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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 16, 2023 7:00pm-7:15pm CET

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to the efficiency w, news live from berlin. israel's military says 3 hostages mistakenly killed by soldiers and the gaza strip for carrying a white flag. the results of a preliminary proven to friday's incidents come as the 1st of the hostages is laid to rest. the killings are sparking renewed them and finds really for a deal with him us to free. the remaining hostages toward here from our correspondents in jerusalem, also in the show, a communications blackout come pounds. the misery of cost is pampering. a
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deliveries as hunger levels search in the couple of strip the mariana evans, dean, welcome. one of 3 hostages. killed by is really soldiers and the gaza strip on friday has been laid to rest the funeral of some mir for want out until all god took place. and these really town of whatever, according to an initial pro, by israel's military, the victims were carrying a white flag, but were mistakenly perceived as a threat to buy soldiers pursuing her mazda militants and gauze and city families of those kidnapped on october 7th, or demanding the immediate return of the remaining hostages from gaza and say that their safety must be prioritized over battling him off. the
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use of the hostage killings galvanized remonstrances in tell of the roads were blocked as hundreds demanded the same for 2. and if those spill in gaza, 18 weeks after they were kidnapped. much of the anger directed at israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. you're responsible for everything that happens and, and the government, they say they do everything. they say that the ration. but the doesn't seem like this, it doesn't look like to try to do anything. and due to it being a much, much a, the and all those lives of all the innocent people
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could have been sped. the 3 hostages killed by his riley soldiers for all young men in their twenties. israel's military express deep sorrow over the killings and said it was investigating the incident enough no model should we believe that the 3 is relays either fled or were abandoned by the terrorist who held them, captives, or perhaps in the last few days or over the past day blue shield has a quote on the should we still don't know all the details my lot about how they reach new this area and my mazda can afford loading at the pump. him. i live at the tyler israel's in teams land. an app on bond meant of gaza has now killed more than $18800.00 palestinians. according to homos run helpful thursdays with more than $100.00 is riley hostages. still in gaza. is growing scrutiny or the home as well as government plans to bring them home safely without even more civilians being
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killed. in the crossfire to our correspondent in jerusalem, rebecca rivers told us more a balance of the killings of the 3 hostages in gaza. well, an initial pro into that incidence, marianna is coming to lie to describes what i'm sure everyone can imagine would pay all 6 scenes that what it does fine, or at least what it, what we're, what we're hearing from the findings, is that the 3 man, the 3 hostages came out from a building or from a complex of buildings. they were apparently shirtless, they were and, and they were carrying some kind of make shift white flag. now, one of the soldiers deemed that they were a threat that the soldiers would be in fact pulled into this is according to the report. and it must be according to the testimony of the soldiers that they were being pulled into a trap by a mouse. and one of them shouted terrorist and then proceeded to shoot at the
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hostages. then 2 of them apparently died one data escape and managed to get back into the building, but he was late to pronounced it, and the bodies were evacuated. now, this is obviously, it had tremendously shocking incidents. the adf, as you heard that he is ready, military have claimed full responsibility, and they say that these investigations will be heated. they say that the soldiers acted alex's price a call, and that in fact, what every loan from these investigations will be implemented so that they can assure that this doesn't happen again. well, we saw the demonstrations also now report and we can see that the pressure does keep growing on benjamin atanya, who domestically about how he's handling this hostage situation. but rebecca, could this lead to more talks between israel and hum austin, negotiate additional hostage releases?
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well, that's certainly what the families of the remaining hostages and their supporters and much of the population here in israel, a calling for him. there is still very much of popular support for this fall, for the military aims at least to, to eradicate from us. but these families of the hostages, a cooling for negotiations to be reviewed, and they say that was carrying out these aims. the priority should still remain on the return of their loved ones. and that's what they crime for. we so often the news of the death of these hostages that impromptu, a protest last night in tennessee. but it's certainly not the 1st we've been seeing these protests there almost every weekend and sometimes, and all the times as well. these is, it is a message that the families of really trying to get across. we know that the negotiations at the moment, uh no with that, they basically broke it down towards the end of the limited se syiaa as last as the last, the last time the hostages. some hostages were released and they haven't resumed
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both sides by either israel and her mouth, saying that they don't want to come back to the shedding table until certain pre requisites has been met. and there is some reporting now today that suggest that is riley, i'm to towering. negotiate is, will be meeting in no way to discuss a resumption of the tool. except we don't have any more information on that yet. that was rebecca ritter speaking earlier from jerusalem. the whole gaza has been plunged into a near communications blackout, leaving more than 2000000 palestinians virtually cut off from the outside world. internet and telephone lines went down thursday and remain and accessible that's according to causing authorities and communications companies. the outage is hampering a deliveries in the territory. israel recently reopened is karen shall long crossing, allowing it to maintain its commitment of allowing $200.00 and trucks entry per day . but let's get more and the humanitarian situation in
