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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 14, 2023 11:00am-11:31am CET

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of free much the the, the we news like some berlin knows the fire for garza, israel's prime minister says the military campaign against tell us will continue to slight growing international pressure. the when warrants hundreds of thousands of causes are facing public health disaster. also coming a you showdown over ukraine's future hunger as prime minister threatens to the rail, a leader summit and brussels, claiming there's no reason to negotiate a phrase membership of the european union rights at russia's. president,
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lot of reports as, as russia's goals in ukraine, remain unchanged. as he holds his end of here press conference, it's still going on in moscow and will bring you the late the, i'm not really happy with us is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has rejected international calls for a cease fire and gaza, including a non binding resolution backed by the un general assembly on tuesday, in a meeting with israel's, the soldiers. netanyahu said that the military would continue. it's offensive against loss, which is cost of fine to terrorist organization by the u, as well as the us and other nations. the government, if i say this, even given the great pain in the international pressure to the so nothing will stop
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us and we will continue until the end until victory. nothing less than that. i think you know what else we do it because it uses it through you with gods help them with your help. thank you so much about. meanwhile, the united nations warren is of a public health disaster in gaza, according to the un palestinian refugee agency almost half of gauze. this population has now moved to the city of roughly in the south where they're facing bombardments, deprivation, and disease in the space that is becoming increasingly overcrowded winters, bearing down on rafa, the city at the for the edge of southern gaza bordering egypt. with the border closed, it's the far this people can flee. the destination for display scoggins, hoping to escape bombardment. shelters are overcrowded. almost
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half of guys this population is now in rafa, which is the small part of guys in the southeast corner. again, this is leading to nothing but a health crisis. rainfall mixed and already dire situation worse. many make sure of tens can't hold up for long against the wind and rain. water of the yes mean a displace posted in mother says she lacks access to basic necessities and the my yeah, well my i woke up to my 7 month old child who was soaking wet. a house was destroyed and my other child was motto. i don't have any blankets or mattresses. i took some from my sister. we have one blanket between the 5 of us. no covers no mattresses, no food, no water. life is difficult. with myself, say a box to monetary and release is fairly reaching ordinary people like yes mean, despite their proximity to the only crossing that allows
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a into the gaza strip. israel's military, which is also carrying out strikes on targets and rafa leaves hum us for the lack of access. unfortunately, it's not these really sides of the preventing it, but rather what we're seeing this morning, right is that some us are not opening the, the was thing aside. a rough or not facilitating excess of which i'm gonna terminate itself. so we need to ask ourselves again wise from us preventing humanitarian a fall, b u. n. general assembly has called for humanitarian sees fire. people in rafa are pessimistic. l 27 model and not as real as well known for ignoring un an international resolutions. when it considers itself above the law, i haven't enough samples because of that, i don't think it will accept any resolution. especially with winter, just setting in many fear, the hardship and danger that lie ahead just means case is not an isolated
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one. earlier i asked our correspondents in jerusalem, rebecca rivers, what life is like for others civilians and us. so when the coal it's obviously very hard for me to explain that standing here in jerusalem. but some of the people that we speak to on the ground from the 8 agencies that we talked to, you had so much of it there. in the report, the pictures we see coming out on the agencies coming out on social media. the situation has been deteriorating, as we know for weeks and he's becoming now has become on livable. you could say we're talking about half of the the, the areas population now trying to take shelter in that bought a town rough. uh, that's normally home to around 2 150000 people. it's a 1000000 people to send on that area. a groups saying that they've simply not able to distribute what that light they do. have you heard there that, that if there's trouble with a coming across the border and of course,
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now all of this is being compounded by the winter rains, it's getting very cold here in israel. many people in europe may not realize that it gets as cold as it does here, and the, the, the, the area is not built for the cold. and of course, you know, people are not living in their homes anyway. so these range compounding the lives of a compounding the situation for people whose lives have been already operated, destroyed many people having been misplaced several times. you heard they are in that report. people not even having a blankets to, to sort of shelter on the people's tents. you know, often, most of them make shift, not made out of, of heavy materials. so a being ripped upon people in the cold view and warning of the spread of infectious diseases is going to rise rapidly. so the situation as you can see and hear from the images and testimonies in that report. absolutely. dia for the people in gaza. meanwhile, the is really ground offensive continues, where does it stand as israel any,
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closer to it state and go that's hard for me to say as well with what we all saying is continued bombardment right across the strip aerial bombardment. that is, and we're seeing an intensification of those ground ground forces ground 5. so you happening. we know that these ready trips have pushed into that southern city of con eunice. and it is pretty heavy fighting going on there. but also what may be surprising to some is that we say intensification of the financing in northern gauze as well. now that's an area that these are in the military said that they had almost completed the admission in a. but since the resumption of hostilities off to the temporary sci fi, we've seen that the funding there was intensified. and in fact, there's really millet trees saying, announcing the death of 10 of its soldiers, even some quite high ranking personnel with that were killed in an ambush. they say yes today is they were trying to rescue some of the soldiers in the north of kansas city. so in the northern part of the goal is the strips are finding still very
