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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 19, 2023 10:00am-10:15am CET

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to the this is the, the weird news line from her land that brings us, or just israel to be more surgical and its military operations in gaza. as international pressure grows over, the number of civilians being killed got delayed. it's also coming out more than a 100 people are that after a powerful earthquake, hips northwest china. thousands of homes have been damaged with rescue t and scrambling to rich survivors in the cold and mountainous region. the
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uncomfortably welcome to the show. they start with a war and gauze on us as urged israel to make its military operations more surgical as international concern, gross over the number of civilian casualties there after speaking to is rarely meters and tell him beef defense, secretary lloyd austin, somebody, westwood, continue to arms allied a spine renewed global calls for a ceasefire. israel says it will gradually transition to a new phase of its war against loss which carried out the october 7th terror attacks that sparked this latest conflict. shocked and increase. these people in god's authenticity updated by the more and the loss of their loved ones. and as in many of the past is try the strikes. many of those who are to seems like these are increasing pressure on it's trying to predict civilians,
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according of equity at the us, defense secretary lloyd austin, texting palestinian civilians and gaza is both a moral duty and a strategic imperative. so we will continue to stand up for israel's bedrock right to defend itself. and we will also continue to urge the protection of civilians during conflict and to increase the flow of humanitarian aid interruption. is strange fav. it is targeting come off militants, but the fighting has led to one of the worst humanitarian crisis ever in garza. food and clean water has become scarce for the strips over 2000000 people. and according to the un, 90 percent of the population has been displaced. when i brought some more to for monday, but over the i brought the water and we needed to we don't have
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a single job flow to left. there was nothing a tool laser. when i went to the head of the you went agency for palestinian refugees had sworn the coffins, could start dying of hunger disease and the immunity along with the eat and drink because that's what the crossing drugs have also started entering from it started back at him show them that the you and see if the conditions of the founder and suitable for delivering humanitarian supplies many see a horse and fighting, that's the only solution. and there to go. that's now being a good by many of his strange realize us our corresponding, tonya kramer is covering the story for us from jerusalem. when i asked her what the reaction, some of these really sign has been regarding the us defense secretary as visits to tell him he's what like i said, you could say there were no surprises here. at least publicly. we heard the us
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defense secretary, look again, read to right and you know, the unshakable commitment, the unmistakable relationship with it's ro as supporting it and it's for a f o it's but he also called again for more humanitarian aid that needs to be getting into because and also the protection of the civilians and the lead up to this a visit. there was a lot of talk about that to us. would like to see a timeline or like to assess, you know, where this war stands. but we didn't hear anything publicly where both countries are differing, at least in public was again that a, the defense secretary talks about posts for dogs are saying that needs to be the name of a 2 state solution. a concept that has been talked about here for the past several decades. but we also heard a minister been, you mean, mentioned y'all over the weekend, again saying that he was actually the one preventing a palestinian state. so this is what we, when they going forward, you know,
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talking about what will happen next. this is where both countries have a different view. tanya, of the human security council as a, has to vote on a space fire resolution today and global calls for relief. we heard in the report from 1000 civilians are growing louder and louder and within us is that going to keep arming israel despite all criticism? how effective can all the international pressure be of the well, we understand that the, the vote and the un security council was for spent on monday to a later a today. apparently, i mean their reports it to get also the us on board last time the security council voted at the united states and put in the veto. but again, all these international efforts, these calls for at least a pause. they usually stop short and quoting for a ceasefire altogether, it's more a pause and fighting, also possibly to restart negotiations to release more of the is really hostages. that could be
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a result of that. they don't seem to have and direct impact right now on the is really position. be heard a prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying again, the pos states that they want to continue to push ahead. the, the, the strategy of maximum pressure would with, if needed to use results to eliminate how much to talk to him us. so this comes, of course, on the back to of, of a very, very dire situation for the civilian population in garza was over 80 percent, according to the united nations. of people are displaced multiple times and of course, amounting desktop every day to the corresponding, tonya kramer interest. and i'm thank you, as always and now i look at some other stories making is around the world today. the u. s. has announced the creation of an allied task force in response to attacks by who's the rebels on ships and the red sea, of course, will conduct drawing for trolls and provide intelligence to protect ships from
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drone at missile attacks. since october the human base whose the rebel group has attacked multiple ships that it says are quote, linked to is israel for inaction, texas governor of greg and albert. it has approved a new bill and i want to give the police sweeping powers to arrest the migraines. to illegally across the united states border. the bill also gives a 42 judges to order these people to leave. the country for board comes as part of an overall attempt to tighten immigration laws. both frances has given the formal approval from free to bless, same sex couples and a document released by the vatican. francis suggested such blessings could be offered as long as they didn't confuse the ritual with a sacrament of heterosexual marriage is that priest should design on a case by case basis. you have you add to hundreds of people have been left stranded in north eastern australia after a tropical cycle and triggers severe flooding. roads have been washed away,
