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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 19, 2023 11:00am-11:31am CET

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the, the, the, the news line from the land, the challenges as counting the dead and gaza, of the west warrens israel to be more surgical and its military operations. real good health causes her loss, runs health authority documents. how many lines are being lost. also coming up, how israel's military actions have sparked attacks on a vital global shipping around full off at the new international mission to protect vessels in the red sea. more than 100 people are dead after a powerful 1st point hit 4th western china. thousands of homes have been damaged
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with rescue team scrambling to reach survivors in the cold and mountainous region. plus a warning to america from north korea's leader came john breton has more offensive actions against the west. after the latest test of town young's most advancements on the list, welcome to the show. we start with the war and awesome us as urged israel to make its military operations. more surgical, as international concern grows over the number of civilian casualties there after speaking to is really leaders and televisions defense. secretary lloyd austin's of the us would continue to arm with allied despite renewed global costs for a ceasefire. israel says it will gradually transition to what it calls a new phase of its war against loss which carried out the october 7 terror attacks
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that sparked this latest conflict shop. i didn't leave these people in golf law center for the updated by law more and the loss of their loved ones. and as in many of the past is try the strikes. many of those who are to seems like these are increasing pressure on it's trying to predict civilians. a call of equity at the us defense secretary lloyd austin, texting palestinian civilians and gaza is both a moral duty and a strategic imperative. so we will continue to stand up for israel's bedrock right to defend itself. and we will also continue to urge the protection of civilians during conflict and to increase the flow of humanitarian aid integration. is trying to save it is targeting come off militants. but the fighting has led to one of the
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worst humanitarian crisis ever in gaza. food and clean water has become scarce for the strips over 2000000 people. and according to the un 90 percent of the population has been displaced. the one i brought some more to some a neighbor over the i brought the water and we needed to. we don't have a single job. hello to left. there was nothing a tool laser when i went to the head of the you went agency for fun is to name refugees has worn the costs and school start dying of hunger disease and be immunity along with the eat and drink because that's what that for crossing drugs have also started entering from is trying to be accurate. i'm showing them but the you and see if the conditions of the founder and suitable for delivering humanitarian supplies. many see a horse and fighting,
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that's the only solution. an urgent call that's now being echoed by many of his strange realize w corresponding tanya kramer is covering the story for his interest when, when i asked her what the reaction from these riley sign had been regarding the us defend secretaries visit, telling me as well, like i say you could say there were no surprises here, at least publicly. we heard the us defense secretary, look again, read to right and you know, the unshakable commitment the unmistakable relationship with it's ro as supporting it and it's for a f o it's but he also called again for more humanitarian aid that needs to be getting into gauze and also the protection of the civilians and the lead up to this uh visit. there was a lot of talk about that through us. would like to see a timeline or like to assess, you know, where this for stands. but we didn't hear anything publicly where both countries are differing, at least in public was again that a,
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the defense secretary talked about post score calls are saying that needs to be the name of a 2 state solution. a concept that has been talked about here for the past several decades. that'd be also heard a 5 minutes to been. you mentioned y'all over the weekend again saying that he was actually the one preventing a palestinian state. so this is what we, when they are going forward, you know, talking about what will happen next. this is where both countries have a different view of the human security terms of success. vote on a cease fire resolution today and global calls for relief. we heard in the report from 1000 civilians are growing louder and louder and within us is that going to keep army israel despite all criticism? how effective can only international pressure be of the well, we understand that the, the vote and the un security council was postponed on monday to a later today. apparently,
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i mean the reports that to get also the us on board last time the security council voted at the united states and put in the veto. but again, all these international efforts, these calls for at least a pause. they usually stop short and quoting for a ceasefire altogether, it's more a pause and fighting, also possibly to restart negotiations to release more of the is really hostages. that could be a result of that. they don't seem to have and direct impact right now on the is really position. be heard a prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying again, the pos states that they want to continue to push ahead. the, the, the strategy of maximum pressure would, would, if needed to huge results to eliminate how much to talk to him us. so this comes, of course, on the back to of, of a very, very dire situation for the civilian population. and garza was over 80 percent, according to the united nations. of people are displaced multiple times and of
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course, amounting desktop every day to the corresponding tanya kramer, interest 11. thank you. as always, the last run health industry and gaza says the death toll from the war with israel has surpass 19000, but independently verifying these numbers. it's difficult with many journalist i'm showing rights workers having slept the tort territory and outside access severely restricted. and despite the challenges and documenting the death, the ones of civilian casualties are unprecedented. some morning or an extra for it contains some distressing images. a counting the dead. and already gruesome job made almost impossible, but on the ground fighting the relentless bombardment just as rarely forces in the shape tales of all the targets in children. as you can see, that's what's happened to miss south from f. 16. so it's
