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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 16, 2023 1:00pm-1:15pm CET

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the, the business dw news life, i'm barely ease or i was military says that it has accidentally killed hostages, captured by a mouse, doing the up to about 7, the tax set to be mistaken for threats that 3 way killed to doing ground operations in gaza. spock and renewed demands from ease ronnie's for the positions to release the surviving hostages. also in the program. these are all opens and new bold across and with gas out for humanitarian aid deliveries. after weeks of international press on the
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i eddie michael junior and you are welcome to the program. these are also military says that has accidentally killed 3 of the hostages, kidnapped by him. us doing, it's up to about 7 tara attacks that these are, these were reports of the shots after being mistaken, as the threats by so just assuming understanding of the militants in gaza. city, the loved ones of those getting out that the monday, the media to attend all of the remaining hostages and say the safety must be prioritized over the fighting news of the hostage killings galvanized, remonstrances entail of the roads were blocked as hundreds demanded the same for 2, and if those still in gaza, teen weeks after they were kidnapped, much of the anger directed at israel's prime minister. then you newton, yahoo!
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the bar for everything that happens. and they say they do everything. they say that the ration. but the doesn't seem like this, it doesn't look like terrible to try to do anything in addition to it being a much, much a, the and all those lives of the photos that you, this in the pool could have been sped of the 3 hostages, killed by his riley soldiers for all young men in their twenties. israel's military expressed deep sorrow over the killings and said it was investigating the incident . not normally in this we believe that the 3 is re lease either fled or were
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abandoned by the terrorists who held them captives, or perhaps in the last few days or over the past day. blue shield was a quote on bush and we still don't know all the details about how they reach this area. my mazda can afford load them at the pump. him, i live at the tyler israel's in teams land. an app on bond meant of gaza has now killed more than $18800.00 palestinians. according to homos run helpful thursdays with more than $100.00 is riley hostages. still in gaza is growing scrutiny or the whole israel government plans to bring them home safely without even more civilians being killed in the crossfire. that's now speak to rebecca rich as our correspondents, andrew. so i'm hello rebecca. the pressure that keeps going on bring, i mean, that's in yahoo, both domestically and internationally or by the offensive in gas about he's not backing down se, well,
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the pressure suddenly the public pressure has been growing. not so much domestically eddy, but definitely internationally, as we say, demonstrations for weeks now against what's happening in gaza. but the soaring desk till now or the 18000 in gaza is certainly adding to political pressure that we're seeing, particularly from one of his rails staunchest at the store just allies. the us now we heard earlier in the week, president joe biden saying, but israel was in fact indiscriminately killing people in gaza. and that's the strongest was we've heard from the white house in this conflict. so 5 and this week we've had the national security advisor jake sullivan here to discuss with benjamin netanyahu and the war cabinet. and those in charge just about the next phases of this war they've urging israel to try to scale down from this intense phase. and then talking about a timeframe of a couple of weeks,
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they would like to say by early next year that that this will move into it's next phase of more targeted. a late groups going in to seek out of course, search for the hostages, but also see count these and how much lead isn't focused more on the leadership. that's what the us is pushing for. but there are a little bit of conjecture about the timelines is around, keeps saying that it isn't going to to stop. it isn't gonna change pace. but we did hear from jake sullivan following the talks that the 2 allies do seem to be on the same page. though, of course, the us, the stressing that they are not putting uh unnecessary pressure on israel, or certainly not dictating what israel should do, but definitely the pressure on israel is mounting at each note from the public habits something made from international of the international community. right, and the fact that 3 hostages have been killed is definitely a blow to each route because this lead to more talks between these are all they have mass to. maybe we need small captives on both sides as well. that
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certainly well the families of the remaining hostages and they support as you saw in that report, calling for. busy or they're having another urgent meeting today to try to work out ways to throw the pressure of the government to review these hostage negotiation talks. we have seen those talks completely break down in the aftermath of the resumption of the fighting and effect when those initial thoughts break down. but at least one us report from the wall street journal today saying that could tarry officials that could talk atari negotiated, sorry. and his reading negotiate is going to be in no way to discuss potentially resuming those talks. but of course, you'll have to will have to say how much of it is get on board with those folks as well. so hopeful families indeed at a right, it will be used for that kind of interesting service that i'm thank you. now these are all has approved that delivery of a into that gas trip through. it's kyra michelle,
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i'm crossing the office of prime minister. i mean, i mean it's, and yeah, who's that this would allow israel to maintain its commitment of allowing 208 tracts, entry pat date until now all trucks entering guys that have to pass by the rough, by crossing in egypt. the u. n. has one that people in guys are facing the humanitarian catastrophe with severe shortages of basic supplies that's getting more on the humanitarian situation. and guys are from test ingram. she's these folks present for unicef and she joins us from a mon hello, ms. ingram. what difference? well, the opening of the 2nd crossing into guys that made to palestinians as well . the delivery by it is a matter of us and jessica, which was you guys are at the moment a is really, really dire inside. and so every trust that we can get in with those last saving supplies, i was sued in medicine that just extend the lifeline. the kind of fragile spread
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that the children are guides are holding on sort of the moment that it really has just been a trickle. the amount that we've been able to getting is not meeting the and all of us today. so the opening of the crash a lot of crossing is, is certainly an important step. so we really just don't know what's going to be until we say it up and running for a few days. i totally get what you mean. difficult times. indeed with so many displaced people is more able to reach that many to many young people on the move must be difficult. yeah, absolutely. right. so we know 85 percent of the problems have now been displaced. the big push further inside of the cell into areas that really don't have the shows of the food and the water that they need to survive. so we may get those trucks and you know, getting the mean is the 1st part. but then the 2nd part of the operational challenge of serving people in such a congested area where there is really limited safety to us and for them to,
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to the intensity of, of the fighting. so what we need is this a media law and humanitarian. 65 at the end has been calling for 4 weeks. that's what i'm allowed to do our job. and so the children have got those types of pipe for the future possible. i write that these are all has made it clear though that it's not backing down what it's offensive in gaza. how challenging is this for organizations such as yours to look into? if that is true, that is a death sentence for thousands of children. you know, we already lost thousands and thousands of children, so these funding of thousands of people have been ages. so every day that these guys all, we become very, very concerned about the future. so the children never mind it, not only in terms of the islands, but because of that lack of basic services, particularly now the web attorney is, was not made a realize this rain coming in full satisfaction. and even with the weather, there's just not enough water for people to drink. size is high risk of disease.
