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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 17, 2023 9:00pm-9:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news live from balance. israel faces increasing international pressure up to stop. it's a tax on garza assets to provide aid for civilians and gaza are becoming increasingly desperate about israel insist that only military pressure will bring the other hostages home. also coming up vote counseling is on the way in service, parliamentary envelope or election president of the sound of what ships policy is expected to stay in power. many serbs brave long queues to cross the border from
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comfortable to cost. the about the i'm gonna have both is welcome to the program. israel is facing increasing pressure to hold the fighting in gaza civilian casualties. mount bus president, presidents benjamin netanyahu is vine to keep up military pressure on hum us, which is classified as a terrorist group by the european union. and the us international allies are urging israel to do more to protect civilians trapped inside the territory buttons at yahoo. the says his country's grounds of error offensive is the best way to ensure the safe return of the hostages and the destruction of a moss collecting and burying the dead. now with daily ritual in the
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gaza strip. for those able to retrieve the bodies of their loved ones, many remain trapped under the rubble of bombed out buildings. these latest victims were killed in rough in the south, a supposedly safe stone for those clean the fighting in other areas of gaza. at the clinic and they hit every place they targeted everywhere. they got a big targeted night. children are all was scared and they wake up screaming because of the sound of the bombing. there are big targets everywhere in rough. uh yeah, but unfortunately there is no safety. another recent a salt and rafa killed a french foreign ministry worker who had been sheltering inside a residential home. news of the death came just as francis for administered arrived in israel. paris was condemned the bombing and is demanding an investigation on the door. is, i've also come here to reiterate the importance of a new humanitarian truce. we need to return to a general truce,
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include a truce that will enable us to work towards a humanitarian sci fi now. but israel says a ceasefire would be nothing more than a gift for from us, giving it time to regroup and strike again. we will eliminate a mass of release or hostages and we permit because it wouldn't become a central tara once again. go through. that includes disabling from us is vast network of underground tunnels like this one. according to these really military, it goes down some 50 meters underground and is wide enough for vehicles in germany's foreign minister. and the case for and secretary had also expressed support for a cease fire, but only if it can be sustained in a joint opinion article. they right, we do not believe that calling right now for general an immediate cease fire,
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hoping it somehow becomes permanent, is the way forward. for now, the pair are pushing for further humanitarian pauses to get more aid into gaza and hostages out the rising desk tool and the accidental killing of 3 hostages. by the is really military has raised concern over israel's strategy in gaza. the us is pushing for transition to smaller, more tactical missions into the territory in tel aviv thousands of protesters have been taken part in weekly riley's calling on the government to end the fighting and pursuit a peaceful solution that would allow the remaining hostages to return home all special correspondence, every him in jerusalem has more on the mounting pressure on these rarely governments. so it doesn't really seem so after the news broke out,
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we heard from these really prime minister netanyahu, who reiterated that is really, isn't in, isn't it in an existing shall war that has to be fought at all cost. and regardless of whatever pressure, this is obviously, you know, kind of an implicit response to the rising international pressure that we just mentioned, which has been view steadily, a rising over the past few weeks as the risk images have been coming out of gaza. and as the world is getting to see just how the, the human cost of this war at the same time, the prime minister can't really ignore the anger on the streets of israel after the death of these 3 hostages. as the idea of says mistakenly by their own fire, the people that were there supposedly to, uh, you know, rescue them. and so it's, it's, it's a huge tragedy that's causing
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a lot of andrew here on the streets. but it is also in a sense, this war, you know, really, it's really important. and one could say exist central for the prime minister himself having been known as mister security throughout his career. you know, and then you know, the, the, her risk tire attacks of 7th of october happening under his watch. there's a lot at stake for him to, you know, actually achieve the goals that he has set out for his government in this war. and so it's a delicate balance that these really government has to kind of achieve now between appearing steadfast, being stuck fast, but also trying to reopen negotiations so that they can a suite anger on his really streets now for him. and it says from around the world, are pressuring a israel for last thing, sees 5, any sense? the government is bending to this pressure briefly, if you can. so i think the government is really government
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has. we've heard officials say that they will continue this work with or without international pressure, but the united states is israel's biggest backer. and we have seen multiple times that they're able to influence their decisions. for example, when it comes to reopening an aide route, so it remains to be seen whether that would work. but certainly if the united states starts taking a different stance, i think then these really government will have a lot to think about it. the 1st one is uh you've been reporting from jerusalem, beth, thank you. i am. isabel says it has um, covers the biggest home off tunnel in the gaza strip sofa. i'm just a few 100 meters from the area as border crossing, which from us overran and the october 7th. turbo tax as well says it has found a large number of width and stored in the tunnel. according to the army, it is part of a wider terminal network that stretches for move in full collections. before that the crossing was used by palestinian workers of those travelling to seek medical
