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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 19, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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the the, this is the w use like from the then the challenges of counting the dead in guns. that as the us again was israel to be both precise in its military operations. we look at how causes, how most find helpful, sorry, documents. how many lines of being docked so as military campaigns, fox attacks, all one of the world's most vital shipping routes. we look at the impact on trade and the new mission to protect vessels in the red se. well than a 100 people the day of down for popular it's quite, it's north west china. thousands of homes have been damaged with rescue team
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scrambling to reach the vipers and the cold and mountainous region. and iceland decor, cadence, dance around, thinking, spewing loved the raft of week, subsides began, empty pumps, evacuations the i've been puzzling. welcome. the united states is today's rail to make its military operations and guns. and most surgical international concern is growing over the number of civilian casualties of night strikes in the southern city of around 5 killed 20, according to home us officials despite renewed pressure for a cease fire us defense secretary lloyd austin, said washington will continue to bomb it. sound like is well added to able to gradually transition to the next phase of the war against homeless, which carried out the type of 7 terror attacks. let's go straight over to jerusalem
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for tanya atamo, who's following developments for us. tanya, tell us more about the latest by of the well it's so it's pressing ahead with a set of chrome defensive. so there are reports coming in from strikes is strikes across the gulf strip in the north and in the south is rhonda said it's also striking with its naval forces in a certain areas as well as its infantry has been reported. strikes on a house in rough off uh, from palestinian sources. there was casualties there also reported uh the is where the army has said they have uh, targeted uh, also in the area and we are not sure if they have not commented on that specific other strike. uh a uh huh. most militant as well. so the offensive uh, this also heavy fighting reported in the north and this is a year area and also in between noon. and this comes, of course,
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old against the back to both more international pressure of was the desk, told a, among the public opinion and civil civilian population is rising and tell you what is this next phase of the water as well as a building to well, we don't know exactly when this phase or what this phase is exactly, or when to say should be happening. we know this more international pressure also, especially from the united states. they have been, us officials have been saying in the past it would like israel to move to another phase of the war that is less intense. that to protect you know, take into consideration the protection of the civilian population. also to get in a more humanitarian age. we heard that again from the secretary of defense slide austin, who was here on monday having talks with his account to pod is really accounted
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pods. but they wouldn't give a timeline on that as well, and deals of hearing from his radio officials them the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that they will continue this strategy of maximum of pressure and going ahead with their military strategy. and of course, all this happens against the backdrop of so many people being displaced over 80 percent of the goals of population according to the united nations that has been displaced or made homeless. and of course, the distribution of age is also very being made very difficult because of the heavy fighting going on in the gaza strip. don't use taking a 2nd, my interest with the how much run health industry and goes it says the death toll from the ball, with israel as the past 19000, but independently verifying these numbers is difficult. with many journalists and human rights workers having slept the tower tree and outside access severely
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restricted. despite the challenges and documenting the data that you, when say civilian casualties are unprecedented. a warning our next report contains some distressing images. counting the dead and already gruesome job made almost impossible. but on the ground fighting the relentless bombardment of is riley forces. and the she had tales of all the defensive, all pull the targets in children. as you can see, that's what's happened to me. south from f sixteens overheating, little children's, all part of the value of the human total of the fighting is often conveyed by witnesses and by over what duct is repeated. blackouts mean social media is sometimes the only way to give
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updates are no longer able to provide surgeries at all the hospital the hospital. this now effectively a 1st aid station. hundreds of wounded now is hospitable. with no access to surgery, they will die from the woods. and official total of casualties is being kept by the palestinian health ministry and gaza. it's the latest update, said israel defensive has killed more than $19000.00 palestinians. the have mass run, ministry doesn't differentiate between civilians and competence bought has said that most of those killed women and children secretary general for this in the united nations has backed this claim question. despite the united verification challenges, what he's cleared is that we have ads in a few weeks, thousands of children killed. so these is what mets us. we are
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witnessing a killing of civilians. that is, and that allows and, and president, it's in any conflict since i am 2nd said each other not yet to include it in the official desk. told of the thousands of people who are missing leveled off and fed dead under the rubble when, if they are recovered, officials and gone so it will have to figure out where to bury them. salmon trays are either full or inaccessible because of fighting. and the number of bodies has been buried and mass graves. dyke is lead investigator, where they have was a non profit that attracts civilian casualties and complex. welcome to dw, the hamas run health industry and gallons. this is more than $19000.00 palestinians have died in his way to get a tax of billions and fine. cuz can you confirm that number?