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outbreaks of malnutrition. so really perfect. so for a child health crisis or incredibly concerned, and the finding needs to stop balance and prevent the children dine testing. graham of units f in a mind. thank you. germany is sending a plane carrying medical supplies to egypt to, to help patients from the guys a strip. the flights took off from on a base in west, in germany and a shuttle to arrive in cairo today. several tons of medical equipment, our board, some guys on the same job. and these are eligible monumental district have been sense of egypt for medical treatments with many of guys as own hospitals. no longer operating due to the conflicts i did of use. emily go again, was the field where the theme is being loaded. she told me more deliveries. i find this is a one delivery in a series of different deliveries. next week we're going to see
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a delivery that will include supplies such as tempts. it will be part of the e use a so called the air bridge initiative that will see age was to be a 2000000 years being delivered to gauze. and we'll be seeing more a 10 being delivered the 3 to jordan as well and all and all. and if you look at the numbers, a germany has committed approximately a 180000000 years to the palestinian territories and around 2 sites with us in the, in the last few weeks. so germany is trying to step up its commitment to the humanitarian situation, to gauze, and as the war goes on, let's look at most always making headlines around the world medical examiners in los angeles. i'm rude. the death of act of matthew perry, an accident. he said he died from the effects of cats. i mean, he said it's of use to treat depression,
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very was found that in october was best known for his role on the 19 ninety's tv comedy, prince m u of weight sheet, and a wife, a model, a saba has died at age 86, shaken a wife was in process 2020 after previously 7 asked interior defense minister, last month he was rushed to hospital for an unspecified illness. raising concerns about his health is a 3 year old by the success of yahoo. so you cancel precedence at the shell and the shell has settled in new summits in january to discuss financial aid for ukraine after hungry as prime minister of utility planned to send the novel, 50000000000 euros to keith. but that was also some welcome useful you clean up the assignments in brussels with lead us agreeing to begin talked with ukraine on joining the block. keeping the cleaning and economy afloat is no easy task as the country fights for its survival. but keeps hopes of swiftly securing 50000000000
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euros. a crucial issue funding were dashed when hungry between the plot and german talks in brussels. all their leaders say they'll find a way forward. but i can assure you that to crane with not to be left without support, there was a strong will of $26.00 to provide the support then. and there were different ways how we can do this says so. so we will work this out. he was not left empty handed. you repeat, union leaders decided to open membership talks with the war to a nation, which is long harvard hopes of joining the club. pretty fast was quick, declaim, 8 was and 20 boards foundation because they said, you know, the assumption that the gateway is a bad decision being given, the ultimate goal will be able to montana, to see them in the door. they want to go and switch tests on it. it is the bottom, make it a little confused. negative conflict has like a negative go back because we have fox prime minister victoria van chose not to be
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to the agreement after german chancellor elect schultz came up with an idea for extension games in the as in the spirit that was originally used by i just i suggested to them and gary environment is because that we think focuses on in his office. i'm just be some discussions on the updates of how to use it and try them. come from billings. brain ways might've helped broker a deal this time, but it's no long term solution to this unity. you rules on unanimous. so to me we do pass can block you creating multiple times on it's long past towards the block. and that's prompting fellow leaders to issue a warning was that's almost like the light, but it's puts in the coming months we'd be to on being respected internally just a minute in the address of jude team. and we don't take the time that he acts as a year and the young does not take phone progress hostage. i don't see pretty new rebates is the easiest rules. look on the cards. there's nothing to stop more serious for rosa, which could see ukraine left
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a long term window. you're watching data being used on braylen, an ex, this tech shows shift to exploring the potential for an occupational intelligence to help protect plans and animals that are threatened with extinction. that's up to the break. i am a micah junior, thanks for watching. stay with us for more use of the top of the, the let someone else do the c d highlights of selected for you. you every week in new a box, subscribe. now. the crew to clean and empire of crime engine is $15000000000.00 us dollars. enough to us so the cold one coin.


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