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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 19, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm CET

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on the this is dw news life from bell in the un security council prepared for a new vote on the finding and guns at the us. again, just these rails of scale back it's offensive as international pressure pros, over the number of civilian scale. evans, who if you babbled, step out the tax on ships they say are linked to israel with the goods, the groups, motives. and what that campaigned in the red sea could mean for the wind to region more than a 100 people days in a powerful us quite in china. thousands of homes of damaged rescue team scramble to reach the volume is in a cold and mountainous region. and,
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and i explained it volcano, where rocks shooting lava into the week subsides began. tibits of comes to mass evacuation the i've been presented and welcome. the un security council is expected to vote soon on a new resolution for guns and initial draft code for an urgent and lasting cessation of hostilities to allow unimpeded access of humanitarian aid. negotiators are now working on a compromise acceptable to the us, the bite and administration blocked a resolution calling for a ceasefire. earlier this month. me, well, how about us officials say at least 20 people have been killed in when you design the strengths of the southern city of bravo. several countries including germany, classifying homeless as a terrorist organization. the entire buildings reduced to
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rubble and rough uh many civilians were killed in the strike despite the cities these like nation as a safe sun by israel i survive uphold from the rubble moons, her youngest sister, and see she narrowly escaped dave himself. but the collapse towards me there was maybe just an inch left between me and the wall. i held it, but it was so heavy. i started screaming for help hoping someone anyone could hear me. no. you smell after being freed from the rubble, another palestinian woman has taken to l. no. so hospital where she consults, surviving family members, wrapped in white of the bodies of her 2 grandchildren. we were
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sleeping safely in our home. there's a kids, kids in us, women, there was no one else. beautiful alone and my 2 grand kids were killed. a mirror here. she was just 2 weeks old line. her bus wasn't even registered yet. my mom has to have. she doesn't even have a birth certificate until we, i mean we don't, we, on the palestinians here say they at least to do with the insufferable pain of loss alone. it was a situation for civilians in guns at the terminal rates. the un security council is to vote on a resolution asking for some sort of troops. let's bring it out, correspond janelle, to milan in washington. you know, we hear the votes being postponed. what's the struggle here for negotiate as well? it's actually negotiators are trying to find language that would get the united
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states to stop vetoing cease fire resolutions for gaza. now if you recall earlier this month, so united states did just that it voted down as he's fire resolution that other un security council numbers overwhelmingly supported. the u. s. has consistently argued that a ceasefire only benefits from us. however, what's different this time around is that the white house has indicated that while it can't support a reference in the draft resolution to a cessation of hostilities, it might be able to support a reference to the suspension of hostilities. so according to diplomatic source, is the current draft that being negotiated right now has both phrases. so it calls for the urgent suspension of hostility, so weak or language like the u. s. wanted but also for urgent steps towards the cessation of hostilities, one before the other. so to say, however,
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it has to be said that this current draft are being negotiated now. still does not contain and explicit reference condemning her boss for its actions on october 7th. rather, it condemns terrorism acts more generally, and that is a language that the u. s. has wanted to see and it very well might end up vetoing this resolution this time around. and yet again, because of that. okay, so it sounds like this one's dead in the water before it even got to get voted on as well. we don't know for sure, but what we do know is that the messaging around israel still remains at one of unshakable support. in fact, taught us secretary of defense lloyd austin, was just the bear and israel reiterating that message. but the very fact that the white house has said that it might be moved from its position to consider weaker
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language weak or though as it is, is already somewhat of a very slow shift in its position. and that in turn could reflect growing in patients with israel. now pressure, of course, is growing on the bite in administration to do more to push israel to law protects civilians. we know that there was a pole for example, that came out today saying that us voters brought the disapprove of how biden has been handling the war in the middle east. but of course uh, as the death toll approaches $20000.00 and gaza, according to the home us run health industry, it's becoming quite clear that taught us or jane perhaps isn't doing that much to yield results. and it is very easy to imagine washington looking at all the ways that it could put pressure on israel to get it to do more to protect civilians. whether that is via un resolutions or even something else. completely like,
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for example, attaching aid to the current conditions rather to the aid that it sends to israel, that's likely to become a prominent discussion pointing to in the week. so the longer in the, in the coming weeks, the longer this goes on what the correspond. janelle do, malone, and thanks for the analysis, as well, the united states as announced the creation of a joint task force to help protect ships traveling for one of the world's most important maritime trade routes. several major companies have halted shipping for the red sea following an increase in attacks by hooting functions from yemen. the root connex trade between asia and europe for consumer goods and commodities like oil and liquefied natural gas, which the militants who have backed by a run have attacked and see several ships in the red sea since october, claiming that the vessel's blood linked to israel. us defense secretary lloyd austin has condemned the attacks. all countries have the right to move freely
