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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 16, 2023 9:00am-9:16am CET

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this is the, this is dw news line from berlin. israel's military says it has accidentally killed hostages, captured by him os during the october 7th attacks said to be mistaken for threat. the 3 were killed during ground operations and gaza, sparking renew demands from his release for negotiations to release the surviving hostages. also on the program, israel opened a new border crossing with gloucester for humanitarian aid deliveries, following weeks of international pressure the
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and greetings 2 of yours around the world, michael. oh to the is really military says it has mistakenly killed 3. is really hostages summit for one hour to load go along lulu genres, and your tom hygiene were killed in guns. a city during israel's ground operation against them on a group considered a terrorist organization by multiple countries. israel defense forces spokesperson, daniel a gallery, announced the accidental killings as the model i saw during the fight. and since i yeah, the idea of troops mistakenly identified 3 is rarely hostages. as a threatening to you. as a result, the soldiers fire towards them will feel and they were killed then they have to go there with is a sad and painful event for all of us. and the idea of bears responsibility forever
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. anything that happened last week or earlier, we talked to a journalist, a semi circle in jerusalem. he told us what the reactions had been so far. but i can tell you that among the families, we're seeing a starting point. if i'm to now, they kind of gave some backing to the government. i mean, they were always pushing for the release of the hostages. had been garza, but now they're saying that this government is waging a military campaign that is not working. and the only way to get these hostages outside is a through a, and that must be struck immediately with the mouse. so they are now calling for an immediate deal with a mouse. this is one reaction that we're hearing and other reactions. there's been some criticism on prime minister netanyahu that he wasn't the one that a noun,
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this to the public, that he left it to this spokesperson of the id. if the critics are saying this has been a success we, we've never had the time. yeah. hope a come out and talking about it, but in this case he left it for the idea of spokesperson. and of course on the palestinian side, we hear that they're saying that you know, this is exactly how the is ready, minute 3 is operating in gaza, opening fire on people who are an odd and they gives the example today of a judge 0 camera man who was a shot and killed the in the south of the gaza strip from the drone air fire and the wounding of the and the 0. how big the correspondent the for door. meanwhile,
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a israel has approved the delivery of aide into the gaza strip through it's co m showroom crossing the office of prime minister benjamin netanyahu said this would allow israel to maintain its commitment of allowing 200 a trucks entry per day until now all trucks entering garza had to pass the via the rougher crossing in egypt. the un has warned that people in gaza or facing issue mandatory and catastrophe with severe shortages are basic supplies. the move was welcomed by the world health organizations representative for the palestinian territory. it's, and of course, very news. good news, but the, what we now have to work on as well, how do we make sure that these trucks can go everywhere and not just install? oh gosh, i've been also to the north casa. earlier i spoke to a journalist has assembled boucher who's monitoring the situation in concert from amman and i asked him how vital this 2nd crossing is for his fellow gardens. it's
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important to have a flow of goods into gauze gardens in desperate need for, for food, for the water and other supplies. and right crossing was it, you know, of the car for city on the crossing was in a designed for, for, for, for goods to come. the process of uh, of goods and trucks used to go through. and it said uh uh, crossings between egypt and uh, and the as well for inspection, then the drive too long throughout fact, across in 2000 now. uh, crossing through directly from the area cuz i know the, the previous and the, the main uh, commercial across and 15000 as well is very important. but the problem is that the number of trucks is not enough according to the international organizations, including us. and we are talking about at least $1200000.00 in the south of the our
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are receiving these aids and, and it's still the number of trucks and limited to $200.00 plus the types and the items that is delivered is not the only things that the goals need there is a huge shortage of all items off to about 70 days or a 5. i think you were able to escape from the violence in gaza yourself. what are you hearing from there as israel continues it's bombing campaign? yes i'm, i'm, i'm still keeping, getting close eye on what's happening and goes out. i spend a month the, or i know some of the circumstances. i lived through it. i have a family be i have friends on talking to the new people for through my my work. and what happening there is very, very hard. the airstrikes continued. uh, there was, uh, the difficult is,
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is raising the casualties and everywhere. um, now we are talking about 3 main spots, a fighting north garza, and in big lot he a particular around the hospital or uh, come out or gladwell me here this morning according to the minister of pills. that these were 80 tags are destroying and, and the storming bottle of the hospital, the, the displaced people who used to stay there where the off the back you wage and where they can install. office is still part of them. i'm not sure if they, they are still there and it's, it's, it's a, it's important to mention that then of for more than 2 days. now that there is a complete a communication blackout in garza so which affect the communication with the, with, or between the people or among the people themselves or with the people i pro, with which i fix the, the delivery as well or of the of the
