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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 15, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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december 22nd on the w and the this is paid up in the news line from the israel opens a new border crossing with gaza for humanitarian deliveries. the decision to open the count them shall long crossing follows wings of international pressure and don't get shrink live a beach and gaza since the outbreak of war. also on the program, hungary blocks of 50000000000 euros in a you age for you. cry. 5 minutes, civic to old on the toes, the extra funds just hours after easily disagreeing to stock membership told smith cave the last german troops, the mommy ending a decade,
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long deployment to the west african country. as box spring un peacekeeping force, look at what this means. full body and it's fine against is list in sessions the full guy. welcome to the program is ro has approved the delivery of a to the gaza strip through it's that can. i'm shalom crossing the prime minister's office that this would allow is round to maintain these commitments that to allow the entry of 200 a trucks a day until now. old trucks entering gauze i had to pass by the rafa crossing in egypt of the un has one that to people in guys are facing that humanitarian catastrophe with severe shortages of basic supplies. or let's get more from special correspondence. i abraham, welcome. i have so initially israel had refused to open a car. i'm show on for a what's behind this change of hot that's right. just last week. this
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really is really officials announced that curium shalom would be reopened only for inspection. and just to give our viewers a little bit of context about what this crossing meant for the gaza strip prior to the outbreak of the war, this crossing between israel and gaza and was responsible for something like 60 percent of the goods that come in and out of the strip every day. and so having it not be opened and the bottleneck, a rough off, which was never really, you know, made for the kind of volume, but because of strep needs right now, a probably is what led israel to eventually change its mind. but probably this also came as a result of u. s. pressure. international pressure has been there's virtually since the beginning of the war. but in the past couple of days, week or so, we seen
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a much sharper tone coming from us. official of the united states as israel's largest becker us officials have promised israel unconditional support. but we've now heard the us presidents say that israel's indiscriminate bombing and gaza is losing its international support in other us officials. so seeing that, you know, different, you know, much more low intensity phase of combat needs to be reached in this work, the vice president has also the to many innocent civilians have died in the square . so it's likely a combination of international pressure. but most of the us pressure that led to this, and it is temporary, and there's still no aid that is going to be coming from israel through the crossing. this is really for a 8 that is, you know, waiting on the egyptian side. but now there's an additional entrance for it. right . and it's part of that pressure, us national security advisor that jake sullivan has been in the region today. he's been basing with the palestinian or how would you present mahmoud abbas in the west
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bank of what was on the agenda that as well the united states has um, you know, since the beginning of this though, the war this current war and always hinted that the palestinian authority, which is controlled by party, that is the arrival to a mass would be part of the post war future of gaza. and that certainly seems to have been part of the conversations today where jake sullivan, national us, national security, advisor reiterated that this could happen. but that the palestinian authority needs to be re revamped and reformed for it to be able to take responsibility for the strip the post. and you know, authority is largely seen as weak as and in effective by palestinians. they haven't had elections in a very long time. and really likes to kind of leadership right now that
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could really have palestinians rally behind it. and so jake sullivan did say that they would be part the pay would be part of the future in gaza. but the were for reform needs to happen. so for that to be the case. ok, thank you for that. so abraham in jerusalem, the increasing violence in the west bank and many that are worrying about the children's safety and what the future holds. the w seen international correspondent funding for shock reports, not from it for these new drama on how parents are preparing the kids for life and the occupation soccer in this village in the occupied westbank is a healthy distraction that i thought i gotta have yellow is also a way to keep kids off the streets, away from ease, really, soldiers coming in and what a lot of people definitely be nice to you on the phone because the situation is
