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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 19, 2023 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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of the this is the w use my from the in the un security council prepares for a new photo on the funding and gaza. the us again, which is relative scale back it's offensive as international pressure grows over the number of civilian skills. over the 100 days in a powerful quaking china, thousands of homes that damage rescue teams scramble to reach the volume is called a mountainous region of wanting to america from north korea's lead. it can jump down franklin's more offensive actions against the us south of allegiance test the field games most advanced recently,
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and an icelandic volcano around the shooting law. behind the week subsides because exhibiting its prompted mass evacuation. the i've been visible and welcome the un security council is set to vote on a new resolution for gaza. it goes for a temporary pause and findings without much needed aid to be delivered to civilians trapped in the was are almost the officials say at least 20 people were killed in renewed his right of the strikes of the 9th on the southern city of bravo. several countries including germany, classifying homeless as a terrorist organization, the entire buildings reduced to rubble and rough uh many civilians were killed in the strike to despite the cities of these
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like nation as a safe sun by israel i survive uphold from the rubble ones. her youngest sister and see she narrowly escaped the himself, but the collapse towards me there was maybe just an inch left between me and the wall. i held it, but it was so heavy. i started screaming for help hoping someone anyone could hear me know. yes ma'am. after being freed from the rubble, another palestinian woman is taken to illness. a hospital where she consults, surviving family members, wrapped in white of the bodies of her 2 grandchildren. we were sleeping safely in our home. there's a kids, kids in us, women, there was no one else. the beautiful alone and my 2
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grand kids were killed. a mirror here. she was just 2 weeks old line. her bus wasn't even registered yet. my mom has to have, she doesn't even have a birth certificate until we, i mean, we don't have the palestinians here say they at least to do with the insufferable pain of loss alone. a correspondent in jerusalem, tonya claim, it tells me more about the latest finding. well, it's not really surprising. ahead with this chrome defensive. so there are reports coming in from strikes is strikes across the gulf strip in the north and in the south is run. this search, it's also striking with its naval forces in a certain areas as well as its infantry has been reported strikes on a house in rough off from palestinian sources. there was casualties there also reported uh the is where the army has said they have uh targeted uh,
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also in the area and we are not sure if they have not commented on that specific other strike. uh a uh huh. most militant as well. so the offensive uh this also heavy fighting reported in the north and this is a year area and also in between noon. and this comes, of course, old against the back to baltimore international pressure of was the desk told, among the palestinian civil civilian population is rising and type of what is this next phase of the was that as well as a building to well, we don't know exactly when this phase or what this phase is exactly a, when to say should be happening. we know this more international pressure also, especially from the united states. they have been, us officials have been saying in the past it would like israel to move to another
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phase of the war that is less intense. that to protect you know, take into consideration the protection of the civilian population. also to get in a more humanitarian age, we heard that again from the secretary of defense, lloyd austin, who was here on monday having talks with his account to pod is really accounted pods. but as able to give a timeline on that as well in deals of hearing from his radio, officials, them the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that they will continue this strategy of maximum of pressure and going ahead with the military strategy. and of course, all this happens against the backdrop of so many people being displaced over 80 percent of the goals of population according to the united nations that have been displaced or made homeless. and of course, the distribution of age is also very being made very difficult because of the heavy fighting going on in the gaza strip. don't use taking a 2nd. my interest is
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a look at some of the other stories making use. the course in poland has found 14 citizens of russia by the roots and ukraine guilty of spying for moscow. they've been charged with the acts of espionage, including planning to the rail trains carrying a to ukraine. the defendants were convicted in their absence off to the pleading guilty escaping trying thomas hundreds of people have been stranded in northeast and australia after a tropical cycling for good, severe flooding. roads have been washed away, leaving many trapped in their homes, rescue team to trying to a lift them to safety. a lot of these in china is a more than 120 people have been killed and hundreds more injured in a no, it's quite a 6.2 meg, that you quite struck. neither northwest and cities of shooting and song show. osh when to conditions complicating efforts with temperatures dropping below minus 10 degrees celsius. people in the drawing and late evening meal in china is north west
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. then the, this is the scale of the damage close by that says quaking china is guns who ends in high provinces, thousands of homes in time neighborhoods reduced to rubble is owned by the 6.2. my can choose from a that struck late on monday night school take media said both, it adds electricity infrastructure. what was the dominance of china as president shipping has audited in or out. the search and rescue efforts in the mounts in this area to find people subtracts, under rubble, and i see temperatures in shanghai province have recently blanketed the region in snow and temperatures. when the quake hits on monday night to a well below freezing punishing conditions. now making complicated rescue efforts even more difficult, guns, wincing high, i used to ask quakes on average. nearly 30 trim is the magnitude for more hits the