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heavy. they, as you heard from benjamin netanyahu, that they're going to continue until they will, and they warms of eliminating how much has been completed. so we can expect the fighting to continue at the pace. it has been for some weeks yet. you mentioned that there is really 5 minutes or rejects international calls for a humanitarian seems far. how did people in israel feel about that as well? the government and, and benjamin netanyahu have been rejecting those calls for some time. now we saw that the un general assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of a say sign. that of course, is not going to be to be listened to by, by israel a and you know, we, we were seeing, but actually that they have no overall popular support for the war there with continued polling over a week. so suggested that is riley's name. they may say that that seems that they're saying, i don't know that they're actually saying that many things always meant that the pictures, a lot of the pictures are not being displayed in his writing media or just of
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what's happening in gauze and but, but, you know, that, that they all saying that despite the terrible so that in that death, tolls that the, they, they are in support of the military aims, which is of course to eliminate. how must i say that what happened on october 7th, simply can't be allowed to happen again. and there is relatively widespread support continuing foldable. so benjamin netanyahu perhaps feeling that he can rely on that domestic support, even though he stays international support. dwindling and dwindling fast correspondence. rebecca rivers. chris speaking to you, thank you. i never heard of their israel as doubling down on his pursuit of how mazda spiked those international calls for the fire. so what more do we know about the leaders of the crew designated a terrorist organization by numerous countries? well, her last the frame leader is, is maya honey. he functions as an international spokesman. i was based in tar out of reach for is riley forces. mohammed dave is top commander of the cassandra k.
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it's almost as military when he will leave to have played a crucial role in planning the october 7th terror attacks. his deputy lar, one is the, is also wanted by israel as part of how mazda is 3 man military council, and then comes the city war at the top of israel's hit list. he's considered the master mind of the october 7th attack at the head of thomas in gaza. we look now at his rise to power since his release from an is really present more than a decade ago. yeah, yes. and was given a hero's welcome and gaza when he was freed and the 2011 prisoner exchange. that is really official now describes that as the worst mistaken is real as history . since the dentist and war has about to fight for the release of all remaining palestinians being held him is really j o is currently estimated to be some
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$7000.00 people of each. i have never seen where i grew up in the con eunice refugee camp and was detained by israel in the late 19 eighties. during interrogations, it emerged that he was involved in the killing of a dozen palestinians, suspected of collaborating with israel. the former student base security official, michael coby, who spent more than a 100 hours interrogating, send wire that described him as both rational and yeah, the router's. yes. yes. and what was a deeper then? he was the chief of the old a. how much president she told me to how much is my wife the how much these make tried to how much for me is everything i make, everything to succeed is a how must officer and be sure that i'm going to keep a lot a lot of research is in gaza or outside goes a student who are used as time in prison to learn hebrew and study his captors. he
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became convinced that is real, could be pressured into releasing large numbers of palestinian prisoners in exchange for his railway. hostages after send word himself was released and capitalized on the networks he built in prison, to become a mazda of cheap and gaza. alongside leader is nowhere near winston. what was reconfirmed in the post in 2021. he again pledged to get all palestinians freed from his riley jails while some of his real may have believes in. what was a pragmatist who could be worked with behind the scenes of boss was plotting a tax on an unprecedented scale as how most prizes for the release of imprisoned operatives, the miscalculation surrounding. yeah, yes. and why will be a powerful reminder to is real of the risk of making the wrong decision? because i'm journalist hasn't been lucia told us more about the challenge facing israel and finding yeah, yes, the more and where he might be inside gone. so smart,
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easy to say um um, how much has uh, facilities above the ground and um with the vehicle like town or city or tunnels beneath the ground. up the roughly and according to different reports. and that's logical that send war is and in one of the tunnels beneath goza, according to the latest report, latest report that one of the hostages was released, said that's in one minute hair and told her that she's in the safe place so that everybody believes that's in war is when, in one of the federals and on the ground, that how are they, israel defense forces going about finding him because it is a vast network of tunnels under gaza. well, this is what these waves or um, you know, aiming for. i'm not sure how and many,
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many homeless leaders were found until in, in, in this war and some senior people, some of them were in the tunnels. i moved in like different places and echo and over the years that is well could reach those people and send water is a target. but it's not clear that how is well was gonna gonna do that. they reach their, his house in kind of eunice, which was empty and definitely he wouldn't be there. and it's, and then the normal place. and then all vs and different at least and water and other leaders are taking high high high majors of being hidden. in recent days, we have been receiving reports that israel is trying or experimenting actually already with flooding. a mazda is vast tunnel network, where as you say, some of its leaders are believes to be hiding, but also some of the hostages are believed to be. what more can you tell us about
