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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 19, 2023 8:00am-8:30am CET

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the the does this need to renew as long from our land more than a 100 people are dead after a powerful earthquake hits northwestern china. thousands of holes happened damaged with rest your team scrambling to reach survivors in the cold and mountainous region. bring you the latest on this developing story. also coming off the us urges israel to be more surgical and its military operations and gaza. as international freshman grows, only the number of civilians being killed as attacks, spying iran backed hosting liners the increase in the rest. the, the west suite,
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a new international mission to protect ships on the vinyl tray found the article fairly happy with us. we started today and telling no, we're more than a 100 people have been killed and hundreds others injured after an earthquake in the north west of the country. the 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck the roll. guns the province at around midnight, local time, causing damage to homes, roads, and other infrastructure. china as president has ordered a full emergency response, but rescue efforts are being hampered by the cold conditions with temperatures dropping below minus 10 degrees don't season were night. earlier i spoke to the the use james tutor in taipei. he gave us an update on the situation and the quakes on the extent of the damage slowly becomes clear. so that's right,
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nicole. yeah it's, i mean, for more understand this is one of the douglas as quakes that has had china in a few years now some of the images that we've been seeing coming through on social media. so the damage has been printing total images. the thing of inside of neighborhoods, pretty much leveled alleys. strewn with rubble, houses completely destroyed some of those videos we saw of when those i'm, when you upgrade actually struck, show restocking to kind of come down immediately as a south creek was taking place that you need is also saying that water and electricity wire in parts it um, we understand that there are still some people without power in the region. this is of course one of the poorest parts of china against providence, where i knew whether south creek was where this appraise truck is. one of the departments is the lowest gp counselor of any province in china. it's one of those nice develop provence from and says, but this is an area of china. it was, or the is used to of quite some, some of the, most of the upgrades that have been taking place in china, or if it wasn't taking place in areas not far from there. instead, trump proteins a bit further into the south. there is something that this part of china goes on
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average around. so trump is of magnitude for more and each year. so they are used to this type of both quite but again, this one, a bit stronger in the damage that it's caused them to forward to seeing through these images, to me. and it is a remote mountainous part of china where this happened. it's also freezing mer how our rescue efforts going, considering on that. as he mentioned, this is the kind of key sticking point in the key and difficulty the rescue personnel are facing these were any, were any bits of temperatures, thousands of pos and now have been dispatched from across the province. and that's the banking is kind of fire and fire departments, earthquake emergency response departments, and they're all these 2 main complicating factors are the 1st actually be owns. there were any bits of temperatures is that the air is experiencing a number of off to show. so far we understand there have been about 9 off the shots . and since this may not create, some of those have been around above magnitude for those have been another of quake
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above magnitude 5. and so the west proven since in john, proven son of on china the 2nd fine. so of course, as, as he mentioned, really critically here is a temperature when this i was quite strong leads on monday evening, the temperatures in this positive china, we understand worried about minus 14 celsius, are really reading bits of temperatures. you know that a lot of people say, you know, in, in the immediate response to now it's quite incoming about a 72 hour window. west the volume is i'd like you to be found. emergency posts, no warning that because of these very, very low temperatures, about windsor finding survivors could be even showtime, tmz trader, and type page. thank you for that update or to the war and gauze are now lea west has urged israel to make its military operations. more surgical, as international concern grows over the number of civilian casualties after speaking to is rarely leaders and calories defense. secretary lloyd austin, said the westwood continued to arm its allied spies,
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renewed global calling as far as the fire is around says a gradually transition to a new phase of its war against loss which carried out the october 7th terror attacks that sparked this latest conflict shop and increase these people engulfed authenticity updated by law more and the loss of their loved ones. and as in many of the past is try the strikes. many of those who are to seems like these are increasing pressure on it's trying to predict civilians. a call of equity at the us defense secretary, north austin, texting palestinian civilians and gaza is both a moral duty and a strategic imperative. so we will continue to stand up for israel's bedrock right to defend itself. and we will also continue to urge the protection of civilians during conflict and to increase the flow of humanitarian aid integration. is trying