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thank you. first of all, for having us know, we, we con, confirm that number explicitly, but i think it's worth putting in context of. there are 2 major trends here. one is, as you said earlier, schumann writes workers, journalists, etc, on the able to operate in government. and the context and then international drivers have been prevented from entering by the addiction authority, somebody's burial thirties. so you have this huge gap of information and then you have a dispute and unprecedented dispute of the numbers. and as you say that i, you know, can you confirm these numbers easily by difficult thing to do? but the not, not fluidly what we can say is that we as an organization are tracking a little while ago simply at home. but every incident goes through a $5.00 and $6.00 stage review process. it takes a long time, we'd published or more than a 100 instance, already of more than $1600.00, that we have monitors. meaning that been the need to be assessed and reviewed. so
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it's a long, slow process. what we can say is the, in those 100 that we have published and they've been through the full process. so trust checking them with the details that were released by the ministry of health. i was thinking they should have released the names of 7000 victims. we cross checking them with those and rudely with finding that the names that we are in we are finding in a completely different methodology of the same as those released by the power stimulation. how many of them of the same so the supposed be with finding the those methodology and those figures that been released by them. i should help with finding a broadly consistent. but we can't say that the 19000, which will just take us a long, long time to do that process in general. what about the portion of civilians and in those numbers or yeah, i think again it is, it will take a long time to make full assessment. but i think what we can say is, so i was, is, and organization has been tracking civilian home in conflicts for decades. so in
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a rock syria. yeah, i'm in libya and ukraine and the last year. and one thing that we can say is the 2nd here is that we're seeing formal incidents of entire families killed in the homes together. then we have seen in other context that, that doesn't necessarily, you know, we told you about the food, it will take a long time to have full assessment of these really a ministry says that it is assessed as the 22 civilians have been killed for every minutes and it's very hard to objectively just i have no idea of what method over to they reached a conclusion. but what we can say is that the number of cases of, of, of entire families killed in is unlike anything we haven't monitored in other conflicts . and the full that indicates that, you know, there's, there's very large civilian home. it says your body of, for example,
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that was an attack on the refugee camp, where we individually monitored more than a 100 specific civilians that were killed in the instance. again, with the top one of dollars, which is a, a, a residential building in northern gouter, we monitor, we track more than a 100 civilians killed in that incident as well. so you're seeing huge incidents in which many, many civilians are killed in $11.00. okay. do your assessments, go as far as pin pointing or holding accountability to, you know, which side is, is to blame and all of this, or, i mean so, so if they do, they do, to a certain extent, we oversee that. absolute certainty requires people on the ground looking at munitions maintenance, and that's true. wherever you are in the well, i'm whatever comfort you're looking at. i think in the context of something that jamalia or something like that there is no ability, nobody else in the mid,
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in this conflict, has the ability to destroy a building, a 12 story building and one guy there's just, i mean the, these ways even exec debate can carried out to by layer on the except to the car it out of dash. so like there's no um, it's an instance that it a they, they accept it. i think in general it's very different and we'll take a long time to be certain on every incident is as to whether it is a so you know, whether it could have been posted in rocket fi. we, we in 2021 monitored or somebody in home from in the war there. um, and we found that around at least $151.00 civilians were killed by israeli strikes . i know that dean were killed by posted in misfire so that you know, that gives you some indication. okay. uh, but i think it will take a long time to be assessing on that. but i think that's, that's certainly an overwhelming a power in the sense of military capacity in impact is these ready military choices
