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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 17, 2023 10:00am-10:15am CET

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of the this is dw news line from berlin. these real signals no lit up in its campaign against the boss. after 3 is really hostages were mistakenly shot dead prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who calls speaking incident part ranking, but says military pressure is needed to bring the other hostages home and to destroy the march. also on the program should be a votes in parliamentary and local elections. opposition leaders are hoping that the coalition formed in the wake of may's deadly shooting. attacks can gain ground on the entrenched pro, rushing, losing part the
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unlike local welcome. these really military says 3 hostages accidentally shot dead by the israeli army on friday in gaza were carrying a make shift white flag when the incident happened. they were killing save shots, the country with hosted relatives voicing anger over their shootings and demanding the government do more to secure the release of their loved ones. after weeks of being held hostage in golf, summit for the low cost is need to rest. in his hometown of who israel killed not by those holding him captive, but by his country's own army. summit is one of 3 hostages mistakenly shot by his rails military due to get defensive in northern gauze. on of the men reportedly
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emerged shortlist from a building, waving a white cloth on a stick. soldiers mistook them for militants and fired. according to a military probe, one of the men also cried out to the soldiers, and hebrew is rest. prime minister has called the incident hot breaking so loudly to move. it broke my heart, broke the entire nations hot and know how to go to the families at this tough hour of people nomic of it. we will loan these lessons. yes, we will apply them. and we will not let go of the military and political efforts to release the hostages, but i know how backed up this a little at a protest here. and 10 of these people are devastated a b as rarely made of trees mistake. they are demanding that the government do more to secure the release of hostages, about a 100 or 4 remaining gods. i'm a fee and bind bag is waiting for her cousin to be rescued. she tells us it has
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been a nightmare. today. we've got another body woman that was alive when she got in and she is now dead. every day. we get new names of people. we don't have any more time that we need to be proactive about. this is what i should put a deal on the table to come. i could not to deny like many, hugh fairfields, but these rarely government is not doing enough to save the hostages. of course they are not doing enough because he said he was doing us. it will be here and we will not be talking at austin ami was recently released by how much she pleaded for the se front on a pall husband. well, that's a divide military action on its own will not save the hostages live swapping the hostages for prisoners is urgent and critical. the work cabinet alone will not
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bring about the release of the hostages alive despite drawing coals of that kind. these rarely government insists the best way to ensure the return is to keep up its military pressure on how much people here do not agree. i asked our jerusalem, correspond antonia kramer. if the killing of the hostages has increased, the pressure on the is really leadership. well, there's certainly a lot of us and good disability over what happened, especially now that the more more detail is coming out of this preliminary investigation by the army over this incident where the 3 hostages were killed. and i see her to where they were actually waving a wide close or sort of white flag indicating we're trying to it so who they actually are. but as saying this, uh, this also some supports here being boys to the troops. but there is
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a lot of discussion and debate going on, how could this have been averted? and this certainly adds to the scrutiny and also to the pressure on the government as to how they handle this hostage crisis. and we've been hearing again from the hostage and missing families for him. this is one of the main boot. speaking of, for those who were still have loved ones as hostages in garza, they actually put out a statement last night that they will put up and step up their pressure on the government to push for a new deal. but also they've been saying that the return of to hostages and coffins cannot be seen, would not be seen as a victory. what about the political climate? there is their movement on returning to the negotiating table with a mouse. but on the one hand, of course, the government cannot ignore the public mood over what is happening, you know,
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in the hostage crisis. but on the other hand, we are not seeing a change in the course of the actions extra buford, again, prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying on the such a denied that military pressure is necessary for returning to hostages. but also for achieving victory, a meaning for eliminating how much does it suspense that we've been hearing now for weeks from the government? at the same time, us put out a statement last night saying that there would be not that there would be no negotiations unless there's an end to what they called the aggression. and this doesn't end to the fighting. so it's unclear at the moment how this gap will be breached by the main menu to such as cuts are dynamic situation. as always, dw corresponded tonya kramer. many thanks. the voting is underway in serbia where a pro western coalition is hoping to gain ground against the countries. russia
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friendly ruling party, the vote, pitts president, alexander lucas vickers, serbian progressive party against the serbia against violence. a coalition formed mid protest, sparked by 2 deadly shooting, rampages in may, absorber shape. campaigning has been held in an atmosphere of intimidation and media buys favoring the populace government that has held power for more than a decade. the vote was initially scheduled to be held by april 2026, but president boot judge called a snap election dw journalist sonya clia each and alexander von domine met serbian voters and electron observers in the capital bel, great portraits of the russian president. next to the t shirts with the letters the a symbol for rush us war on ukraine. only a few examples of how visible the kremlin and its profound gun the are on the
