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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 13, 2023 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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josh, december 22nd on dw the w use lie from the gaza, facing a public health disaster. the u. n. says almost half of goss this population has not moved to rafa near the egyptian florida. authorities that are wanting on i was making you might have to have in crisis. also on the program i started, breakthrough at big cop climate summit. old light negotiation seemed to by result in an agreement to transition away from fossil fuels. scientists say the dale is the last, the best hopes to stave off climate, this asset half
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a 1000000 as being offered and seen as president for a few days. but he's getting straight down to business, the value in the countries a. so i'm more than 50 percent the and feel good. you're welcome to program the u. n. says almost half of guys us population is number of the city of rafa in the south. and they're facing bombardments, deprivation, and disease in the space that is becoming increasingly overcrowded. just by growing calls versus east by israel says they will push on whether it's offensive against time us, which is considered a terrorist organization by numerous countries. a winter's bearing down on rough off the city at the farthest edge of southern gaza, bordering egypt with the border closed, it's the farthest people can flee the destination for display. scoggins,
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hoping to escape bombardment shelters are overcrowded. almost half of guys this population is now in rafa, which is the small part of guys in the southeast corner. again, this is leading to nothing but a health crisis. rainfall mixed and already dire situation. worse, many makes you have tens, can't hold up for long against the wind and rain water. yes, mean a displace posted in mother says she lacks access to basic necessities. and the maya i'm i woke up to my 7 month old child who was soaking wet. a house was destroyed and my other child was motto. i don't have any blankets or mattresses. i took some from my sister. we have one blanket between the 5 of us, no covers no mattresses, no food, no water. life is difficult with myself,
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say about 2 minutes here in relief is barely reaching ordinary people, i guess mean despite their proximity to the only crossing that allows a into the gallons a strip. israel's military, which is also carrying out strikes on targets and rough uh, gleams home us for the lack of access. unfortunately, it's not, these really started with the preventing it, but rather what we're seeing this morning, right is that some us are not opening the, the was thing aside. a rough or not facilitating excess of which i'm gonna terminate itself. so bring me to ask ourselves again wise from us preventing humanitarian a fall, b u. n. general assembly has called for humanitarian sees fire. people in rafa are pessimistic. 27 models with eyes and no, it is real as well known for ignoring un an international resolutions. when i it considers itself above the law. i have enough samples because of that strange,
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i don't think it will accept any resolution. especially with winter, just setting in many fear, the hardship and danger that lie ahead well after all, not talks of the ones a global climate conference into by countries have agreed to deal with calls for transitioning away from all fossil fuels around 200 countries, signed up to the conference declaration, following lots of the base around the wording. and that's the accusations of interference from fossil fuel industries. despite the compromises, the final bill has been described as a major step forward in the fight against climate change has started be reached at the un climate conference. then it gets agreed that fossil fuels have got to go to keep up efforts to get to know more than one and a half degrees of global warming by the middle of this century. fossil fuels are by far the biggest driver of human and used climate change. we have given it beautiful bus action plan to keep 1.5 within reach
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is a plan that is led by the science. it is a balance of that that goes images. many world leaders present at the summit, see it as a milestone. also mine as i, this is a day of great joy. many people across the world have worked tirelessly to achieve this result in god might, since it was no easy feat the agreement game. after hours of overtime negotiations and the device summit, some parties were opposed to the woods phase out being included in the the phrase was eventually replaced with transitioning away from fossil fuels. some plan with activists feel a disability too late takes as it is now. it's still a death sentence for the pacific. we can celebrate the small incremental changes,
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but there's not enough done in the to adjust the root cause of the comic process, which is the extraction of fossil fuels. there's not enough in the to address the phase that a fossil fuels and we cannot continually come the and celebrate just the pain us that is given to our region of the critics of the deal. say it does not impose enough responsibility on goods. countries to good fossil fuel use and provide student to support the low income nations. and that did not stand in the way of deal going through my correspondence here on the phone. how much time has been covering the summit into by and i put it to have it still doesn't look like the end of fossil fuels. i know exactly. it's pretty clear that fossil fuels are going to play a role in our energy assistance in the future to, i mean, many have criticized that the tax left many loopholes room to wiggle, especially still preserving a space for unabated coal power in the future. i'm
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a roof, you know, for transition, so call transitional fuels, which is coach for natural gas. and that also was criticized. but it's only addresses fossil fuels in the energy assistance, but not in other areas of industrial production. but still, you know, many see this really as a step towards a clean or a future. and the commitments are triple of renewable energy by 2030, to double energy efficiency. and sort of just the understanding on the science that this is really the critical decades for action. i'm and you know, 200 countries sort of agree to that. that here is seen by many as a storage step after all, but i mean, we do always have to look at the big picture. these are words on paper disagreement as non binding. so it really will depend on the implementation on implementing these words into concrete policies. for people to, to really feel like if this is this company, the difference or not only from homicide, into box. we'll take
