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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 15, 2023 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the dublin years life. i'm building hungry blocks, 50000000000 yarborough's, an e, you 8 for your brain. it's 5 minutes to victor off on the tools, the extra cash just falls off to you and he does agree to stock membership tall to keep we'd bring you or the reaction also coming up water in the middle east and its impact in europe. police in germany and the evidence of us and this members of how boss on suspicion of planning attacks against jews tend, keeps shots and leaves wide pit. and paula, germany's tend to twins,
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i'm moving to china the i'm finished manage. you welcome to the program. a veto by hungry is prime minister means ukraine has missed out on 50000000000 yarborough's extra n e you aide to all bond blocked, to move at the brussel summit. later suggesting that hungry should get the cash each dissolves 1st. from the gulf in union, he's also so if he can still stop key from joining the block, despite his fellow you would need is a green star talks on ukraine's proposed membership by sending me the. so i'll go to send that to someone wants to amend the budget rule and they want to for several reasons. so this is a great opportunity for hungry to make it clear it should get what it deserves. not tough and then a quarter, but it must get the whole things on the methods that gets sent to the democrats
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funding. rosie bushrod has been following developments in brussels. she told us more about the reasons behind hungry. the decision to block the use, they just age package for your grade. so to really key pieces of context here, the 1st is it hungry is an outlier among european union in countries. it's long cast out over the europeans, overall policy funnelling support to create on of any of the same time sanctioning russia over it's full scale invasion of you create in the 2nd thing isn't hungry itself has billions of euros and e, you funding frozen for hungary over allegations there has been democratic backsliding in the country as areas, for example, like freedom of the academia areas, for example, like the migrant rights. no. on the eve of the summit here, because in this building about 10000000000 years of that funding was unfrozen for hungry, which a welcome. and gary and officials have just no industry which is filled with press . been briefing us, i run over to hear what i,
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what they have to say. and basically my understanding is that they are saying they are happy in theory for ukraine to get extra money, as long as it's outside of the budget. because of course, it has its own bug bears with the budget, namely those billings of yours that remain frozen in hung gary and fun. so it all sounds a bit complex and technical, but what this boils down to is ukrainians. a space money had been green linked as the rest of the leaders wanted it to be at these talks. they would be sleeping more suddenly in their beds tonight because it would mean that there would be funding secured for ukraine for the coming years. no. the fact is that there is no drastic change over night because other funding models are still available to ukrainians. but there's another decides here, which is that the, you have to hope that can send a message to ukraine. that is their send that method to russia. but also send it to washington for us. lawmakers are having their own debate about funding for ukraine, or somebody was also opposing a green light for ukraine's view membership thoughts. but it still happened. how did that happen? yeah, well it said it would have posted that in the end. in fact,
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it did. no, it was a very interesting and a piece of politics playing in this building whereby a hungry se, but it was in the room and insisting that it did not want the green light. this moved to start membership negotiations with ukraine. however, what we heard is that german chancellor, olaf schultz came up with the idea that victoria von could simply just walk out of the room if he didn't want to be part of the decision. and that is exactly what happened at the prime minister of hungry left the room. he officially abstained. i'm not allowed the rest of the leaders to move forward with that decision which has been so warmly welcomed in ukraine. so does that mean that even now c, e u enlargement fight soon, despite victor old bond saying he can still locked up later in the hon. good environment. it does not mean that we'll see you enlargement quite sued, not because joining the you is a process which tends to take gears. it's very complicated. well, with your think commission to use executives congratulate ukraine for the momentous
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reforms. it says that ukraine has been able to do despite actually being at war despite fighting against a full scale invasion. there still is a lot of road to go and hunger and permit is there is quite right to note that he can veto that decision. moving forward, there are lots of steps still to take russell's itself has some homework to do is it wants to credibly open at store to you create because it's own robot currently just isn't really made. he would say up to the task of enlargement yet, however you leaders think this was the moment to offer that political signal to ukraine. and then to deal with the details moving forward. the summit east in the ongoing, what's on the agenda that in brussels today? well, you leaders are know, turning their discussion to talk about the middle east, the gaza on you. leaders are famously divided on this topic before, but especially since those brutal attacks on october 7th, we where they are united and where they will likely remain united today is the way that condemnation altima where they are not united isn't when it comes to calling
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for cease far there are a number of the you countries particularly prominently, for example, spain also are those that are pushing for that. others that are much more represent including all street in germany, for example series that any such calls would only serve to involved in from us. or leave it there with the timing, but thanks for that. up. the correspondent rosie for sob. teen brussels. thanks so much. the product and in health ministry sir, is very forces. can diffuse trans people and wounded $34.00 of those in a 3 day rate on the city of jeanine in the occupied westbank is what i would say is if capture dozens of minutes sense and the operation which be described as part of the concept that prism efforts against a mouse and the west point, they really also said it would discipline its soldiers accused the best of creating a mosque in janine the de correspondence back out. it was just following the story for us in jerusalem. i asked her to tell us more about the raids in jenny silvers. this is the latest in a number of rides that have been being carried out since october 7 since the will
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began. it's certainly one of the biggest that we've seen engineering for quite some time as you say. it was 3 days or 60 hours a little over 60 hours. in length a 12 people were killed. we saw that they were pull those as they use the tanks were inside the cab. uh, and that even a weaponized drawn was used for a drug and attack on some militants as the military believe that they were. so are we seeing a really large scale array that we haven't seen so far since october 7? i was a covering another right engineering earlier this year. and it was of a similar scale and the destruction in the off the mouth of, of these raids is quite significant. you see of the road pulled up. p. c, boomed out, buildings or damage buildings. you see lots of gun mocks and of course destroyed homes inside people's homes where the military go through from door to door writing, looking for weapons and looking for militants,