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to save it is targeting him off militants. but the fighting has led to one of the worst humanitarian crisis ever in gaza. food and clean water has become scarce for the strips over 2000000 people. and according to the un, 90 percent of the population has been displaced. the one i brought some more to some a neighbor over the i brought the volta and we needed to. we don't have a single job. hello to left. there was nothing a tool laser when i went to the head of the you went agency for palestinian refugees has worn the costs and school start dying of hunger disease and be immunity along with the eat and drink because that's what that for crossing drugs have also started entering from is trying to be accurate them show them but the you
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and see if the conditions of the founder and suitable for delivering humanitarian supplies. many see a horse and fighting as the only solution an urgent goal. that's not being a good by many of his trains realize stay. the correspondent, tonya kramer is covering a story for us from jerusalem. and i asked her what the reaction from the is really sign has been regarding the us defense secretary lloyd austin's visits to tell him we've we're like, i say you could say there were no surprises here, at least publicly. we heard the us defense secretary, look again, read to write and you know, the unshakable commitment the unmistakable relationship with it's well a supporting it and it's for a efforts. but he also calls, again for more humanitarian aid that needs to be getting into gauze and also the protection of the civilians. and the lead up to this uh visit. there was a lot of talk about that through us. would like to see a timeline or like to assess, you know, where this war stands,
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but we didn't hear anything publicly where both countries are differing. at least in public was again that a, the defense secretary talks about post work also saying that needs to be the name of a 2 state solution, a concept that has been talked about here for the past several decades. but we also heard a prime minister benjamin netanyahu over the weekend, again saying that he was actually the one preventing a palestinian state. so this is what we, when they going forward, you know, talking about what will happen next. this is where both countries have a different view of the human security process. it has to vote on a space, fire resolution today and global calls for relief. we heard in the report from 1000 civilians are growing louder and louder and within us about going to keep arming israel despite all criticism. how effective can all the international pressure be of the well, we understand that the,
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the vote and the un security council was postponed on monday to a later a today apparently, i mean, their report said to get also the us on board last time the security council voted at the united states and put in the veto. but again, all these international efforts, these calls for at least a pause. they usually stop short and quoting for a ceasefire altogether, it's more a pause and fighting, also possibly to restore negotiations to release more of the it's really hostages. that could be a result of that. they don't seem to have and direct impact right now on the is really position. be heard a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the saying again, the pos states that they want to continue to push ahead. the, the, the strategy of maximum pressure would, would, if needed to use results to eliminate how much to talk to her most. so this comes, of course, on the back to of, of, of very,
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very dire situation for the civilian population. and garza was over 80 percent, according to the united nations of people are displaced multiple times. and of course, amounting desktop every day to to reinforce one, antonio cramer in jerusalem. thank you. as always, i mean your wife has announced the creation of an allied task force to help protect ships traveling through one of the world's most important maritime trade rounds. several major companies have held it shipping in the red sea following an increase and attacks by who's the finders from yemen. the route connects tree between asia and europe for commodities like oil and liquefied natural gas as well as consumer goods. fully militants who are backed by iran have attacked these several ships, and the rent season was october, saying the vessels were quote, linked to israel store. on this i am jones, i lost the ellison, a shipping list, and founder of the consulting save us pushing maritime good to see how big of
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a threats does all of this post for global ship. it does post a relatively big spread. it will result in significant increases in supply chain costs, significant delays, but to put it into context. it's a big problem. but it's not the same kind of disastrous impact as we saw in 2 and a half years ago. when does the risk and how close, for example? what can this mean for, for consumers, like even though i like our viewers in the very short term? absolutely nothing. take your christmas go for a new year's bodies. everything is already on the shelves in the stores. where you might begin to see a little bit of impact would only be towards the end of january early february. some goods would be a few weeks delayed as a consumer, unless you have order specific goods you or even unlikely to see that one in the supermarkets yourselves. what can companies do to navigate to the security crisis?