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a look at some of the headlines from around the world. that is 5 minutes that meta fredrickson has pledge $1100000000.00 of additional military a to ukraine announcement came during a meeting between the training and president and nor the latest in the norwegian capital. also, fav package will be presented to the danish parliament on thursday. grading and official save russian. hackers have claimed responsibility for a cyber attack on the countries. main mobile network operate to keep stuff is back on choose day, paralyzed network access, but around 24000000 people make it difficult for them to access services to double the psych phone, jasper has slammed into northeast and australia and bringing through actual right and even thousands without power, officials warning of life threatening conditions and urging the residence to take precautions. there are no reports of injures just days after taking office argentine this new president to have
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a military has taken some major steps and he says, a necessary to confront an economic emergency. among the measures is the valuation of the countries condensate to pay. so by more than 50 percent, boost laughed at many asking how that going to be affected. argentina is facing a period of painful, sturdy subsidy cuts for public transport in energy. a freezing public construction job cuts and government industries in all government spending slashed by $20000000000.00. the new economy administer says there's no money left me though, and as soon as i know the state will not tend to any more new public projects and will cancel projects whose development has not yet begun. argentina's currency, the pay so will also be devalued by more than 50 percent against the dollar. the government says it's to put a lid on soaring prices, but many people are worried but it's
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a good idea what else you want to do that. but it seems to me that the valuation was expected to workers are going to be adversely affected. we are entering a complicated situation and i believe profitable rise and the situation will become much more difficult to find the best sense of what i believe it's going to keep the people hired and as a whole affecting our entire economy. i think every day to the sector, what i work with you back the front of a letter to you, the for the new government has already said things will get worse before the improve. inflation is already at 140 percent and rising. some 40 percent of our engine times live at or below the poverty line. a representative from 6 western bulk and countries of hotels for the latest and brussels about potential membership on the european union. the block has repeatedly said it aims to bring out by and
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you have foster care and has a convenient, a cost of montenegro, north macedonia, and sub you close out of accession will require us to come, will require the countries to reform another country volume to join the east georgia correspondent, your investigative reports now on my georgia is passed through a membership, would be easy. of the thing she thinks one of the just the best known song she herself is one of the country's best known faces for the gates . the photograph, i'm not, as the guy eats and documented countries fight for independence from the soviet union on the day that i took these pictures to show people that people are not alone. and that's what we were fighting for was not in vain, because we were aiming 30 p and future for us government progress, independence, and humanity, european values. oh, it's no problem. it's of you shall have to buy most the geology and according to
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a recent surveys, almost 90 percent of people here wanted georgia to join the european union. so we not, and i don't know anyone who's against georgia becoming any human, but it's vital only process to with 0, excuse me. outside of the study on road across the street is we don't have any alternative but to europe for you. otherwise, we would be forced to live on the rushes from the city. so, but the numbers question to share with, if that is a govern government is seeing a scroll russian opening of direct flights more and more dependence of trade in rise. and russian investment in all of this indicators. russia is know number one, georgias partner. in fact, what the georgia government should have done invested much of its effort of opening up our relations with you, is that the co, russian spence extends to the ukraine. georgia doesn't support the west and
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sanctions against moscow. the government says it's acting in the interest of the country. security with that is going about you samuel mean, we have 4 to 3 was in 30 years, a motion in this war. unfortunately, sold with hundreds of people have been in that area. we have retained of the thousands of refugees, no country. how do you at the mazda stop them? we must not repeat mistake, save some of the future this we must not display short. this item is just the thing though, can know about. i'm not going to which many don't agree with that. the caution suspense, surveys phone to face 8 to 7 percent of intelligence believe that the russian savoy gains cream is also an attack on georgia. because there is a very real gap between menu georgians to be sure to be accepted into the european family as soon as possible. and if a government slash a friendly policy. but as long as the russian savoy ins ukraine continues. drawing closer to europe is going to be difficult. it's if you ship by active use to
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not z got by eats, but the 85 year old says she remembers the georgia sylvia the past only 2 well and is convinced is that the geologist future lives with the into europe in the union as well. okay. so w on it well, okay, the and the soviet union on the board numbers are both true. now we should try for something different to do so square on it has to show a trend. i don't need to, what's your up is not easy to, but if we wanted more than i'm, we should make sacrifices to frontier. why is interest of ok? that stuff. but it remains unclear whether the government will implement is either forms or expire to buy the seller, georgia throat to the use media to be long, long around 12000 baby cycles have been released into the river tennis bordering bolivia, and brazil, and hoss of amazon released as part of
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a government program that works with local communities, presidents collect total eggs for hatching to support the growth of the population . the number of titles, the spinning gas been decreasing because of loss of habitat and the illegal trade in taxable ex us. i'm glad you're up to date up next on the w a documentary, which takes us to a gym and foreigners, which became known during the 2nd world war as the debt factory. good. i sorry. i went on 6 times hiring t more people than ever on the move worldwide. in such an one. great timing is very hard to say very difficult to find out about how many info migrants the
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