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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  December 15, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm CET

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you don't see, we want to be the number one, christopher's c o, c o n. she disappears without the phrase secret type queen has been accused of due floating victims on the top 10 list. the cartel leaders in murder is a financial 3 and a half. the world's most wanted woman crypto queen stops december 30th on dw. so well this has been a roller coaster waiting for you crate and it's present, it's a lot of them is landscape. yesterday, kid brought the long awaited green light to start a membership talks. thanks to hunger is evict, opened agreeing to get out of the way. today though, he was back in the way vito and a you a package. billions and support for you. crime is now stalled folding file of internal politics in brussels and in washington. i'm feel guided by then and this is the day the,
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the message, the ukraine is we will be there to support you. the long term financial support is very important for you, right? have you just need to come back to find the best solution to do the off the russian rule is only waiting for your results to we can we, we reach an agreement on the financial aid. so there was a clear politic cuz we were approaching this very much mistaken. they need our help and they need it right now. not after the not also coming up the last you i'm and so i'll just leave molly after a decade long deployments. so was the peacekeeping mission of a sample failure? we find ourselves in a real dilemma. situation in molly has not improved, and yet not the mission itself failed. it is the conditions that have caused the mission to file as
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a joyous. we began the day with an a you summit in brussels that began with a bag and ended in angry disappointment. after successfully side stepping victor old man's opposition to stockton, accession talks with you cried. you li, just found the hun, gabby, and prime minister standing firm. and he's opposition to financial a different case. the discussions of the package with 50000000000 joe roads over full years to support you trying to fight against russians inviting ami will not be postponed until january is to oregon. has said that brussels must 1st unblock his own country's frozen a. you funds before he'll can say that lifting his visa. that's the only mean degree. so i've always said that if someone wants to amend the budget rule and they want to for several reasons. so this is a great opportunity for hungry to make it clear. it should get what it deserves, not tough then a quarter, but it must get the whole thing on the mexico. and i was like you said, talking to mr. obeyed says he could still block you cranes,
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past to membership and hold up of a decisions if he doesn't get his way hungry was the only holds out. is that the summit defying the consensus of 26 of a you latest? unfortunately we did not manage to reach you and unlimited. yesterday, hunger we was unable to support. so there is no a new home depot early next year was just going to go home. but i expect victor all bonnie, in the coming months just as he was respected, not legitimate interest and he's a junior. these were taking into account that he acts as in your opinion that he does not take cost into the political progress. i don't think but it's it's been so i am sure that no one in the kremlin has allusions, and they will be in agreement, which will make the necessary financial means for ukraine available. i'd say that i don't intend to anything to the details, but 3, have uh various tools available to me. sure to, to be able to uh for a few other products was you might expect to rush it has a pull. it is how grateful quotes defending it's interesting to old bond has been
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criticized for maintaining such close ties to document pollutants is by takes invasion of ukraine. the latest where this made of the whole handshake between the 2 days as a recent mason in by using the w is alexandra found dom and has more on congress, controversial relationship with russia. the family really views victor alba and as it's allied in europe, he has repeatedly blocked or delayed to measure a set with herds, russia. and he has been increasingly being criticized as poor teens agents in europe. something that would have passed denies and still fixed is subject to all the inspections and decisions undermine the you appear in the unions you need see in the face of a rush of the war on ukraine. alexandra from nominated brussels. well, vis a you decision was the 2nd funding blow for your crimes, the minutes that has to be in a matter of days during the week, you try to showing up supports in the united states,
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only to be confronted with another political on past. your training presidents please for supports at the us congress were ignored by republicans, were demanding that of concessions for ukraine aid w's. janelle, a demo possible from washington, members of the house have rushed home for the holidays for a 3 week recess, leaving the fate of a 60000000000 dollar defense package for ukraine unresolved. that package has turned into a legislative bargaining chip and washington with republican lawmakers demanding a deal on tighter controls on the us mexico border before passing any aid for teeth control. as many democrats decry as draconian, the us senate announced it would return monday to try and hammer out a board or compromise to free the way for support for ukraine. but even if senator is agree, that would mean house members would have to be called back from their break to vote yes on the package before years and. and it's far from certain that they would,
