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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 18, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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josh, december 22nd on d w, and the dw news line from berlin tonight is real, facing increasing international pressure over its attacks on gossip. the us defense secretary is meeting with prime minister benjamin at yahoo and tell a beep. he says us support for israel is unshakable, but he's also pushing is really leaders to outline a future for gauze after him. off also can make up tonight, germany's military and they'll see that they will be stationing troops outside its own borders. some 5000 boat disappear, soldiers are slated to be deployed to list of waiting and 2027. it's part of the
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deal that germany's defense minister as described as stores and north korea test, launching an advanced intercontinental ballistic missile. some say it has the potential to hit anywhere in the united states, and that is sounding alarm bells in washington. plus the trial begins of hong kong media. bobo, jimmy lie under type scrutiny, is facing life in prison, with being accusing him a conspiring with foreign forces. human rights groups call the case and the tax on press freedom. the break off is good to have you with us on this monday. international calls for is real to scale back into assault on gauze that are increasing that includes from its closest at why the united states, us defense secretary lloyd austin is intel of eve, where he has held separate talks with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and defense
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minister. you'll have a good lot at a press conference often said that they had discussed ways to transition from major combat operations to lower intensity warfare in their battle against tomas, a group considered a terrorist organization by numerous countries over austin reiterated that israel does have the right to defend itself, but he also stressed that it has an obligation to try to protect civilian law, protecting palestinian civilians and gaza is both a moral duty and a strategic imperative. so we will continue to stand up for israel's bedrock right to defend itself. and we will also continue to urge the protection of civilians during conflict and to increase the flow of humanitarian aid interruption. that's important. this is real fights to this mammal will have to come off tara tara's infrastructure in. gotcha. all right, good morning. everyone across,
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open to journalism, same be circle in a jerusalem. sammy, you've followed that press conference. what more can you tell? so the secretary austin was talking not only about the humanitarian aid that has to go into the gaza strip. and not only about the how the streaming lives, but he was also talking the specifically about the subject, those strikes that isn't has to adopt the surgical strikes. the been close the talks between the parties and they went into the teams from a how the next stages it should be. at the same time the austin was saying, this doesn't give is around any deadlines. and this was also reiterated by you off balance himself, is that he was saying that there is no a ticking clock, and that the is really operation a will continue it, but they have agreed to
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a further have a closer coordination with the continuing of the campaign and he said that america is giving advice to this early is and a go around to a saying that they're listening to their advice. so they're listening to their advice. are you saying then send me any signs that is real? might be looking at changing it strategy in golf? well, i must say that on the ground, you really don't see it. and you know, today is it was a human rights watch report. as talking about hunger as a strategy and they're talking about the severe situation in the gaza strip, the strikes are continuing inside the gaza strip. and it's not clear yet when there's a actually, when the materialize into a change in the way is run is waging its time, pays in
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a jobs. this might be something that it wouldn't take time of the prime minister. we know that he is under a lot of pressure from outside of the country. what about domestic pressure on benjamin netanyahu? yeah. what we've seen the funneling the cleaning of the s 3. yeah. hostages. there is a surge of anger among the families of the hostages. among those who were released uh they were saying that the what happened there is actually a reflection that the military operating in the gaza strip is not focused at looking for hostages, but rather focusing on the different mission, which is the reason you mission. busy targeting a boss and, and we've seen this kind of demonstrations at the same time, i must tell you that many people in is, are,
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i believe that neo is committed to continuing this war. and he's touching his political future with the extension of the war as this is something that can play for him. since the failure of the 7th of october is very much identified with him. victory over. how must it could to be saving him politically? is there any internal arena? journalist it's amy, so go with the ladies tonight from jerusalem, sammy, as always, thank you. a humans who the rebels have claimed responsibility for an attack on 2 ships by naval drones in the southern red sea. the group of which is backed by you're wrong, said the vessels were linked to israel and identified them as the swan atlantic. and the m. f. c. clara us official said multiple projectiles were fired at the swan
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atlantics from yemen. and the worship us, as carney responded, it's the latest in a series of incidents involving shipped in the region, several major companies have said that they are re rounding their bustles away from the red sea. germany says that they have signed in historic agreement to deploy troops. in lithuania, it will be the 1st time german bonus for soldiers are permanently stationed outside of the countries on boarders defense minister boys. the story is that germany is ready to defend native territory after formerly finding a roadmap with the baltic state. the agreement involves the deployment of about 4800 soldiers to live the way in the beginning and 2027. berlin wants to bolster security to counter rushing threats to the region after russia's invasion of ukraine today, the milestone of that very new project and the very impressive project. i think we
