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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 15, 2023 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the, the business deal of the news line from berlin hungry blocks, 50000000000 in a u. a for ukraine is prime minister think the all the veto, the extra cost just hours after and your leaders agreed to start membership talks with keep. bring you all the reaction also, what has the us is it wants israel's war and gaza to end as soon as possible. all people fly for food inside the palestinian territory, taking a from the truck before it can be delivered. the u. n. warrens of a $100.00 price. and as israel hans the leaders of hamas and gaza police in berlin
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and across europe, a rest alleged members of the group on suspicion of planning attacks against you. the nicole fairly, welcome to the program. we started in russell's we're hungry is prime minister, has used his veto to block 50000000000 euros, and 8 for you. create the move turned the day, better sweets for his fellow and your leaders who earlier celebrated after agreeing to open a you membership talks with ukraine hungry as prime minister victor, all of them had threatened to block back move as well. the cranium president will let them use the lensky has described that decision as a victory for his country and all of you. but i, a, this is, this is a truly remarkable result. so you try and, and for you. another step towards you. credit is membership of the you. now you can many people are in high spirits and it's important. it's most device. what's the
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most? i congratulate all of you and what's being a team of quite all of us into the through the unity of ukraine, extracts in the unity again, it needs to be used 0 for successful vote on starting. accession talks with ukraine came as a surprise to some in your leaders, but the results still fall short of the unity. many had help for good evening. everyone does this or historical moment. it shows the credibility of the return unit, the strength of the union. but this is really smooth. uh, we open your decisions from ukraine and we still drove up only a couple of hours after the beginning of the summit. the lead us found an agreement . the decision came as something of a surprise. also for the leaders themselves. we've, we've, we've had to break through perhaps so well, certainly quicker than i knew was expected at the summit in brussels, the you heads of government also stress due political,
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the importance of that decision is also very important message to moscow. and even in difficult times, we are on the side of ukrainians and the unity of european union, a lot of talking has happened to around that. we are on the side of ukrainians. but what about the u unit? one of the leaders was deliberately not inside the room when the decision was taken . hon gary and prime minister victor of on 4 weeks he threatened to block the decision. in the end he upstate. this was not the only the $200.00 on the list. the you commission going some extra 50000000000 yours in the budget up to 20? 27. to help you train. all leaders have to prove that a fine is of a living speech day. does. one thing is important. however, we succeed in making the financial facility for you create a possible unless creating the basis for ukraine either to continue it shows
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distance. people take instruction aggression, which is still ongoing and kind of understand that is why it is important to, to send a clear signal of support here is that stood despite negotiations fed last well into the night. you train, you will have to wait for that signal on to next year because of time, gary, and locate the 27 states are planning to get back to it in january. and here's a look at some of the other headlines making use around the world today. the court in moscow has extend that the detention of wall street journal reporter evan garcia, events until the end of january. russian authorities accused him of espionage which he and the newspaper denied. russian president vladimir putin. this at moscow and washington are in a dialogue over the journalist the presidents of diana and venezuela, and have agreed to avoid the use of force or threats in their dispute over the oil rich as a keyboard region. president,
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your fund ali and nicholas my doro held their 1st or rec toxins. a recent flare up of tensions over the contested region. they have pledged to continue speaking to each other. the body of a french citizen being held hostage in gaza has been found by is really forces in a message posted on social media. the foreign ministers said the country was in, quote, immense pain over the death of india until the dano, according to french media reports he was part of a group kidnapped by him oswell taking part in an open air music festival. on october 7th, in the us has called on israel to end. it's large scale military operation in gaza and transition to a more targeted offensive as president joe biden urges israel to focus on protecting civilian lives. biden's national security advisor jake sullivan, met with is really leadership thursday during a visit to the country where they discussed the direction of the war. but israel is
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warning that it's campaign of guns come us for the last several months. that may mean that causes already dire, humanitarian situation could gets even worse agencies or warning that more and more people there are desperate for food. we'll hear from them in the 2nd. in this report, in a frenzy and rough saw as a trucks arrive in the gaza strip, people climbed in the grab bags of food before they can be properly distributed. the hunger here is widespread and punishing people stuffing it. it trucks taking the food and eating it the right to wait. and this is how desperate and hungry so yeah. so the supplies are running severely, no old model, but one and 2 to feed as many people as he can. he used to work as a cook in
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a restaurant before the war began. almost half of gauze population has now moved to the southern city of the phone. and those who are already here have both to run out of stops. other means to pay for them. on the verge of the i came here to get help to feed my children. we also have displaced people living with us. we cannot afford to pay full gas, so electricity and there's nothing available. we cannot go to the market to buy food for our household, or our children. allow the zillow, even if you had to 100 us dollars for example, and want to go shopping, see you only get a handful of items. uh, so monday has become meaningless at the bottom of the on the health experts. so you, the little food that is available is being prepared and unsanitary conditions and
