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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 15, 2023 7:00am-7:15am CET

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the, the distance dw news line from berlin, hungry blocks 50000000000 in e u aid for ukraine. its prime minister victo all the vetoes the extra cost just hours after you leaders of great to start membership talked with keep, will bring you all the reaction. also coming up then us says it was israel war and on the to end as soon as possible, as people find for the food inside the palestinian territory, taking aids from truck before it can be delivered while the un warrant of a hunger crisis.
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the i'm the call for really it's good to have you with us. we start in brussels. we're hungry as prime minister has used his veto to block 50000000000 euros, an aid for ukraine. the move turned the day, but her sweet for his fellow in your leaders who earlier celebrated the after agreeing to open in your membership talks with ukraine, congress pro rochelle prime minister victor autobahn, had threatened to block the move. ukrainian president followed him is the landscapes describe that decision as a victory for his country and all of europe a this is, this is a truly remarkable result. so you try and, and for you, it will. another step towards your crime is a membership of the you. now you tried many people are in high spirits, and it's important as most of i think that some of i congratulate all of you on what's being a team, like all of us into the, through the unity of ukraine,
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extracts in the unity again, it needs to be huge, but i mean, celebration to ukraine is now going to have to wait for more is you cache earlier, we ask you to leave corresponding jack pear. okay. if there was any chance of that financial aid being delivered anytime soon. i, you know, there's absolutely no agreement. non gaiety is appointment is to visual bottom. said that his veto on 50000000000. your a package will remain though there was some hope that they'd be able to get that over the line. you also veto, to re negotiation of the use budget, which they wanted to do to try and refrain and restructure the money all the time down the costs of the war in ukraine. but again, hunger pregnant as the victor obama said not veto, will hold. this is quite a big problem for ukraine. ukrainian president loading is lensky was in washington dc earlier this week, trying to persuade you
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a republican lawmakers assess the us and will make is. but the republicans to be blocking a $61000000000.00 a package. the ukraine, he wasn't able to get that money is being featured here. you saw the meaning of that, that is now questions about how much for economic aid ukraine is going to be able to get. we know that he usually does that well. they've been saying at the end of this, i mean today this 1st day of the summit that they will reconvene special summit to discuss this in january is a summit that wasn't expected. a lot of the, of the leaders we had from the task 5 minutes to model richard. he came, i took the meetings to see people this morning at the end of these meetings, saying that he does feel that that is possibility to get an agreement in january. that was jack eric reporting there. the united states has called on israel to end. it's large scale military operation in garza and transition to
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a more targeted offensive as president july and urgent israel to focus on protecting civilian lives. biden's national security advisor jake sullivan met with is really leadership during a visit to the country on thursday where they discussed the direction of the war. but israel is warning that it's campaign against emma could last several months of more on those discussions in a moment with our correspondent in jerusalem. but for us we turn to the worst of being humanitarian situation inside cause a we're hunger is becoming an increasing concern. in a frenzy and just saw as a trucks arrive in the gaza strip, people time been the grab bags of food before they can be properly distributed. the hunger here is fight spread and punishing people stopping it. it trucks taking the food and eating it the right to wait. and this is how desperate the i'm hungry so yeah. so the supplies are running severely,
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no old model, but one and 2 to feed as many people as he can. he used to work as a cook in a restaurant before the war began. almost half of gauze population has now moved to the southern city of the funds. and those who were already here have both to run out of stocks. other means to pay for them. i know i came here to get help to feed my children. we also have displaced people living with us. we cannot afford to pay for gas, so electricity and there's nothing available. we cannot go to the market to buy food for our household or our children. i'm not a zillow, even if you had a 100 us dollars for example, and want to go shopping, see you only get a handful of items. uh, so monday has become meaningless at the bottom of the move on the
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health experts. so you, the little food that is available is being prepared and unsanitary conditions and a shortage of clean drinking water is posing serious danger to people's health. and i didn't have that patients come with cases of extreme dehydration, some of which then progress to kidney failure or weakening kidney function to them . and as and the both the children are drinking most of it is on fit for human consumption. positive doctors. i'm wondering that causes the close to a disastrous health crisis that may have a lost and impact no matter when the war and the spring and ad jerusalem corresponded rebecca writers. rebecca, are of you as national security advisor jake sullivan met with is really officials . can you tell us what they discussed to show in the cold object solomon,
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as you were mentioning in your late in the when you were leading into this package . he was here to discuss the future of the war and bring the u. s. position he to, to discuss that with is riley laid is now apparently there was no specific timeline discussed. there was no orders given in the us where it pains to say they were not dictating israel and how they should be pressing ahead. but we do know that the us administration is looking for israel to wrap up its wide scale. it's aerial bombardment that has wide scale ground invasion in the gaza strip. and it's looking for israel to do that. in the next couple of weeks, we're hearing the timeline that the us are looking at is by the beginning of 2024. so it's really just 2 weeks away. now, it definitely appears that israel is working to a very different timeline. you mentioned there was something that the defense minister you i've been lump has been saying and reiterated yesterday that this really could take months. these riley's have no intention of wrapping this off. it sent me a piece of that way and that they are fully committed to their military. i'm of