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signed the roadmap between these mania and germany in regards of our brigade, which will be deployed permanently from $2627.00 on as a robust t o one brigade to the to defend. he has eastern flag as is absolutely new for germany. absolutely. new for the buddhist with the 1st time we do that. it's a huge challenge, but we are really willing to do it and we are keen on being successful together with our lenient friends. that's getting more now from dw and chief political correspondent, ina hawes, that she is covering this story for us in room club, the military base where native soldiers are station. nina, both defense ministers calling today and historic day. why is that? absolutely. both said that it was a milestone that it was historic that, that deepening, that strategic partnership. germany will be stationing some $5000.00 members of the german army permanently in lithuania,
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from say 2027 on was the 1st soldiers are going to arrive next year. and then the systems are going to become operational by 27, and they will walk in a bit of a similar way to the cold war times when the time british american and french soldiers were helping to protect the eastern plank at the time the eastern plank of nato, the west, the military alliance, which at the time was western germany. so now the eastern flag has moved east woods and the bolted countries of very much members of the european union, the members of nato. and they say they need more protection. this threat from russia is very real when you walked around the streets here of the capital building is, for example, are lots of ukrainian flags. and basically something where they say the least weighing a brigade will actually make a difference. it will help to turn russian from even attempting or thinking about attacking the small bolted countries. now, a couple of open questions remaining,
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especially when it comes to long term financing. the 7 defense minister says that it costs roughly 25 to 30000000. yours a month to run the brigade at home, so you have to add foreign deployment bonuses, etc. so far as the story is said, there is no way around it. if we want to counter and put something against versus red, that means i want to pick up on this, this difference that this agreement is going to make particularly for lithuanian security, but also for natives security. what difference does it back? well, i always think for it, but it does make a difference when, when you look at the map of europe, you see how small the voltage countries out and you see where they are located this way. know where i am at the moment, says boulder with rushes. putnam bella roost. it alters, has a border with a russian name, plays colleen and broad. so it's very tangible here that the warning ukraine is not far away and that russia could attend to oppose the threats to native territory. so off the rest of the invasion in february 22 released when you're already said that
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it needed more solid. i received from the west and the lions nature. then send as soldiers. he em all soldiers but on the rotational basis. and so now with the list waiting aggregate, this is the next steps they all saying we need to help strengthen the eastern flag . and so the feeling of relief in the capital building is was very powerful today. dw chief political correspondent, nina honda in brooklyn, that the way the tonight's meeting as always, thank you. so here's a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world . germany's foreign minister on the bulkheads and said the berlin will do which i most do support vaccine production in africa, fer boxes in rwanda for the, you know, your ration ceremony of an m r n. a vaccine plant being built by the german from biotech. it aimed to supply the continent with vaccines during potential future. and democrats, by frances, has given formal approval for priest to bless, same sex couples in
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a document released by the vatican. frances suggested such blessings could be offered as long as they did not confuse the ritual. with the sacrament of heterosexual marriage, it said priest should decide on a case by case basis. egyptian president, i'll be able to cc, have secure the 3rd term in office after receiving almost 90 percent of the vote in last week's election. the boat was overshadowed by the war in gauze and the severe economic crisis. critics of say a 10 year long crack down on descent has eliminated any serious opposition. columbia. as main left, his gorilla group says it has agreed to stop kidnappings for ransom if a ceasefire with the government is extended. the national liberation army is one of the last remaining rebel groups in columbia, which has been played by violence for 6 decades. north korea has fired another intercontinental ballistic missile just hours after it launched its previous test. japan says the missile had the potential to reach japan
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or the continental united states. a recent increase in test by young gang has led to a warning coming from washington. but any attack from north korea would bring an end to kim john owns regime dw, east asia correspondent, james chatter reports or into continental ballistic. miss silo icbm, real kissing into the sky as above north korea. earlier this year, south korea's already described as a grave provocation film young's launch of a suspected similar icbm on monday. it's 5th this year. japan says the southern fuel massaro has the potential range of 15000 kilometers is far enough to hit any way on us territory. this is where the latest north korean missile flew. the icbm was launched from nape showing young, reaching out to jude a 6000 kilometers. it landed 17 minutes later about 1000 kilometers away in waters