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for the shipping lines, they only have one option. that's the one they're taking right now. we route their ships to go the long wait around africa for import us, say your supermarkets, your clothing stores, all the different. the companies that rely on invoice from asia. it's a matter of knowing that your cockle right now would be several weeks delayed and arriving, and working with the shipping lines to find out. what do we have of contingency plans going forward? if this is not resolved relatively quickly, will that have an impact on cost, a scene from the consumer perspective on like you to have a major impact to put things in perspective right now, you pay something like 1500 euros to move a container from china to know the europe, back when they supply change, we're at the worst pandemic disruptions. this was 15000. so even if the freight rates go up, say a factor to or effect a 3. would it be know when near the cost impact that we have 2 and a half years ago? now the u. s. has announced
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a red sea security task force. what do you make of it? are these international control emissions going to be enough to protect march and vessels in the red sea? that is still an open question. it depends on how quickly that task force can physically get enough vessels in place to ensure the shipping lives that their ships will not be sitting ducks from his eyes. and even if you have that task force, it leaves the question, how are you going to address the root cause of the problem? if you only have naval vessels on the ocean, there's nothing preventing the whole cheese from continuing to throw midsize and drones at the merchant vessels over how can not be prevented then. that would likely require a much larger intervention. it is hard to see a permanent solution that doesn't involve land based operations in human as well. so that said, how big are the risk then of those getting out of hand and causing a bigger conflict, potentially involving of course then the us and there on the back the who is the
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rebel? yeah, the, the risks are pretty high here because you are then tying into a lot of other complex already simmering in the middle east. you had an 8 year war on going between saudi and human. you haven't uranium involvement. you don't have to go back very many years where you have challenges up in the straight up homeless between the arabian peninsula and iran, which would threaten the world's oil supply. shipping as well as long as you have so many things as a look at some of the other stories making moves around the world today is philip texas, governor of greg abbott has approved a new bill that would give the police sweeping powers to arrest life or to legally cross the united states border. the bill also gives authority to judges to order these people to leave the country. and those commons as part of an overall attempt to tighten immigration language. hundreds of people have been left stranded in northeastern australia after
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a tropical cycling triggered severe fleming. roads have been washed away, leaving some people trapped in their homes, rescue teams or working to reach people trapped in their homes in the air, lift them to safety. both frances has given the formal approval as a priest to bless same sex couples. and the documents released by the vatican. francis suggests that such blessings could be offered as long as they didn't confuse their ritual. with the sacrament of heterosexual marriage, that priests should design on a case by case basis. adoption president, that's on top of c. c has things motors on for securing a 3rd term in office. he received almost 90 percent of the votes and last week's election, which was overshadowed by the war and gaza and the severe economic crisis. critics, a 10 year long cracked down on descend, has eliminated any serious opposition. north korea inspired another intercontinental ballistic missile. the 2nd in the span of just 24 hours
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depends as the miss i'll have the potential to reach japan or the united states even or east of increase in test by feeling young has led to a warning from washington that any attack from north korea would bring an end to kim duncan's regime in the we use is asia corresponding james trader reports. i mean it's a continental ballistic messiah a little icbm, broken into the sky is above north korea. other this year, south korea's already described as a grave provocation film young's launch of a suspected similar icbm on monday. it's feet this year. japan says the solid fuel massaro has the potential range of 15000 kilometers is far enough to hit any way on us territory. this is where the latest north korean missile flu. the icbm was launch from nape showing young, reaching an altitude of 6000 kilometers. it landed 17 minutes later about 1000
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kilometers away in waters east of north korea, just outside of japan's exclusive economic sun. tokyo and washington have condemned appealing young's actions. a push step. we go to. yeah, but that we strongly condemn these actions, which are in clear violation of un security council or by solutions on press and peace and stability in the region to. oh, cool. yeah. well, either dozens, china, no, chris, i'm the official. i didn't criticize trunks don't say no need that the situation on the korean peninsula was complex. sure to attempt to solve the problem through military deterrence and pressure will not would complete blindly back fire further intensify and contradictions and intensified tensions. feel young says so quotable moves. why? washington? with the reason for it fluids, i mean the growing north korean threats the us south korea and japan have accelerated military cooperation in recent months. a us new to a pod submarine arrived in south korea on sundays. and all that straightening
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already fractious, ties this new cream satellite nose last month. look to south korea withdrawing from pods of imagery. packed ange, it's easing tensions, but north korea withdrew from the agreements, complete the still images appear to sharp. show me young bolstering it submitted to your presence at southern border since now with the latest icbm noise. and that's the one in the side of stability on the career. and then joining us for more from so as jo man can, missouri was an n, k music covers inner korean affairs and defense. good to have you with us here on the w, we saw a record breaking number of north korean weapons test this here. why is the resume encountering launching so many missiles right now? well the ser, it's not only the missiles but the var, just the variety of the delivery system for the nuclear weapons. and it's because it's something that the north korean leader instructed from day one or 2023. and