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that makes for a painful waiting game for you crate with potentially very little payoff up to now doing it all. well, alexander share but has spent the decades in your trains diplomatic service postings. and you are found that to the us is currently i'm boss of the lodge. i'm an offer is book ukraine versus documents and diplomatic. so let's see is a blunt look at international affairs from case perspective. welcome to the w and bass of the. do you have any additional assets? thoughts regarding hungry is back to open we are certainly very lucky to have the neighbor likely so horrible in such a time of trial. the rest of the day can most militarily or bottom is uh, looks like the trying to choke us the comically. it's uh from god. he's an absolute minority in europe. the union i'm,
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i'm think on the european union is not so doesn't consist of people like him, all of them that so we all are ranking our hands here. do you, craig, why he dislikes you grading so much and what kind of agreements he is? so is let him know why he likes his company so much. we have of course our speculations about that, but for a major next time, uh, i will share them with you as mild institutions to go to. wow we, we have another 7 minutes, you know, feel, feel free to speculate. so why, why, why do we think they're hung, gary, and i find minnesota is acting in this way as well. it seems like of the hum, gary and prime minister hesitates, imperial massage items, imperial weakness, uh, just like, uh, the russian president will conduct for julie imperial, imperialistic war against the grand. so he's trying to drag the former colony
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of crane into the full movement. and so the main meals, so to say that maybe maybe in uh, victor horrible, uh, also has, uh, these kinds of the look of parts of your brain on service or bugs. good old additionally disappointed. so both of them will be the support that you kind of stamps are awful for her independence. and so we're going to give all this has been a difficult week for you will contribute funding stalled in the us and in your do a well, what is your reaction to what's happened? well, it was a very is, these are a couple of weeks definitely. uh for the uh, issue of, uh your grade age. gov. so became a hostage to uh, another issue which has become re a disputed in the united states. the
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e c o. their so called low on the border with mexico. we know that the majority of american supports a, a new credit, and then the majority of congress members supported to helping your brain a bottom. fortunately, we have this kind of sedation. it doesn't look hopeless though, and we just want this issue resolved as soon as possible. hopefully before the before christmas were looking at both in a 100 then in new orleans that have got back in the us and you are. what impacts will this delay have on your credit? is defense as well. we, we barely the lives of our best to play with the less of us soldiers to we see that there is no no compromise. so on the ukraine, she comes to concerned that yesterday saying he's a tar gibson ukraine. have him change of the know the targets. the targets are
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basically the duration of your brain. them his right to kill clear what you want in your brain. uh so uh, as long as we use them, so we have less a nissan on the front line. uh it just so we bleed much more. we hope that it will change because because so it would be the trail of biblical proportions. if the westwood band will, in ukraine and this guy institution, right. you said it's important that, that come on the rise before christmas and if it doesn't, what happens? well, we don't expect all of the money to arrive to full price. my sons, we were happy to see the military bunch of the so called into a being the best. so this week or here in the congress. we have uh, i think uh well, live certain, uh, additional uh, will help to for you more you pray. so if this help comes before the
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new year and the rest of it will come, come after that, then dissertation won't the soul dire, but for, you know, for the spirit of the argument for the spirit to ukraine. for this, talking to this, our partners how back we need this package to the test in washington as soon as possible. so that took us through some of the reaction in you trying to what to plan what appears to be waiting, resolve from west, from allies as low as soon as it gets depressed. and to see basically what nothing has changed compared to compared to last year. great is deal, you know, defending the ground for freedom and democracy. so in the war of aggression, this was actually troubled from russia. everybody. and basically the majority of
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the world gave up a new brain quite fast. but we surprised the world. we amazed the world. and people uh, admired us less to you, i just see that they are. what do you interrupt because of the, forgive me i'm because i'd really like to, to push you out on, on this, this notion of being sort of left stranded. i wonder, see what people that are saying about the, the lack of the money coming through nice through a couple of times what, what effect to this would happen? you didn't really give me an answer. so let me press you on that. if the money doesn't arrive, what difference does it make? well you for you, you have the less rules you bring home to the boss. if we don't get to know, we don't get the money. if you really don't get the weapons, the little bit genocide in ukraine, mason know, unfortunately i'm people will be slaughtered. what we have seen in the course of