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a little children's, all part of the the human total of the fighting itself and conveyed by witnesses and by of of what conduct is repeated blackouts mean social media is sometimes the only way to get updates. no longer able to provide surgeries at all the hospital, the hospital this now effectively a 1st aid station. hundreds of wounded now is hospitable. with no access to surgery, they will die from the woods. an official total of casualties is being kept by the palestinian health ministry and gaza. it's the latest update, said israel as offensive, has killed more than $19000.00 palestinians. the have mass run, ministry doesn't differentiate between civilians and competence,
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but has said that most of those killed women and children. secretary general for this in the united nations has backed this claim question. despite the united verification challenges, what he's cleared is that we have ads in a few weeks, thousands of children killed. so this is what mets us. we are witnessing a killing of civilians. that is, and that allows and, and president, it's in any conflict since i am 2nd said to jello is not yet included in the official desk. told of, of thousands of people who are missing, leveled off and fed dead under the rubble when, if they are recovered, officials and gone. so we'll have to figure out where to bury them. salmon trays are either full or inaccessible because of fighting. and on the number of bodies
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has been buried and mass graves. the today's puts us on as the project leader of the conflict data program with the how last run guys are helpful history of reporting more than $19000.00 palestinian depths. i asked her earlier how confident we can be that this number is accurate. with the numbers reported by the golf and ministry of health have been shown to be rather accurate and precise in earlier faces of this conflict. when, for example, the u. n. has been able to conduct their own investigations later on. so we have no reason to believe that the ministry is not telling the truth. that's time. one should remember that it's extremely hard to gather real time data in the midst of war. uh, communication channels are disturbed, internet is down and so i'm not surprised if these numbers are revised later on. both downwards could be because of double counting,
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but more likely upwards when more bodies are found under the rubble and, and people have been buried hastily in my scrapes for example. but we have no reason to believe that these numbers are exactly right to do in any way. but 1000 authorities don't distinguish between combatants and civilians when giving base numbers. but israel estimates at around a $5000.00 a loss. militants have been killed since october 7. is it possible to verify this? so i wouldn't say that it is at this point. as you said, the health ministry does not distinguish between civilians and combatants. we know that to big proportion is women and children, so we can assume that those at least are civilians. but we cannot really trust israel because they, on the other side has an interest in over reporting insurgents and under reporting civilian casualties. so we, this is just one of the things that we have to accept that we cannot know right now, but that will become clear as time passes. and like i said,
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it's really hard and in real time to get my current data and from for so. yeah, i would like to talk about your work right now because the conflict data program has been reporting the death toll in global conflict since 1989. how have limited access to gaza made this more difficult since october 7th. and you know, maybe even before that, well, it's definitely a problem. and may we collect the data? we could collect the preliminary data on the monthly basis, but we also have our yearly data, which is more thoroughly investigated. so we are used to the situation that information becomes clear as time passes and we always go back and revise the data as well. and actually, israel and palestine conflict is one of the best covered concepts in the world historically. so this is one of the complex, those that we get the most detailed information from, in many areas of the world,
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it's much harder. so this is not a new thing. it's not unique for this quote at all, but we work a lot with different types of sources, trying to triangulate different types of information using social media and, and deals and different deuce media to, to be able to get a sense of what's going on. well, you mentioned social media, this is of course, also a war of images, the war of words and propaganda. war of sorts as well. how much does that complicate your work? of course it's really hard. and again, it's not unique to this conflict at all. we always need to be aware of the where does the information come origin from originally and that after has that act or an interest in protecting this conflict in a certain way. and also with video images, we need to be really careful. it's been shown in this conflict and in ukraine for example, and many other conflicts as well. that's the videos that were released as evidence
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of something going on in the conflict was in fact from the video game. so this information a flow that we have right now is of course we need to be cautious and, and really be careful about trying to, to check where the information comes from. and if we can trust that source to studies puts us on the project layer of the complex data program and epsilon in sweden. many thanks. thank you. sure it's traveling through one of the world's most important maritime trade routes. are to get new protection from a new u. s. lent task force. several major companies have halted shipping through the red sea after an increase in attacks by who female intends from human and recent weeks . these luminous groups who are backed by iran save the vessels war, quote, linked to israel. a short helicopter flight. and a quick hijack. the crew of the galaxy leader didn't stand
