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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 17, 2023 12:00pm-12:16pm CET

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a crypto queen stops to symbol associates on dw the . this is dw news line from berlin. israel signals no light up in his campaign against some us after 3 is really hostages. aren't mistakenly shot dead with communications caught the effort to provide aid for and battles, gauze, and has become increasingly desperate. but israel and says that in military pressure is needed to bring the other hostages home. also coming up, serbia votes in, parliamentary and local elections. opposition leaders are hoping that coalition
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formed in the wake of may's deadly shooting. attacks can gain ground on the and trends pro russian ruling party the a marion evans dean, welcome. israel is facing increasing pressure to help the finding in gaza as civilian deaths mound, including those of 3 hostages killed by his really troops while waiting a white flag. the latest appeal comes from france's for a minister who called for an immediate and durable truth with him off following a similar call from her german and british counter parts. israel has been trying to destroy the palestinian militant group since it's october 7th terror attacks fridays. mistaken hostage killings have so shocked as early as with relative saying
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the release of their loved ones should be there in governments. priority. after weeks of being held hostage in gauze on summit for the cost is need to rest in his hometown of who israel killed, not by those holding him captive, but by his country's own army. summit is one of 3 hostages mistakenly shot by his rails military due to get defensive in northern gauze. on the men reportedly launched shortlist from a building waving a white cloth on a stick. soldiers mistook them for militants and filed according to a military probe. one of the men also cried out to the soldiers, and hebrew is both. the prime minister has called the incident hot breaking so loudly it delivered it broke my heart, broke the entire nations hot and know how to go to the families at this tough out
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of it. if we will loan these lessons, yes, we will apply them and we will not let go of the military and political efforts to release the hostages. spend a bike up at the protest hill in tennessee. these people are devastated of these rarely, miller trees mistake. they are demanding that the government do more to secure the release of hostages, about a 100 or 4 remaining gauze on a fee and bind bag is waiting for her cousin to be rescued. she tells us it has been a nightmare. today. we've got another body, a woman that was a lie when she got in and she is now dead. every day we get new names of people. we don't have any more time. we need to be proactive about this is what i should put a deal on the table to come. i could not to deny like many, hugh fairfields,
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but these rarely government is not doing enough to save to hostages. of course, they are not doing enough because you were doing us, you will be here and we will not be talking at osben me was recently released by how much she pleaded for the safe print on a husband. well, that's a divide military action on its own will not save the hostages live swapping the hostages for prisoners is urgent and critical. the work cabinet alone will not bring about the release of the hostages alive despite drawing colds of that kind. these rarely government insists the best way to ensure the return is to keep up its military pressure on how most people here do not agree. a communications blackout that left more than 2000000 palestinians virtually cut
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off from the outside world continues in the gaza strip. internet and telephone lines went down thursday. beth, according to gauze and authorities and communications companies. a group say the outage is hampering their efforts and the territory we can now speak to he but to be she is the regional director of the humanitarian organization care . and she joins us from amman, welcome to dw. so how well are your aid workers able to help given these communication challenges that we just mentioned? to thank you so much for, for this question. i have since thursday it was impossible to reach out to my cutting to them. they weren't able to connect very location or need twice on the in the last phase 2 or 3 called e 7 like not finished. and in ones just sending us
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a message saying that they are okay. and they are saying that i'm on the phone, that is of my colleagues, we don't know the same is applied on the own of those who are in guys. i know some of these a workers own of them we are unable to communicate with them. so unfortunately, we don't know my answer to you is, i don't know all my colleagues are doing. if they are able to, to support and have and if they are okay any and that's, that's the 1st place we've been seeing some chaotic images of people in gaza. desperate for aid, can you give us a clear sense of what the situation is like on the ground right now? so over the last 70, more than 70 days, we have seen many acronyms coming on describing the situation, for instance, for kids and even for the situations describing to me as catastrophic as mine. my,
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i'm the one to the kids without any sort of live examining. now if you ask me, what is the situation i don't even have, i think we need to find a new way to describe it. unfortunately, as, as we are being done on the screen to your, your reports and the situation is a month and diet. it's beyond get this to think number of these been fast with some goodies, some people without any food that they can access. an enormous being an artist, hosty and i'm hungry and cold. we also have seen how they are sleeping in what stoking mattresses or blankets using the body temperature to one the kids by holding them. that has been said, we don't, we don't have the opportunity to continue supporting the feedback. we don't have a consistent and decent amount of $8.10 in gaza and without having execute space and, and environment that would allow us to distribute the,
