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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 15, 2023 12:00pm-12:30pm CET

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the the, facing the news life from berlin hungry blocks 50000000000 euros in your aid for ukraine. it's permanent subject to all the details, the extra cash. just pause often usually does the greek to stock membership, talked with t 3, bring you all the reaction. also coming up for in the middle east and its impact in europe as each man hunt salita is a from boss in does the pointers in germany and the netherlands, a rest alleged members of the group on suspicion of planning attacks against cures and on their way home german troops leave money pending
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a decade loan department of the west african country as box spring and our divisions peacekeeping force. we look at pub, this now means for molly and it's fight against is let me just insert the . i've been expanded. you're welcome to the program. ukraine had been hoping for 50000000000 yarborough's extra any you aid, but hungry as prime minister had all the ideas blocking a move to send more money to keep rick to all the answers. he used his veto at the summit and brussels because the cash could be better spent on other priorities. and ukraine could wait until the new yeah. he's also done his best to dump and send impressions of to his fellow eaters, a week to stop talks on ukraine's proposed membership of the block chairs and the thing of what he's have to say special need me to do. so i've always said that if
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someone wants to amend the budget rule and they want to for several reasons. so this is a great opportunity for hungry to make it clear. it should get what it deserves and not tough then a quarter, but it must get the whole thing on the pick up. now that the, the correspondent rosie rashad has been following developments in the brussels. rosie hungry appears to be blocking aid for your brain by linking it through its own financial issues with the e u y. exactly. so to really key pieces of context here, the 1st is that hungry is an outlier among european union countries. it's long cast out over the european union's overall policy funnelling support to ukraine of any of the same time sanctioning russia over its full scale invasion of you crate. and the 2nd thing is that hungry itself has billions of euros and e u funding frozen for hungary over allegations. there has been democratic backsliding in the country areas, for example, like freedom of the academia areas, for example,
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like the migrant rights. no. on the eve of the summit here, but who's in this building about 10000000000 years if that funding was unfrozen for hungry, which a welcome uncle gary and officials have just no industry which is filled with press been re signals are run over to hear what i what they have to say, and basically my understanding is that they are saying they are happy, in theory for ukraine to get extra money, as long as it's outside of the budget. because of course, it has its own bug bears with the budget, namely those billions of yours that remain frozen in hon gary and funds. so it all sounds a bit complex and technical, but what this boils down to is ukrainians. a space money had been green linked as the rest of the leaders wanted it to be at these talks. they would be sleeping more suddenly in their beds tonight because it would mean that there would be funding secured for ukraine for the coming years. now the fact is that there is no drastic change over night because other funding models are still available to ukrainians. but there's another decides here, which is that the you have to hope to can send
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a message to you create that. it's their send that method to rush out, but also send it to washington or us lawmakers are having their own debate about funding for ukraine. somebody was both sort of holding a green light for ukraine's ear membership thoughts, but it still happened. how did that happen? yeah, well it said we'd have posted that in the end. in fact, it did. no, it was a very interesting and a piece of politics playing in this building whereby a hungry se, but it was in the room and insisting that it did not want the green light. this moved to start membership negotiations with ukraine. however, what we heard is that german chancellor, olaf schultz came up with the idea that victoria von could simply just walk out of the room if he didn't want to be part of the decision. and that is exactly what happened. the prime minister of hungry left the room. he officially abstained. i'm not allowed the rest of the leaders to move forward with that decision which has been so warmly welcomed in ukraine. so does that mean that even now c, e u enlargement fight soon. despite victor old bond thing, he can still locked up later in the hon. good environment. it does not mean that
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we'll see you in large, but quite sued, not because joining the you is a process which tends to take gears. it's very complicated. while we european commission to use executives congratulate ukraine for the momentous reforms, it says that ukraine has been able to do despite actually being war despite fighting against a full scale invasion. there still is a lot of road to go and hunger and permits. there is quite right to note that he can veto that decision moving forward. there are lots of steps still to take brussels itself. has some homework to do if it wants to create. if we open it's door to you create because it's own robot currently just isn't really meant he would say up to the task of enlargement. yet however, you leaders think this was the moment to offer that political signal to ukraine. and then to deal with the details moving forward, the use of it is stand the ongoing, what's on the agenda that in brussels today? well, you leaders are know, turning their discussion to talk about the middle east, the gaza on you. leaders are famously divided on this topic before,
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but especially since those brutal attacks on october 7th, we where they are united and where they will likely remain united today is the way that condemnation or from us where they are not united isn't when it comes to calling for a c star, there are a number of the you countries particularly prominently, for example, spain also are those that are pushing for that. others that are much more requisite, including austria and germany, for example, series that any such calls would only serve to involved in from us or leave it there with the timing. but thanks for that up there. do the corresponding drugs you prescribe in brussels? thanks so much the protest in health ministry says is really false as getting that these 12 people and wounded searching for others, you know, 3 day read on the city of janine in the occupied westbank israel. so it is a captive dozens of mutants in the operation which be described as part of the counterterrorism efforts against a mazda in the west bank. these rarely ami, rachel said it would discipline its soldiers accused of death to printing