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streets of belk rate. it was the russians are our brothers, no doubt about that. a full slacking dog, but all most, any good relationship with the foreign country is welcome. we don't have to love each other, but we can cooperate and respect each other. yeah. as an individual have a good opinion of russians. i love russian. i loved orthodoxy, and i consider them of brotherly people. somebody's kathy. both slavic nations have a long tradition of close ties cultivated by serbian liter onyx on double church. despite the countries of thoughts to join the e u, which has refused to back the block sanctions against most co, even claiming the majority of serbians would always side with russia. the government has been pushing that's narrative. on purpose says panelist, a book looks on of which the main, the disseminator of the pro, ration the contents in serbia. you are a media and tabloids under the control of the ruling coalition. and this was done,
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of course for 2 reasons. number one, because the ruling deletes believe that they can domestically profits for mattress popularity by promoting russia. and number 2, this was done to blackmailed the west and to fight them to west street the russian a week. the russian, the alleged the prizes in the country are really in support of the governing, syrupy and progressive party, the party of alexander, of which, in the upcoming election, stay look, set to remain in power despite most protest and allegations that which its regime is eroding democracy. and the rule of law, the kremlin views, which as an ally, doing recent tensions with neighboring costs of all which serve ya, does not recognize as an independent state. russia with quick to support which warning the situation could spiral out of control. experts say the kremlin school is to keep serbia out of nato and the e. u. a maria of which, as
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a journalist, specializing in covering different information, anti western narrative, a wide spread in serbia. she says her team has also analyzed articles on the award and ukraine and 5 major newspapers that results to boston. new for the last word will always be given by the russian military commanders or the russian president, or one of the russian officials from the headlines and from the entire text. you get the impression that russia is more powerful in this war. that ukraine is a puppet state of the west, that it has no chance to pro russian sentiments. remain strong concerning politics and on the street. another winful of which and his party is bound to make sure it will stay that way. a brief look now at some other stories making news around the world at this hour. trach transitional president my how much interest and debbie it know has cast his vote in a referendum on a new constitution. it's seen as
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a step towards the return of civilian rule that his military junta has promised, but parts of the opposition are boycotting the vote, saying it is designed to cement debbie's will. you ins, migration agency says 61 migraine, including women and children, have drowned following a ship, rac off the coast of libya, the international organization for migration, quoted survivors as saying the boat had departed, the libyan city of water are headed for europe with around $86.00 people on board a vatican court has sentenced in inter an entirely and cardinal to 5 and a half years in prison for financial crimes, including several counts of embezzlement. a former adviser to pope francis and once considered a people contender himself conal envelope. bed 2 is the highest ranking church official to stand trial at the vatican. in the buddhist lee,
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good the lucy adore been have lost more ground in the title raise. they came into the match 11 points off the top of the table and we're hoping to get back to winning ways. but the team was held to a one all drawn by output and have scrounge just one victory from their last 7 games. how it didn't test each must race his don't mind side performed as well independent league, or is they do in europe? when is it that champions league repub desk that without to leak way and in december and for example, they go talk to about stats and outback image in denver of h took advantage of some lightweight, defending to put the hosts in front midway through the fast. huh. the seem to be nothing more than a base of rough and tumble and the goal was allowed to stand don't mean to have no shortage of quality in their school. and they never would do
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it for more than 10 minutes late. so don't your mind and pain seeing a pretty picture following a neat one to with nicholas food crow. marvin's face go with the season, expects for the teeth, mr. tree or if chances at the status of the 2nd half, that one was the best that the 3 before don't means came close themselves in the closing stages. aspect spin dom and see pod, the to 9 full crooked with 2 minutes to go to visitors just inches away from away. now the dominance out spoke stupid phone don't means to send the drought continues, then it could be a long hard when. so if it says it's elsewhere, fan protests disrupted some buddhist like a games, but also benefited both moving forward. talk them on essential fans to tennis balls and chocolate coins onto the pitch 12 minutes into both rooms game with well known berlin. they're angry at the li, deciding to open itself up to outside investment
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a son, although took advantage, eating one of the trunk lid coins and then giving both the lead in a game they would eventually when 3 now and finally the spire of parents is neutral. dom cathedral has been crowned with a new golden rooster. the emblem of france has been redesigned as a phoenix to symbolize resilience and rebirth after the fire that ravaged the cathedral in 2019. it contained several relics that were saved from the flames. as well as a list with the names of almost 2000 people who have worked on the cathedrals to reconstruction. though too dumb is expected to be fully restored in time for next summer's paras olympics your wandering dw news? here's a reminder of our top story is was prime minister benjamin netanyahu has spoken out for the 1st time since 3 hostages were mistakenly killed by his really soldiers and guns of called the incident. heartbreaking but found to press on with the war
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against a month. and we will end if they're up. next, our tech shows shift, examines with artificial intelligence, can help protect animals, threatened with extinction. that's after the break of michael locus from all of us here. thanks for watching into stay tuned. if you can, the goals we say they're about never getting up every weekend on the w the crew to clean and empire of crime.


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