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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 16, 2023 4:00am-4:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw, you slide from berlin. israel's military says it has mistakenly killed 3 of the hostages captured during the october 7th attacks. the idea says it happened during grand operations against time us militants in gaza. at that soldiers miss identified the hostages as also on the program. israel opens a new border crossing with gas that for humanitarian, 8 deliveries, following weeks of international pressure
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the unpopular felony as welcome to the program is really mandatory, says it has mistakenly killed 3. is riley hostages, summit flag, our telecom alone lose genres and your time. heim were killed in a neighborhood of guys, a city during israel's grand operation against thomas. a group considered a terrorist organization by multiple countries is ready army spokes, person daniel garry and 9. the accidental kennings. remodel during the fight didn't suggest you. the idea of troops mistakenly identified three's rarely hostages as a threatening to you. as a result, the soldiers far towards them well for you and they were killed then the other girl . there were at least as a sad and painful event for all of us and the idea bears responsibility for
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everything that happened most recall. earlier i talked to during the semi circle in jerusalem and he told us what the reactions have been so far in his row. so i can tell you that among the families, we're seeing a turning point. if i'm to now, they kind of gave some backing to the government. i mean, they were always pushing for the release of the hostages. has been garza, but now they're saying that this government is waging a military campaign that is not working. and the, the only way to get these hostages outside is a, through a must be struck immediately. so with the mouse, so they're now calling for an immediate view with moss. this is a one reaction that we're hearing and other reactions. there's been some criticism
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on prime minister netanyahu that he wasn't the one that announced this to the public that he left it to the spokesperson of the id. if the critics are saying that had been a success, we would never heard the time. yeah. how come out and talking about it, but in this case he left it for the idea of spokesperson. and of course on the palestinian side, we hear that they're saying that you know, this is exactly how the is ready. military is operating in gaza, opening fire on people who are on the on and they gives the example today of a judge 0 camera man who was a shot and killed in the south of the gaza strip from the drone air fire and the wounding of the and the 0, how big the correspondence that was the door,
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somebody how likely is what you're telling us there at to have like use it to influence the next phases of israel's grand defensive as well, this could be a turning point because it seems that it's so fall, the campaign has not been successful in bringing back the hostages. and in fact, the few days ago we have with the ministry has retrieved some bodies of hostages . and one of the things that the families on i was shouting in the streets of kind of, this is what we want the hostages a live. we don't want them in bodies and we've already heard that there might be a meeting with the chief of most sod with the categories. so maybe this is an opening for a new
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d type. sammy semi circle in jerusalem. israel has approve the, the delivery of aide into the gaza strip through it's param shalom crossing the office of prime minister benjamin netanyahu said this would allow israel to maintain its commitment of allowing 200 a trucks entry per day until now old trucks entering guys will have to pass be at the rasa crossing in egypt. the un has warrant the people and guys are facing a humanitarian catastrophe. with severe shortages of basic supplies, with israel continuing airstrikes against time us militants across the gaza strip. many people have fled to the southern region of my wasi. the is really military has declared the area a safe zone, but living conditions there are described as dire. of the dunes of allan. the wasi has become a sea of tents in the sand,
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and the mode moves damo and his family gather what little fuel they can for a file. they came to alma wasi of to israel declared it to be a safe but like thousands of others who fled, they have found a little shelter here. let me go to good and then look at the ground. there's mud everywhere and i can hardly walk without slipping. waters constantly flooding tents and we are suffering a man we came here to escape the war, but the situation here is bad and we were in the middle of a rainy winter. i was all that bad about of my mood and his family of 10. rely on make shift tents to protects them from the winter rains. there is no running water and the bathrooms, even the most basic necessities us guess the we're exhausted from looking for food and drinking water in the ground. sometimes we have to work several kilometers to find something to drink today and it's
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expensive. but the children are sick, i'm not, and there is no medicine here within the. well, i have lived the un has bones that it has not been able to deliver h to l. my wasi due to the ongoing war, leaving thousands of families like my moods defend themselves, holding on waiting for the fighting to stop. and then yeah, and then how do i hope that the ward will and then they've done it? and we can return to our home in the north and up i hope they'd be specific, don't do the guy. so strips out to the good safety and stability with it on the check the and likely go back to how it was before the ship could've. but is rails offensive shows a little sign of slowing and was more and more thousands fleeing to l. milwaukee. the area is quickly reaching, breaking point police here in germany have arrested 3 suspected
