transition away from, for, for something that was necessary as countries also countries as india and china, for example, a still heavily invested in coal power. and they would probably not have agreed to um, to a deal like that if, if there was stronger language on, on culture. and thanks so much for the update. that's the w's tim showing the reporting from dubai. now is there a list coming under pressure from t allies over its war and garza of the month of storage support. the us president joe biden criticized israel on choose day for quote,
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indiscriminate foaming in gaza. a vote by the un general assembly also indicates as rails grow and installation on the wells stage. then the nations overwhelmingly back to resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian. c saw at in garza, but is ro insist it will persist with its an ground defensive against thomas, which is classified as the tara group by the us, the you and several other countries. and there was celebration of the un ceasefire resolution paused with more than 3 quarters of the general assembly voting and save the death. and israel's un ambassador had all you before the vote that the resolution would only benefit a mass, but just a handful of countries joined israel and its closest ally. the us in voting know hasn't been adopted. today was
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a historic day in terms of the powerful message that was sent from the general assembly. and it is or could active duty to continue in this past until we see and then to this aggression against our people. while the vote in new york demonstrates much of the world once in the end to the fighting, these riley government seems determined to press on. it is repeatedly ruled out ending military operations until all the hostages and calls it a fried and a mass. it's just mental that's despite thousands of palestinian casualties and the increasingly dia, humanitarian situation for those trapped within the besieged territory. these a trucks entering the southern city of rafa from egypt or causes lifeline. but far too few, i'm making it through. on tuesday,
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israel said it would facilitate more a deliveries by starting to check a trucks at the care. i'm so long check point before the mass terrorist attacks on october 7th, most goods ended garza via this is riley crossing. now israel says convoys will only be inspected, occurring shalom, and will still have to enter from egypt. a demo list has been lucia, who used to live in and report from gaza, explained to us earlier was the goals and think the world is on this side of to the vast majority of the un general assembly voted in favor of a ceasefire. in gauze they care about fast, about the, the basic needs that they had, they weren't at this level. so can they call for an immediate cease fire and said they, they uh they complain and,
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and decides the whole word because they are not doing enough for them with or helping them in this circumstance is or pushing is will to stop the hostilities and they think they are a banded isolated and they left alone. this is the common thing that i hear from people, or the need people across the goal is a strep. of course, there are some, some efforts every day that went on talking to people. they are on the os me what, what, what's happening is there a sign or a ceasefire, or something and people talking about um, but definitely they feel that they are offended. and i know this journalist has an boucher who has recently fled garza to amman, jordan, let's take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world and donald tusk has been sworn in as the new prime minister of poland,
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ending 8 years of populace who heads pro european coalition government and his vowing to restore opponents position in the you. he also said he would urge the west to mobilize and support of ukraine. germany's rulings trade policy coalition government has reached a deal on the federal budget for 2024 and have as far as weeks of negotiations, offer a court ruling through government finances into disarray. the details of the budget are available yet for the free thing is scheduled to late today. i didn't. tito's new economy minister has announced that he has slashing the value of the country's currency by moles and hoff. the move is positive measures intended to ease the worst economic crisis in decades. argentina is new right. wing populace present. how the in the lie has promised to drastically reduce public spending. around 12000 baby tassels have been released into the river it 10 years bordering bolivia
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and brazil in the hoss of the amazon. now this is part of the government scheme to repopulate the species. telephone numbers have reduced significantly due to a habitat loss on the illegal trade in the eggs of german chancellor will actually so said that he backs opening official tools, the ukraine to join the european union and a speech to parliament. he said helping ukraine was a priority for germany. his comments come ahead of an east summit, where members will debate funding for ukraine and its membership, and great opposes the plan. it says that missing the war, average country would have unforeseeable consequences and historically, from style. it's enough for your friends, president of them is a lensky has met with political leaders in washington, dc, and a bit to get more support. so his countries fight against russia, the white house says the current usaid for you,
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craig will run out by the end of the year. as republicans in congress refused to release additional funds. often meetings, landscaping with zelinski unmoved. so what the bite and ministration seems to be asking for is billions of additional dollars with no appropriate oversight, no clear strategy to win. and, and none of the answers that i think the american people are road domestic politics is also guessing in the way republicans say they were in to proof of the financial support to ukraine, unless by degrees to tougher reforms, to reduce the immigration across the southern us. buddha, welcome back, the u. s. president on the line to his backing of ukraine several times during sa lensky show trip to dc. but without the supports of congress, he could only sent him home with the fraction of the funding he's hoping for. w
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corresponding in keeping it commonly told us more about what a reduction in u. s. military 8 would mean fee cried. well, the thing is right now ukraine has enough air defense systems for key of maybe a few of the other big cities. but this is a vast country more than a 1000 miles from east to west. so they said, you know enough to go around if we're going to project lots of cities, especially how to keep addressing much was destruction and keep for instance. but it's also about the staff thoughts and about the munitions to keep the systems going, right. even if you're trying to order them on the open market, they're all waiting times of year. so basically, the only hope you grant has is for these missiles into septimus cells to be delivered from us stokes directly rather than waiting for them to be produced and outside the us. there just isn't any other game in town. european countries have been supplying different systems, but none of that can really into set these kinds of very things, ballistic missiles in a way that the american systems can. that was the w correspondent, nick connelly reporting for us from keys. and with that, you are up to date coming up next we have
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a special program on where the base can be produced in a way that is actually good for the environment the ground. so that if you can, i my new cook this weekend and i'll be back over top of the hour with international headlines in the meantime. thanks so much for watching. dw the vacation as an applicant. do they have good weather? i, when i told me that they don't have the islands do this, and we go sailing tulsa tissue today, because when they go to that we set up the lovely new meal with caldwell. i'm a tenant, so i so not because the.


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