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gaza from has ingram. she's a spoke person for unicef, the united nations children's funds, and it should joins us from amman. welcome to the w, can you give us a sense of how much of a difference this opening of the 2nd border crossing into gaza will make 2 palestinian civilians? well, at the moment mariana is an absolute matter of life and death to the children of gaza. we've been talking for weeks now about trumps crossing through the border. but i think, you know, the best way to these discussions is how essential the agents are. those trust really is no incentive to delivering simple things like photos and stuff, but also important instruction materials and generate is to help rebuild the data structure that's been damaged. so these trusts are incredibly important to the
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survival of the children in gaza. we've been only been getting a truthful triple across the board as the real name of the i think it was a trim shalana crossing. it's going to show totally a great deal because it will add another screening point to allow more trusting. so we really go and have a good feel for what a difference is making. and so we say it'd action or. alright, well, you mentioned some of the items that are being brought in like soap and drinking water and generators. but how do you prioritize where this a goes and with so many people display, so many gallons on the move? how do you distribute it? well, as you said before, mariana, it's becoming increasingly difficult once we are across the board to, to distribute the because of these ongoing communications blackouts and the intense crowd of the spaces to fill this out the because the started when you know what was
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really enable now have be pushed out even around rough. uh and that's a, a city that really only kind of set up a need for structure to accommodate 252300000 certain places that used to be the schools and community areas. and now level is it makes it very difficult for us to do our job with the blackouts as well. if you can think about us coming in with these trucks of medical supplies and trying to communicate with hospitals to make the deliveries it's, it's becoming very difficult. well, a israel has so far made it clear that it's not about to back down with it's offensive in gaza. so under these circumstances and all the challenges that you describe, what would you say is the most important thing that children, which is what your organization who your organization was after, what are the children need most urgency as well? does any one realize today or? and that's something that we've been going for for weeks now, and that's an immediate, long lasting humanitarian series. 5,
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that's the only way that one we're going to be able to deliver to the 80 in the way that we need to, to meet the needs of the children of gaza. but also for the children across the just cnn to the siding, which is killed. thousands and thousands of children injured thousands of all as really change their lives as they know that we're really concerned at the moment that as we say, another month, 2 pounds of these 5. so you've got these level that disease is going to be how much was done that already. nutrition is going to become with a lot of a real children's health crisis that i had. so not only do we need to see if the strikes from the sky, but we also have to see if the just the days that's now coming from the ground. that was test ingram of units of speaking to us from amman. jordan, thank you so much. let's take a look now. some of the other headlines making news around the world. germany is
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sending a plane, caring medical supplies to egypt to help patients from the gaza strip being treated there. the shipment includes dental leaders and incubators for babies. some gardens, injured and miserable environment of this trip are being treated in egypt. as many garza hospitals are not operating due to the conflict of attic and chord has sentence and a tally and cardinal to 5 and a half years in prison for financial crimes, including several accounts of embezzlement, a former adviser to put francis and was considered a papal contender himself cardinal angelo bay, too is the highest ranking church official to stand trial at the vatican the the european council presidential michelle has scheduled a new summit in january to discuss the financial aid for ukraine. that's after hungary as prime minister, vito to plan to send another 50000000000 euros to kiff. but there was also some welcome news for ukraine at the summit in brussels, with new leaders agreeing to begin talks with ukraine on joining the block.
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keeping the ukrainian economy afloat is no easy task as the country flights for its survival, but keeps hopes of swiftly securing 50000000000 euros. a crucial inc, funding were dashed when hungry between the plot and june talks in brussels. all their leaders say they will find a way forward, but i can assure you that to crane will not to be left without support. there was a strong will of 26 to provide the support then, and there were different ways how we can do this says so a so we will work this out. he was not left empty handed. you repeat, union leaders decided to open membership talks with the war to a nation, which is low, harvard hopes of joining the club. pretty fast, was quick declaim, 8 was and told boards to find out what they said. you know, starting the negotiation is a bad decision, even if the young guy right in parliament will be able to prevent at the end on the
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go. of course, it is still a bad decision and can have some negative consequences and they will go back as many. as you fax, probably minister victorville chose not to be to the agreement after german chancellor or left schultz came up with an idea for extension beams in the news. when you're in the spirit of pro union behavior, i suggest it to the hon. gary and prime minister that we take the decision in his absence is inside and different buildings. brain ways might have helped broker a deal this time, but it's no long term solution to this unity. you rules on unanimous voting means we do pass for the block. you creating multiple times on it's long past towards the block, and that's prompting fellow leaders to issue a warning was that's going to expect that in the coming months with victor, oregon being respected and his legitimate interest and duties being taken into account that he acts as
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a european and does not take political progress hostage is i don't see pretty new rebates is the easiest rules. look on the cards. there's nothing to stop more serious for rosa, which could see ukraine left a long term window. that's the latest on the w news. this hour a mary and i have the same for me and the entire news team. thanks for watching the, enjoying the views and come to take a look at this. i'll tell you the highlights. every week email inbox, subscribe now. under the listening place of long submitted terrain and it's most is convex. people of many.


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