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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  December 19, 2023 9:30am-10:01am CET

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and we ask, why, because education makes the world make up your own mind. made full minds the to what can we do to protect a planet on each finite resources? what we're hearing from some is foreign people and best solutions. hello, and welcome to a new edition of equal africa. i m sandra holmes, that nobody coming to from comp hello. right? yes. if you get that and i am, crystal is joining you from lee goes in dates and dropped off future depends. so
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dollars consuming less, reducing a couple and footprint. protecting what we still have. we've got some great stories coming from africa and you rogue. yeah, there's a pick off of what is coming up with find out how be our technology is helping farmers and come a roof see how solar tanks installed on roofs in egypt provides affordable hot water atlanta both of us and they say method of removing micro plastics from water when it comes to problem solving, being prepared, annoying what you might face before it happens can help colton fonts and come to room like so many funds across the weld, also from the fact of climate change. but some farm is there and altering to deal with the crisis in of activity. it's not your average teaching
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age virtual reality technology takes a bit of getting used to. but with the help of these headsets kind of runing, cotton farms are learning, have to adopt most sustainable practices, boosting their hobbies, and their incomes fit to deform us. jump in this type of training plunges farms into a world where they can practice the message and practicing helps them understand the challenges better and adapt accordingly that often. what do you have toki learned how to, from cotton, from his parents. but now he's willing to try out new approaches and gain new skills. the high tech headset transports into a cutting field for and the most is learning experience. he can see the crops close up from his desk along with any interest stations and dangerous pass. the training also shows in some creatures a beneficial,
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such as spite is the feed on the cast dependents that can destroy his cotton chrome . if i'm in the video from any like way right there in the video, we can see exactly what's happening. plus, it's been a great help to us. it's been a great help to me. so i'm, i work with a company. myra, well, in northern cal, marine is the centers the countries cotton industry is the main cash crop growing in the region. and once the desirable land too, is used to cotton production, many families depend on it for their livelihoods. of minute specialized, including hollywood, g hello, keys, wireless for children at school. his wife and 2 of his neighbors are going to help him with the harvest. hokey is planning to put what he learned on the calls about pest control and sustainability into practice next year. when it's time to associates again, the units hit by introduce the i won't use
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toxic chemicals because they cause a lot of problems. i guess i did on the buckle is that these are products, kill all insight and say, but if i have some a useful okay. it will see you start to see that goes back to our animals and that bad for the air we breathe that i know so long as you did, i wouldn't use toxic fertilizes either. i'll use organic fertilizer instead came in on top, see the farm, and then have to many cool comic pesticides spray on the virtual reality course. by mixing names, the powder with water olive oil, and then this will washing up liquids. it's not any better for the environment, the chemical pesticides. it's also a lot cheaper. the training sessions are organized by the international cotton advisory committee and finance by the gym and development agency. the g. i said, it must have learning in a virtual environment that replicates real world situations is also cost efficient
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. it reduces the sort of expenses associated with standard training methods, such as traveling fuel, northern cameron and these, these a 3rd of the rain full of the rest of the country and climate change is exacerbating the irregular rains and drought. i got you up. i look for the movie la, signed it was funny, doesn't rain, nothing rose come on. that's a problem. also it is up. we'll see it even if the crops start to grow without rain and they wouldn't last them properly. but that's another one of our challenges will see. the farm is learn how to best help is to colton to preserve its quality and avoid dust contamination. hokey is also started using coal sacks rather than plastics. not least because that means less waste. cameron, state court and company, so to control buys the pharmacy, it was so it naturally has an interest in guaranteeing high quality hobbies, long into the future. its management pre selected the pharmacist who took part in