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scary and now it's different than before. there seems to be no difference between adults and children in the work we're up to 7 or 8 year old boy is getting killed from the kids of the rage. i care about oldest kids here as if they were mind the one on the how to such a is what it knew that but the entire village is affected by current events. really hosted adults usually work in each well. the permit square, rebuilt after the attacks by hum us classified as a terrorist organization by multiple countries is ready for success control movement in the occupied westbank for decades with barriers permits and check the options of from keeping food the since october. children here i talked to embrace palistine in identity. when the camera is off, some adults tell us the only people who trust for the security are militant groups and i come us rims test or something. our wasn't part of any radical movement,
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but he's been in and out of jail since he was 15. and then what this video shows him wearing a red jacket, being arrested at his home on october 9th, just after he turned 20. stop to this is very difficult. every mother would want to hide her. it's dawn in her heart when they come to pick him up. i'm going to see what i can tell them. no, we're not allowed to visit him. we have no communication for 60 days. i know nothing about c nor i'm about to push on. so she tried to equip all her children for the charge who it's in the occupied west back me. i mean i tell them if you see military vehicle, if we just get out of there we go around the corner. what been, especially now they're ready to shoot work, but if they tell you to stop, stop, most of them. if you see a demonstration avoid that, which is going to have the, the room says these rallies are holding her son without charging administrative detention. just like when they took him last year,
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he's one of more than 2000 police unions currently held in suspicion. is really jails. do you and says, hundreds of children are in custody without being convicted of crimes. what i'm doing now picking out the stone can be dangerous thing to do here in the occupied westbank. but it seems often you still ins like this as weapons against is really soldiers on patrol and is often kids and teenagers will throw them, is really soldiers. sometimes arrest young people for simply picking up stones. the warning garza is fueling growing angry and police teen in communities. room says she try to teach her children to refrain from violence and stay away from militant groups. but that you raise your kids until a certain age, but then you can't control them. you can advise them, but not force them into one direction or the other regarding a political organization. it's their choice. i did what i could as a mother,
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i told them i'm don't go to any political movement, keep away. you don't want you to be in prison or become a martyr. and everything has been over that special. the faces of children killed in garza calling from all of the biggest city in the occupied west bank. it's only 70 kilometers from here. and part of the policy union territories. little professor, be another guy more you writes about the social effect. so violence against palestinians. what's the thought about a philosophy is also palestine, and it's not far from young. people here would be nice to have. they are used to violence and wars, they're a key, but not if there's intensity. and this was certainly lead to more violence in different forms. back in the village, only a few children come out to play. we chat with the one father was here with his kids, because he's permit to work in israel has been revolt. but he won't talk on camera for fear of jeopardizing his chances of being able to work there again after the
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war. leaving under is really the occupation requires those kind of strategies which adults here are trying to pass on to the next generation. levels shipping from may ask a says 8 will suspend containers, shifting through a key red see straight following attached by germany rebels on merchant ships german transport company. hi pag lloyd. i was also announced that a pause in its red sea savings until the 8th of december, or if it's congress ships has previously being attacked and damaged in the red se channel. this type of strike happened basically how many port of monica who seemed bevells from a young man had been targeting ships in response to israel's will with how much you counsel president, shall me show her schedule. the new somebody in january to discuss financial aid for ukraine. after hungry as prime minister, vito declined to send another $50000000000.00 to keith to open the block to move
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the european union leaders amazing and brussels and lights. i suggested that hungry should 1st receive the funds. can you believe it's a disaster unit and commission has we've had billions from hungry have about concerns about the rules of law in the country. it's all about. i'm gonna tell him to say that the contests isn't kind of still stop. can you from joining the block despite yes, today's agreement just don't talks on the issue. if you have a chance of the old actual set and joining support for you, craig would send a strong message to the crime that they can do for them to ukraine has not only taken a major step forward on its pos towards the european union, it can continue to rely on the port type of the of the russian rule. a is only waiting for your results to we can get by truck is counting on our commitment to ukraine to slacken as well. put in is very much mistaken for we will do whatever it takes for ukraine, for as long as it takes hold of this just a lot. brussels bureau chief, alexandra fond nomine,
