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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  December 19, 2023 6:02am-6:31am CET

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says program, at least $36.00 missiles launched, one of them carrying a spice satellite into space. and in the last 24 hours to missile test, japan and south korea thing. one of them was an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of striking the united states. is there a russian component to kim john owns missile ambitions? north korea has been supplying russia with munitions. ford's war against ukraine. tonight we ask is vladimir putin, is he giving kim john on missile technology in return? i broke off in berlin. this is the day, the a course we strongly condemned these actions which are inquiry a violation of un security council resolutions and threats and regional peace and stability. what will we put on
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our military strongly condemns north korea's provocation. that is, heightening the tension on the korean peninsula and region. time, you know, well maybe you know, the parties concerned face up to the problem on the peninsula. take action for a political settlement there and maintain, based on the billing, but also it coming up. one disappointment after another ukraine's counter offensive against russia has not met expectations. and us aden weapons may or may not continue next year. ukraine's haven't given up and won't give up. we know what to do, and you can count on ukraine. and we hope just as much to be able to count on you to our viewers watching on tv, as indeed it states into all of you around the world. welcome. we begin today with
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a missile test that may deny everyone, especially the us, any sense of security from north korea in the past 24 hours north to re as launch to missile to as one of them, according to south korea and japan, capable of reaching any target inside the continental united states. now if this is true, washington and its allies in asia, we'll have to recalculate the threat potential posed by north korea. the u. s. is already warrant beyond yang that any missile attack with spelled the end of the kim jong own, received well actions of course, speak louder than words. it doesn't appear that north korea's leader is motivated by any existential fears at the moment. in fact, the number suggests that north korea is moving forward faster than ever with its missile program. so why the hurry and what or who is making this apparent acceleration? possibly, we have more now with this report or into continental ballistic miss silo icbm,
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real kissing into the sky as above north korea. earlier this year, south korea's already described as a grave provocation film young's launch of a suspected similar icbm on monday. it's feet this year, japan says the southern fuel miss so has the potential range of 15000 kilometers far enough to hit any way on us territory. this is where the latest north korean missile flew. the icbm was launched from nape showing young, reaching out to jude a 6000 kilometers. it landed 17 minutes later about 1000 kilometers away invoices, east of north korea, just outside of japan's exclusive economic, sun. tokyo and washington have condemned appealing actions. a quote step when we go to. yeah, but that we strongly condemn these actions, which are in clear violation of un security council or by solutions on press and peace and stability in the region to. oh, cool. yeah. well, either dozens, china,
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no, chris, i'm the official. i didn't criticize a problem. young's don't say no need that the situation on the korean peninsula was complex. sure to attempt to solve the problem through military deterrence and pressure will not work and people finally back fire further intensify and contradictions and intensified tensions. feel young says so quotable moves. why? washington? with a reason for it fluids, i mean the growing north korean threats the us south, korea and japan have accelerated military cooperation in recent months. a us new to a pod submarine arrived in south korea on sundays. and all that straightening already fractious, ties, they smell cream sauce, letting those last one look to south korea withdrawing from parts of the military pact. ange, it's easing tensions, but north korea withdrew from the agreements, complete the still images appear to sharp. show me young bolstering it submitted to your presence at southern border since now with the latest icbm noise. and that's
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the one in the side of stability on the career. and then eric, blah, blah, is a career research with the german institute for international insecurity affairs. he joins me now. eric is going to have you with this, we saw a record breaking number of north korean weapons test this year. why is the regime and john getting watching so many missiles right now? you know what i think it's of course, always very difficult to know for sure. the exact reasons as to why in north korea tests, particularly miss silas in brought up we can say the latest tests we have to acknowledge 3 main fact us the 1st one being the continuation of its nuclear modernization. glenda was 1st announced in january 2021 by conger winning sales. the 2nd one would be the most recent meeting of the nuclear coincides up to stroke between south
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korea in the us just last week in washington, which as you might know, update it for us and south korea's contingency planning of for what to do in the event of a nuclear at the tech by north korea basically. and the 3rd one of course, always being internal reasons. we have a very important level of policy planning meeting. i continue on coming up this weekend, 3 of the 12 suddenly very serious. the demise of came down here and we know that these dates are often symbolically use. that's what it, what do you make of this? the re, um, in north korea is providing russia with munitions for it use and it's war against ukraine and in return, russia is providing north korea with missile technology that we're seeing now being put to use. what do you make of that? as you know, we saw close i called duration and coordination between ross on north korea. this is very obvious, but also between north korea and china. on the other hand,
