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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 19, 2023 1:00pm-1:15pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the w use life from the in the way. so it is well to be both precise in its military operations. it goes up as international pressure goes over, the number of civilians being killed will get you the legs also coming off of okay . okay. know around in south west islip lighting, up the night sky and screwing laufer into the just weeks after the town is evacuated, as well than a 100 people a day down for a pound follows quite kits north west china price q as battles, sub 0 temperatures and
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a search based upon the i've been visible and woke up the united states has israel to make its military operations. and gallons, and most surgical international concern is going over the number of civilian casualties. overnighted strikes in the southern city around 5 till 20, according to home us officials. despite renewed pressure for a cease fire. us defense secretary lloyd austin, said washington would continue to i'm, it sound like is around. i signaled it will gradually transition to the next phase of the war against how most, which carried out the type of 7 tower attacks. we also correspondent in jerusalem, tanya came up for more on the finding. well it's far it is pressing ahead with this chrome defensive, so their reports coming in from strikes is strikes across the gulf strip in the
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north and in the south is rather service also striking with its naval uh, forces in a certain areas as well as its infantry has been reported strikes on a house in a rough, rough uh, from hollow stand in a source. there was casualties. uh there also reported uh the is where the army has said they have uh, targeted uh, also in the area. and we are not sure of they have not commented on that specific other strike uh a uh, most militant as well. so the offensive uh, this also heavy fighting reported in the north and this is a your area and also in between noon. and this comes, of course, old, against a backdrop of more international pressure. uh, was the dest toll among the palestinian civil civilian population is rising. and tell you what is this next phase of the water as well?
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so they're going to well, we don't know exactly when this phase or what this phase is exactly a when display should be happening. we know there's more international pressure also, especially from the united states. they have been, us officials have been saying in the past that would like israel to move to another phase of the war that is less intense. that to protect you know, take into consideration to protection of the civilian population. also to get in a more humanitarian age. we heard that again from the secretary of defense, lloyd austin, who was here on monday, having talks with his counterparts is really counterparts. but they wouldn't give a timeline present tact, multiple ships that it says as linked to be as rail a. texas governor gray gab ibex hes approved and use bills that would give the police sweeping powers to arrest, migrate, and say to
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a legally cross source united states border available. as i get so far with challenges to order these people to lead, the move comes as part of an overall attempt to type and integration bulk and we're hundreds of people have been left stranded in northeast and australia after a tropical cycle and created severe flooding. roads to be most awake, leaving some people trapped in the homes by square teams of working to reach those people. then i left them to safety. volcano has a relative in southwest in iceland spinning a lava fountains more than 100 meters into the. it'd be got on monday, not far from the town of queencreek in the most populous region. wherever evacuations have been taking place, authorities had been expecting the option, but were left surprised by its size and intensity. flows of smoke and lava. on the rick, john has been in stella in iceland following weeks of intense earthquakes. do risk
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in the nearby town of brian and we looked on happen just seeing lava emerged from the ground. even if it's it, in a particular content and such as this is just fascinating and see, just nature inaction. i just, it's just like some of the fun movie prospectively for some law enforcement in the area is making sure people in this down stay safe. now there's our option here near grant that we and we have cleared the town and the area. and now we're just securing the area in closing every road to the area. and that's just in process. no. but then we're just trying to manage the situation here. firestone, schools guard is on high alert between these, this footage, as it surveyed the peninsula to determine the exact size of the option i send is no
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stranger to volcanoes. it guarantee has 33 as divert options. that's the highest number in europe. stow familiar. this seems to be a few 100 cubic meters per 2nd, but this is quite a bit more than the end of ocean c number an inch to live until now, which are quite small in the beginning. but the scientists say it is still unclear how long this one will go on for john new york city is you is a news reporter for the sliding national broadcasting service on u. v. i. sons, officials say the russian happened quickly and they describe it as a large event. tell us more about the situation. yeah, it started with a great force just after 10 o'clock last night. it's is powered, was grateful just throughout the 1st few hours, but it's quickly and diminished. but it's a, it's a, it's a lot. the reduction it's, it's a lot to,
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to give us when we expected level. so like you mentioned before is, is, is many times higher than your options, but that's, we're typing the recent years on the weekends peninsula. and it was a few 100 cubic meters. the flow per 2nd less live. it's probably around around $5050.00 now. but the, the, the situation or the location of the adoption, this is, is considered optimum low. and if it is, it keeps going like, like these things, fixed should be fine, but there is them, love are flowing towards the toner facebook. so there's been, there's been risk. yeah, we're looking at uh, those pictures that footage amazing footage of the lava flows. what, what sort of fright did they post for the surrounding communities and also the blue lagoon, which a lot of tourists may not as yeah, we bought this as a foster option in the last 3 years. so we have,