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a chance after who the rebels landed on deck and went straight for the bridge. that these pictures were released by who to leadership, who they are p a to show the 1st of many attacks against chips and the red sea humans. iran back military group assess the galaxy leader was carrying goods bound for a port in israel. recent they so numerous attacks against the tank as in freighters in the area. among them hits against 2 ships transporting cargo fortelli and switch shipping giant m a c h 2 was set to be heading to israel. the what the claim that the actions are directly tied to the countries war in gaza alone. yeah. well the 2 container ships m a c l on. yeah. and m a c palostio. we're heading to the it's really entity and we're targeted by 2 suitable naval ms. so the process of targeting the 2 ships came after the crews refused to respond to calls from the
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many naval forces. as well as firey warning messages. they get many armed forces. reassure, all ships heading to old ports around the world, except is really ports that no harm will be full. them not much of a reassurance for the shipping sector. the problem from yemen, the who can easily control the pop in my depth, straight the southern entrance to the red sea and a bottleneck for global shipping. it allows cargo from asia as well as the middle east to access the suez canal for 17 day trip to europe, on average, as opposed to a $41.00 day journey around the african continent. and some shipping companies have already begun to re route their ships. should that be more of us or expecting yet another hit to economies around the world, including germany's, the german economy and many other economies have been affected by supply
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bottlenecks in the past. so these supply bottlenecks have been easing in recent moms about has helped economy and if the they are now coming back, if we get new bottlenecks here, this will fall the hold back the economy. so it's a real threat. this may reduce production and drive up prices. meanwhile, the international community is taking action on a visit to buy ride us defense secretary lloyd austin, and that was to multi nation forced to patrol the waters of given and secure shipping routes. and a quick look at some of the other stories making is around the world. today. i didn't, texas governor of greg abbot has approved a new bill that was stamped the police sweeping powers to arrest my friends who illegally crossed the united states border with the bill. also gives authority to the judges to order these people for them, leave the country and will comes as part of an overall attempts to tighten immigration. lots. hundreds of people have been left stranded in northeastern
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australia after a tropical cycle and triggered severe flooding. roads have been washed away, leaving some people trapped in their homes. rescue teams are working to reach people that are stocked and air lives down to safety. ok now has a relative near the icelandic capital a range of back after weeks of intense earthquakes in the area. thousands of tremors happened. record it since october and the country has been on high alert for a potential interruption. nearly 4000 residents of the nearby village of cream, the bank has already been evacuated as a precaution in china and more than a 100 people have been killed and hundreds others injured after an earthquake and the north west of the country. the 6.2 magnitude quake struck near the cities of shaming alonzo at around midnight local time, causing damage to homes, roads, and other infrastructure. china as president, has ordered
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a full emergency response, but harsh winter conditions are complicating efforts with temperatures dropping below minus 10 degrees celsius overnight. people are drawing and late evening meal in china is north west. then the . this is the scale of the damage caused by that says, quaking china is guns who and soon the high provinces to thousands of homes in time neighborhoods reduced to rubble by the 6.2, my can choose from the start to late on monday night school day media said both it and electricity infrastructure. what was the time? it was a chinese president. she can ping has audited in or out the search and rescue efforts in the mounts in this area. to find people, subtracts, under rubble, and i see temperatures in shanghai province have recently blanketed the region and snow and temperatures. when the quake hits on monday night to a well below freezing punishing conditions. now making complicated rescue efforts
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even more difficult against wincing high, i used to ask quakes on average, maybe 30 term is the magnitude for more hit the region each year, due to that also among the least developed regions in china, against who has the lowest u. d. p per capita of any province in the country, or thirty's, of want of more of to show that at least 2 of magnitude, 4 or higher might have been recorded since that's the main quake. the studio didn't don't within the so. so it's, i think somebody is james taylor file that report i'm data is earlier on the scale of destruction from the earthquake. well as the story my report, the level of destruction has been pretty devastating inside of neighborhoods leveled at least strewn with rubble. it was the reports of land slides caused by the sauce quaid rescue work as a helping create made shift attendance and shelters. now for those of an impacts, it's thousands of people that have been how does that, how it was damaged by it, by this quake. now, we now know that this is china, is that list quite often over
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a decade, much about death, toll about high desktop, really seeing not because this out quite safe place, of course, at nighttime, right on midnight. so lots of people in the homes sleeping, unable to, to leave high apartments, a tool, a palm, and blogs, and the fed for safety. we understand electricity is there, so it's in most places that lost it now, but that impacts on infrastructure. whether that's electricity, brothers, um, husband timeframe, really stuff as we understand. now. let's talk a little more about those relief efforts because president changing paint has called for an all out search and rescue operation. we're talking about a remote mountainous freezing area. how our efforts coming along are people even able to access the area right now. so that sounds a bit new, right? some 2000 personnel have been sentenced to help with the release assets. now that's 5 departments emergency upgrade teams. the provenance is already allocated $2000000.00 us dollars to the relief efforts. interesting. gotcha. let's say we