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as you mentioned as well this time uh, some military. uh, some is ready. military members actually go inside the mosque engineering and were reading out hanukkah songs honey comprises across the lounge because they have been reprimanded. but that's something significant that we haven't this, we haven't seen, which sort of, you know, leads us to, to say just exactly where to mail it tray. you know, feeling the, the sentiment of the ministry at the moment. so that's the westbank. what is the latest you're hearing about israel's operations game does a, as well as a continue to be intense garage. we're saying these continue aerial bombardment. suppose in the south part of the strip and in the north was saying the ground forces continuing to push their way in the, in the south with seeing them entering that southern city of han, eunice. we know that the civilians in the south who were desperately trying to shelter from the aerial bombardments the situation. they're just dia and getting worse. but we're also seeing intensified financing in the northern part of the
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strip. and that is perhaps a bit of a surprise as we were hearing from the military in prior days that they were wrapping up their operations in the north that they felt that they've nearly come to completion. but we all saying intensified fighting happening in the northern part of gauze as city the is ready military this morning saying that i also recovered the body of one of the civilian hostages, who was taken from that super nova dance policy. the body of when he was recovered this morning and following that shortly after 2 soldiers of bodies from, from the soldiers who were also taken on the 7th, were also recovered. so suddenly a lot of attention being paid towards the tunnel systems and trying to retrieve by the dead soldiers and the more than 100 hostages. that still believed to be their demons. rebecca editors in jerusalem, thanks very much. police killed in germany. you have with us to 3 suspect, a members of from us. consider a terrorist organization by the us and other countries. they are due to face of
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gold and called for her new to prosecute to say the americans, good conspirators planned to bring weapons to belinda to use in potential attacks against jewish institutions in europe. another person was arrested in brought to them. so, but other suspects i've also been detained in denmark, a thought of to the not investigating of the suspect could be part of a larger 10 respect back in your and here's the, the political correspondent, hundreds bronze, but small on how far that and that's plans have progressed, but what was going on is that apparently some time ago, possibly some years ago, some width funds have been buried somewhere in europe. we don't even know exactly where and the suspects that have not been arrested. i have tried several times to retrieve those weapons to bring them to berlin, so that that could be used for possible attacks. apparently, the authorities have been following the school for some months already. this has
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been going on since the well before the, the homeless attack on israel in early october. so it's not a, it's an operation that's been going on since since the summer in europe and the rest that have not been made when that presumably because against the background of the developments in israel and gaza. the risk of an attack is becoming more likely . and so these people were taking off to having the, apparently followed for quite a while. there was a question about some of the other headlines making news around the world, the german transport company. how about lloyd? so he's one of the scholarships has been attacked and damaged in the red sea security on the surface rights happen. now that you have any port of smoke, ha, who is the rebels from you have been have been targeting ships and response to israel is full. wait time us at least 11 at indian police officers have been killed in a shootout with gunman in the southern province of system. but not just on the do
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how this separate is group. josh, i'll hold on to claim the attack on the police headquarters in the town of rusk far as well, and more than $500.00 passengers have been in dry places in a dream collision in china's company badging state medias say no, that's where the importance of aging controls put a hold of the suspects. slippery trucks might have caused the brakes to fail. have you know, in northern china has disrupted long distance re travel. in recent days. now they were the 1st john to find the cubs ever had to be born in germany, and pete and power have gone on to become a start attraction. but after spending just a few yards in the home at berlin zoo, the pad, preparing for an epic journey and a new life in china tunnel, the twins, pets, and poll leaving bell and zoo moving to check do, and china. in 2019 they became the 1st ever ponders born in germany. well that
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parents to unload and they've been a big hit it and it comes boom. last i parents on loan mostly for china ever. didn't for years, dependence or travel back to the check do plan to base whether having closures which actually very similar to the ones invalid and the advantage for them that is bamboo. it doesn't grab a spot in germany as it doesn't situate and made it quite as like a weed. it sits you and then i always have and all you can eat, buffet of that favorite varieties of bamboo paysimple on the early ones heading back to china in the past months, ponders in the us and scotland are being returned to us here. this is quite a significant here and uh, you know, the history of time of the, um,
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the costs we have um, tenants from quite a few countries returning to china. it's quite interesting and significant that she can ting said in august that, you know, he's aware of the interest continued interest of the united states to host hands from china and put that comes of political demand. right. that is an expression of china's interest and to some extent, the condition of printing relations is a 10th out. any more condoms. so to have that political component with, as part of kind of policy by design, gemini, says able continue to collaborate with china on penders. but in the meantime, these cute fluffy diplomats will be sorely missed invalid, as they had back to that on such a lands. political time does that. you're watching videos. here's a reminder of our top story. hungry as prime minister has blocked
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a 50000000000 your age package for ukraine at the front, the summit in brussels, victor, all bon says, the can also stop. you print you, accession despite his fellow view and he does voting in his absence to open membership thoughts with keith. that's it for now. coming up next, a special report on how to key the mission. freed creek island. i'm finished by mid june village caesar the imagine that your any hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy burner, your dining companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retrievers. 2 should read. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 in.


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