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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 16, 2023 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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and jenny d, w, the business, the don't use the life from berlin, he's arouse, the military says that it has accidentally killed hostages, captured by him ass, doing the october 7th attacks, said to be mistaken for a threat. step 3 way kills, doing ground operations and gaza spock in renews demands from these are these for negotiations to remains. the surviving hospitals also in the program. these are all opens and new board crossing with the guys awful humanitarian aid deliveries
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following weeks of international pressure. the i am eddie michael junior and you are welcome to the program. these are out some of these recess that has accidentally killed 3 of the hostages, kidnapped by her mouse, doing the up to about 7th terror attacks. the threes are, these were reports and the shots have to be mistaken as the threats by soldiers su in by listing an amended sounds in gas. i city the loved ones of those get not that demand any media to attend all the remaining hostages and say yes, safety must be prioritized about the fighting use of the hostage killings galvanized remonstrances. intel of the roads were blocked as hundreds demanded the same for 2, if those still in gaza. 2 weeks after they were kidnapped,
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much of the anger directed at israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, the bar for everything that is happening. and they say they do everything, they say that the ration but the doesn't seems like this. it doesn't look terrible trucks and adhere to it being a much, much a, the and all those lives of all the lives in the pool could have been sped. of the 3 hostages killed by his riley soldiers were all young men in their twenties, as reynold's military expressed deep sorrow over the killings and said it was
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investigating the incident. not normally in this we believe that the 3 is relays either fled or were abandoned by the terrorists who held them captives, or perhaps in the last few days or over the past a blue shield of liquid combustion. we still don't know all the details. my lot about how they reach new this area, my mazda can afford load them at the poppy, and i live at the tyler israel's in teams land. an app on bond meant of gaza has now killed more than $18800.00 palestinians. according to hamas run helpful thursdays. with more than $100.00 is riley hostages. still in gaza. is growing scrutiny or the home as well as government plans to bring them home safely without even more civilians being killed in the crossfire area. i spoke to rebecca read this uh, correspondence in jerusalem. a nice day about the growing pressure on me. i mean,
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it's and you know, well the pressure suddenly the public pressure has been growing. not so much domestically eddie, but definitely internationally, as we said, demonstrations for weeks now against what's happening in gaza. but the soaring desk till now or the 18000 in gaza is certainly adding to political pressure that we're seeing, particularly from one of his rails staunchest at the store just allies. the us now we heard earlier in the week, president joe biden saying that israel was in fact indiscriminately killing people in gaza. and that's the strongest was we've heard from the white house in this conflict. so 5 and this week we've had the national security advisor jake sullivan here to discuss with benjamin netanyahu. and the will cabinet. and those in charge just about the next phases of this was a of urging israel to try to scale down from this intense phase. and then talking about a timeframe of a couple of weeks,
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they would like to say by early next year that that this will move into it's next phase of more targeted. a late groups going in to seek out of course, search for the hostages, but also see count, these have most laid as and focus more on the leadership. that's what the us is pushing for. but there are a little bit of conjecture about the timelines is around, keeps saying that it isn't going to to stop. it isn't gonna change pace. but we did hear from jake sullivan following the talks that the 2 allies do seem to be on the same page. though of course, the us, the stressing that they are not putting uh unnecessary pressure on israel, or certainly not dictating what israel should do, but definitely the pressure on israel is mounting at ease notes from the public habits something made from international uh, the international community. right, and the fact that 3 hostages have been killed is definitely a blow to each route. this lead to more talks between these are all and i'm asked
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to, maybe we small captives on both sides. well that certainly well the families of the remaining hostages and they support as you saw in that report i calling for. busy they having another urgent meeting today to try to work out ways to throw the pressure of the government to review these a hostage negotiation talks. we have seen those talks completely break down in the aftermath of the resumption of the fighting and effect when those initial thoughts break down. but at least one u. s. report from the wall street journal today saying that could tarry officials that could attempt guitar. you negotiate is sorry, and his reading negotiate is going to be in no way to discuss potentially resuming those talks. but of course, you'll have to will have to say, how must be to get on board with those folks as well. so hopeful families indeed at a right it will be used for that kind of interesting service that i'm thank you or these are out, has approved the delivery of aide into the gaza strip through. it's carol shalom
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crossing the office of prime minister benjamin netanyahu said this would allow israel to maintain its commitment of allowing 200 a tracks entry pet day until now. all trucks entering guys that have to pass by the rough are crossing in egypt, the u. n. has one that people didn't gas face and that humanitarian catastrophe, which sylvia shortages of basic supplies from all on the humanitarian situation. and guys i spoke with tessa ingram of unicef in a mind. well, the delivery of the matter last and jessica, which was you guys are at the moment a is really, really dire inside. and so every truck that we can get in with those last savings supplies. i was sued and medicine that just extend the lifeline. the kind of fragile spread that the children are guides are holding on 2 items. the moment that it really has just been a trickle. the amount that we've been able to getting is. ready meeting the and all of us made. so the credentialing crossing is essentially an important step. so we
