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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 15, 2023 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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german watch now on youtube dw documentary the this is the w news line from funding. israel opens a new border crossing with gaza for humanitarian aid deliveries. decision to open the car. i'm sure long crossing fellows weeks of international pressure, and only a trick left. a drinking gauze, a sense for broadcast, also on the program hungry blocks. 15000000000 your obviously the you 8 for ukraine . 5 minutes to victor alba on vito is the extra funds just hours after the latest agreed to start and membership told with cave where is i like
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said the valet concerns crow of the russian opposition leaders. whereabouts after he has moved from prison near moscow to an undisclosed location, the i'm so you're welcome to the program. israel has approved the delivery of aide into the gaza strip. as soon as can i am shalana crossing the prime minister's office that this would allow is round to maintain its commitment of allowing 200 a trucks entry a day until now old trucks, engine guns that have to pass 5 and rough across in egypt. you as well and the people in gaza are facing our humanitarian catastrophe. with severe shortages of basic supplies. with israel continuing as strikes against homeless militants across the gaza strip. many people have fled to the southern region of our milwaukee. the
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air has been declared a safe zone by the ib ask, but the conditions for people that are still dia to the dunes of allan. the wasi has become a sea of tents in the sand, and the mode moves damo and his family gather what little fuel they can for a file. they came to alma wasi of to israel declared it to be a safe but like thousands of others who fled, they have found a little shelter here. let me go to good and then look at the ground. there's mud everywhere and i can hardly walk without slipping. water is constantly flooding tents and we are suffering a man. we came here to escape the war, but the situation here is bad and we were in the middle of a rainy winter. i was all that bad about of my mood and his family of 10. rely on make shift tents to protects them from the winter rains. there is no running water, no bathrooms,
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even the most basic necessities us guess the we're exhausted from looking for food and drinking water on the ground. sometimes we have to work several kilometers to find something to drink today and it's expensive. the children are sick. i'm not, and there is no medicine here within them. well, i'd be happy with. the un has bones that it has not been able to deliver h to l. my wasi due to the ongoing war, leaving thousands of families like my moods defend themselves. holding on, waiting for the fighting to stop and on. it's in this. yeah. and then how do i hope that the war and then they've done it and we can return to our home in the north of the i hope they'd be specific. don't do the guy, so strips out the good safety and stability with it on the check the and likely go back to how it was before the ship could've. but israel offensive shows little sign
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of slowing and was more and more dozens fleeing to l. milwaukee. the area is quickly reaching, breaking point so why did israel change its mind to back to allowing a through the credentialing crossing special corresponding to abraham in jerusalem? that's right, just last week. this really is really officials announced that curium show them would be reopened only for inspection and just to give or here's a little bit of context about what this crossing meant for the gaza strip prior to the outbreak of the war. this crossing between israel and gaza and was responsible for something like 60 percent of the goods that come in and out of the strip every day. and so having it not be open and the bottleneck at rough off, which was never really, you know,
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made for the kind of volume, but because of strep needs. right now, a probably is what led israel to eventually change its mind. but probably this also came as a result of u. s. pressure. international pressure has been there's virtually since the beginning of the war. but in the past couple of days, week or so, we seen a much sharper tone coming from us. official of the united states as israel's largest becker us officials have promised israel unconditional support. but we've now heard the us presidents say that israel's indiscriminate in bombing and gaza is losing it. international support in other us officials. so seeing that, you know, different, you know, much more low intensity phase of combat needs to be reached in this work, the vice president has also the to many innocent civilians have died in the square . so it's likely a combination of international pressure. but mostly us pressure that lead to this,
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and it is temporary, and there's still no aid that is going to be coming from israel through the crossing. this is really for a 8 that is, you know, waiting on the egyptian side. but now there's an additional entrance for it, right? that is part of that pressure, us national security advisor that jake sullivan has been in the region today. he's been basing with the palestinian authority present mahmoud abbas in the west bank of what was on the agenda that well the united states has. um, you know, since the beginning of this though, the war, this current war and always hinted that the palestinian authority, which is controlled by party, that his arrival to a mass would be part of the post war future of gaza. and that certainly seems to have been part of the conversations today where jake sullivan, national us, national security, advisor reiterated that this could happen,
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but that the palestinian authority needs to be re revamped and reformed for it to be able to take responsibility for the strip the palestinian authority is largely seen as weak as and ineffective by palestinians. they haven't had elections in a very long time and really likes to kind of leadership right now that could really have palestinians riley behind it. and so jake sullivan did say that they would be part the pay would be part of the future in gaza. but the were for reform needs to happen. so for that to be the case. thank you for that. so abraham in jerusalem, and you council president shall, and michelle has scheduled a new summit in january to discuss financial aid for ukraine after hunger. as prime minister, vito declined to send another 50000000000 euros to cave creek to open the block to