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it's your opportunity, like every other places. so the military officials do it when the leader asked, but the point is, as the leader asked for exponential growth for the delivery system for then you'll go up and so they both stuff like under what are jones as well. so the question would be, why wouldn't north korean leader ask something like that? it would be mostly because of this. here is a very good timing for a north korean is to do this because there's a lack of engagement diplomacy dialogue prospects and it's very difficult for them to get the concession from you and by anywhere to shita. so it's a good timing for them to bolster military systems, and there are a lot of justifications that they can use. they consider rhetoric and moral high ground is something very important. and because there's war and many other places in the world and us strategic weapons constantly coming to the korean peninsula, it's very good for them to justify it as a stop relying defense system. how is this affecting stones stands on north korean
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as well? there was not only icbm, but there were satellite launch a short range, ballistic missiles and so on and so forth. well, south korea consider a satellite lawn just partly testing intercontinental ballistic missile weapons technology. but technically, for south korea, rather than icbm or i r b m a little shorter range, one, the short ranges are actually more, more dangerous for south korea, especially because north korea has been focusing a lot on building tactical nuclear weapons and the delivery system. so they have been constantly directly threatening sol on a direct nuclear strike against south. yeah, and it does impact sol stands directly and it makes south korea to change its defense, military defense and military system against north korea tween increase the methods that they can intercept a more a variety of north korean weapons and the delivery systems that they're developing to miss out that north korea tested on when they had a potential range of 15000 kilometers and cut him as far away as anywhere in the us
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. that's according to japanese officials. do you think there is a real danger that feeling young could order? so i'll try to talk as well. it has been a threat that's always always existed from 2017 and ongoing but, but the, i want to yes with the number of icbm test increasing and recent years. and especially last year and this year, the thrust perception, it seems from the public and generally some officials as well and the media, it's increasing. it's an irony, but north korea is pretty serious about developing these lessons. and although the solid field re entry is still a bit difficult, according to south pen officials, it's not something to dismiss as an unlikely spread. and it's not a mock up like in the past. but in order to prevent and detroit that kind of schools read more and more important will the risk management rather than trust me
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i do for i think it's fair right away or waiting for the regimes of all the parts total is joanne came. and so thank you so much for your analysis. thank you. and our national and server se service slap election on sunday were not fair. the organization for security and cooperation in europe says they were marred by media bias, both barring and ballad box stuffing. preliminary results show the populace survey and progressive party led by president alexander, which is 146.7 percent of the vote was almost twice as much as the 2nd place opposition alliance, serbia, against violence of the on the streets of bell grade. these protestors are angry over an election. they say what stolen will do to that the guard booth judges doing was things then during the 1990 s o b
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a. this never happened before and then we never saw somebody stealing an election. this openly evaluated, they'll be the police didn't react to prosecute this office didn't react to either my also. so why should we take part in election if they always deem election and literally nothing happens off the dock. are there any deductible from that is on sunday, serbian president alexander boot judge said his party had won an absolute majority in the snap elections. he had called 2 months prior to the me. i can't say we lost these 2 months because it was positive and important democratic process. but we do have to devote how selves to the country progress of the country and the continued progress of alice's
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for observers have heavily criticize the way the election was conducted. it was no fair election. we should not speak about fair election. it was, i'm for you. i can repeat that the building of the always the do it was on sale. and and i think if you ask me as a politician then that's head. i think the victory in bel cannot, was stolen from the bushes, boots huge, and his party have denied allegations of irregularities. the people here remain unconvinced. germany says it has signed a historic agreement to deploy troops, analyst the way now, and will be the 1st time german born as best soldiers are permanently stationed outside the country's own borders. defense minister morris, the story is said, germany was ready to defend no territory. historic signature,
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germany, unless wayne, he signed a roadmap for the deployment of a german boot in despair brigade to the baltic country. for the 1st time since world war 2, the german army will station soldiers permanently abroad. the reason rush i poses a threat to europe as a whole, not just ukraine, some 4800 german military personnel and 200 civilians will make up the list way and yet, bri gate. the idea is to tell the rest of from attacking the small bolted countries a potential threat, the west, the military lines, nato, is taking very seriously with unless way near brigade, germany aims to help strings and nato's eastern slang since specialists invasion of ukraine and february 2022, the bonus van has redefined its goals. the focus is now on national defense and strengthening nato. today, the milestone is that very new project and the very impressive project. i think we signed the roadmap as is absolutely new for germany. absolutely new for the bonus
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with the 1st time we do that. it's a huge challenge, but we are really willing to do it. and we are keen on being successful together without at least being in france. germany already leads may to us multinational bethel group in this way, and yet of some 1000 troops which will be integrated into the new brigade. the german defense minister also used the occasion to sign the german soldiers stationed already in this way. now, as part of the traditional christmas troops visit, it is hopes that the new german brigade will help secure nato's eastern border. it will likely be fully operational by 2027. and before we go, we want to share with you some stunning pictures coming out of iceland, where a little k no has a rump that near the capital ranking. big iceland had been on high alert for a potential interruption with thousands of small earthquakes recorded in the region since october. nearly 4000 residents of the nearby village of brindle vick have
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already been evacuated as a precaution. and that's all from the news for now. but stay with us for kick off looking at which team the ones we are can collect the most points for the winter break. i'm looking for really thank you so much for your company. the, the, the,
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