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completely eliminating, dismantling her mouse. and that that could take months. they talk about the widespread infrastructure that her mouse has built, both above and below ground, and that it's very difficult to be able to carry out this mid a tree. i'm and that it certainly could take some time. so it's a very differing a time scale. they're not clear whether or not is riley, is going to heat any of the warnings that the us is bringing. we know that they have in the previous week's been disregarding some of the guidance they've been getting from the u. s. and that they've very committed to their rooms. let's talk about more humanitarian aspects then are, is really officials likely to have the concerns of the white house regarding the number of civilian casualties and gaza and the need for more humanitarian assistance as well if they continue with the wide scale operation as they have been so far it does say that they'll be a continuing sort of this, the symbol,
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a number of civilian casualties that we've been saying. it's hard to see how that would be scaled down when it comes to humanitarian. a side of things we have been saying that they've opened at least 4 checking goods, a couple of extra checkpoints so that they can try to, to quicken the pace at which things are being inspected. but you know, they did this, the, the timeframe of getting goods more humanitarian aid into gaza is urgent and it is taking a long time. so we're seeing the suffering as he saw in that report the weather and they'll, they'll hate the warnings of civilian casualties. are certainly remains to be say, now c, w corresponding rebecca rivers. thank you so much. i as well here in germany, police have a rest of the 3 alleged members of her mouse in berlin on suspicion of planning attacks against jews. dutch police have arrested a 4th person in rotterdam, german prosecutor say the alleged can conspirators plans to bring weapons to berlin,
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to use in potential attacks against jewish institutions in europe. amongst carried out the october 7th attacks against israel, and it's classified by the you and the united states as a terrorist organization. the w political corresponding simon young has more full men, arrested today, 3 in berlin, and one in the dot city of royalty damn. and they are accused of being members of her mass, which is of course, the band terrorist organization here. and there was excited to have close links with the mess military when the outcasts and brigades. now, while they're accused or specifically, is preparing attacks, possibly against jewish institutions, possibly europe wide. and one of the main 11, a citizen they said to have been busy since the spring of this year trying to locate a weapons cache somewhere in europe that was previously laid down by
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a mass. the other 3 men said to have joined that search in october of this year. and, you know, they were looking for these weapons with the intention of bringing them to berlin to hold them ready and prepare at these attacks. and i think it's worth noting at that if that information is correct, this would have pre dated the 7th of october attacks by how mass in israel. it seems that you know, it was already the efforts that these men were, were undertaking. they're already ongoing at that point. and a quick look at some other headlines. a 3 day is really rate in the city of jeanine and the occupied westbank has ended. the palestinian health ministry said is really forces killed at least 12 people and boom at 34 others. these really military described this operation engine mean as part of counterterrorism efforts against thomas in the west bank the presidents of brianna and when as well,
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i have agreed to avoid the use of force or threats and their dispute over the oil which as a keyboard region president's air fund, ali and nicholas madura held their 1st direct talk since a recent flare up of tensions over the contested region. they fledge to continue dialogue and lot of recruitment says he will push ahead with a war and ukraine saying there can be no peace until russia achieves its objectives there. the russian president was taking questions from the public and journalist at his end of year press conference in moscow. his remarks come at mounting concerns in ukraine that western military could be drawing up for more than 20 years. these carefully staged event has been used to present an image of a strong and self confident leader. last year, the milestone press conference was canceled, of to russian forces suffered major setbacks and ukraine from 6 till now. the kremlin is hoping to again project an image of power more than the,
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than we're will the piece when we achieve our goals, the ones you just mention it. now let's return to these goals. what they have not changed. you'll have to remind you of what we talked about in the notification of ukraine. it's demilitarization, it's neutral status, and i'm stuck with them. so vladimir putin used these same words to justify his invasion of ukraine. ones that are nearly 2 years on his tongue. russians that these goals have not been the chief to ship, so the war has to continue. but he says there will be no maximum of delays ation for now. the a little slow of our menu who are ready to defend the interests of their homeland with arms in hand is not decreasing. so go shirts. 1500 people daily throughout the country altogether. there will be about $500000.00 people by the end of the year. so why do we need a new mobilization?
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there is no need for this right now. i can stay with them. they said they cannot make calls stuff, which is more is also in people's minds in russia. but even western experts meet that despite rise in crisis. and the following value of the ruble. sanctions have failed to stop the kremlin from financing. it's more the if it's the 1st question is do this margin of safety. i'm go, it is provided by several components and we just get the 1st futile and most important is the high consolidation of russian society a couple weeks. the 2nd is the stability of the countries economic system. so it can, i mean, just the system was standing as it turned out. this was a surprise for our so called partners. and to be honest, for many of us, for more than 4 hours, the russian president reassured the russian public the if you have the situation done to control and then you to put his way regardless of whether he's statements
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match reality. his message was clear, the kremlin has enough resources to continue europe's bloodiest war in decades. a. so we need to know that you're up to date, but stay with us because coming up on transforming business after the show can technology really solve the climate crisis. i'm calling for life. thank you so much for your company. the pricing strategies with a lot say what the .


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