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a to the different. now there is spot. is you guy? yeah. east of garza city. where the 3 hostages were, were, were killed by mistake. bodies were 80 troops. the 3rd one is kind of eunice in the south where the, uh is well, is trying to uh, to enter and, and to keep by. and they think that this is one of the main strongest spots for how much he has um blueshot in amman, as always has um many thanks for your time. okay. in germany is sending a plane carrying medical supplies to egypt to help patients being treated from the gaza strip. the flight is scheduled to arrive in cairo later today. several tons of medical equipment or on board, including ventilators and incubators for babies. some cousins injured in israel's bombardment of the strip had been sent to egypt for medical treatment, with many of guns as own hospital was no longer operator. for more on that i spoke
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with dw political correspondent, emily gorgine, who was at the air base in germany's lower section 8 in from the store. well, if you just look behind me here, um, this is a medical supply delivery was 1400000 years. is increased in q, racist ventilation is particularly for small babies. and this comes at the request of hospitals in egypt that helps reaching civilians from gaza at this very moment. is this a one time delivery, or is germany planning to send additional late? no, this is a one delivery in the series of different deliveries. next week we're going to see a delivery that will include supplies such as tempts. it will be part of the e use a so called the air bridge initiative that will see age was to be a 2000000 years being delivered to gauze. and we'll be seeing more
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a 10 being delivered the 3 to jordan as well and all and all. and if you look at the numbers, a germany has to message approximately a 180000000 years to the palestinian territories and around 2 sites with us in the, in the last few weeks. so germany is trying to step up its commitments to the humanitarian situation, to gauze, and as the war goes on, that so dw political responded to emily gorgine many thanks and like some other stories. now making news around the world at this hour, humans, iran back who's the rebels, have claimed responsibility for missiles that struck 2 container ships. and the red sea shipping lines may i ask and half of lloyd are suspending operations in the area following the attacks. the rebels say they are targeting ships in response to israel's war with a much, a us court has ordered rudy giuliani to pay over
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a $148000000.00 for defamation. half of the award compensates to georgia poll workers, the former new york mayor falsely accused of tampering with ballots in the 2020 election. he faces several other cases over efforts to overturn president donald trump slots. a british court has ruled that prince harry was a victim of phone hack. the prince assumed the mirror, a group newspapers, republishing information about him that was gathered unlawfully is the 1st of his several lawsuits against the british tabloids to go to trial. so they were the 1st giant panda cubs ever to be born in germany. and pit and power law have gone on to become a star attraction. but after spending just a few years in their home at berlin, do the pair up preparing for an epic journey. and a new life in china,
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kind of the twins, pets and poll leaving bell and zoo and moving to check do and china and 2019 they became the 1st ever ponders born in germany. well that parents to unload and they've been a big hit at or any cub is bone well stipends to unload, mostly for china within 4 years upon this or travel back to the checking the pun device whether having closures which actually very similar to the ones invalid and the advantage for them that is bamboo. it doesn't grab a spot in germany as it doesn't fit you on. man, it goes like a weed, or is it you and then i always have and all you can eat, buffet of that favorite varieties of bamboo paysimple um the only ones heading back to china and the past month ponders in the us and scotland are being returned to
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see or is, is quite a significant here and uh, you know, the history of the time of the columbus see um because we have um, tenants from quite a few countries returning to china. it's quite interesting and significant that she can. ting said in august that, you know, he's aware of the interest continued interest of the united states to host tends from china and put that comes of political demand, right? that is an expression of china's interest. and to some extent, the condition of printing relations is a 10th out. any more condoms. so you have the option to take a component with it as part of kind of the policies by design, gemini, says able continue to collaborate with china on panders. but in the meantime, these cute fluffy diplomats will be sorely missed invalid, as they had back to that on such a lands. you're watching dw news. here's
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a reminder of our top stories. the is really military has mistakenly killed 3, is really hostages during its ground operation again some oss and gaza. and army spokesman says it happened in kansas city after soldiers miss identified the hostages as a threat. israel has approve the delivery of aid into the gaza strip through it's car room, shut it on, crossing until now. all a trucks entering casa to pass via the roof is crossing in agents. don't forget, you can always get dw news on the go. just download our app from google player from the app store that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world. as well as push notifications for any breaking news. we will end things there up next, a documentary with firsthand accounts of one of the major panels of world war 2 and
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a forest in western germany. that's after the break. a mike, look who the nice to have you with us, and i'll be back with more news in 45 minutes, the vibrant under glistening place of long in the mediterranean sea mazda. i am just following up to coming to us exploring modem, lodge styles, to amy and admitted to a in jenny this week on dw.


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