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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 17, 2023 7:00am-7:15am CET

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the, the, this is the w news. why from berlin? israel signals know, lit up, and it's campaign against them. us. after 3 is rarely hostages are mistakenly shot dead prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who calls the incident heartbreaking, but says military pressure is needed to bring the other hostages home and to destroy him off in the bonus we good, dorman, we're hoping to get back to winning ways when they travel to algebra, but the hosts were more than they bargained for. and the match ended in a stalemate. the
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and greetings throughout the viewers around the world on michael ok. the is really military says the 3 hostages accidentally shot dead by these really army on friday in gaza were carrying a make shift white flag when the incident happened. there killings of shock the country with hosted relatives voicing anger over their shootings and demanding the government. do more to secure the release of their loved ones. after weeks of being held hostage and gauls on, summit for the cost is need to rest in his hometown of who is through killed, not by those holding him captive, but by his country's own army. the summit is one of 3 hostages mistakenly shot by his rails military do to get defensive in northern gauze. on the men reportedly
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emerged shortlist from a building, waving a white cloth on a stick. soldiers mistook them for militants and fired, according to a military probe. one of the men also cried out to the soldiers and hebrew is rest . prime minister has called the incident hot breaking so loudly to move. it broke my heart broke. the entire nation is hot. and though hots go to the families at this tough hour, we will loan these lessons. yes, we will apply them and we will not let go of the military and political efforts to release the hostages spend on a bike to be so at the protest here. and 10 of these people are devastated a b as rarely made of trees mistake. they are demanding that the government do more to secure the release of hostages, about a 100 or 4 remaining goss. i'm
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a fee and bind bag is waiting for her cousin to be rescued. she tells us it has been a nightmare. today we've got another body, a woman that was alive when she got in and she is now dead. every day we get new names of people. we don't have any more time. we need to be pro active about this either as you put a deal on the table to come. i could not to deny like many, hugh fairfields, but these rarely government is not doing enough to safe to hostages. of course they are not doing enough because he said he was doing us, it would be here and we will not be talking at osben me was recently released by how most she pleaded for the safe front on a husband. will that so they do the military action on its own will not save the
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hostages live swapping the hostages for prisoners is urgent and critical. the work cabinet alone will not bring about the release of the hostages alive despite drawing colds of that kind. these rarely government insists the best way to ensure the return is to keep up its military pressure on how most people here do not agree . the special corresponding abraham was at that protest in tel aviv and has more on what families told her about their hopes of seeing loved ones alive. again. it's really an emotional rollercoaster for the families of the hostages. there were highs when we saw people coming back from gaza, alive as a result of that hostage for prisoner exchange deal a couple of weeks ago. but with the yesterday's news of the re hostages having come so close to being rescued by idea of soldiers being mistaken,
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we shot by idea of soldiers. it's difficult for people here to really have hope that's what they've told me. and they've reiterated again and again, what we've just heard is that the government needs to be doing a lot more. they need to be offering in the words of one woman that i spoke to who's causing us to believe, to be in gaza. and offer that from us cannot refuse to make sure that the hostages come back and then they come back to life. a dw special correspondent abraham reporting there from tel aviv garza has been plunged into a new communications blackout, leaving more than 2000000 palestinians virtually cut off from the outside world. internet and telephone lines went down thursday and remained inaccessible. according to god's and authorities and communications companies, the outage is hampering a deliveries in the territory. israel recently reopened it's kyra. i'm shutting them crossing, allowing it to maintain its commitment of allowing entry to $200.00
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a trucks per day. for more on the humanitarian situation in gaza, we spoke earlier with tess ingram of units, stuff in the jordanian capital, a month. we've been talking to lakes know about trucks crossing, starting the motor. but i think, you know, the best way to these discussions is how essential the aid inside those trusts really is there, you know, such as the delivery simple things like photos and stuff. but also important construction materials and generate is to help rebuild the data structure that's been damaged. so these trusts are incredibly important to the survival of the children in gaza. we've been only been getting a truthful triple across the board as so really the trim shall, level crossing is going to show totally a great deal because it will add another screen points for a lot more trusting. so we really go and have a good feel for what
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a difference is making. until we say that action, it's becoming increasingly difficult once we are across the board to, to distribute the, because of these ongoing communications blackouts. and the intense crowd in the space is one of the south of the gods district. when you know, over to 1000000 people now have been pushed out even around rough. uh, and that's a, a city that really is only kind of set up with you for structure to accommodate 252300000 certain places but used to be the schools and community areas. and now russell is it makes it very difficult for us to do our job with the blackouts as well. if you can think about us coming in with these trucks of medical supplies and trying to communicate with hospitals to make the deliveries it's, it's becoming very difficult for moving on. poles have opened in serbia where a pro western coalition is hoping to gain ground against the countries. russia friendly ruling party. the vote. pits of president alexander, which is