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has been following those latest towards the welcome. uh, alexandra and the gentleman that chances was that we had just said, very reassuring, but contradictory surely by the use auctions. yes. to talks about joining the block which could take decades. well hungry stands in the way of extra funds for you christ right now. well, you right, so, especially when we consider that it took a trick work around to reach the agreement. on the exception talks, it was legitimate and legal and still a work around. and it was all up schultz idea to ask of you to all the on the hung, gary on prime minister to step out of the room and have a coffee while the other leaders can go on and vote on the accession talks without spacing, the hunger young vito and all actual set that that should be not the new normal. and the question of course is how the leaders are going to deal with to it'd be
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located to that by they hung here, young government said them blocking the long term age for ukraine. ok, so the crime lane has not priced um uh, the old bonds done. so perhaps you can give us an idea of what mr. oregon has been saying and what he wants as well. the cleanliness praise to victor alba on for defending the interest of the hon. give young people as they put it and they indicated that they think that the european union and all the other leaders there are hurting the interest of their people by helping ukraine. and by opening, the accession talks with kids. and that is what the kremlin very often does, that they exploit existing divisions. they tried to drive a wedge between plots and the countries. and they play on see are some concerns with the european people. and still we cannot just dismiss it as a pure propaganda because the kremlin really views victor all buttoned as it's allied in europe. he has repeatedly blocked or delayed to measure steadwood herds,
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russia and she has been increasingly being criticized as poor teens agents in europe. something that would have passed denies and still fixed is subject to all the inspections and decisions undermine the will p. any unions you need see in the face of the rest of the war timeframe. thank you for that. dw brussels bueller's the probably sandra phone number on that agreement to begin membership talk say it's a bit of welcome useful case. here's how summary and ukrainians have been back to a diplomatic when, amid a style made on the battle field, ukraine and jews another winter at full with russia, progress and joining the a you is a boost in a row on the streets of keys. we never saw them, i am a it is a very important decision specialist and we spend
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a big team of ukrainians, and embassies are working with you see of uh, naso. they don't leap at night to make sure that we get to this resent best buy. i believe it's a fairly good decision. you know, this is another sales is full. i go to, it's our big cheeks. we put them on the manly up to us. i'm lucky once you clean to be with the european union, but i love you able to see you. i don't want my children to know which water you can as always if you're in north with a european union. i personally think that will work and repeat again and again, i'm eligible for the position i submitted it, see if it'll get for his ukraine, civilize your choice, which will ultimately lead to a break of charge with most guys. the last question, are you ukraine? you finally joined the family of european nation, where your federal, you, ukraine, is, wanted to join the you for us, but it's still faced as a link the proceeds to align laws in standards with the blog. but the agreement to
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even begin to is being seen as a wind by president followed him. is the landscape that the physician is a truly remarkable result to your client. and for you another step towards your client's membership of the you. now you tried many people are in high spirits and it's important as merc device. what some of i congratulate all of you and what speed and team quite all of us into the. so the unity of ukraine extracts in the unity of the main screen, use the world, the biggest obstacle to ukraine's name the ship is hungry is prime minister. the obama piece already belongs in you aide funding and is threatening to veto the membership. proceed at any time leaving ukraine with a long and challenging road, a heat that's set, bringing that correspond that nic accommodate in cave. well, can nick, so tell us more about what people are saying about this. a new summit as well. ukraine didn't get everything that he hope for this is certainly bit sweet to an
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extent, but it has to be set. the most important thing was that promise of eventual membership . there's significant fair hearing key of that ukraine. we for adults with some kind of 2nd flaw, state to some kind of partnership that might save money for going this way, but not the full guarantee of the integration with the blog. something that seems crucial for ukraine's economic recovery. as soon as the ministry at situation stabilizes, at least, so there's a real sense of relief and there's an expectation of that money will come. but eventually, in that new meeting plan for the next year will arrive, as we said, in terms of money. this is all pretty long to medium term stuff you brings on immediately at risk of going bankrupt. of course, this money is crucial. the money promised is more than ukraine is set to need to make up the short short for next year. it's time for several years, but it is of such a magnitude that it is, you know, crucial to ukraine's or balancing it's books. but for now it seems to have full