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have some tie ones presidents who's already offered assistance as well. um. 4 china does have a fairly good record of rebuilding quickly on the sides of the off to of quite as of this nation. we saw that following a really deadly as quite constituent in provence out in 2008. that was enough. quake that killed tens of thousands of people. obviously, people in this area will be hoping that a similar really assess that takes place following this quite as i mentioned in my report as well. this isn't that area that that's used to of craig's. but with this particular quite this trauma, there are several complicating factors always seem to time i mentioned earlier. and then the remoteness, as you mentioned, through this high altitudes of this area. and then we've also seen many off the shots. i'm kind of complicating relief efforts at least 9 now i think since the main quite took place last night. and then secondly, of course, the really big the cold this region has been seeing extremely cold weather over the past few weeks. and there are concerns that, that window of time that you can re survive this following enough quake usually about 72 hours is going to be even short. and given the hoss conditions we're
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seeing here was james taylor from i pay thanks so much for that update. north korea's leader kim jong is threatening the us with quote, more offensive action a day after testing out the countries most powerful ballistic missile state media release. these pictures of the miss all and has the potential to read anywhere in north america. state media also sign of the north korean leader cleaning the test was carried out to send a clear warning to the u. s. washington. so as a nuclear attack, 5 to on young would mean the end of the can raising i started last joanne kim and so life young young has tested a record number of weapons this year as well the ser, it's not only the missiles but the, just the variety of the delivery system for the nuclear weapons and it's because it's something that the north korean leader instructed from day one or 2023 and it's your opportunity like and we other places. so the military officials do it
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when the leader asked, but the point is, as the leader asked for exponential growth for the delivery system for then you'll go up and so they both stuff like under what are going with as well. so the question would be, why wouldn't risk prim leader as something like that it would be mostly because of this. here is a very good timing for north koreans to do this because there's a lack of engagement diplomacy dialogue prospects and it's very difficult for them to get the concession from you and by anywhere to shita. so it's a good timing for them to bolster military systems, and there are a lot of justifications that they can use. they consider rhetoric and moral high ground is something very important. and because there's war and many other places in the world and us strategic weapons constantly coming to the korean peninsula, it's very good for them to justify it as a stop relying defense system. how is this affecting stones stands on north korean as well? there was not only icbm, but there were satellite launch a short range, ballistic missiles and so on and so forth. well, south korea consider
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a satellite launch of partly testing intercontinental ballistic missile weapons technology. but technically, for south korea, rather than icbm or i r b m a little shorter range, one, the short ranges are actually more, more dangerous for south korea, especially because north korea has been focusing a lot on building tactical nuclear weapons and the delivery system. so they have been constantly, directly threatening. so on a direct nuclear strike against south. yeah, and it does impact sol stands directly and it makes that creative to change its defense, military defense and military system against north korea tween increase the methods that they can intercept a more of variety of north korea, the weapons and the delivery systems that they're developing. to miss out that north korea tested on when they had a potential range of 15000 kilometers and put him as far away as anywhere in the us
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. that's according to japanese officials. do you think there was a real danger that feeling young couldn't order such i'm attack as well. it has been a threat that always, always has existed from 2017 and ongoing but, but the irony is with the number of icbm test increase in recent years. and especially last year and this year, the rest perception it seems from the public. and generally some officials as well and the media, it's increasing. it's an irony, but north korea is pretty serious about developing these lessons. and although the solid feel re entry is still a bit difficult, according to soft, clean officials, it's not something to dismiss. as in an unlikely spread, and it's not a mock up like in the past. but in order to prevent and detroit that kind of pulls read more and more important will the risk management rather than trust me i do for i think it's fair right away or waiting for the regime default last gentleman came in. so thank you so much for your analysis. thank if it was also in the news for
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now coming up a look at what kind of corruptions and what causes magma to rise to the surface and tomorrow. today that is i'm calling for really thank you so much for the company. bentonville and we'll be here with more at the top of the next hour by the
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volcano. friends for people and the climate research teams around the world wants to figure out how to control them and maybe harness them as a powerful source of energy. how close is the science tomorrow today? next, on d, w e. a pulse is the beginning of
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a story that takes us along for the ride. it's about the perspectives culture information. this is the, the news w. mine's the shuttle. the key, more people than ever on the news world volume in such a fashion, life facile jessica middle castle. the piano, is it a mac on the card of the bench?
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that's okay. that's the nanda foundation. one box to find out about me being a story in some language, reliable news for migraines, wherever they may be. november 2023. off the coast of u. o g. about japan. and under c volcano erupted giving birth to a tiny new island. researchers are studying are russians like this and the laboratory hoping to find out more about what power is volcano volcanoes in their mystery. how close and personal on this edition of dw science show. welcome.


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