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unlawfully in international orders. but that foundational global right is under new threat today from but totally unacceptable. attacks on merchant vessels by the who t's and you haven't, that's endangering our common prosperity in the lives of innocent mariners. and these regulatory attacks are a serious international problem. and they demand of fund international response. humans hudy's samples began attacking shipping in the red sea weeks ago. in this report, we look at the motives and what their involvement in the conflict between israel and thomas could mean for the one to reach a young man who's the rebels. have an impressed with weapons also know at the disposal and the using it to target israel. the around back
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group says it's followed a series of drawings and missiles towards israel with a stated aim of helping the palestinians to victory the now the front and the world. they've waded into the red sea. susie militants had threatened to escalate military action if the november truce between israel and her mouth didn't hold the talk to the forces are fully ready and prepared to resume military operations against the is really enemy, if it decides to resume its aggression against casa the, our forces will not hesitate to expand military operations against it. it's really entity to include unexpected targets on land or he says, i've seen the thought don't help anybody. oh, really? by they made good on. that's right. and the last 4 weeks he's, the militants,
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have use drains and on to ship myself to attack vessels in the red sea. and in one case used to helicopter to seize a call, the best so with ties to israel through it's 25 international crew members. are still being held hostage and young and the who sees a part of the so called access offer assistance. this as an alliance of groups and syria lab and on gaza and a rock which was supported by iran and oppose israel and the us. iran has been accused of and training and funding that he sees, but the rebel group denies. it's an a rainy and proxy the who sees control much of the north of him and including the capital. so now they've been fighting a civil war for almost a decade. against the internationally recognized government, backed by saudi arabia. if the rebel group keeps up, it's a tax on israel. their rest is re,
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yet could be drawn into the conflict to estimate sounds, loan from yemen to both israel pots for saudi space. that's on top of the worries that the rebels attacks and the red sea could have been a new cetera full in a vital tree of the global economy is a look at some of the other headlights making use. the german court has sentenced and his. lemme explained support as a life in prison or the 2 staffing attacks in the west and city of to spoke. one person was killed in the april attacks and several others injured. yes and, and beta comprehensive confession during the trial last month. a quote in poland has found 14 citizens of russia, bellows and ukraine guilty of spying from moscow. they were charged with acts of espionage, including planning to deem rail trains carrying a to ukraine comes on to the defendants were convicted in their absence. after all, pleading guilty and sleeping crime, a taste,
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choose me. hundreds of people have been stranded in northeast and australia after a tropical cycle and crickets via flooding. roads have been lost away, leaving many trapped in a hopes rescue teams and trying to add them to safety. texas governor greg abbott is approved. the new build up board, give police sweeping powers to arrest migrants who were legally crossed. the west bought it when the vailable, so in house judges to water people for leave america. the legislation is part of a drive to type in the immigration book and, and we're, i'm sorry, he's in china is a modem. 120 people have been killed and hundreds more injured in those quake. the 6.2 magnitude quake struck me the northwestern cities of she knew a long show. hasse winter conditions complicating efforts with temperatures dropping below minus 10 degrees celsius. people are drawing and late evening meal in china is north west, then the
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. this is the scale of the damage caused by that says, quaking china is guns who in senior high provinces to thousands of homes in time neighborhoods reduced to rubble is owned by the 6.2. my can choose from the struck late on monday night school. the media said both the ends, electricity infrastructure. what was the time? it was the chinese president, she can ping has audited in or out search and rescue efforts in the mounts in this area to find people, subtracts, under rubble, and i see temperatures in shanghai province have recently blanketed the region in snow and temperatures. when the quake hits on monday night to a well below freezing punishing conditions. now making complicated rescue efforts even more difficult against wincing high, i used to ask quakes on average, maybe 30 term is the magnitude for or more hit the region each year, due to that also among the least developed regions in china, against who has the lowest u d, p per capita of any province in the country. well,
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thirty's, of want of more of to show at least 2 with magnitude, full or higher, might have been recorded since the main quake to 38 and don't, don't use james change of file that report and updated us on the scale of destruction as well as the store and therefore the level of destruction has been pretty devastating. inside neighborhoods leveled at least strewn with rubble. it was the reports of land slides caused by the soft quake press. the workers of helping create made shift tents and shelters. now for those of an impact is thousands of people that have been how does that, how it was damaged by it, by this quake. now, we now know that this is china is the list of quite a can over decade, much about death toll that high desktop really thing, not because this i was quite certain place of course, at nighttime, right on midnight. so lots of people in the homes sleeping, unable to, to leave high apartments, a tool, a palm, and blogs, and the fed for safety. we understand electricity is there, so it's in most places that lost it now, but that impacts on infrastructure. whether that's electricity, roads um,