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really just don't know what is going to be until we say it up and running for you guys. i totally get what you mean. difficult times. indeed with so many displaced people is more able to reach the nanny to many young people on the move must be difficult. yeah, absolutely. right. so we know 85 percent of the problems have now been displaced. the big push further inside of the cell into areas that really so i have the shows are the food and the water that they need to survive. so we may get those trucks and you know, getting the mean is the 1st. and then the 2nd part is the operational challenge of surfing people in such a congested area where there is really limited safety to us and for them due to the intensity of, of the fighting. so what we need is this may be a long time and humanitarian, 65 at the end has been calling for 4 weeks. that's what i'm allowed to do our job. and so the children about the types of pipe for the future possible. i write that
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he's are all has made it clear though that it's not backing down what it's offensive in gaza out challenging. is this for organizations such as yours? look at that is that is true. that is a death sentence for thousands of children. we already lost thousands and thousands of children, so these funding of thousands of people have been injured. so every day that these guys all, we become very, very concerned about the future. so the children never mind it, not only in terms of violence, but because of that lack of basic services, particularly now the web attorney is i was not maybe realize this rain coming in full satisfaction. and even with the weather, there's just not enough water for people to drink. so that's high risk of disease outbreaks of malnutrition. it's really perfect. so for a child health crisis or incredibly concerned, and the finding needs to stop balance and prevent the children dine testing. graham
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of unicef in the mind. thank you. to global schiffron lines mask and half odd lloyd sea. yeah. halting cargo voyages through the red sea for the wind attacks linked to the fight and in gaza, friday for the rebels from the admin staff to the file. and the deck of one vessel and set the fire themselves up to about ships, but it was only the most to be send any string of incidence that us officials have pledged to prevent in coordination with international allies. no one was injured in the attack on behalf of lloyd frank to off the coast of human. the ship was able to continue. it's close to singapore for germany, for him and the stoves he was. the attack is further proof that this important c route is under print. what is the gable? what's the federal government condense all attacks on ships? and of course, also the attack on the hubbard lloyd fest fluid out she asked them the hope is we
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must stop attacking merchant ships in the red sea mia. mrs. affords also can in november, gemini, who the rebels hijacked the freight of galaxy leader and from the attack, deceased the bridges and raised the palestinian flag with the ship and its crew under the control. they anchored the west some of the many coast. it's an attempt by the rebels to put pressure on countries like germany, that support as well in the, to the many forces will continue operations against you throughout until the aggression against our break brothers and guys us see this one in the, in the game. any capital, some on friday, supporters of the who, the rebels celebrated the operations. the us government said they would react militarily to be a tax and recency off the german navy for support in the read seems to pass on the small stories making headlines around a well let's look at some of them medical examiners in the funds. and let's say the
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death of act of matthew perry was an accident. he said he died from the effects of cats. i mean, that's what he said it's of use to treat depression. or he was found that in october was best known for his role on the 19 ninety's tv, comedy, friends. see, do you mean of weight? shake no wife, outside my house died at age 8 to 6. it wasn't passed since 2020 after i previously subbing as interior and the defense minister. last month he was rushed to hospital for an illness. reason concerns about his health is 83. i would rather it says success up. one. it will appear in console. presidents shall and you shall have shuttled a new summons in january to discuss financial aid for ukraine. that's up to hungry as prime and as the v to the plan to send another 50 be down to use the keys. but it was also some welcome use for your clean out assignments in brussels with meet us agreeing to begin talked with ukraine. when joining the block,
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keeping the ukrainian economy afloat is no easy task as the country fights for its survival. but keeps hopes of swiftly securing 50000000000 euros. a crucial use funding were dashed when hungry between the plot and german talks and brussels. all their leaders say they will find a way forward. what i can assure you that to crane was not to be left without support. there was a strong will of $26.00 to provide the support then. and there were different ways how we can do this, says so a. so we will work this out to you was not left empty handed. you repeat, union leaders decided to open membership talks with the more to a nation which has long harboured hopes of joining the club. budapest was quick to claim h wasn't on boards. foundation because they said it was the assumption that the gateway is a bad decision being given. the ultimate goal will be able to montana, to go to the end doors on a go and switch has some of it is the bottom, make it
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a little confused? negative consulate has nicki's negative. go back because we have fox prime minister, victorville chose not to be to the agreement after german chancellor. alas, schultz came up with an idea for extension games in the as in the spirit those road unit units behind us, i suggested to them gary environment is that we take full time in his office. i've just different discussions on the updates and talk to them, try them. christopher billings, brain ways might have helped broker a deal this time, but it's no long term solution to this unit. t. e. rules on unanimous spoke to me for the past few block you creating multiple times on it's long past towards the blog, and that's prompting fellow leaders to issue a warning. was that going to take the light but it's puts in the coming months. we'd like to old on being respected internally, just a minute in the address jude team and being take the count that he acts as a year and the young does not. 10 phones progress hostage,
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that'll say pretty no rebates is the easiest rules. look on the cards. there's nothing to stop more for the school. rosa, which could see you crane left a long term window. you're watching the news umbrella, and i've next doc film looks up organized crime in red, sales, faithless. that's after the break. i am 80 michael junior. thank you for watching states you and we have more news coming out of the top of the out. the fast fashion as an environmental night a clothing graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile ways get stranded fashion, watch now on youtube.


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