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just today, we saw the north korea's vice port in minnesota visiting paging, meeting paging. so foreign minister a, so we see this new of our dynamics on the korean findings and the other side of costs. we see a close up trying natural coordination between south korea to pen and to us. so this kind of escalation, dynamic is already in place and process closer coordination with north korea is one aspect and we see political effects and benefits for north korea, for sure. as you know, since 2017, we didn't see any new and un security council resolutions against north korea, the, the missile that north korea and tested today. excuse me. we understand from south korea and japan that it would have been able to hit any point inside the continental united states. how realistic is it that,
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that the north korean dictator would order that kind of attack? so, you know, and so if, if we look at the template to realistically, it's of cause not very obvious at the moment that north korea would detect the us or its allies with these kinds of weapon system. but i did some of the, the systems are peanuts to be used in the case of an emergency. and i think what we have to realize is that the dynamics of the korean peninsula, at the moment i really sifting, i really in flux. and in this sense of costs, we also see that north korea continuously diversify since my science system. and this of course also leads to a greater threat. so you just have to think about and unintended escalation which could happen, especially in times when we don't have stable communication sentence with north korea. things like this can escalate very much and there are also of course going to take the challenges and security challenges coming in. know every fall back with
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the german institute for international insecurity affairs. eric, we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. we're to ukraine. now we're, they're ongoing concerns at the campaign against russian is stalling along the front lines with the supply of western weapons held up by political disputes. ukrainian soldiers are increasingly relying on their own creations to help defend against russian forces. will have a special report on that in just a moment. but 1st, a look at why the high hopes for ukraine's summer counter offensive have been all but dashed a looking back. but also looking forward in february, ukraine's president to not to you since the stance of wishes invasion. remembering the full and rewarding failures, he made it and raising hopes the 2nd to you, a full movie stay and we have survived. this is now that we have
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not been defeated will say, and we will do everything to when will this year double day. but a landscape problem is to take the offense safe in 2023, with his forces boasted by deliveries of western weapons and equipment, hopes will high for a decisive victory into any june of 2 months of preparation. his troops launched their attack. they hit the russians on the 3 axis, one of the east to invite south. the main objective was to cut the russian army into an separate supply lines to crime me. it wasn't in business plan. after months of intense and costly fighting, ukraine succeeded in making some gains but slowly and painfully about to a full of a 7 village of little. but t. ne was symbolic of a difficult, with his few crating forces and counted well the pads wishing defenses with dense mun fields, mazes of trenches, barbed wire, and on the tank ditches what examples that fee are supposed to be
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a moving forward. and that's the main thing that we're, i think you guys for every ukrainian flag that is now returning to its rightful place. so they knew some by the time the training flock was raised a little bit, the name of the end of august, ukraine's army had suffered heavy losses. so let's you said you crane had waited too long for west and weapons. the delay gave russian more time to the pad. the battle field. as his forces took stalk, zalinski headed to washington to boast as a port solvable efforts. after the setbacks, republicans are reluctant to release small funds for ukraine, ukraine's having given up and want give up. we know what to do, and you can count on ukraine, and we hope just as much to be able to count on you. but you, crane and united states are,
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it's all i don't want to do next. keith wants to go back on the offensive for us ones that to pursue a more conservative strategy. mission, meanwhile, has recruits and reinforced it strips. this footage claims to show you why you create in units on the defensive move. eastern city of a deep got you cranes, contra offensive failed to deliver only a new strategy and renewed international support can break what has now become a stalemate. some more i want to bring in now frank led, which he is a senior lecturer in military strategy at portsmouth university. he's also a former british military intelligence officer. he joins us tonight from oxford. frank, it's good to have you with us again. if i go back to the early part of this year, think about the anticipation that was building. i mean, in the spring that followed a stalled rushing defensive from the the preceding winter. and you had you crane receiving heavy weapons and training from nato members. and then at some point,
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we were talking about ukraine's attacks stalwart. is there one event in in your recollection, that would explain how we've gone from anticipation to disappointment? well, could i be brant? it's nice to be with you. uh, look, your report that mentioned expectations and expectations will high certainly about political level. but i was that just before they offensive started ukraine, the military officials of highest levels, one off. so 3 me all i just perhaps i'm less than commentators and they accepted the reality that this was an additional that expectations. why that this would be the 1st of a series of blows and then additional campaign. now the blame game since that even those minimal objectives, which by the way, specifically what to get to the town and stone cold of talk, mock thank fell short by about 20 kilometers. i thought they would get that they