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a serbian progressive party against this be against violence coalition, formed mid protest, sparked by 2 deadly shooting rampages in may, observer se campaigning has been held in an atmosphere of intimidation and media bias favoring the populace. government that has held power for more than attack in the vote was initially scheduled to be held by april 2026, but president booth judge called a snap election dw journalist sonya key h n. alexander von neumann met serbian voters and electron observers in the capital bel, great portraits of the russian president next to the t shirts with the letters the a symbol for rush us war on ukraine. only a few examples of how visible the kremlin and its profound gun the are on the street, south belk rate. it was the russians are our brothers, no doubt about that. a full slacking dog, but all most,
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any good relationship with the foreign country is welcome. we don't have to love each other, but we can cooperate and respect each other. yeah. as an individual, i have a good opinion of russians. i love russian. i loved orthodoxies and i consider them a brotherly people. somebody's kathy. both lubbock nations have a long tradition of close ties cultivated by, so it'd be on the to alex on double church. despite the country's efforts to join the e u, which has refused to back the block sanctions against most co, even claiming the majority of serbians would always side with russia. the government has been pushing that's narrative on purpose. says on a list, a book looks on of which the main, the disseminator of the pro, ration the contents in serbia, you are a media and tabloids under the control of the ruling coalition. and this was done, of course for 2 reasons. number one, because the ruling deletes, believe that they can domestically profits from russia's popularity by promoting
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russia. and number 2, this was done to blackmailed the west that diffract them to west street the russian a week. the russian, the alleged prizes in the country are really in support of the governing, serbian progressive party, the party of alexander, of which, in the upcoming election, stay look, set to remain in power despite most protest and allegation sped, which its regime is eroding democracy and the rule of law, the kremlin views, which as an ally, doing recent tensions with neighboring costs of all which serve ya does not recognize as an independent state. rochelle, with quick to support which warning the situation could spiral out of control. experts say the kremlin school is to keep serbia out of need to end the u. a maria of which as a journalist, specializing in covering different information, anti western narrative,
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a wide spread in serbia. she says her team has also analyzed articles on the award and ukraine and 5 major newspapers that results to boston new. the last word will always be given by the russian military commanders or the russian president, or one of the russian officials from the headlines and from the entire text. you get the impression that russia is more powerful in this war. that ukraine is a puppet state of the west, that it has no chance to pro russian sentiment remained strong concerning politics and on the street another winful of which and his party is bound to make sure it will stay that way. a brief look now at some of the other stories making news around the world. a vatican court has sent in soon to tell him cardinal to 5 and a half years in prison for financial crimes, including several accounts of in belgium that a former advisor to pope frances and once considered a people contender himself code. no,
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angelo veteran is the highest ranking church official to stand trial at the vatican . the 1st section of mexico's mild tories train project has been open to the public . despite objections from environmental groups, active a shape, its construction is causing massive damage to the eco system across the you can 10 peninsula. the government has exempted the project from environmental impact studies and a bid to complete the line before next year's presidential elections. in the bonus league, the lucy adornment have lost more ground in the title race. they came into the match 11 points off the top of the table and we're hoping to get back to winning weights. but the team was held to a one all job by ouch, board, and have now only one of their last 7 games. how it didn't has it's must races, don't mind side performed as well in the put in this league, or is they do in europe?
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when is it that champions league group of death that without to leak waiting in december. and for example, they go to off to a bad stats. an outback image in denver of h took advantage of some lightweight, defending to put the hosts in front midway through the fast. huh. the steam to be nothing more than a base of rough and tumble and the goal was about to stand and have no shortage of quality in this school. and they never would do it for more than 10 minutes late. so don't you amount in painting a pretty picture. following a neat one to with nicholas food crow. marvin's face go with the season. ok. specs for the teats mr. tree? or if chances are the status of the 2nd half, that one was the basket, the 3. before don't means came close themselves in the closing stages. outspend
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spin dom and c poppy to 9 full crooked with 2 minutes to go to visitors just inches away from the way. now the dominant out spoke stupid phone tillman's december drought continues, then. it could be a long hard when so if it says it. and finally tonight, the spire of perez's notes would um, cathedral has been crowned with a new golden rooster. the iconic artifact has been redesigned as a phoenix to symbolize resilience and rebirth after the fire that ravaged the cathedral in 2019. it contains several relics that were saved from the flames, as well as the list with the names of almost 2000 people who have worked on the cathedrals, reconstruction, know to dumb is can expect it to be fully restored in time for next summer's parents olympics or you're watching the w news is a reminder about the top stories these real as prime minister benjamin netanyahu
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has spoken out for the 1st time since 3 hostages were mistakenly killed by, as rarely, soldiers in gaza. he called the incident heartbreaking but bound to press on with the war against them off will ended their l. news magazine reporter is up. next, a mike, look who more news at the beginning of the next step. the measures to flow to do you do to isolate the tenant she survived illustrates thanks to music was the nazi's favorite conductor.


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