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a shortage of clean drinking water is posing serious danger to people's health. and i didn't have that that to patients come with cases of extreme dehydration, some of which then progress to kidney failure or weakening kidney function for them . and the water that children are drinking most of it is on face for she and consumption, posit stopped as a warning that causes a close to a disastrous health crisis. that may have a lost and impact no matter when the war and the buyer. um is the spokes person for the norwegian refugee council who joined us earlier from the dining capital a month and with gaza is growing increasingly desperate for food and basic supplies . i asked him whether his colleagues in the besieged unclear, are able to distribute a to people there at all. a good morning,
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very little that we can do yesterday. we have 2 trucks coming in, and of course, this is nowhere near enough to cover the, the men's names on the grounds. we have half a dozen of trucks coming in. now we've, we've given out some, some tens for people to take us. shots has make shift, make shift shots, has hot springs that we have providing and continued to provide some drinking water purified. want to people have been drinking contaminated clothes and for 70 days, almost now the entire, i think humanitarian system is, is likely have this collapsing reading without, without support. there is a level of that there's a level of almost acceptance of what is happening valves. because the people who will be left to, to starve to, to even probably die of starvation, we have seen warning so fast that has to stop. and unfortunately,
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the worst of all is that we see no signs. absolutely no signs of that. the cease fire and the horizon. mm hm. you mentioned the drinking of contaminated water hunger. of course we heard it in the, in the report there at this crisis could trigger a larger health crisis. is there any infrastructure left in gaza to deal with this problem that might be looming on the horizon? probably, you know, i mean we, we, we have seen images behind these images. i should say that there's an entire broken system full for 2000000 people. we have seen brains one day of brains that was, that was one day of brings and guns and the streets attempted to clog maya. people couldn't access items, arguments, cruise because it acts as people that stuck on the rubble imagine being stuck under the rubble. then it's flooding all over the neighborhood and then no one can reach you the communications where it cuts off yesterday. all teams have to almost do it
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. um, you know, has have to do manual has counseling. we have to go check on people and shelters and all right and sentences and why it's happening is, is taking garza back on that case, but really centuries what we are seeing now. um, to conduct the trustee for all this time to call um water supplies and also to internet for people so that people are not even able to communicate. so i'm, i think that i just, i just want to say here that is there any other place in the world where this would be tolerated or accepted? probably not. and we haven't seen it. i mean, show me, i have come with the lots of the crises and them at least i'm, i have seen the world come together to try to help. at this time it's almost like everyone feels helpless for some reason. and that is because this, this story has been publicized so much. mm hm. i'm talking about the politics behind it. israel rejects a cease fire, which organizations like your like your own or, or, you know,
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calling for and have been calling for us and says, we're broke out. what does this mean? the continued finding mean for an organization like yours and the work that you're able to do. i mean, when were you feeling the nightmare scenario here? i mean, if it's not already we are in and not in this scenario just to say, you know, mean temperature is, is, is, is going down now and we're talking about probably the most harshest winter on record in gaza. i know 11 degrees of the sound of lots and you probably the sounds warm, but that is very, very tools for, for kids without blankets for kids without the shelter without. so we're a room, a window or a door. i mean they, they are going to spend the next 3 months that certainly like that, just to say about 70 percent of the housing in government has been destroyed or damaged. we are preparing for, for online mess. and are you really the, what legacy are we leaving these children with?
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i don't know what, what the world is doing, watching these people, you know, and the sleep on the street and these kids without limbs and without medication. so this is going to be a night map season a has a fire um of the norwegian refugee council. thanks a lot. thank you. in germany, police have a rest of the 3 alleged members of how months here in berlin, on suspicion of planning attacks against jews. does police have arrested a 4th person in rotterdam? germany prosecutor say, the alleged conspirators planned to bring weapons to berlin, to use in potential attacks against jewish institutions in europe. last carried out the october 7th attacks against israel, and this classified by the e. u and the united states as a terrorist organization, as w,
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as political corresponded, hands, blonde told me more about the suspects and how far their alleged plans had already progressed. but what was going on is that apparently, some time ago, possibly some years ago, some width funds have been buried somewhere in europe. we don't even know exactly where and the suspects that have not been arrested. i have tried several times to retrieve those weapons to bring them to berlin, so that that could be used for possible attacks. apparently, the authorities have been following the school for some months already. this has been going on since the well before the, the how much the attack on israel in early october. so it's not a, it's an operation that's been going on since since the summer in europe and the rest that have not been made when bad. presumably because against the background of the developments in israel and gaza, the risk of an attack is becoming more likely. and so these people were taking off
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to having, being apparently followed for quite a while. and with that analysis from hands from here, all up to date docs film is up next with a look at the impact of industrial exportation on the ocean floor on the coast, really. and i will be back with more at the top of the next hour. hope to see you then the we want to be the number one for the book or is the car to clean and empire of crime lose? i even have to a sales one coin made up currency. then she disappears without the trains of financial thriller about the world's most one said a woman crypto queen stop december 30th on dw, the.


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