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all this? the very points about this is very limited. there was one or 2 reports of what the window from international media is saying that or quoting somebody's weight officers or through americans that they would with the flood the terms with the, with this what with the sea water. but on the ground, i checked with the, with different sources in different areas, maybe and nothing's happening at now until now. they said it would be a good idea, but i didn't know how practical this and nobody knows how these terms are connected . and if they flooded the blood from one side or different sides of that would cover all the terminals and it's not a clear plan announced by official side. and somebody's really media are talking about this. but um, it's, it's, it's not a known or clear how that would be a sufficient or,
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or functioning in a recent article that a published you quoted, a post during the official who claim seymour was trying to portray himself as a 2nd. yes, there are of thought. is that how palestinians see him to um, it's not easy to say uh the state in a society is divided for a long time. uh, we are a lot of students that like an individualized since 2007 when how much stuff over and over the fellow student activity and kicked out the listing offices below. going to uh to the listing of the 30. um since then the division is very, is very hard and there is a high uh for that or is ation among the society. some of those who are in in house and they are affiliated of course, the c and as a, as the leader,
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as in or to be good to be mentioned that he's the head of the mice political bureau in dallas. how much has 3 bureaus? mainly one in goal is i went in westbank and up the road. and it's the top of that is my, you, honey, who's based in kata. but since you are is very active since he was released in 2011 . and he become very close to the, the military wing of how much does journalist hasn't felicia and i'm on as always, great to get your insights. thank you so much. thank you. and a quick look at some of the other headlines making is around the world today. republicans in the us house of representatives have voted to formally authorized their month long impeachment inquiry. and the democratic presidential by the move gives republicans more powers to investigate the president whom they accuse of profiting from his son's business dealings so far. their inquiry has failed to turn up any evidence of wrongdoing. the car company tesla is recalling nearly all
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of its vehicle sold in the united states because of fonts detected in the in built auto pilot system. this follows a 2 year investigation into crashes that happened when the driver assistant software wasn't used. more than 2000000 cars are affected. japan's prime minister for me because she has announced major changes to his cabinet as his ruling party faces. an extensive corruption scandal is replacing for ministers for being investigated over failing to declare millions of dollars in fund raising. revenue is the 3rd cabinet shakeup. in the last 16 months, 44 to support and authorities in bulgaria has started a dismantling a soviet era monument in the capital. sophia, the structure has become a point of contention between pro western and pro russian groups and the former communist state. the monument was erected after the 2nd world war to commemorate soviet forces entering vulgar european union leaders are
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gathering for high stakes summit for ukraine and brussels, and comes as keeps as it cannot defeat russia without help from international partners. even leaders needs to decide unanimously whether to open accession talks with ukraine and on further financial aid for key worth up to 50000000000 bureaus. but hungry, which has close ties to russia, could be rail appointed prime minister victor all on says ukraine doesn't yet meet the criteria for a u. s. session and a deal on providing more money for keith can wait until next year. let's take a little deeper with the w, corresponding rosie inverters, who joins us from brussels, rosie a tough task there to bring hungry on board in terms of sending more money to ukraine. why is that? do you different? lots i spoke to before the summit. we're certainly concerned that hunger and prime minister not for the 1st time to try to basically the rail agreement on this entire
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package on the one hand, that a package of 50000000000 yours in financial support for you create. on the other hand, a plan to open accession talks with ukraine or at least agree on moving forward with that know there was some interesting connected smith just on the eve of the summit, as a leader starts descending on brussels european commission, which is the use executive nice that it was releasing up to 10000000000 euros in funding, which i've been frozen for hungry over various concerns. for example, arrived the rule of law and they're hungry has welcomed thought, but they're certainly happy. now accusations from some you parliamentarians, that amount to nothing more than a bribe. the european commission to ease executive denies but entirely says that in fact, this was just the next procedural step because hungry has completed some traditional reforms, but a site, the money that's not important for this summer is that 50000000000 euros on the table for ukraine and while so much fear that picks her up,
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i may be totally not open to moving forward with thoughts. on his way into these talks, he suggested he might be open to of a format and moving forward to ground, not funding, but outside the budget. there don't make sound like just a technical detail, which is easy to overcome, that i can tell you from experience that the kind of financial negotiations, everything around the budget tends to be very complex. and we know there are some that you members state, the vested interest in keeping not funding for ukraine tied to other funding increases, for example, arrives migration management. and that makes me think it's very likely this will be a bumper some it would be more in, for example, but ireland leader on his way into these talks to be ready to be here also on saturday and sunday. and there is another, an important topic on the agenda. the start of a new membership talks with keith and again hungry is an opposition calling this unprepared and on time leave this plan. what does or run mean by that? we know that joining the e u is a dream deeply held by many ukrainians. it's something keith is definitely pushing