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didn't, those expectations weren't met. and it has been, as i said, something about blank i, for the sweet problem, the salts that was mentioned. then you'll find summary before is one element. the us recommended on tape probably rightly one focused assault with pipes and developing the tax. and it's less than binding data. the military's sensible military strategy will posit one main access and there was no one main access. it also west can. commentators will talk about the delay again mentioned in your report that allowed the rest is to strengthen. that force is what the kinds of side is. yes, we are waiting for those weapons. western is would say roughly that ukraine should be expected to conduct combined towns operations near. they didn't have nearly enough time to change. i'm electric culture setup. the blame game has now stopped and we are aware, we all ask for a single the question. you asked us for
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a single event. no, i don't think so because of course the overriding elements today, since the enemy is going to vote on russian defense is, was simply too strong. for example, to ask you, i, you know, i was in the us recently, and i was struck by the reporting beer about this more. and the message was that us military officials had been pushing ukraine to follow the one certain strategy. ukraine's military officials wanted to follow a different strategy and that explains why we're at what has come to be an unfortunate place in, in this course of events. can we explain? is it that easily explain that the ukrainians have not done what the americans would have liked them to do? or i think that starting on this basis with all due respect to those that those senior american advisors, the reality is on the ground well that ukraine has an army of 800000 man and a few 1000 come back. come with the male competence. you cannot prepare an army
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that size to fight the kind of combined alms operations. the nato professional forces trade for decades in this would be expected to fight. even if they had the time, they didn't have anything like the resources they required to do so. for example, the assumptions for such combined dogs operations in the west nato would be on well in, for example, a rock in 2003 or 1991 that we would have both of welding and dominance doesn't lead simple ad dominance. there's no way to your credit is we're going to get the, even the, the able to the area of drugs. so those assumptions, i think were misconceived from the stock. ukraine has its own military culture, which is derived from soviet military culture. and that's the natural way of things, and i'll be like that. you kind of shift that in, in, in one and a half years or big tense combat all the 7 years of there's all 3 nights of training that went to school. so no, i don't buy that tool, i'm fine and it would stress the one point that if the united states and
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a senior come on, does it political leaders? what really to time it to allows you probably not just to sustain itself, but to go forward and when they should release. so number is they've thousands of mother, she vehicles ready to go in the long time. no, i bought it for a long time along with many others that dr. goes to the release of those depends on a long term strategy, which we have yet to see in the united states. yeah. and that phone except for that much. what i'm wondering, what, what is this doing to the psyche of the, the soldiers ukrainian soldiers. they have been hearing now for more than a year from the west particular from the united states that we are with you as long as it takes. and now president zalinski was just in washington trying to convince him, politically does okay, the hill to keep the aid and the weapons going, at least in the next year. i mean, that's a radically different position than what we've been hearing for most of this more be that that's got to we're down the rail with the soldiers. oh
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yes. what do you hit the nail on the head with comments, as long as it takes those of us familiar, which is pretty much all of us. and many, many of us will remember that they, it was now that defined a previous less than compounds and isn't defined now. now, of course, we don't have boxes. so as the, as the defining stable what we have is not as long as it takes, but as long as we come to quote, present and bite and the other day. and this goes back, i think the key mistake if, if there was one, we'll come back to the source on the front of the 2nd. and so by simple one, we did not set a long term strategy early enough. i'm talking about 18 months ago. we have must not forget that you probably will have to defend itself, not just next year, but for to 2 years and 10 years ahead. those preparations are being made either. now let's go the soldiers at the front. i've spoken to 2 people at the front in the last 2 weeks and, and a few people in case of today and the soldiers that,
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of course neurology is actually not as low as you would think. it's the kind of morality you would expect in the nutritional bottle. it's, it's that these people a hot day. what that determined but they understand the difficulties i had. uh they still contra talking and they're still holding on now. and it's likely that they will continue to hold an aide to the new. yeah. but of course, the main constraint to the side is how long can not go on in the absence of the kind of bust assistance that they will need not just next year, but into the future. you know, frankie and i, we've talked numerous times since this will begin at the end and correct me if i'm wrong. but tonight i, i can hear some serious frustration in your voice about, you know, concerning the way this war is going right now. let's look into 2024. what would be, what do you consider to be a realistic path that we're going to see? the ukrainian military being able to take. so right, so at the top to the level that objectives will clearly be to hold on to what