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east of north korea, just outside of japan's exclusive economic zone. tokyo and washington have condemned appealing actions. a course that we go to have that we strongly condemn these actions, which are in clear violation of un security council or by solutions on press and peace and stability in the region to. oh, cool. yeah. well, either dozens, china, no, chris, i'm the official. i didn't criticize trunks don't say no need that the situation on the korean peninsula was complex. sure to attempt to solve the problem through military deterrence and pressure will not work and people finally back fire further intensify and contradictions and intensified tensions. feel young says so quotable moves by washington with a reason for its fluids. i mean the growing north korean threats the us south korea and japan have accelerated military cooperation in recent months. a us new to a pod submarine arrived in south korea on sundays. and all that straightening
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already fractious, ties this smell cream sauce, letting those last one look to south korea withdrawing from parts of the military pact. ange, it's easing tensions, but north korea withdrew from the agreements, complete the still images appear to sharp young young bolstering. it submitted to your presence at southern border since now with the latest icbm noise. and that's the one in the side of stability on the career. and then eric blah, blah, who is a career researcher at the german institute for international insecurity affairs. he joins me now. eric is going to have you with this. we so a record breaking number of north korean weapons test this year. why is the regime and john getting watching so many missiles right now? you know, i think it's, of course, always very difficult to know for sure. the exact reasons as to why in north korea tests, particularly the messiah's in broad,
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we can say the latest tests. we have to acknowledge 3 main factors. the 1st one being the continuation of its nuclear modernization. glenda was 1st announced in january 2021 by consumer name sales. the 2nd one would be the most recent meeting of the nuclear coincide to just drove between south korea in the us just last week in washington, which as you might know, update it for us and south korea's contingency planning of for what to do in the event of a nuclear at the tech by north korea basically. and the 3rd one of cause of always being internal reasons. we have a very important level of policy planning meeting in kenya and coming up this weekend, 3 of the 12 sun diversity ratio. the demise of came down here and we know that these dates are often symbolically he was the best way to have. what do you make of
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this? the re, um, in north korea is providing russian with munitions for it use and it's war against ukraine. and in return, russia is providing north korea with missile technology that we're seeing now being put to use. what do you make of that? as you know, we saw close. i called the reasoning coordination between russia and north korea. this is very obvious, but also between north korea and china. on the other hand, just today, we saw the north korea as vice port in minnesota visiting paging, meeting paging. so the foreign minister a, so we see this new of our dynamics on the korean peninsula. on the other side of costs, we see a close up tri, natural coordination between south korea to pen and to us. so this kind of escalation, dynamic is already in place and russians closer coordination with north korea is one aspect. and we see political effects and benefits for north korea,
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for sure. as you know, since 2017, we didn't see any new and un security council resolutions against north korea, the, the missile that north korea and tested today. excuse me. we understand from south korea and japan that it would have been able to hit any point inside the continental united states. how realistic is it that, that the north korean dictator would order that kind of attack? so, you know, and so if, if we look at the template, realistically, it's of cause not very obvious at the moment that north korea would detect to us or its allies with these kinds of weapon system. but i did some of the, the systems are peanuts to be used in the case of an emergency. and i think what we have to realize is that the dynamics of the korean peninsula, at the moment i really sifting a really an influx. and in this sense of costs,
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we also see that north korea continuously diversify since my science system. and this of course also leads to a great health, right? so you just have to think about and unintended escalation which could happen, especially in times when we don't have staple communication sentence with north korea. things like this can escalate very much and there are also costs putting to take the challenges and security challenges coming in. know every fall back with the german institute for international insecurity affairs. eric, we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you for having me. well, the trial has begun for media mogul and pro democracy activism. jimmy lie in hong kong. he's accused of conspiring with foreign forces under a strict security law imposed by china. the 76 year old was arrested more than 3 years ago during a crack deal. and on hong kong pro democracy moved. like how's it going through a couple more years ago. it was the day of july new was coming. on august, the 10th 2020 police made the media and local watch as they rated the offices of
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his newspaper food daily on. earlier that morning, he was arrested on charges of violating hong kong is national security low. his newspaper was defiant, for daily, most fights on the headline. the thought fights continued only for another year until home comes lodges, pro democracy paper was forced to shut down. people cute tobias last edition, which month to the end of an era for press, freedom of a lie himself, warped free on bales. but it was clear that he was in the cross has a vision human being. he told the domain news, he would stand and fight. i was sitting with the ship because this praise gave me everything. you know i, i didn't death to this phrase. i'm very grateful for the what the skip football is pretty. that's good to be. i'm said to be free, all most so may be is