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to talk. they have the investigations that accountability unit at at was thank you . so united states as announced the creation of a multi national task force to help protect ships traveling through one of the world's most important waterways. the red sea, who do bibles have been using the stronghold again to target israel, and anyone believe linked to it over the war and casa for weeks, is almost militants backed by a ron has attacked and see several best ols along the route, which accounts for other 10 percent of global trade. some companies of suspending traffic in the area disrupting a bought a lottery for consumer goods between asia and europe as well as the oil and gas. it includes shipping giants, cma, c, gm mask ad hoc lloyd. instead of 17 days to transport congress ships will now have to reroute around the african continent, which takes more than twice as long. let's talk about that weight loss heart attack
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from a business desk. he can explain the international rather if occasions firstly, the business case here what, what are the effects? well, the very limited at this point been it's so early in the situation of course and all the numbers, the sound, low, dramatic, of, of course, of shipping routes as it just mentioned. going maybe from a 17 to 41 days. but i just actually read for some of the statements that out from some of those oil and gas companies, some companies in the chemical and fertilizer business. almost all of them are at this point, seeing that just monitoring this closely, not many have actually yet rewrote it to their ships. they might of course, a, but they're taking this very easy and there's a reason for that. and that is actually true for businesses as well as a consumer. some people might be worried about mt shelves and stores, and so that is not at this point. the case stores a full around the world pretty much warehouse is a full so there's no auto makers right now. it desperately waiting for these parts to come in from china or so. last time we had problems and this was canal you might
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remember that 2 years ago when the afraid are ever given was stuff there that was on top of another crisis with the pin demick. we have locked and so we have mt warehouses so that became a huge crisis. and this time not so much. okay, so how important is the suez canal just in general for help us for global trade? it is of course, easily the most important shipping walk in the world. we see about 15 percent of the world trade to go through there. when you just look at the container traffic. 30 percent of worldwide contain of traffic goes through the on $20000.00 vessels a year. and if you, of course, look at the direct traffic from, let's say, a china and south east asia as well as the middle east to europe as almost all of it. so of course, chances are if you own anything that has anything in it from china, south east asia, whether it's gadgets or sneakers, so it has gone up, it was to us canal. so that is of course i've asked important route because it is a huge safety aspect to you for workers involved, of course. but what about the impact on, on, on shipping companies themselves?
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right now, they seem to be very relaxed right now for 2 reasons. first of all, they do need more ships. if routes are longer, of course, because it just takes longer, so you need to load more or so, but they have more ships. that was another problem couple of years ago. but over the last couple of years, the shipyards have delivered a lot of super larger ships, the largest class that is out on the oceans right now is the capacity doesn't seem to be a problem right now. and on the other side, of course, yes, they have higher costs, but they can pass this on to a customer. so many companies in the shipping sector extra right now saw that she has rise in the last 2 days because they think that they can make more profit as well as how to what ways interesting to talk to you. thank you very much. i a look now at some of the other headlines making use from around the world. texas governor greg abbott has approved you build up for give the police sweeping powers to arrest migraines, who will legally cross the united states border officer bill also gave so far. 2
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judges to motor these people to leave. the move comes as part of an overall attempt to tie the name of ration. the 3 hundreds of people have been left stranded in northeast and australia or after a tropical cycling for good severe flooding. roads were washed away, leaving some people trapped in a homes rescue. teams of working to reach people, try in their homes and to add them to safety in china, more than 100 people have been killed in hundreds of is injured. after another quaking the northwest, the $6.00 magnitude quake struck me the cities of shooting and long show at around midnight, local time causing damage to homes, roads, and other infrastructure. china as president, has ordered a full emergency response, but hush winter conditions. the complicating efforts with temperature is dropping below minus 10 degrees celsius overnight. a people enjoying and late evening meal in china is north west. then