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has been hampering really fast. as we understand now is leader control. none is threatening the waste with more offensive action to day of the testing. it's most powerful ballistic nissan stake media release, pictures of to be solved which can potentially reach anywhere in north america. according to their reports, control guns that the test sent. a clear warning to the way washington says that you see our $105.00 killing young would mean the end of the game regime. south korea, as president as well on the north against further publication and sole builds closer security ties with the west. washington has bound to back the south with its full range of capabilities including nuclear, calling you on, on the north korean regime will come to realize such publications. will that do you bring great to pay for me to get this over to dollar? push it out and was it? yeah, dr. drew cushion. john, you're watching with the recent meeting of the south korea,
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us nuclear conflicts of group held in washington. the establishment of a comprehensive extend, it determines regime between the us and south korea is eminence. it signifies the substantive realization of a very bus and you kill it based the lines which in the back to hey on should is a journalist that everybody can use. and so i also what's behind this is record number of north korean weapons test. well then north korea hasn't been happy with what south korea has been doing, but it's key allies. let's take a look at the timeline real quickly just after so create a us engaged in their 2nd section of the nuclear causative group in washington on friday. or create a part of the short range missile which was followed by an intercontinental ballistic missile. and to show that tongue, i wasn't happy with what i've been discussed, reduced bilateral meeting between school in washington. their south create the us discuss ways to strengthen, to turn on to any type of more creative with conventional and even nuclear weapons in north korea, since breton to preemptively call,
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to counteract against its so called enemies provocations. regina we are king, joan is at the latest launch shows what option kung out would take when washington makes a wrong decision and came out of the largest, where a practical demonstration of the progress and reliability of the capabilities. the jerky has when it comes to our forces and nuclear deterrence, we heard the south korean presidents warning to killing yang. how else has soul responded? right, this is the 5th icbm lost by north korea this year. so has decided to pursue a stronger turn strategy meeting that the namely activated a warning information assurance system for north korean missiles with it's key allies like the us in japan, the defense minister on tuesday. and pledge to establish the system to detect and evaluate missiles, launched in real time 247. and it's the 1st time to do so, given that information used to be sure, temporarily, and partially during only general training. now, sol, washington and tokyo have also approve
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a multi or exercise plan which means point $24.00 will see sold, regular, relies on those free drills with its allies. now, all of these measures were brought up at the cap, dated somebody in august, and at a high level, somebody tell, in november last year. but we're now seeing the 3 countries really bulls or cooperation now have more creative launch the highest number i guess for a single year. you also mentioned this a sending signals how much of it is a threat to the us. i mean, we'll have to see, but most of the experts i spoke to here 3, it's a refer to how they seem to be more of a showcase rather than the actual direct threats. north america expert probably pointed to how the reduced region is trying to save missiles are able to target the us, the strategic guys to do who's on for instance, where the us attack us around us as missouri dropped out a day prior to when your free shot a short range missile on sunday. as for the solid fuel, why is it being fired? monday morning? it's worth noting homework real estate. you use the word fire instead of test fired,
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which has that and we're free. it is free to plot how it's icbm. technology has develop, so the region singly wants to indicate that it doesn't need to test such missiles instead of it's ready to fire and produce more. meanwhile, so priest went to use, the staff said that the ice did region altitude of at least 6000 kilometers. and this, or pass the maximum of altitude a 3000 reach by the ice. you had tested back in april. so it does seem to be development. but experts are raising the possibility that time you might have reduced the we're the warhead screwed by the idea. simply for the sake of demonstrating to us that it's new, your technology has the upper have in the korean peninsula. some very interesting analysis they have from generalization in sol. thank you. thank so much. volcano in iceland disposing level golden 100 because into the authorities were prepared for the robson is the town of queencreek of the weeks of seismic activity
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homes and businesses of the country's most populous region being evacuated. but the scale of your option took scientists by surprise. plumes of smoke and lava on the rate can this peninsula in iceland following a weeks of intense uh, quakes to arrest in the nearby town of green. the vic looked on to happen just seeing while that emerged from the grounds even if it's it in a particular concert and such as this is just fascinating. see, just nature inaction. i just, it's just like some of the fun movie. a spectacle for some below enforcement in the area is making sure people in this town stay safe. now there's a rupture near near grants that we and we have cleared the town and the area. and now we're just securing the area and closing every road to the area. and
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that's just in process. no. but then we're just trying to manage the situation here by salons, coast guard as i'm highlights that release this for to adjust it. so phase dependency led to determine the exact size of the russian. iceland is no stranger to volcanoes. it currently has $33.00 active abrupt sions. that's the highest number in europe. though some of these, this seems to be a few 100 cubic meters per 2nd at that, or this is quite a bit more and the end of ocean seen on the contents live until now, which are quite small in the beginning. but the scientists say it is still unclear how long this one will go on for your new young son is a news reporter for the athletic national broadcasting service. i asked him to tell us more about the situation. this is good for us to rupture and the last 3 years.