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a most pain. janine let's get more on these with the rebecca editors i corresponded in a general slammed rebecca walk more. can you tell us about the janine reds silvers? this is the latest in a number of rides that have been being carried out since october 7th, since the will began. it's certainly one of the biggest that we've seen engineering for quite some time as you say. it was 3 days or 60 hours a little over 60 hours. in length a 12 people were killed. we saw that they were pull those as they use the tanks were inside the cab. uh, and that even a weaponized drawn was used for a drawing to tack on some militants as the military. i believe that they were. so, you know, we seeing a really large scale right, that we haven't seen so far since october 7. i was a covering. and now the wright engineering earlier this year, and it was of
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a similar scale and the destruction in the, off the mouth of, of these raids is quite significant. you sale the road pulled up, you see, boomed out buildings or damage buildings. you see lots of gun mocks and of course destroyed homes inside people's homes with the military go through from door to door writing, looking for weapons and looking for militants. as you mentioned as well this time uh, some military. some is ready, military members actually got inside the mosque engineering and were reading out hanukkah songs honey comprises across the lounge because they have been reprimanded . but that's something significant that we haven't, we haven't seen, which sort of, you know, leads us to, to say, just exactly where the military, you know, feeling the, the sentiment of the ministry at the moment. so that's the westbank. what is the latest you're hearing about israel is operations in gaza as well as a continue to be intense garage. we say these continue, aerial bombardment. suppose in the south part of the strip and in the north was
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saying the ground forces continuing to push their way in the, in the south were seeing them entering that southern city of han, eunice. we know that the civilians in the south who were desperately trying to shelter from the aerial bombardment the situation. they're just dia and getting worse. but we're also seeing intensified financing in the northern part of the strip. and that is perhaps a bit of a surprise as we were hearing from the military in prior days that they were wrapping up their operations in the north that they felt that they've nearly come to completion. but we all saying intensified fighting happening in the northern part of gauze as c. v is riley military this morning saying that i also recovered the body of one of the civilian hostages, who was taken from that super nova dance policy. the body of when he was recovered this morning and following that shortly after 2 soldiers of bodies from, from the soldiers who were also taken on the 7th, were also recovered. so suddenly, a lot of attention being paid towards the tunnel systems and trying to retrieve by
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the dead soldiers and the more than a 100 hostages that are still believed to be there to them as rebecca editors in jerusalem. thanks very much. i to that violence in the west bank on the rise, many that are concerned about their children's safety and what the future holds. the, the senior international correspondent funding for job reports from a village and the out of my law about how parents are preparing the kids for life on the occupation soccer. and this village in the occupied westbank is a healthy distraction that i thought i gotta have yellow is also a way to keep kids off the streets away from ease really, soldiers coming in and what a lot of people. oh, definitely be nice to you on the phone because the situation is scary and now it's different than before. there seems to be no difference between adults and children in the work that we're up to. 7 or 8 year old boy is getting killed from the kids
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of the rage. i care about oldest kids here as if they were mind the one on the hottest, that's what i knew that. but the entire village is affected by current events. nearly hoff the adults usually work in each well. the permit square, rebuilt after the attacks by hum us classified as a terrorist organization by multiple countries is really forces have controlled movement in the occupied westbank for decades with barriers permits and check the options of from keeping food the since october. children here i talked to embrace palistine in identity. when the camera is off, some adults tell us the only people who trusts for the security are militant groups and i come us rims test or something. our wasn't part of any radical movement, but he's been in and out of jail since he was 15. and then what this video shows
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him wearing a red jacket being arrested that he's filming october 9th, just after he turned 20. a stop to this is very difficult. every mother would want to hide her son in her heart when they come to pick him up. but i can't tell them. no, we're not allowed to visit him. we had no communication for 60 days. i know nothing about sea, not a bad fish on she tried to equip all her children for the child who it's in the occupied west back. me. i mean, i tell them if you see military vehicle, if we just get out of there we go around the corner. what been, especially now they're ready to shoot. but if they tell you to stop, stop woke up with you see a demonstration avoid certificate of having to do in the room. says these rallies are holding or selling without charging administrative detention. just like when they took him last year, he's one of more than 2000 police unions currently held in suspicion is really jails. you and says, hundreds of children are in custody without being convicted of crimes. what i'm
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doing now picking up the stone can be dangerous thing to do here in the occupied westbank. but it stands often you stones like this as weapons against is really soldiers on patrol and is often kids and teenagers will throw them, is really soldiers, sometimes arrest young people for simply picking up stones. the warning garza is fueling growing angry and police teen in communities. room says she try to teach her children to refrain from violence and stay away from militant groups. but that you raise your kids until a certain age, but then you can't control them. you can advise them, but not force them into one direction or the other regarding a political organization. it's their choice and i did what i could as a mother, i told them i'm don't go to any political movement and keep away you don't want you to be in prison or become a martyr. and everything has been over that special. the faces of children killed