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leaving some people tracked in their homes, rescue teams or working to reach people trapped in the air, lift them to safety. in china and more than a 100 people have been killed or hundreds, others injured after an earthquake in the northwest of the country. the 6.29 is a quake struck near the cities of shooting and long jo at around midnight local time causing damage to homes, roads, and other infrastructure. time as president has ordered a full emergency response, but harsh winter conditions are complicating efforts with temperatures dropping below minus 10 degrees celsius overnight. people are drawing and late evening meal in china is north west. then the, this is a scale of the damage caused by that says, quaking china is guns who is in the high provinces to thousands of homes in time neighborhoods reduced to rubble is owned by the 6.2. my can choose from the start
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to late on monday night school day media said both, it adds electricity infrastructure. what was the dominance of china as president shipping has audited in or out, the search and rescue efforts in the mounts in this area to find people, subtracts on the rubble, and i see temperatures in shanghai province have recently blanketed the region in snow and temperatures. when the quake hits on monday night to a well below freezing punishing conditions. now making complicated rescue efforts even more difficult. guns wincing high, i used to as quakes on average, nearly 30 trim is of magnitude for more hits the region each year due to that also among the least developed regions in china against who has the lowest g d. p. per capita of any province in the country, or thirty's, of want of more of to shop. at least 2 with magnitude, full or higher, might have been recorded, send us the main quake to 38 and off within the select terms chain or file that report enjoys this now from ty paint. james,
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what do we know about the scale of the destruction as well as the sore? and therefore, the level of destruction has been pretty devastating inside neighborhoods leveled at least strewn with rubble. it was the reports of lun slides close by the soft quade rescue workers of helping create made shift tents and shelters. now for those of an impacts, it's thousands of people that have been how does that, how it was damaged by it by this quake. now, we now know that this is china is the list of quite a can over decade, much about death, toll about high desktop. really thing, not because this has quite took place, of course, at nighttime, right on midnight. so lots of people in the home sleeping, unable to, to leave high apartments, a tool, a palm, and blogs, and the fed for safety. we understand electricity is there, so it's in most places that lost it now, but that impacts on infrastructure. whether that's electricity, roads um, has been hampering really fast as we understand. now, let's talk a little more about those relief efforts. because presidents adrian paint has
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called for an all out search and rescue operation. we're talking about a remote mountainous freezing area. how our efforts coming along are people even able to access the area right now. so that's up to the new right. some 2000 personnel have been sentenced to help with the release of fits now. let's fire departments, emergency quaid teams. the provenance is already allocated $2000000.00 us dollars to the relief that interesting. gotcha. let's say we had some tie ones presidents who's already offered assistance as well. now, china does have a fairly good record of rebuilding quickly on the sides of the off the as quite as of this nation, we saw that following a really deadly, i was quite constituent in provence, in 2008. that was enough. quake that killed tens of thousands of people. obviously, people in this area will be hoping that a similar really assess that takes place following this quite as i mentioned in my report as well. this is in that area that that's used to of craig's. but with this particular acquaint this tremolo, there are several complicating factors,
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obviously the time i mentioned earlier. and then the remoteness, as you mentioned, through this high altitudes of this area. and then we've also seen many off the shots kind of complicating relief efforts at least 9. now, i think since the main quite took place last night. and then secondly, of course, the really big the cold this region has been seeing extremely cold weather over the past few weeks. and there are concerns that, that window of time that you can reese of live this following enough quake usually about 72 hours is going to be even short. and given the house conditions we're seeing here was james taylor from typeface. thanks so much for that update. for me, it says it has signed a historic agreement to deploy troops and went the way. now it will be the 1st time the german bonus mass soldiers are permanently stationed outside the country's own borders. defense minister boris. the story is said, jeremy was ready to defend nato territory. the historic signature germany lithuania, signed a roadmap for the deployment of a german bonus,
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february gate to the baltic country. for the 1st time since world war 2, the german army will station soldiers permanently abroad. the reason rush i poses a threat to europe as a whole, not just ukraine, some 4800 german military personnel and 200 civilians will make up the list way. me a brigade the. the idea is to detailed rest it from attacking the small bolted countries. a potential threat of the west the military lines, nato, is taking very seriously. with this way near brigade, germany aims to help strengthen nato's eastern slang. since specialists invasion of ukraine and february 2022, the bonus van has redefined its goals. the focus is now on national defense and strengthening nato. today's the milestone. it was that very new project and the very impressive project. i think we signed the roadmap as is absolutely new for germany, absolutely new for the buddhist. that's the 1st time we do that. it's
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a huge challenge, but we are really willing to do it. and we are keen on being successful together without at least being in france. germany already leads may to us multinational bethel group in this way, and yet of some 1000 troops which will be integrated into the new brigade. the german defense minister also used the occasion to sign the german soldiers stationed already in this way. now, as part of a traditional christmas trips visit, it is hoped that the new german brigade will help secure nato's eastern border. it will likely be fully operational by 2027 and before we go, we want to share with you some stunning pictures coming to us from iceland. we're in ok now as erupt as myriads a capital ray cubic. iceland had been on high alert for a potential interruption for quite some time now with thousands of small earthquakes reported in the region. since october, nearly 4000 residents of the nearby village of grinda back on the rake and this
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peninsula have already been evacuated as a precaution. and that's all familiars for now, but will be back at the top of the next hour with more to say that the the fast fashion as an environmental night a clothing graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded. fashion watch now on youtube.


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