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volume is, let's get this was much needed. good news and something that you guys can feel good about of to have fairly cream couple of weeks that we've just seen. okay, so i think the old band is not withstanding it's a long old road towards a membership. it will be like a 10 years. so what sort of homework has brussel set cave? so there's the normal stuff in terms of harmonizing standards, making sure you claim the lowest uh, the same as your opinion, union kind of directives. that is what to expect. and i think most of that is pretty easy to do. it is the question of just look for the boris legal work and follow up making sure that all stacks up. the most problematic issue is over the corruption that as long being the main christian from western support to the new crane, but not enough is being done to make the journey traditionally independent and to really crack down, especially on kind of top level corruption. the people with the access to top political figures who have historically going away from any kind of digital persecution in this country. i think it has to be said that this is about the use
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readiness take on ukraine. we've seen a lot of weariness in the western capital is about the kind of unreal thing. this is the block now at it's the current size. and in more, in recent weeks, we've seen significant kind of push back from farmers is back in poland, skid of competition from ukrainian grain coming in from a truck driver scared about the more competitive ukrainian companies coming into that market. so i think it's a kind of to a process and there is going to be a big issue for the 2 big countries who, who sort keeping the biggest beneficiaries of you 8, having maybe not to compete for your crime, for all that money coming from brussels. okay, thanks for that. nick dw correspondent nick connelly in case of the germany's and military emissions. and molly came to an end this week. it was positively un deployment, which was terminated after molly's military, gentle overdue, and peace, capers out of the west african country. the last time as old as of now arrived home ending a decade long brenda's vad deployment. the soldiers were received by gentlemen
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defense, minutes of bodies bestowed as before, being honored for their services. the ceremony and advice in the saxony un mission tamale was created to help stabilize the country as it battled as the hottest insurgency. but after seizing power in a code in 2021, molly's ministry, john to ordered foreign troops to leave. it's the end of admission, considerate among the board, display of the most dangerous german soldiers, a pulling out of money often more than a decade. it all started back in 2013 of the militant islam is threatened to accomplish well by my cool german troops. arrived as part of it and you training mission 1st to so molly and soldiers, how to defend the country against the separatists. and then as part of a un peacekeeping mission called mino, small overtime, more than $24000.00 german soldiers were deployed in money. the mission repeatedly extended by the board to stuck. at 1st there were huge majorities for continuing
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the mission to watch the end. however, skepticism grew both in columns and among the german public. when bodies military over through the civilian government in 2021. germany's relations with the contact became increasingly from not least because the new rulers maintain strong ties to moscow and brought in russian us. maurice. in june, molly's government demanded the immediate withdrawal of all un troops. the miss newton's law. unfortunately, most most seems to have become part of the problem by sealing tensions in the community. lesson by extremely serious accusations. that's a very detrimental to piece reconciliation and national cohesion in molly. yeah, liquidity on us. what not to do might be the situation leads to a feeling of mistrust among the population towards mendoza and to a crisis of confidence between the body and also or it is and menace about money
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and they let me do some more like other members of the un mission, germany decided to pull out the door with data and i very much regret that this mission is now coming to an end in this way because it has become clear to us in the discussions we find ourselves in a real dilemma. situation in molly has not improved and yet not the mission itself failed. it is the conditions that have caused the mission to fire. this is not the fault of given politics, and certainly not the fault of the book despair and its soldiers, disability as well got in the bathroom. even though its soldiers are now gone, germany wants to continue providing development 8 for money. whether the security situation is stable enough for this 8 to make a difference is now in the hands of moneys government. oh, flashing lead face saw how program of a call, not as an hour shift over messaging with political foundation. it joins us not from