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move out the european union leaders meeting in brussels and lights has suggested that hunger should 1st receive a bit in funds that he believes it deserves the are paying commission has we've helped billions from hungry over concerns about rule of law in the country, but the old man went on to say that he can still stop key from joining the blog. is my guess, today's agreement to start talks on the issue. if you have a chance of the old last child said, enjoying support for you, try and would send a strong message to the crime that they can do. so 100 ukraine has not only taken a major step forward on its policy towards the european union. it can continue to rely on out that port side of the russian rule is only waiting for york's result to we can get that i tripped e as accounting on our commitment to ukraine to slacken as well. pigeon is very much mistaken for we will do whatever it takes to be ukraine, but for as long as it takes a lot of issues or reassuring was some shots on the shelves. but given what it took
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to green lights, ukraine's a membership a told how reassured should can be asked brussels bureau chief alexandra found on as well. you right, so especially when we consider that it took a trick work around to reach the agreement. on the exception talks, it was legitimate and legal and still a work around. and it was all of sholtes idea to ask of you to all bundy hung, gary and prime minister to step out of the room and have a coffee while the other leaders can go on and vote on the accession talks without spacing, the hunger young vito and all up showed set that that should be not the new normal . and the question of course is how the leaders are going to deal with to the other located to that by they hung here. young government said then blocking the long term age for ukraine. ok, so the crime lane has not price of it to old bandstand. so perhaps you can give us
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an idea of what mister obama has been saying and what he wants. well, the kremlin praise to victor alba on for defending the interest of the hon. give young people as they put it and they indicated that they think that the european union and all the other leaders there are hurting the interest of their people by helping ukraine. and by opening, the accession talks with kids. and that is what the kremlin very often does, that they exploit existing divisions. they tried to drive a wedge between plots in their countries and they play on see are some concerns with the european people. and still, we cannot just dismiss it as a pure propaganda because the kremlin really views victor alba. and as it's allied in europe, he has repeatedly blocked or delayed to measure a set with herds, russia. and she has been increasingly being criticized as poor teens
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agents in europe. something that would have passed denies and still fixed is subject to all the infections and decisions on the mind. steve penny unions, unity in the face of rush us more. i frame by dw brussels bueller's, he'd probably sandra from number of russian. people authorities have confirmed that opposition leader alexi and the family has been moved from prison. east of moscow. his lawyer says he lost touch with a jail published in 10 days ago. and finally had been houses and maximum security prison in the live in the region on charge of see says a politically motivated as though i was told by a course on friday that the found they had been moved. allies of the politician and several western countries have expressed a concerns about his whereabouts. the w. a. russia on list of konstantin aga jones us from the lithuanian capital village and welcome back coast and tell you how in usual is it for russian political prisoners to be shuffled around in the
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system like this? and so nothing unusual the tool and for someone like not bodily this uh, a tow truck because it is in fact, which will be aggravated by this survey, him being held incommunicado with his family and with his lawyers. so i think that this is a tradition dating back well over, you know, decades all the way back probably to stalling of the prison. those are moved for one prison to do it another in a train in a special carriage with that it is the comforts and until they arrive at the final destination. and that is if nobody is indeed moved up, we may not know anything about the right. so this is part of the game if i can put it that way, but his lawyer would be expecting to oh yes, absolutely. and nobody is one of the top of the school business in russian. probably one of the most famous in the world puts and hates him,
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so he's appealed to it puts and controlled cools to reverse the sentence of 19 years for creating a so called extremist entity has been higher than rejected. so he will be serving and mining team. yes. sentence now. and because it is about extreme is which is a very, very heavy sort of a crime in the there are some people code. she may be moved to a maximum security, very harsh conditions present. of course, on the rest the president revealed in the last few days that he's standing for re election. next year i missed an invalid. his team has been running and any one but puts in a campaign. perhaps you can tell us what they've been doing and whether the, the 2 events off in some way related. well, 1st of all, feel we should call that the so called directions because the result is pre determined and the know all the people. indeed, we're trying to direct through
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a broad, a competing for people to vote for anyone. but this is a strategy that may not work because generally, of the perception is that very few people who show up at the the ballot boxes because everyone knows all this. so called election will end, but put in may well be infuriated in may, will want the valley out of side completely because he was held in the prison. well, fairly close to moscow, 3 hours drive suite, 4 hours drive from moscow. but i think that because of the extreme using quotes and close the center, you would have been sent out to travel or inside berry or wherever anyway, because that is considered to be a very heavy crime fiction. thank you for that constant, st. dw russian on this konstantin i got are watching data, but the news life from the lender. reminder of our top story, this, our israel has approve the delivery of 8 into the gaza strip service can show on
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the crossing till now for a trucks entering concepts unsurpassed. find the rock of crossing from agents coming up next on the w, a documentary on life and rear diginero, so the biggest prevent a cold but gangs, but next door i'll have more will use of the top of the . we want to be the number one principle carzillo, the car to clean and empire of crime. lose that you can map to a sales one coin, a made up currency. then she disappears with house of trees. a financial thriller about the world's most wanted woman crypto queen stops december 30th on dw.


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