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the virtual reality course. don't worry about people fucking that. you wouldn't have all the right equipment without the prep of training. you wouldn't produce good cotton is on what they've got good seats on the boat. they have fertilizer, they have treatment products that took them off. and then this training helps them to improve the techniques and get better cuts and let me to degree on the bulk of the 250 farmers have already taken part in the visit to reality cause a 90 instructors have been trained up to pass on the new skills is climate change. conference. com is with new challenges. hello g. hello okey and his family. a keen to keep up with the times. you've probably heard a lot about micro plastics recently. now these tiny particles are everywhere in the a and water. the i especially dentures for marine animals because particles cannot
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cumulate inside them because they're so tiny that we can't see them removing them from water. it's a big challenge. the vault is right, please. bonds. it is so important that we do because function of contaminated seafood has also been linked to all sorts of health problems in a few months or next report is about one months i did to tucker the problem. and you might be surprised about when you inspiration, come from our plastic waste has polluted almost old bodies of water on the planet. it degrades into micro plastics, which a home for the old living things. one cleanup method devised by a team in germany uses tiny air bubbles. it's invented believes that could help us with the planets of lots of one like crew plastics. the engineer will and diamond
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is developing the process with a team is experts in the field of environmental technology. it's based on a relatively simple idea. when people blossom oppressors leaning wastewater with micro bubbles as a new ones learned at a lecture in london. that micro plastics are hydrophobic. they don't like water and will adhere, taken care of bubbles in the water, and the flaws in by size. so for a lot of fun java spears later dealings, i'm just the idea of mature. just i'm, i was watching my vacuum cleaner robot and move throughout my study. when i thought of a way to crate and adherence technology for the water, that would a tunnel must be flowed freely in the water, well, cleaning it out. the new technology generates high concentrations of microscope quickly smo add bubbles in a than a half. so that as many plastic particles as possible, it here to them off to promising experiments in the lab. the 1st purchase height,
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but what's in an open body of water? it was cold. that's one. it was success, success for demons team. this is how the technology works on the water. some to meet is below the surface, up to 2000000 bottles are released by lisa was to actually repels last night, which is oil based. it's different with app which tends to attracts micro plastic particles. they adhere to the bubbles and then that pulls up to the surface where they can be collected. a lot of different kinds of other hearings technologies can be used wherever micro plastic hotspots arise or are found in on the we've already been able to remove 98 percent of micro plastic components from water in the visa river in preliminary model tests, not leaving any residue and we did it without chemicals, just with pure micro level technology. just with their as the technology
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is already being built on the largest scale on land. despite its usefulness, the method is energy intensive and has some unwanted side effects. the bubbles can also disrupt tiny organisms, such as plank, and carried him off to the surface sauce, removing them from the aquatic food chain. that's why the innovation is best c 60 use where lots of micro plastic accumulates, such as in heavily polluted rivers before the plastic reaches the oceans. and spreads from the big pieces of plastic west are a huge problem to of course, like plastic bonds, finding alternatives to plastic and reusing material wherever possible is very crucial to protecting the environment on this very creative ways of this. to do that, as you'll see now in these weeks doing,
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give it a colorful and durable these length of fabric are destined to become reusable. study shopping by the production plant belongs to a company that also makes paper bags and considered out some $76000.00 of these per day. co founder bevin the key to him by law wants his products to replace gomes ubiquitous plastic bags. an estimated 5 tons of plastic waste is screwed about the city streets and often cloaks up. it's suicide and some for to do well. no. we're fed up suing our city and mrs. dayton is the countries severely polluted with plastic people and we want to make at least a modest contribution to improving the environment. and i agree with that sort of this is to the who has a company that we produced by degradable product. so countries will not move in fabric and cut up and craft paper packages to steel,
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but you graft and sell the bags to buy a degradable. and the company now sells them to arrange a small stores and supermarkets, which pay the equipment of $17.00 euro cents a bag amount in reference to were brought to plastic. packaging doesn't ever degrade. and there's an environmental polluted a double one on the radio record model. they've informed us that we should only use bi weekly readable packaging, transfer leverage in order to protect the environment. the problems of about the has had been lucky to him by law hopes that his biodegradable bags would inspire others to find alternatives to plastics. his employees enjoy a better standard of living, things that work in the factory, including me as a, by the way my, he doesn't, it doesn't you, this job has helped me a lot music one. 0 god, i used to rent my home. but thanks to my work,