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a payback time jimmy lie fled to mainland china for hong kong. at the age of 12, he began working on the flow of a government factory and they ended up in charge of a closing and media empire. with much, many who rose to the top and hong kong light chose not to stay quiet. he became a leading voice, even the pro democracy movement to hong congress. he's a hero. beijing sees him as a threats. in december 2020 lai was sentenced in 86 years for fraud charges. his support to say were politically motivated. you could now face a life sentence under the national security law. his family sites, the verdict is a full conclusion. i have no confidence that the trial will be fired in any uh any form of visit this 3 government appointed judges. and this
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new jury. um the, the security minister boasted of a 100 percent conviction. right. and so i said it, this is not going to be centralized there's, i don't think there's any, a thought about that. china cmc time into to make an example of the outspoken media tycoon which it might only make him a malta for hong kong pro democracy movement. a team of international observers as serbia snap elections were marred by several irregularities. the organization for security and cooperation in europe alleged there were media bias, vote buying and ballot box stuffing the preliminary result to show the populace of serbian progressive party led by president alexander bu judge. 146.7 percent of the boat. this almost twice as much as the 2nd place opposition alliance, serbia against violence. the opposition has called for protest this evening and the capital build. great. here's what one of the election absorbers had to say about
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the irregularities was no fair election. we should not speak about the fear elects, and it was unfair. i can repeat that the building of the always the do it goes on. so yeah, and, and i think if you ask me is a bullet issue then that said, i think the victory in bel cannot was stolen from the persist in the clear words right there. let's go down to the w's, brussels bureau chief alexander phenomena. she joined us from the serbian capital bell grade. alexandra, the opposition says it's rejecting the result. it's called for pro chess. what's going on? we can hear something's going on where you are right now. yeah, we are under the center of belgrade in front of the live election committee and the people and maybe all the time rahman martin could show you're a bit around the people that you see around on those roads. there are supporters
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and members of the pro western opposition, united under the name servers against violence. and there are here because there are saying not accepting those resolves, say thing, then b, l, the victory at these in bellevue, i was stolen from them. and that is why there are here and they demand from the election commission to cancel the resolve. there are no, it's okay with what's happened. they think they, they should have one kid in the race in the you have spoken to members of the o. s. and see um what, what did they tell you what exactly did they observe that leads them to say that this election was stolen? one of them told me that he personally observed bella book something he saw fake ballads and being stuff in the bela dogs. and he so
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that he said that he could tell that they were fake because they are, they were printed on a different kind of paper and they still had the official them. and we heard a lot of those uh such reports with people being uh, intimidated, being threatened with losing their job. if they don't vote for the ruling party, there are also reports about people who were brought in boxes and then to the city of bell raid from outside the country. 40000 new ideas were issued according to the opposition. so the european election of service, they were sort of diplomatic saying that they can only observe, it's not up to them to make any assessments, assessments or 2 calls for the cancellation of the votes. but the independence or the of service of the legs are more outspoken. at least saying that what's happened
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in belgrade, the official results in bells rates do not represent the will of the people. alexander, you could be standing and what is the middle of europe's latest political powder keg? what can we expect to happen next, realistically? well of course i ask people here whether they believe that anything can change by then taking 2 to 3. some the our whole to other are saying we need more radical means to bring about the change in serve. yeah, some are said the european union needs to put more pressure of drugs in which it's, and he's government. but of course, the, you are peons are afraid that in that case, he could turn more it towards a russia and that russia could get even more influence here. then they already have definitely a valuable situation. we know that you will keep us up to date on what's happening,
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dw, as both of your chief alexander phenomena, with the latest from bill grade serbia. tonight's alexander, thank as you're watching the news from berlin, coming up our culture series arts unveiled looks at the downsize of being a child prodigy. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news. i hope to see you then the
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is it a matter of challenge or can everyone are the self motivated or do they need a lot of outside pressure? musical prodigies. what does the rest of their life look like? we asked geniuses big and small experts and parents thoughts and val next on
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d. w a non returns to how i'm assessed to her. how difficult it is a new beginning in the old home for christians intact off to being persecuted escaping to a different life, a different place to them comes back to spiteful, the consequences refined community. no stopped in 45 minutes on d w the the, the the, it is some of the current key, more people than in such
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a passion life crisis within pod for somebody to be able to find out the baby story info, migraines, reliable news for migrant wherever they may be the difference and then it's better that is old. that even looking at it today at $42.00. it comes close to that strange times when they came from. be careful, not musical child prodigies. take galbraith away the quest. the musical perfection is the top priority. my closest, my goal is to play kind of you whole it just be a big story and every challenge often to piece very early.


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