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they've gotten and managing to do that now under, under very great pressure. the challenge will kind of course, look i've, who's got the crystal. but the likelihood is that'll be the russian if it's after the rest of the election size, i suspect uninstalled the restroom mobilization. now that will challenge zalinski on his, on his team to essentially to introduce conscription because one of the main constraints in ukraine in a overall training approach is mountain power. the 2nd, the cost is equipment. so with those constraints in mind, the expectation should be that will hold on to what we got. but also there's another element here. and i think that another approach they will take of should take is to strengthen the connective tissues of their own forces west. now even looking towards china is looking at a cross domain integration. now the credit is aren't going to get that yet, but if anyone's going to get there in europe, they stamped bond,
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i think just to summarize, generalist and sellers. these a statement, i think from this we called last week look, we're looking for something to, to, to break the on pastor to break the, the style, make the t now since then. ok. but evidently, all on i think what that might be is, is this it called trust. and i need to gratian and strengthening, for example, that are electronic will affect capabilities focusing on the uh, that the terrible, uh, uh, effects of, of drove off. and they're doing not right now, but not all of this absolutely requires children month's investment assistance. they will need to sustain this additional right into the future. i'm what we need now is a decades of strategy as to how you credit is going to go from what amounts to us. next, they'll be economy where the mission all should equipment, so that western, so into a nato, a nato stand it on thoughts as we see pop. they've seen that start with the 6 deeds
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on the defenses, which i, which a grate signs, particularly i defenses. but across the piece, not so much. right before you let you go to don't ask you, would you, how important is of us congressional approval of more aid for ukraine? how important is that to ukraine's military being able to, you know, survive all the 2024. or, i mean, are we, are, are we at a situation that is that dire? but it's absolutely essential, but it always has to be, you know, this, it shouldn't be a moment to panic any more than this time. last year was in the us, the assistance on to less extent european or the carpets bad that. and i think in terms of equipment is a, this is in terms of equipment we're talking about here because a good credit is going to get clairemont to money from europe, but they're not gonna have to spend it on anything. they need us material assistance, us assistance with neighbors and combination from around the world. if they don't get that, they will be in trouble and they may have to,
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to be serious consideration given to another approach, the military and the military defense. so it's absolutely central, but it always has been brent since day one. the us set itself up in this war to be awesome and of democracy. and right now it's not me think that definition. and some would say, i would say certainly for at least for the last year or so it hasn't, it hasn't released opened this hospitals. it shows no sign of doing so. and i'm speaking care of the thousands of times on the because i'm yes, stretching it across the board and pull the, the enable us, hold all that together. it shows no sign of releasing those anytime soon. that needs to military analysts, frank language is always frank. we appreciate your time and your honest being candid analysis. very important right now is it always is thank you. thank you bye . and for germany says it has signed a historic agreement to deploy troops. in lithuania, it will be the 1st time that german buddhist,
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their soldiers are permanently stationed outside the countries on boarders german defense minister, or if the story is saying germany is ready to defend native territory historic signature, germany and miscellaneous, signed a roadmap for the deployment of a german bonus february gate to the baltic country. for the 1st time since world war 2, the german army will station soldiers permanently abroad. the reason rush i poses a threat to europe as a whole, not just ukraine, some 4800 german military personnel and 200 civilians will make up the less way. the brigade, the, the idea is to detailed rest it from attacking the small bolted countries. a potential threat of the west, the military lines, nato, is taking very seriously. with this way near brigade, germany aims to help strengthen nato's eastern slang. since specialists invasion of ukraine and february 2022, the bonus van has redefined its goals. the focus is now on national defense and
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strengthening nato. today, the milestone is that very new project and the very impressive project. i think we science of roadmap, as is absolutely new for germany, absolutely new for the business with the 1st time we do that. it's a huge challenge, but we are really willing to do it. and we are keen on being successful together with our leasing and friends. germany already leads may to us multinational bethel group in this way, and yet of some 1000 troops which will be integrated into the new brigade. the german defense minister also used the occasion to sign the german soldiers stationed already in this way. now, as part of a traditional christmas trips visit, it is hoped that the new german brigade will help secure nato's eastern border. it will likely be fully operational by 2027. this is the day we will see you tomorrow, [000:00:00;00]
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