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i've been able to buy a plot of land or see even say jeff, which was i'm a mother of st. my life. and it also helps me feed my children to me, would you sell it and they have a good home where they can start. this job has helped me a lot as a united states. wow, that is great. it is because aspects of what everyday lives. but we really need to, we think like the few well we used for he think you feel fortunate enough indeed. so huh. what, what's it many of us love a nice quote show up above. but that always comes articles. it does rights firstly for the environment because many water heaters use policy feels and financially, especially now as menu of force struggling with rising bills. we had to egypt to find out all the employees, the part of the sun mohammed zacky. my blue fee is looking forward to the solar
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water heater tank that's being installed on his roof. his family will now have a direct source of hot water. and then method, i've got a 100, i think twice when the company approach me. and i told them yes, they could come in and stole the heat to after i'm having some trouble. i think it will benefit me under there's 2 sided pull. let him see it until now. his family has used beauty whenever they need to heat water on the kitchen stove, which is often beneficial to have a 2nd at the video. and then the winter sheet of water that 3 or 4 times a day when the summer and school, my mother in law has feed issues. this whenever she washes before prayers so she needs hot water. okay. so she needs hot water up 5 times a day. it's up to 5. yeah. on the i also heat of water. yeah,
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i need to feed my children every other day. we have so for me. but the gas stoves are bad for indoor air quality and the gas cylinders aren't even cheap as to retiree. knows what you see to who is about to go out in the winter. each family needs around one home, one and a half. got still in this case it in some uh we can see more around 4 times a month. the guy. what about the new or the home soon? this can cost somewhere between 10 and 15 years. mm hm. yep. i'm thinking that i don't want them getting so the new heater will stay mohammed the flow for a fair amount of money. it's being installed for free, as the heaters are sponsored by shim sienna, a startup that manufacturers affordable solar technologies. it's found are sort of mussa, wants to help low income families. and she also recognizes that if they stop using few teams, there will be a significant reduction in c o. 2 emissions. we cut emissions by 5
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kilograms every month and the sounds really small on one household. but if we multiply that figure, month after months and by across millions of households, then we have a tangible dance on the c o 2 emissions. but experts say that because each of cities are so densely populated, it won't be possible to instill many of the solar water heaters on rooftops, po, extra fee. then. so that was the heat is, will not be able to obtain a significant market share in egypt. and you can test us, they can make up no more than 30 percent of the market to yeah. well the thing is baffled if they can't save a lot of energy. oh, great the would you c o 2 emissions and back of the company. however, the heaters are a viable solution and rural areas. he says, some scene of finance is the subsidized solar water heater, through donations and through sales to businesses and hotels. we use
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proceeds from these consumers in order to fund solar water heaters for our lower income households. situations are being hard hit by high gas prices for mohammad zaki, mcgrooves family, and many others chum seen as environmentally friendly solar solution. compet exactly the right time. so much of the well, the suffering, the effects of verizon fuel costs in another place. that's how this thing the pol fits abundance on shine. is nigeria many greeks and now providing cheap and clean solar pot to some rural communities. this fox is still flying as ever, but the electricity of jessie and there's welding machine is no generally please. this is good for the environment, but for the well the, the benefits for his family are in valuable help of the elbow. i'm using bible
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dodge and using solar powered electricity because of how expensive gas is guys. level 5 kept on using gas. i wouldn't be able to support my family anymore. my whole family. yeah, well that's why i started using solar powered electricity to get some benefits from it to bring that free for the whole village just now benefiting from it. some of them do the inside the nigeria was connected to a sort of the pile of many great, a year ago. the house of the household and most of the business is a now supplied with p cheap electricity. practically around the top in the local hospital dealt to abl, elijah, and this, and that's the toll can provide much better care for the patients now that they have electric lights. previously they had to work by flashlights during the hours of darkness. when they come to these beats, he is very difficult for us because we don't get lights we are using towards life.