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this war as, as you are from the united states, sort of gets, gets that, that acts together. it's promises a lag and then delivery on those promises so you must be pretty sure of the money will eventually arrive all be somewhat light as well. that's the feeling and that's the whole goal. so quite frankly, when you look at the american elections next year, when you look at some of the voices, the gum, for instance, from the level of small not only from from 3 or made differential voc here. uh there are some worst time for me. i am very active on social media. when you enter twitter adjusted so depressing to hear so many voices, so, so many people so passionately wanting to ukraine to see crucified sluggard. we know that it's not the reality. you know, the majority of people,
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at least in the west, once you break to prevail, and this is why they say again, this is essential 5. but there are more, some indications to the world to and then also on the virtual nature like and social media. all right, so who needs to do a walk then? because the space has always been a problem for ukraine, and it's a support. is that the whole notion of democracy, elections, governments change. i to choose to the war changes. you mentioned the united states that donald trump gets said, fee is less likely to be, as uh, as pro a ukraine, as joe biden has been way of saying, very selections across europe. what does president zalinski baffle need to do? to shift the dial back? a goal, she is doing more every single, humanly possible. during the last 2 weeks, we have to present the lens key this be going to follow on to the minister of
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defense, the leading members of parliament, all advocating for campaigning for you know, is to explain both to members of congress and to their constituency. that's uh the reason only one alternative. uh, $2.00 oh $5.00 a bill toner is ukraine leading to death and the in the, in the, in real time uh mode. so i hope nobody wants. uh, that's what happened in the west. good talking to you. thank you for joining us. so ukrainian, i'm not sort of at the lodge alexander shop. think of germany's diminishing mission involve a kind of to an end this week. it was positive for you and deployment, which was terminated after bodies ministry jump to order un peacekeepers out of the west african country the last year and the soldiers have now arrived home and think
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a decade long in this vast deployment soldiers were received by german defense minister parts victorious before base on it for their services. the settlement and advice in the saxony. i'd even mention tamani was created to help stabilize the country as it baffled agent harvest. and so just say that the seizing power in a coup in 2021. molly's ministry hunter, oldest foreign troops out of the country. it's the end of the emission considered among the board display of the most dangerous german soldiers, a pulling out of money. often more than a decade. it all started back in 2013 of the militant islam is threatened, the copies will by my cool german troops arrived as part of it. and you training mission 1st to so modern soldiers how to defend the country against the separatists . and then as part of a un peacekeeping mission called, mino, smell overtime, more than $24000.00 demons, socials were deployed in money. the mission repeatedly extended by the board to
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talk at 1st they were huge majorities for continuing the mission to what's the end . however, skepticism include both in parliament and among the german public when bodies military over through the civilian government in 2021. germany's relations with the contact became increasingly from not least because the new rulers maintain strong ties to moscow and brought in russian mercenaries. in june, molly's government demanded the immediate withdrawal of o u. n. troops. looters, law. unfortunately, minnes most seems to have become part of the problem by ceiling. tensions in the community lessened by extremely serious accusations. that's a very detrimental to piece reconciliation and national cohesion. a molly? yeah. luck with you on us will not be might be the situation leads to a feeling of mistrust among the population towards mendoza and to
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a crisis of confidence between them of the and also or it is and menace about money and they allow municipal like other members of the un mission, germany decided to pull out the door was that us that i'm, that i very much regret that this mission is now coming to an end in this way because it has become clear to us in the discussions we find ourselves in a real dilemma situation in molly has not improved and yet not the mission itself failed. it is the conditions that have caused the mission to fire. this is not the field of human politics and certainly not the photo of the book despair and it's so just bear with me as i got in on so that even though its soldiers are now gone, germany wants to continue providing development 8 for money. whether the security situation is stable enough for this 8 to make a difference is now in the hands of monies government. crazy on
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a side for has a big kofi on, on international peace keeping training center and got it is many years experience consulting and research and counter terrorism measures. you joins us from acura. welcome t to dw professor, i'm they base you, admission fail work. i think it's difficult to say yes or no. they weigh a lot of complex. intervene in factors originally established to stabilize my lead to help to keep the 2015 o g s agreement ship. and then how to rebuild and stabilize by the bradley is security forces. to about time, the capacity to deliver on these mandates became very difficult to test off costs for the west main family security situation. after most of the product,