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in garza, han tremolo. the biggest city in the occupied westbank. it's only 70 kilometers from here. and part of the palestinian territories. little professor, be hon all the time. are you writes about the social effects of violence against palestinians. what's the thought about it for the causes also palestine and he died . it's not far from young people here who would be united have they are used to violence and was there a key but not at this intensity? and this was certainly lead to more violence in different forms are back in the village, only a few children come out to play. we chat with the one father was here with his kids . because his permit to work in israel has been revolt. but he want to look on camera for fear of jeopardizing his chances of being able to work there again after the war. leaving under is really occupation requires those kind of strategies which adults here are trying to pass on to the next generation. meanwhile,
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of police in germany here, but as to 3 suspected members of hamas considered the toughest organization for the us and other countries due to face the pool team that calls will highlight to prosecute to say, the next conspirators plans to bring weapons to build into using potential attacks against jewish institutions in go to another person was arrested and brought to them. several of the tennis aspects of bolts been detained in denver authorities. and our investigating of the suspect could be part of the logic tells us that back in europe has the, the political correspondent homes prompt. it's more on how far that alleged plans have progressed. but what was going on is that apparently, some time ago, possibly some years ago, some weapons had been buried somewhere in europe. we don't even know exactly where and the suspects that have not been arrested have tried several times to retrieve
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those weapons to bring them to berlin, so that, that could be used for possible attacks. apparently, the authorities have been following this group for some months already. this has been going on since the well before the, the homeless attack on israel in early october. so it's not a, it's an operation that's been going on since since the summer in europe and the rest that have not been made when that presumably because against the background of the developments in israel and gaza. the risk of an attack is becoming more likely . and so these people were taking in, often having, being apparently followed for quite a while. a quick look now at some of the other headlines making nero's around the world. at least 11. it ain't and police officers have been killed the initial attack, a gunman in the southern province of system. but not just on that you how this to separate as group josh will do claim the attack on the police headquarters in the town of task. more than 500 passengers have been injured in
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a trained collision in china's capital during state media says no debts were reported, page installs, photos, holiday suspects, liberty trucks might have caused the brakes to fail. heavy snow in dolton, china has disrupted long distance rating problems in recent days. and the presidents of diana and venezuela have agreed to to avoid the use of force all types in the dispute over the point rich s a table region presidents. it finally and nicholas my doodle held their 1st direct talks since a recent flare up of tensions over the contested region. they've pledged to continue dialogue. german troops pulling out of motley often more than a decade serving as part of the united nations peacekeeping force. molly's ruling demanded an end to the admission. despite being in the grip of a jihad, this insurgency and other crises. it's the end of the emission considered
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among the boom display of the most dangerous german soldiers, a pulling out of money. often more than a decade. it all started back in 2013 of the militant islam is present, the copies will by my cool german troops arrived as part of it. and you training mission 1st to so modern soldiers how to defend the country against the separatists . and then as part of a un peacekeeping mission called mino, small overtime, more than $24000.00 german soldiers were deployed in money. the mission repeatedly extended by the board to stuck. at 1st, there were huge majorities for continuing the mission to watch the end. however, skepticism grew both in columns and among the german public. when bodies military over through the civilian government in 2021. germany's relations with the contact became increasingly from not least because the new rulers maintain strong ties to moscow and brought in russian mercenaries. in june,
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molly's government demanded the immediate withdrawal of all un troops. numerous law, unfortunately minnes most seems to have become part of the problem by sealing tensions in the community west. and by extremely serious accusations. that's a very detrimental to piece reconciliation and national cohesion in molly. yeah, liquidity on us will not be, might be. the situation leads to a feeling of mistrust among the population towards mendoza. and to a crisis of confidence between them all, you know, sorry, it is and menace about the money in municipal of the like other members of the un mission, germany decided to pull out the door was that of the items that i very much regret that this mission is now coming to an end in this way because it is gonna come clear to us in the discussions we find ourselves in a real dilemma. situation in molly has not improved and yet not the mission itself
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failed. it is the conditions that have caused the mission to fight it like this is not the fault of given politics and certainly not the photo of the book despair and it's sold yet. so when disability are dot in the bathroom, even though its soldiers are now gone, germany wants to continue providing development 8 for money. whether the security situation is stable enough for this 8 to make a difference is now in the hands of monies government. joining me now for more from a boy, jr. is dr. kabir adamo, he ceo of beacon consulting, a company that provides intelligence, expertise, and security solutions to businesses in nigeria, and this, i have dr. adamo webcam. what impact will the departure of un troops have on security? and molly and thank you very much. i'm the minutes. my mission was principally m dot stop live in the region,