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on his capital. obama co welcome to the w. so this mission, this you and mission went into stabilize the country in the region. but in the band got kicked out by military junction, which is over, throw a civilian government. i think this is un mission achieve anything as yeah, i would say so. i mean obviously the security saving has gone worse, but dissolved emission it would have gone much, much worse. so the emissions on how slow down with bodies $9.00 and $2.00 instability in itself is it is at least a small success. right? so, having done that, what effect will withdrawing a base you and troops then have your next be sending you the kind of much more difficult to deliver the aid, the spice of german in your own pocket, and also get the cost. everybody use the infrastructure. they can, you can see just behind the iris thing as well. also the keys in the gym and the,
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the agency novice to all my projects from this infrastructure has gone with become much more dangerous before it has to overflow. because because you know the insecurity, there's a lot, so it'd be yeah, then it'd be more instability. uh, more of these probably in less development book and then all you want us to better say, but we, we had it before the group and other brush in the us, the risk have would have gone a. and so what will that role be then if, if not to secure the region or yeah, i mean, there's not a bit of action or braces, but just looking at the numbers maybe being one of the russians was like more than like cells and french soldiers, it's right here in 02000 and, you know, un peacekeeping forces. so it's, it's a fairly small role with they asked, they managed to retake us on the cities on the territory, but the money,
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i mean they're awesome. ha, i know we're close to be able to control the whole country. so what you're reading then of the reasons for molly's jente kicking out these un peacekeeping was purely a political because of course, if you're to, sorry, go on to the domestic reasons in the military as being office v. as in paul, you know, they talk with a link to the government for a couple that garage, they said we stopped correction, we proved security to make nice. you know, that as age the 3 as an hour they were really just show right now. and one of them on the guest, hardly any electricity is just doing that right. just running non stop for those who can afford it and many more expensive really see miserable, and now with this last on it really more instability. can you give us a quick round up of who the different actors and um, to groups off to a backlink full control in molly and in, across the saw how or yeah,
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you're going to major or you know, this group is going to is name to is that i stayed the wrong leaves, you know, since you're a rock, you know, or, and then there's another one on the link. so i'll call you, this is a g and is found if i know not to do sort of documentation, but that they are very active in data format to write rabbits, who ne, northern marlene to resolve onto the defense army, arrive to take them all ends. yeah. these are the 3 main groups by the console. you know, stage attacks against um, you know, cameras. psych is our last. it's all here. so that over the last thing from the call, not as an hour shift on your or rather of our top story at best out here on dw, israel has approve the delivery of a to, into the costs. a strip service can show i'm crossing until now or a trunks entering cause i have that have passed us through the rough crossing in
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egypt. and congress prime minister. think to all about it has blocked a 50000000000 euro aid package for ukraine summit in brussels. he said he could also stuff, new cranes, a new accession, despite cheese a fellow even leaders voting in his absence to open membership talks with kate offering max is next. taking a look at everything, the whole clinic in bombing in janice. but i'll be back up with somebody. yeah, by the
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typical colors. typical passions the brand, every sauce from gone to springs african culture to you'll see if i wanted to give something to the african living in the west. starting to put it back to the culture . hipster sucks. i'm gonna sign this fashion statement for free mac.
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next on the i believe the big games through next door teen life and the lyla in revision there. are there any truth to the stereotypes about these? make sure it's easy and how do residents survive there? meet them to discuss exactly that life and we're in 45 minutes on d w. the listening place of the mediterranean explosives connects people of many of mazda and
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jeff bar up to korea to us during motor, in last styles submitted to a name. we're left this trees meeting people here in victory this week on dw, the. this is where it all began. the cradle of human kind, eunice go, a heritage side just outside of johannesburg with the early as humans once stood. welcome to farm house, 58 health retreat. are those janet fonts we one can get in touch with visas, but 1st we discuss the how. who resides acosta and from gonna is producing african 5 saw 4 feet around the world. take an adventure to nigeria is live,
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the city of lake goes to find out.


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