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care in these ro, telecommunication services in gaza. our gradually being restored after several days of outages, internet and telephone lines went down on, says dave, that's according to guys and authorities and communications companies, a group say the outage has helped put the efforts in the territory. the world's health organization has been able to visit because as badly damaged, all she saw hospital stops, say, the hospital is overwhelmed with hundreds of injured patients, as new cases arrives actually, every minute us that's what i know it. some more news headlines were both of clothes and chives referendum on a new constitution. the votes could lead to the return of civilian rule. the pots of the opposition are boycotting the referendum, saying it's designed to cement the country's military junta,
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the earliest results. so another expected before december 24th. the 1st section of mexico's, my up tourist tried project has been open to the public. despite objections from environmental groups, activists say it's construction is causing damage to the ecosystem across the you can time. and instead of the government has exempted the project from environmental impact studies in a bid to complete the line before next is residential elections. both counting is on the way and serbia's parliamentary and local elections. the populace, serbian progressive party of president alex on the voltage phases of charlotte from a pro western opposition coalition that came together during months of street protests triggered by mouth shooting, attacks, inmate serbs living and comfortable also eligible to vote. but tensions between serbia and kosovo on making it harder for them. building the boston costs of the to go and vote in election across the board. and so be
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a thousands of others and making the journey by con, subs make up about 5 percent of cost of those population. they used to be able to vote where they lived with the european security organization handling the logistics of transferring the pilots to sub you. but since the 2022, they were told they would have to travel to serbia in order to vote the a decision they say is on 5 or police. this is a political issue. it's not our issue. this is not right. election should be held here. we are also citizens. why should somebody treat us a 2nd class citizens? all of us have the right to vote. we move on, you know, this is not right. we do have to vote where we live. since the situation is, if it is, what can we do? relations between costco inside the attendance of to re some violent outbreak
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between costs of a police and so being fighters. the government in the capital, christina has refused to set up polling booths in kosovo to allow subs that to vote to home and build greatest notes in fullest. a request leaving cost of a subs with no choice but to travel to one of the full southern sub in towns that they are allowed to vote and, and join the long queues to cost the ballots. as o brussels be active, how do i sound? the phenomena has been following the elections in bel. great, well, i'll send a chest manage to successfully impose and narrative that there is no alternative to him on the serbian political stage when it comes to the cannot make development of the country. in the last 10 years, his party had significant success building
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a modern infrastructure and attracting foreign investors and of which it's also built this image of himself as being the only one capable of maintaining this very difficult to diplomatic balancing act between having a good relationship with russia, which is still popular again, sir. yep. and continue with this country's pasta. what's your opinion? he has not back to the you think since against russia and still he is a big to go person for all the you leaders and representatives. i'll see you repeating union, and he's using goods for domestic goals, of course. and he is maintaining his grip on power also because he's naturalizing opposition figures and bringing the media under his influence and control. now, the opposition, as you said, she has the elections also might not be fair. what is your impression on the ground? the
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a well independent election of service that we've been in contact with are very worried. they say that this election, as you mentioned before, is taking place in an absolute, severe of intimidation and media bias, a president which and especially his party, they got 75 percent of uh, tv coverage had of the election for them, which used stage resources to convince people to vote for him, he promised one of payments from the state budgets to pensioner as to students, to people who are unemployed. and today we are becoming more and more reports about voters who got cash flow showing that they voted to for the ruling party, for people who are threatened to use to lose their job. if they don't vote for the
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ruling party. we also saw some reports about election of service being attacked. so they are very worried about the atmosphere in which these parliamentary and local elections are taking place. alexander phenomena in the serbian capital above . right. thank you very much of the summer before we go is just the weekends old christmas and people across the globe. i'm getting into the holiday spirit dressing up. s santos on spreading holiday. share each in their own way. in berlin, hundreds of santa's rolls to the city on the motorcycles dropping off gifts and donations that on the way then from thousands jumped too into that christmas costumes for charity robin on the outskirts of ours and in venice. santa's ditch this light is full gone. deluxe to travel down the main to now spread to enjoy the holidays buried to the city,
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the message from me, avenue, steam fund, all that will be on top of the hour. i'm next is spelled slides talking to a woman who lost her leg in a motorcycle accident is now hoping to become wants was best quest. software assurance break. i'm gab office and fill in for me on the team next to the various didn't know understand can have a site like provide presented. do you have any news on instagram and follow up? sometimes a seed is of all you need to allow big ideas to grow or bring an environmental


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