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those who can access it as, as we have just seen. and the images that you have shown is, are only the ones who have students to go what, what about women and young people, and we need the situation to become most payments so that we can reach out to them with the basic basic needs that includes more time for functions that item that would allow them to be warm and to compare the harsh conditions up $1.00 to $1.00 that i know i know if you go to the 511 of the goals with my colleagues biggest grab it this week, monday and wednesday said that there are a few go investigate so he will not find any space for a new intent or plastic shunting. you will not see a 3121 and it's just a 2 point. oh that is good and used for burning for cooking and he says, i don't know the country's image of the of the situation. that was he but to be of
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the 8 organization care many thanks. indeed. thank you to serbia now where people are voting and snap national and local elections. the populace, serbian progressive party of president alexander footage, faces a challenge from a pro western opposition coalition that came together during months of street protests, which were triggered by 2 mass shootings back in may. observer say the election is taking place and an atmosphere of intimidation and media bias with influence from the kremlin and its war and ukraine impacting campaigning. let's get more on this from the w correspondent, egos of ferry, who joins us from belgrade. so ego, does it appear that most serbians are in fact behind which is, or are we looking at a close contested election so well,
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everything says that the president, alexander, will just show it's going to have probably been the election. but as you said, there's been a lot of accusations for me, the control and it's known it. so it'd be of that of nearly most of the media are pro uh government. uh so it was not much space for the position to be seen in public and heard from the people. so there is going to be a race, of course, but uh, mostly, uh, president bush is uh, was deciding himself to go and lead his political party campaign before the election. so it's going to be very hard for the position to been here, but they are mostly fighting for the carpet, the valid great. then they have to say that in most of the sit this in serbia. uh, precedents will just biased. it's absolutely leading since years and no one had the
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chance to been against them in the elections. i mean, how can you explain to us what is at stake in this snap election? slowly became a sort of the referendum against the roll of precedence politics. and this comes with because of a lack of democrats, and so it'd be everyone at madison and that's even in the international reports. it's has been huge debates about media, freedom of the freedom of speech, and also a conversation about many affairs, corruption and bad relations in the region, especially in the dialogue with coastal. so people are looking to see if there is going to be in your politics and they say they are tired with the ongoing
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tensions and violence. and that's why uh, the position gathered in this group called so it'd be against while in some this was related also this to math. so things that happened in uh, serbia, early this year that was dw correspondent, the intro safari reporting from bel grades 80. thank you. all right, let's get a check now. some of the other headlines making news around the world. the funeral of the mirror of weight shakes in a while off little softball has taken place. on regards carried his body from a mosque to a cemetery where he was laid to rest, shaking them off was for an n. as in the year and 2020. during the pandemic, he died yesterday of an unspecified illness. a new golden rooster has been added to the spire of perez's notre dame cathedral. the emblem of friends has been redesigned as a phoenix to symbolize resilience and rebirth after the fire that ravaged at the
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cathedral in 2019. no 2 of them is expected to be fully restored in time for next summer's parents olympics. so all right, to blend, it's like a soccer now and birth endorsement has lost more ground in the title raise. they came in to the match 11 points off the top of the table and we're hoping to get back to winning weighs bonds. the team was held to a one all drawn by oxford and has grounds just one victory from its last 7 gains. how it didn't test each must raise his dorman side performed as well in the put in this league, or is they do in europe? when is it that champions league group of death, that without to leak waiting in december. and for example, they go to off to a bad stats. an outback image in denver of h took advantage of some lightweight, defending to put the hosts in front midway through the fast. huh.
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the steam to be nothing more than a base of rough and tumble. and the goal was allowed to stand and have no shortage of quality in their school. and they never would leave for more than 10 minutes late. so don't the amount in painting a pretty picture. following a neat one to with nicholas food cro marvin's face go with the season. ok. specs for the teats mr. tree. or if chances are the status of the 2nd half, that one was the basket, the 3. before 2 it means came close themselves and exciting stages. out sped spin dom and see pod, the denying folk rook with 2 minutes to go to visitors just inches away from the way. now the dominant, outspoken fun, tillman's december drought continues, then. it could be a long hard when so if it says it's you're watching the w news. a reminder of our
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top story, israel's prime minister, benjamin met, done. yeah. who is under increasing pressure to reach a cease fire garza after 3 hostages were mistakenly killed by israel. the soldiers you're up to date and dw news, a mariana evans team from me and the entire news team in berlin. thanks for watching the sometimes. it's hard to find what you're looking for but we've got something for you. how many platforms can you handle single tenuously without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously.


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