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then to prevent the territorial grabbing non state our us putting an impact on in, in money. so we do withdrawal. and of course, we do withdrawal of all the components, including them, you know, french, german, and on several of the united nations component. dave, going to be a cup, and i went to the gap company field by the russian. i'm was in a group of the mullins once the substitute where unfortunately the only time went to go. molly's foreign minister had said that minnes my head fuel detention maintenance country and the public didn't trust the force was the right. as well. yes. that there was an element of mistrust. the mainly because of the association of m, u, d, u n, for the stuff and where, which forces like from and so there was a failure to distinguish between the un under rule of and you know, cuz i'm good by electronic forces like the one of friends to that element of
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destruct, unfortunately made throughout the pain. yeah. deployment of meaning, spine money. you mentioned this idea and so did report that molly's ministry government has opened his door to russian mass and that is what is their role in the country? so um it appears even though the details of the agreement between the malia and the government done the right direction. the government does it way on. of course the launch deduct or wasn't up. it's not very clear. what do we have seen on ground is operational support. including offensive appropriation on support. so just recently, in federal money, there was no bridge on human room. so we know that it was a combination of my land forces and it was enough once, if that carried out that i'm, you know, bridge on the elements of ground or region involving was no forces. i'm so it's, it's military if talk to call and to an extent also the training support to prove
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the capacity of the money and forces. are you able to speak to uh, how big must goes influence overall on molly is and how do you assess its impact? you know, after the cool uh, the um, rubber tomorrow between the money and then joe and the russian government has increased and it appears that it is drug rep which more that trent and the money in june tons of tons regarding the decision to ask the next month to pull out kind of caused by implication to us, or the by no tro agreement, including with the, with the french and the countries like like germany. so it is, it is rather increasing the influence, the more um this countries on the un 4th pull out the more roshana they were, directs the science implant. now that would be the time in the future by at least 2 major things. some folks, this is that this new rep which might be able to achieve indicated of the economy
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and then of cause in an improvement of the security circumstances in my, in my, in money. does russia have as christy motivations in money? you know, the so right. yes, interest, i've never been out of it. is that strategic? it is also to an extent economic. now that rush i was looking for. i like it's, i'm being isolated as a result will be that something ukraine, and it's not finding those are life enough for you. now african countries i need or becoming support, and sometimes military support is on you know, so sometimes russia, all 5 do a foot board, what you're going to make on military. and of course, with the hope of getting that strategic some point, especially in multilateral bodies such as the us. but more importantly, access to the minerals that i in this country right,
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really over there with the timing. but thanks so much for joining us today. talk to be a demo. thank you for having me or some sports news now. japanese baseball, super stop show. hey, all tiny has been presented as los angeles dodgers play. are off the ceiling. a record 700000000 dollar deal with the franchise last weekend. the biggest signing of the major league off season has to have boats as racing among baseball fans in california and across the pacific. in japan. it's the site la dodgers funds have been waiting for shows, hey, oh tony, put thing on the team's jersey for the 1st time. the t whitestone is among the best plans around is both a picture and the back to now he signed the biggest contract in sports history. joey arguably the most challenging player ever plays this case is a long admired. and this is george immediately baseball and continued to improve
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and sharper this house. hold on a spend the last 6 seasons with adult just across town, rivals the angels. despite being names, the american legs most valuable play it twice in that time. he has never reach the end of season playoffs. something he expects this move to correct me cuz i can't wait to join the judges. they share the same passion as me. they have a vision and history all about winning and i share the same values. so i can't wait to join the team and get going already a he rode back in his home country funds in japan and now dreaming of success for all tony. yeah, yeah. for them, i want the alternate to play in the world series that to my husband just and then the next year i hope he hits more home runs than he did last season to get hung up . it would be amazing if he could win the triple crown. expectations sky high. now
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the $700000000.00 mine has to deliver. if you're up to date, still the point is up next. austin, you're populous politicians like donald trump, or javier it'd be ne auto on more than just the strong words. i did a span of g in feeling fine, so much for watching with being to you soon by the,
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to the point. strong opinions. international perspective. in 20244000000000 to have the opportunity to vote with many voters turning to populous and national. have some promises, great quick lane stream politics is democracy at risk fund down to the to the point the next on d. w boards. this train is taking more than
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a trip to their journey through 1700 kilometers of v, as in nice history. 32 hour ride from noise in the north city in the south. on the re certification expressed by train through vietnam in 45 minutes on the w. the fluid you do the same to tense. she survived our streets. thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is martin, the, the genuine,
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