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region each year due to that also among the least developed regions in china, against who has the lowest g d. p per capita of any province in the country. or thirty's of want of more of to shop. at least 2 with magnitude, 4 or higher might have been recorded. same as the main quake to 38 and don't. for the north korea's leader king john is threatening the us with more offensive action a day off. the testing is the most powerful ballistic nissan said media release, pictures of the nissan, which can potentially reach anyway and north america. according to their reports controlled on said the test, sent a clear warning. the way washington says, and you sierra times like young yang would mean the end of the accumulation south korea's president as want to know if against further publication of soul builds closer security ties with the west. washington has bound to back the south with its full range of capabilities, including nuclear funds on the north korean regime will come to realize such
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publications. will that do you bring great to pay for me to with this i'll put all were push it on and was it dedicated to cushion with john george? and with the recent meeting of the south korea, us and you click on selective group held in washington. the establishment of a comprehensive extend, it determines regime between the us and south korea is eminence. it signifies the substantive realization of a very bus nuclear base deadlines, which means you and 10 is a general, is that adverb around use. and so i asked uh, what was behind this use re quote number of north korean weapons test as well that north korea hasn't they happy with what south korea has to doing with it's key allies? let's take a look at the timeline real quickly, just after south create a us engaged in their 2nd section of the nuclear consultation group in washington. on friday, we'll create for the short range missiles which was followed by an intercontinental ballistic missile. and they show that tanya and wasn't happy with what i've discussed. read is bilateral meeting between school in washington. their south
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create a us discuss ways to strengthen deterrence and respond to any type of north screening with conventional and even nuclear weapons. and north korea says threatened to preemptively call to counteract against its so called enemies provocations. there we are. conjunctions at the latest launch shows what option come down would take when washington makes a wrong decision. and came out of the largest, where a practical demonstration of the progress and reliability of the capabilities, the jerky has. when it comes to our forces and nuclear deterrence, we heard the south korean presidents pointing to killing yang. how else has soul responded? right, this is the 5th icbm loss for the north korea this year. so has decided to pursue a stronger its turn strategy meeting that the name lee activated a warning information assurance system for north korean missiles with it's key allies like the us in japan, the defense minister on tuesday. and pledge to establish the system to detect and
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evaluate missiles, launched in real time 247. and it's the 1st time to do so, given that information used to be sure, temporarily, and partially during only job training. now, sol, washington and tokyo have also proved a multi or exercise plan, which means for quite $24.00 will see sold regular allies of those free drills with its allies. now, all these measures were brought up at the cap, dated somebody in august, and at a high level, somebody held in november last year. but we're now seeing the 3 countries really bulls or cooperation now have more creative launch the highest number i guess for a single year. you also mentioned this a sending signals how much of it is a threat to the us. i mean, we'll have to see, but most of the experts i spoke to here 3. it's a refer to how this seems to be more of a showcase rather than the actual direct right to north america. experts calling pointed to how the reduced origin is trying to say its missiles are able to target the us, the strategic guy who's on for instance,
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where the us attack us or bring us as early adopted a prior to in your free shot, a short range. this on sunday, as for the solid fuel, why is it being fired monday morning? it's worth noting homework, real estate. you use the word buyer instead of test fired, which has that and we're pre is trying to plot how it's icbm technology has develop . so the regina seemingly wants to indicate that it does need to test such missiles, instead of it's ready to fire and produce more. meanwhile, so priest went to use, the staff said that the cdn did region altitude of at least 6000 kilometers. and this, or pass the maximum of altitude a 3000 reach by the i see and tested back in april. so it does seem to be development, but experts are raising the possibility that tanya might have reduced the with the war has true by the i see the simply for the sake of demonstrating to us that it's new. your technology has the upper have in the korean peninsula of some very interesting analysis there from generalization in sol. thank you. thank so much
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of okay, know when iceland disposing lava more than 100 meters into the authorities? were prepared for the raw option. the, the town of going to be after weeks of sized big guy, typically homes and businesses in the country's, most populous region, has been evacuated. but the scale of the, of option took scientists by surprise. plumes of smoke and lava on the rate can is peninsula in iceland following a weeks of intense quakes to arrest in the nearby town of green, the vic looked on to happen just seeing love emerge from the grounds even if it's it in a particular confidence such as this is just fascinating and see, just nature inaction. i just, it's just like some of the fun movie. a spectacle for some below enforcement in the area is making sure people in this town stay safe. now there's our
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option here near grant that we and we have cleared the town and the area. and now we're just securing the area in closing every road to the area. and that's just in process. no. but then we're just trying to manage the situation here by signs coast guard is i'm highlights that release this for to adjust it. so phase dependency led to determine the exact size of the option. iceland is no stranger to volcanoes, it currently has $33.00 active erections. that's the highest number in europe of the store. some of these, this seems to be a few 100 cubic meters per 2nd at that, or this is quite a bit more at the end of ocean c number. and then just live until now, when you're quite small in the beginning, but the probably scientist say it is still unclear how long this one will go on for
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now you're up to date, i've been presented enough to the break. close up focuses on an orthodox christian community. kentucky. thanks for your company. we back this morning, these things down the, the the is, it is someplace our and t more people than ever on the move world wide and such are based on life. i suggested in cardboard, that's sort of what i find out about bailey story info, migraines.


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