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for. it's been busy undertaking many reforms in order to qualify for membership. and the ease executive says that it recommends, but you members fix know, do decide to open those talks with keith to move forward. next step. however, victor or button on his way into the summit. he's basically put that off the table for today or for the next few days. he said he believes and ukraine has not fulfilled the conditions adequately. and therefore it's not the time to move forward. no, that may be a better disappointment for ukraine if indeed the prime minister of hungry does not agree to budge during these talks and there still may be some room for, for diplomacy. and for negotiations here. however, it's important to say that this is not necessarily no or never enlargement joining the use something which tends to take years. it's a very long process, so it's rather if it doesn't get grants that they some it, well it might be sad news for many kids. it's more, it's not nowhere, never more know or kick him to come down the road, which would not be the 1st time that you had made that kind of method for the, for
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a turn in russell. thank you so much for letting me put and has said rushes goals in ukraine remain unchanged as he holds his end of here press conference and moscow . the russian president is taking questions from the public and journalist and an event that is expected to last 4 hours and is being broadcast live on russian state television, who is running for re election in march cancelled a similar conference last year. amend rushes with new cal invasion of ukraine and 2022. i should send you setup with it as brand, emily? sure. when she was our correspondent in moscow until the w was banned and russia. this press conference is of course still going on, but so far, what are your main takeaways? but i would say that uh for letting me put it in today. the main topic that is making his light, his eyes light up, is for an policy and ukraine in particular, puts in like focusing on foreign policy in general rather than on kind of domestic issues. but today that does seem to be
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a focus for him. and he talked about the goals of the war, which he said remained unchanged. he said that they are still the demilitarization of ukraine, having ukraine have a neutral status. and what russian propaganda calls the di, not suffocation of ukraine. and he was asked when there will be peace and weather. they'll be another wave of mobilizations. and he, he kind of dodge the question of the mobilization, said that there are lots of volunteers stepping up to fight. and it doesn't seem that the situation on the front will end or that this war will end soon from his answers. this is an annual press conference. it didn't happen last year. i meant the, the full scale invasion. this is the 1st time it's happening in times of war. what can you say? what's different this time around then? it was before the war maybe? well there's, there's one difference which is that this year almost combines 2 traditions. there is the direct line with writing. they're pushing where people from around the country can call in and ask in their questions about daily life without fishing
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about all kinds of things. and, and that's being combined this year with a press conference that he holds usually at the end of the year. so we're seeing kind of mix of formats and on the one hand that's because last year's event was, was canceled because it was supposed to happen right after this 1st wave of mobilization. some people say that could be the reason why, because you know, that was a pretty unpopular measure and perhaps to attend. didn't want to face people in the press. we don't know why it was cancelled, but this year also, it's a, it's been an essential campaign event. for flooding no 2 weeks and he announced that he will be running for president last year. the elections are due to happen in march. so this is kind of the 1st event that could be setting the tone for that upcoming election. talking about tone. what did you make or what are you making of his tone the tony striking today it's, it's a weird one because it seems like he's kind of almost going through the motions. usually, as i said, he likes to focus on foreign policy, but he does very competently talk about domestic politics about the economy. today
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. he had a table with numbers of which you usually don't see for him. and he said a lot of times, you know, i've already talked about this a lot, you know, and answering questions. you know, i've said this before. so it almost seems like he's kind of there because he has to be there in a sense. um and um, usually he seems to like the challenge of getting, you know, random questions from the audience. he's doing that today. he's picking people out, but it doesn't seem like he's really, you know, present perhaps because of this focus on ukraine. yeah. or 2 years into the war. the war of course, a huge topic also at this press conference. but how do the russian people feel about it? well, there are media reports that in this press conference with this event on the presidential administration wanted put you into kind of reassure people that this war was going to end soon and really to focus on stability within the country. he's kind of not doing that. he's looking at the war more and that could be, you know, a negative factor because survey shows that
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a lot of people would prefer the war to end. now for there should be peace con, a peace talks with ukraine rather than the war to continue for the war to continue . emily. sure, and thank you so much i that is our time already. thank you so much for your company by the,
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in the 50 or 60, if the quote is one way to haven't gone. and that'll come in. and this has happened in the last decade. this is not really long. the voltage, even in our life go based and g o is helping to protect endangered marine in
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volume. and that's how the, how the eco indians next on d w. the whole meeting, people say bosley is largest power, is when accused of causing respiratory diseases and cancer diagnoses are increasing all over the area. but offer readers are stonewalling. politicians are useless and there's no money for research. is there any hope less? focus on 0? in 16 minutes on d w, the west page. i mean, i know,
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