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so didn't even get into in dixon, read out a life. it was the difficult for us. so with that life we, i enjoy, we know that we have the lights. now, what i'm planning, i want to save money so that i will get a fleet. that's how it will be stored in my boxes and for the drugs that needs to fit your temperature is more and more. many grids are being installed in nigeria in pod cents to the following costs for solar technology. the system in solving money affected by us company was cool financed by the world bank and the african development bank. there are no 6 systems here in the countries north central state of nestle was able to yeah, from the teen technology help think small. so the top salons,
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one of the best ways to supply really africa, which is like tricity without fulfill, feels. so the $600000000.00 comes without is access to electricity, and that ga is the largest. how's the highest rates of this on the look for population across africa address also the largest potential market for many grades . and so many people like the solution and then having at least 10 percent of the electrified the population. this has also been great for john for his business. he provides a cellphone charging service incense, so the cheap electricity, you know, like small profit because you no longer has to pay for fuel for the generate to you guys even did charging the only the inputs we do with an increased price. i know it's 9 months of the residential digital, most eastern ad. why is because of this all i would have as the example of sell
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them get us shoes. people are prepared to switch to environmentally friendly electricity, especially when it's a financially viable option. sometimes the key foxes is getting the message out to the right people. joseph banga is a rachel moneisha right here in complex, but he's best known for his commitment to improving sweet safety, especially for the children. he uses his voice to promote environmental protection and docile. we've body and soul of success cities getting more and more crowded by 2015. the number of city 3 less is 60 almost people to 1500000000 and the city traffic coast is growing along with that you get this copy to
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a found problem. wouldn't mind joseph b and guess he's tired of it. the trust the continued city has customer life last year alone. someone 1600. it is, teens died intrinsic accidents. in addition, many have died. well, gotten sick from the party to a. we have very many vehicles on the road, most of them not in a good condition. they put didn't go to fumes, which bundled to good for even the people who are working with living in a city where by we are king people every day. we need to rethink improvement design, a city that is fearful they won't hear. so gonna position words that come from us via what we've been safely this. so this morning, joe, look as he is known as social media, is joining authorities, income product to promote non motorized transport as a way of reducing emissions. decline as a pilots in template at
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a cost reasons. so we failed to twice that if we can promote the 90 more to the $40.00 for us, but 60 and then we're starting kind of getting for what people taking. how did the benefits so doesn't any more today is the kind of press petition become good, more than half of compromise will finish of lots on site because this is probably the 3rd, which is a dr. freemont motorized, the transport into the tool. but it's, it was moved on to 9 years later, the pilot freeze on was commissioned in combined. it stretches to closer to 2 meters, being as easy as smart enough for the cities, but the nature of more than $3000000.00. 1 of the things i'd love to see in a compaq is read from the entrance of the cbd, just the, the busiest zone call free zone. it should be covered. if you're going to come
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into the city, the most you can do is cycle just sec. i'll finish by just say, quoting plus the us just cycle into the city. that is very sick for everybody that is still for people who are cycling. it's safe for the people who are within the city. many gardens associates driving with status. banjo wants to change the mind 6 got to working on cycling is only for the poor. he's creating the message in schools i have. i'm next to them to actually read that good questions and have a next then i'm still going to students. good is are that somebody's petitions like maqueta university? no introduced to clean them ability to replace motorized transport on campus. i just wish how it would be, how to look if this breaks, where in the city. imagine, oh, come part of the beautiful come power. nothing be choking. come probably will not be having the death. yes. yeah. who introduced the road. the end is always
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competing for clean. i'm system. as a professional broadcast, he knows how to use the media effectively. other things, each one of us has a good something to do. the way they can do it based is when is raise awareness points are the issues that needs to be done and let somebody do the integration. what are these power and report and from right to income plus i feel like going for work now to that brings us to an end of this week's episode of equal us because we hope you feel is plaid as well. it is a good buy for me, sandra holmes, the 3 nobody you funny go from complex, right? just in. you can to see you soon, sandra. and thank you to everyone for watching. don't forget to check us out on our social media and to get in touch. it's good bye for me to chris that lends illegals
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by the area. see you next time the the,
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the, the a non returns to ha, i'm says to her how difficult is a new beginning in the own room for christians, intact off to being persecuted, escaping to a different life, a different place. to then comes back to spiteful, the consequences refined her community most up in 15 minutes on w volcano,
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accounts for people and the climate research teams around the world wants to figure out how to control them and maybe harness them as a powerful source of energy. how close is the science tomorrow today in 90 minutes on the w the how many platforms can you handle single tenuously without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously?
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multitasking diesel, modern man. because if we do too much, we teddy all wrong. we messed things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage humans and multitasking. watching i want you to dw documentary the queen and her entire of crime scene bill us dollars in the to the sales one calling because one point and they don't currency, we want to be the number one then she disappears with out. so trace secretary, queen has been accused of folding victims on the top 10 list. the cartel leaders in murder is assigned. national for about the rules must once at home and crypto queen starts descent, associates, d, w,
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the . this is the, the you news line from her land that brings us are just israel to be more surgical and it's military operations in gaza. as international pressure grows over, the number of civilians being killed got the late. it's also coming out more than a 100 people are dead after a powerful earthquake, hips northwest china. thousands of homes have been damaged with rescue t and scrambling to rich survivors in the cold and mountainous region. the.


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