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the. this is a scale of the damage caused by that says, quaking china is guns who in senior high provinces to thousands of homes in time neighborhoods reduced to rubble is owned by the 6.2. my can choose from a that struck late on monday night school. the media said both the ends electricity infrastructure was so tom, it was a chinese president. she can ping has audited in or out search and rescue efforts in the mounts in this area. to find people, subtracts, under rubble, and i see temperatures in shanghai province have recently blanketed the region in snow and temperatures. when the quake hits on monday night to a well below freezing punishing conditions. now making complicated rescue efforts even more difficult against wincing high, i used to ask quakes on average, maybe 30 term is of magnitude for more hit the region each year due to that also among the least developed regions in china, against who has the lowest u. d. p per capita of any province in the country. well, thirty's,
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of want of more of to sharply and at least 2 with magnitude full or higher might have been recorded. same that's the main quake to 30 it didn't go up within the so that's what i dw. james tate, a file that reports and update your test earlier on the scale of destruction from the quick as well as the store. and later for the level of destruction has been pretty devastating inside of neighborhoods leveled at least strewn with rubble. it was the reports of land slides caused by the soft quake rescue workers of helping create made shift attendance and shelters. now, for those of an impacts, it's thousands of people that have been how does that hard in the stomach just by it, by this quake? now, we now know that this is china is the list of quite a can over a decade, much about death, toll about high desktop. really seeing not because this is quite safe place and course at nighttime, right on midnight. so lots of people in the home sleeping, unable to, to leave high apartments, a tool, a palm, and blogs, and the fed for safety. we understand electricity is there. so it's in most places
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at last. it now, but not impacts on infrastructure. whether that's electricity, roads um has been hampering uh, really stuff as we understand now. the james che, to reporting from taipei north korea's lead. kim john is threatening the us with more offensive action a day of the testing. the country's most powerful ballistic missile. psych media release these pictures which shows the missiles and potentially reach anywhere in the america say media are also signed to the north korean leader, claiming the test was carried out to send a clear warning to the us. washington said a nuclear tie by killed gang would mean the end of the kim regime south korea's president has one field gang against further publications, as so builds close to security ties with the united states. washington has bound to back south with south korea with its full range of capabilities including nuclear, calling you on going on. the north korean regime will come to realize such
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publications. will that do you bring great to pay for me to get this over to dollar? push it on and go see the doctor trick question me a john jordan with the recent meeting of the south korea us and you click on selective group held in washington. the establishment of a comprehensive extend that determines regime between the us and south korea is eminence. it signifies the substantive realization of a very bus nuclear base. the lions which joining us from sol is young, kim journalist with i rung news and ca today. how are the me solid tests impacting sol stance on north korea? go spend, i mean, this was the 1st i took the launch in about 5 months since july's launch, and i've been rewards of 2023. so there's already been a high level of pension funding doctor is claim of successful military satellite launch last month as well on the 21st of november. and so is indeed taking
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a very stead stops software and present use on your quote for a strong action against those 3, the publications, ordering and immediate, overwhelming response. following to miss out launches in the past 2 days on mondays, national security council emergency meeting you and demanded this of 3 of pushes for corrective joint response with the us address by utilizing the real time information sharing system for north korean mesa. that south korea is joining chief of staff on monday. we'll just strongly condemn those group icbm launch. and again, as the reduced to stall it's rep please publication preventative actions immediately. what's stored on this record? number of north korean weapons tests fishy, as yeah, i mean, this year has been very active on the doctor's diplomatic relations as well. which leads to know through the weapons testing frequency. and the frankly speaking at
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quite a decisive position for the 3 as well as present of you closely aligned korea with the western allies, mainly the us compacts the previous moon government. the past few days, be solved, publications can be seen as north korea's protest. again, does the 2nd usually a consultative group meeting held in washington just a few days ago on the 15th of this year. in april, you visited by the on an official state visit where the washington declaration was signed, reassigning the united states commitment for the defense of south korea, followed by the us to add korea, agreeing to try the actual real time information sharing system. trouble david summit in august with names of boosting. try the natural security corporate again. corporation. a gauge north korean for us. so wanted to know it has been a threatening yeah. photos creates up at effect. yeah,