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so we are, we have come quite used to this, but the russian is coming down. now you could say that, so the risk is increasing. but when you have interruptions at the soft costs to such a importance infrastructure, so there's, there's, of course, always been sure, but the, i think what, what a few people were in the area of the reps and stuff that's police had evacuated. it's been that we can november after the strong, seize mcgrath to do that damage the house is enrolled soon, but the people that have been out of their homes since then, but they were hoping they would get back before christmas. but uh, but that's, that's not gonna happen now. is that what sort of defenses are in place? i believe the prime minister related to reason to be constructive. defense is to help the situation. yeah. the fastest logs locks a month. it was a few weeks ago and they've been, they've been the best thing of time on the weather since then getting is read to
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you and it seems like the, the was at least we cover the, the power plant that's the blue link on for now. and it's in the, the reps and this has to slow down quite a bit. we hope it keeps on slowing down. and we will have a like another so called source direction like we've had before. and then then all the infrastructure should be fine. so we, so we hope is it keeps on decreasing. leslie, what about the ash and smoke? what sort of thing for the zip codes? um we have, we have uh, as you know, uh directions be bought in 20 tons of hosted hosted flights all over your um that's not gonna happen now. and they didn't effect i think that has been on there almost no effects on, on,
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on slides. the ones from iceland and there's direction will really worried about the if, if i flights of stairs must be out of the youngest and day for us in reykjavik. thank you very much for talking to the deputy news. the voters go to the polls on wednesday in the democratic republic of congo, one of the votes post contracts president felix cheese to get a is cheap to win a 2nd 5 year term for divine adult position. dw, you want us getting reports from the seas. capital construction president felix teresa, katie wearing white is running for re election. he won the 2018 election, which was marked by violence. and observers say there was massive fraud. even so it was considered condos 1st democratic transition of power cheese acadias, promising his supporters investment in education and jobs. and to stop the war in the east. he's leading in the polls,
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but some say he's taking advantage of his position locally. i think the candle uh, the practice of hanging up pictures of the presidents on public buildings or installing the banners before the official start of the contain period to go. i think, to get to that this shouldn't be praised as an advantage. the soft violations of the law should be denounced as they bring the political game out of balance. and these, even the policy, the opposition is divided margin by you as it was the strongest challenger. and the last election businessmen always to cartoon be as popular in the mining region of good tongue go, where he was once the governor and dennis real quick, a doctor and nobel peace laureate, made international headlines when he declared his candidacy.
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human rights activist boston maqueta says he had hoped that civic space would open up under to use a katie. but he says the current situation is mixed up k no. yeah. but could you describe the n a o ceiling to hear about lots of cases of hate speech and intolerance by the supporters of certain political parties that make the 2? the schumacher was obviously the idea on the presidential candidate, so travel to certain provinces, but people's threw stones at them equal it did indeed here ma'am, uh, not be the only i just did it then where attempt is to prevent that from holding meetings. just don't that the members do live on patient that didn't have the meeting with you. rhodes just organizing the vote is a major logistical challenge. life for most people in the country remains to struggle with. restoration and insecurity are running high. i brings you up to date
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