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the constitution in the south, in by michael with the multiple tass, the capacity of the government. and do you with to agree to the specifics of how the mission should function then became very tenuous and very difficult. okay, so from what you've done, i appreciate you just giving us a so so as outline sketch, it sounds like they were overwhelmed by the circumstances they faced on the mandate kept changing the amount of data kept changing and more often than not the money this way not up to speed in relation to the challenges on the ground. let me give you a better to come example of how many new smart it's so for submission demo street that multiple high right to use of power and influence amongst the crews themselves . different countries bringing in different crews perception of 4 that must
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smell secure with the interest rate and not for them by their interest rate. so if i choose, for example, the introduction to this particular program that we had discussed, the intro said the gen my mind was the quote. to show money as how to defend the country. that kind of cute and that kind of interpretation and disclose, that's not bring trust and just look creates. i mean, deeply empowerment within which the country that needs international support for one accepted. okay, so it sounds like it was, it was, it sounds like it was how strong from the start now it's been withdrawn. what effects will that to you and withdrawal have on security in malia and the wider region as well? 2 things. first, we need to invest on the outside calculated the own capacities to be able to defend
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themselves. so the fairly negative and di analysis that the whole country might collapse. and this is going to frustrate this. so the whole sunbridge just, that's not quick. number 2, we have seen you, jewel, jewel products kind of and joe started to configurations mattie ok, not fast j forming a new i lambs, my book, you in our foster j gamma luck. would you? why not? julia s. sam, i some upset about forming the box, right? you use it. there is a such an african agency that quite a number of our populace at home, willing and reluctant to realize and then realize the problem. that's when our practice and let's not forget that embody a new in new jersey. in particular. we've had multiple states of 3 different
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types of capacities. the ball field to buy time. i think we need to come to the drawing table, right? and then as a property i was interested in the come on go see how best do we do. okay, but that is a sounds like we had 10 years of, of this you in an intervention in which the sun is kept shifting underneath the view site. now that africans are taking agency and ownership of this problem, but again, it sounds like there is a difference, any to protection of what is going on. so the whole thing sounds like a mess. and it also sounds like you actually think, despite that the region is better off, we have out based outside intervention or how 2nd to verse. and that look at the problem through the eyes of the those will show the appropriate. it's a better way of solving those cutting just where to offer
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a false at stabilizing. our project conclusive by being support is moved up north through after time. is this or monday? i'm good book, you know, 5. so, and you should, let's just write down a little that you didn't necessarily trust lenses of the you can then realize the consistent speed away of the capacity building the dimensions. but at the approach you just have it. so avenue just directed exactly the same problems at this growing international african plot with evey attending to look at that from an individual, nationalistic problem, broadband, looking at it as a regional issue. you've just said that they are doing the wrong thing. as i said, when the expert, as i've left, we are looking at the ad as new, alas, malleable, cannot 5. so need yet we are looking at the crowd initiative multiple cannot possibly jag and i look forward to web tubal nigeria,
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us with an observer status. you know, looking at this, i circle mistake. originally intended 10 birds crisis that needs a co invest. i'm going to be able to resolve it. well, i'm looking at just telling us again, our problem. okay, not a problem to problem. no. that's what i likes to not practice i've. that's what you, i guess, looking at just to the last hope you had mentioned that interest. and i think it's important for the missed one. that's that. okay. that's fine. it's true, but she does stand decaying and how i guess about how to do with their permits. so i got sophia's very sick. i've got that. thank you so much for that for talk us through that professor professor. quite a say, i think from him because he, on an international peacekeeping training center in gone have a good weekend, a lot was the day you and also the way to follow some social media platforms at dw news.
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and so i'd like to start headlines is always a d, w dot com, or the d. w. a good day. have a great weekend. the
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the this is the w use line from funding. israel is ministry kills 3 of the hostages. captured during the october 7th attacks i the assets and happened during ground operations against time i submitted sensing garza and it. so just miss identified to hostages as the threats also on the program is rather was a new board of trusting with god and for humanitarian aid deliveries. the following week says international pressure and hungry blogs. 50000000000. your i was in
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a you a for you cried 5 minutes of to all of on the features the extra funds to.


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