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we have come quite used to this. but the russian is coming down now you could say that so the risk is decreasing. but when you have interruptions at the so cost to such importance infrastructure there's, there is of course, always been sure, but um, i think what if you, people were in the area of interruption stuff that's police had to evacuate the expense of it in november after a strong cheeseburger activity that damage to houses and drugs in griffin. but the people that have been out of their homes since then, but they were hoping they will get back before christmas. but uh, but that's, that's not going to happen always. and what sort of defenses are in place? i believe the prime minister related to recently constructed defense is to help the situation. yeah, the fastest logs locks a month. it was a few weeks ago and they've been,
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they've been investigating of time and weather since then. guessing it's right to you and it seems like the, the was at least we cover the, the power plant that the blue link on for now. and it's the, the reps and this has to slow down quite a bit. we hope it keeps on slowing down, and we will have a like another so called a source direction like we've had before. and then, then all the infrastructure should be fine. so we, so we hope and it keeps on the increasing. leslie, what about the ash and smoke? what sort of things it as a products um we have, we have uh, as you know, uh directions be bought in 20 tons of hosted hosted slides all over your um that's not gonna happen now. the so they didn't affect the, i think the non or almost no effects on, on, on slides,
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the ones from iceland. and then there's a reps and we'll, we'll have to if, if i flights of stairs must be out of the youngest and day for us in reykjavik. thank you very much for talking to the challenges in china and the 100 people have been killed in hundreds of his injured after notice quite in the northwest. the $6.00 magnitude quake struck if a cities of she needing and long so at around midnight, vocal time causing damage to homes and roads. trying as president has ordered a full emergency response, but harsh winter conditions complicating efforts with temperatures dropping below minus 10 degrees celsius over not people enjoying and late evening meal in china is most west then the this is a scale of the damage close by that. so that's quick in china is guns who in senior
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high provinces to thousands of homes in time neighborhoods reduced to rubble is owned by the 6.2. my can choose from the start to late on monday night school take media said both the ends, electricity infrastructure. what was the dominance of china as president? she can ping as ordered in or out. the search and rescue efforts in the mounts in this area to find people feel trapped under rubble and i see temperatures in shanghai province have recently blanketed the region in snow and temperatures. when the quake hits on monday night to a well below freezing punishing conditions. now making complicated rescue efforts even more difficult, guns, wincing high, i used to ask wiggs, on average, nearly 30 trim is the magnitude for more hits the region each year due to that also among the least developed regions in china, against who has the lowest g d p per capita of any province in the country, or thirty's, of want of more of to shop. at least 2 with magnitude, 4 or higher, might have been recorded,
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same as the main quake to 38 and off within the so. so what time did we use, james? change a file that report and updated has earlier on the scale of destruction as well as the sore. and therefore, the level of destruction has been pretty devastating inside neighborhoods leveled at least strewn with rubble. it was the reports of lun slides close by the soft quake rescue workers of helping create made shift tents and shelters. now, for those that have been impacted, thousands of people that have been how does that, how it was damaged by it, by this quake. now, we now know that this is china is the list of quite a can over a decade, much about death, toll about high desktop. really thing, not because this has quite certain place, of course, at nighttime, right? on midnight. so lots of people in the homes sleeping, unable to, to leave high apartments, a tool, a palm, and blogs, and the fed for safety. we understand electricity is there, so it's in most places that lost it now, but that impacts on infrastructure. whether that's electricity, roads um, has been hampering really stuff as we understand now. and if you're celebrating christmas this you,
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you may want to be listening into how well the germans are at their singing when it comes to christmas couch. that is because there's been a new break or said adult, the $73000.00 versus the adult. but fans gathering, sing christmas songs in the lakes home stadium, the texas that the crowd proves that way. for 24 song sites for a representative from germany's rank. what institutes declared that the largest christmas singing event will carol consider raising money for local to the bad? you want to go use a reminder of our top story. the width is just as well to make its military operations and goes a full,
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precise and international concern grows over the number of civilian casualties. after speaking to be spending think of some kind of beef defense secretary lloyd austin said that you west would continue to bomb it. sound like despite forget global calls for a 6 flag. they exclude south focuses on christians in kentucky and the story of a non returning to her and says for one event as well. and i'll have more use for the next down the we want to be the number one for the car is 00. the click the queen and her entire crime rouge. it now to the sales one calling and they don't currency then she disappears. confound so traced, assigned natural phyllis about the world's most wanted woman crypto queen stance


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