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sure. what about the rush? i strongly this warranty you, brian as well. yes. what about us safety? i was outside of the house. uh no. actually its sensitive monday could hit anywhere in the us. how my is the danger. one big going yeah, because as you mentioned to me i should be as uh, if they are capable is north korea has the result that they're claiming to have the technology that they could possibly reach the us. but i think the us would definitely be a more of a break move a very highly unlikely one. i normally wouldn't bring catastrophic consequences bought by devastating retaliation for the us and its allies. uh, the whole thread on the china and russia will never give the go ahead and the car and geo political fine. it doesn't matter whether the time actually to reach us territories. but north korea doesn't actually seem to be able to have the
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responsibility in jump. let's go said tab with those already with china. economic sanctions as what he told me, corporations with these 2 countries that you asked me to turn heads up pre a that has already deployed the stop time in ohio institute area defense in 201770 which kiddos are the type of uh, the, the where the eyes have yet to reach to us. so i want to know, i don't think it's going to be a possibility for the time. yeah. it's actually attack the joy to let's see young kim, in sole. thank you. i as of ok. no. has a wrapped it in south western iceland spring lava? fountain is more than 100 meters into the yet. it began monday no far from the town is going to be in the most populous region. whatever. evacuations have been taking place. authorities had been expecting the eruption, but were left surprised by its size and intensity. blooms of smoke and lava on the rick john. it's been in stella in iceland following weeks of
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intense earthquakes. to risk in the nearby town of brian and we looked on happened just seeing lava emerged from the ground even if it's it, in a particular confidence such as this is just fascinating and see just nature inaction. i just, it's just like some of the fun movie prospectively for some law enforcement in the area is making sure people in this down stay safe. now there's our option here near the grant that we and we have cleared the town and the area. and now we're just securing the area in closing every road to the area. and that's just in process. no. but then we're just trying to manage the situation here. firestone, schools guard is on high alert between these,
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this footage, as it surveyed the peninsula to determine the exact size of the option i send is no stranger to volcanoes. sick guarantee has 33 as divert options. that's the highest number in europe. stow familiar. this seems to be a few 100 cubic meters per 2nd. this is quite a bit more than the evolution seen on the bench to live until now, when you're quite small in the beginning. but the scientists say it is still unclear how long this one will go on for and before we leave, and you will record for christmas carol, and it has been set in a football stadium in the german city of detroit. let's like the over 73000 barrels. the adult and fans gather to sing christmas songs in the team.
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so i'm stadium, the proud crew their way through 24 songs for a representative from germany's regular institute declared. it's the largest christmas singing events. the annual carol concept raises money for local charts to what you need, he'll be in use or mind of the top stories at this hour in the us has again judge the as well to make its military operations and guns of both the surgical as international concern grows of the number of civilian casualties on speaking to is randy need is intel of eve defense secretary lloyd austin said that you ways would continue to it sound like despite when you go from coles or seats, fund emerald of 100 people have been killed in hundreds of the range it in a night time, both like you and hill based in china. the 6.2 magnitude quake damage towards the roads and other infrastructure rescue efforts and being happy with myself,
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0 temperatures. intro to good, you can always get the w news on the go. just download our app from google play or from the app store that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news. and it's all for now. coming up the race full points, the head of the winter break in the buddhist, the good people, insects. i paid for zillow, and thanks for your company. i'll be back with all the latest headlines. aspects of the
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to the november 2023 off the coast of u. o. jean but japan under see volcano erupted giving birth to a tiny new island. researchers are studying interruptions like this in the laboratory, hoping to find out more about what power is volcano volcanoes in their mystery. how close and.


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