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members of hamas considered a terrorist organization by the u. u. s. and other countries, they are due to face a course in calls for. prosecutors saved the lives conspirators planned to bring weapons to berlin, to use in potential attacks against jewish institutions in europe. another person was arrested and brought her down several other terror suspects of also being detained in denmark. parties are now investigating if the suspects could be part of a larger terrorist network in your to well, the conflict and gaza has fueled a wave of anti semitic incidents here in germany. eaters have joined members of the countries jewish community in berlin, in a show of support to mark the last night of kind of shining a light in dock times. on the last, as a panel call more than 1000 jews from all of the gemini, gather, didn't berlin to celebrate the community. despite the shop increase in anti semitic incidence,
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and some us tetra tech on israel and the wall and gaza. the lead often if you we are experiencing open hatred towards jews and ease rail on gym and streets especially since some type of safe and for them. it was already anti semitism before that, but the quality and the threat level is different. now, at the same time, this community de sends out a message we do useful northlake ourselves to be defeated. never among the guess high level german politicians like presidents funk by just dine, maya, sending a message will support as it should, the message on the trucks, me and it makes me angry, is that there is anti semitism here in germany to be once again and renewed in germany of all places, though it's not built on dr. it's back to germany will remain
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a home for jews. that's what i personally stand for. and that's what the vast majority of all germans stand for, live in a foreign minister. and the babel reiterated that solidarity with israel remains of fundamental principle of the german state. but stress that israel could only be safe if palestinians a safe to this vigorous breaking. that is why we will keep talking to our is really partners about the fact that the civilian population and gaza must be protected consistently and at all times more because more suffering as to the risk of more terror mia, chapel or net. but because of our commitment to israel, security and to international humanitarian law are not contradictory. they are 2 sides of the same coin item disable, mid die. edu. for jews meeting here and the german capital, the recent events have cost tremendous pain and sorrow. but many say the events have also brought them even closer together. let's take
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a look at what some of the other headlines making use around the world. yeah, man's around back to the rebels. the same to a fired michelle's a 2 ships and the red sea shipping joins america on top of lloyd r suspended container shipping, following a tax by yeah, many rebels on ship rebels say they are targeting them in response to israel's more with off the guitar base television network, l g 0 says one of its camera man has been killed in his writing air strikes the southern city of con eunice. there guys, a bureau chief was also injured in the strike. more than 60 during mississippi, killed in the region since october 2nd. i court in the u. s. as ordered former new york city mayor and donald trump lawyer, really g g. i need to pay over $148000000.00 in damages to, to women over coals claims they time for those both in the 2020 election supply.
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the trial was just one of several legal cases. jani is face of the people that wouldn't have been dead. now if they were at the 1st, joins upon the cubs ever to be born here in germany. and pit and poll have gone on to become a star attraction, but after spending just a few years in their home at berlin zoo, the pair are preparing for an epic journey and new life in china. and the twins paysimple leaving balance due and moving to check due in china and 2019 they became the fast ever ponders board in germany while that parents to unload and they've been a big hit it and it comes boom. last i parents to unload mostly for china, but didn't for years upon this or travel back to the check do plan to base whether
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having closures which actually very similar to the ones invalid and the advantage for them. that is bamboo. it doesn't grab a spot in germany as it doesn't fit you on. medic weighs like a weed or is it you and then i always have and all you can eat buffet of that favorite varieties of bamboo facing poll. i'm the only ones heading back to china and the past month ponders in the us and scotland are being returned to us here is quite a significant here and the, you know, the history of time. is it some of the, um, the costs we have tenants from quite a few countries returning to china. it's quite interesting and significant that she's in tang set in august that you know, he's aware of the interest of continued interest of the united states to host tends from china. because that comes of political demand, right. that is an expression of china's interest and to some extent, condition of printing relations is a 10th out,
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any more condoms. so to have that political component with, as part of kind of policy by design, gemini, says able continue to collaborate with china on penders. but in the meantime, these cute fluffy diplomats will be sorely missed invalid, as they had back to that on such to lands. you're watching data if you use. here's a reminder of our top stories, and he's ready. ministry says it has mistaken. we killed 3 is writing hostages during his friend operation against time last week. as an army spokes person says it happens in gas. the city your soldiers use identified the hostages. israel has approve the delivery of age into the gods. the strip through it's karen shovel in the process until 9 o 8 trips entering does not have to pass via the process.
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you're watching your news from berlin of next. we have a special program on the greek island. hell key that's be coming up for admission. free promot, stay tuned for that on top of the phone and e. s for me on the team here. and thanks for watching. take care. talk to you again the, the monumental structures of the stone age, a milestones in the history of mankind. some of its greatest meetings are monumental stone arrangements that people are arrested long before the pyramids, a technical and logistical feat that simple as the impossible agents in body see it
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. the stones tell the story of the power for revolution. the


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