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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 20, 2023 4:00am-4:16am CET

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a crypto queen stance descend associates. i'm d w. the . this is the deadline. use live from building us code boss donald trump. from the presidential primaries balance. the supreme court in the state of colorado says, the former president, engaged in the 2021 insurrection of the capital and is eligible to hold office again. comes, campaign says it will appeal, but decision to the us supreme also coming up the un security council of delays a vote of halting the findings in cost. because he had to say,
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can compromise acceptable to the us and mean growing international pressure of the number of palestinian civilians killed and rescue is race to find potential survive is up to china's deadliest is quite in nearly if the guy scores a killed after a powerful trend of rocks, the countries northwest up to shops and the visa called the hampering relief at the anthony out. welcome to the program. we started with a decision that could disrupt the us presidential election. the colorado supreme court has disqualified republican front. run a donald trump from running in that states presidential primary in a $4.00 to $3.00 rolling the court said the trump engaged in insurrection by inciting violence, histone to the us capital. in january of 2021. said he was
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a 4 in eligible to hold f as again trump is expected to appeal the decision at the us supreme court. earlier i spoke to data, i believe washington bureau chief anus paul. she told me more about that decision and what it means at this month. well, this came really as a surprise this evening. um, not only uh to donald trump. uh, it is really a stunning and definitely unprecedented decision of the colorado supreme court, which has removed from a president on from, from the states 2024th presidential election ballot. the court ruled that he is not eligible to be a presidential candidate due to the insurrection has been in the 14th amendment. so it's interesting this uh, this, uh, ben was rectified off to the civil war civil war and says that the officials would take an oath to support the constitutions are banned from future office in they engage in an insurrection and they argue with the court docket,
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that this is exactly what donald trump did on january 6th, 2021 is clearly there is much more to come on this story. has there been any immediate reaction from trump himself or his team at this point? or yeah, that wasn't immediately a reaction, right? also the ruling trump campaign from criticized the all democratic colorado supreme court, calling it a i quoted to your left wing, a group scheme to interfere and election on behalf of joe biden, by removing trump's name from the ballad. they are kind of playing into this, which kind of narrative they are using actually since from last the last presidential election in. so i think some large pictures of the trump's response. we've been trained with donald trump to expect the unexpected. so ask a what next they now for donald trump and he's presidential campaign.
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right. he says he's saying that he definitely a bill of filing appeal to colorado supreme court's decision. and, you know, giving the fact that the nation's supreme court is dominated by republican nominated justices. i think it seems pretty unlikely at the moment that they will support the colorado rolling. but all this comes at a moment, even more and more republicans seem to be growing tired of the chaos caused by donald trump. and you know, his more serious a most serious challenger, nikki haley is getting some momentum anyhow, less than a month before the start of the primaries. so this what is what we experience tonight really quick towards trump. on the other hand, it also includes kind of work in his favor. why? because it's deepening the divide and my 2 nights is suppose those 3 high and the
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believe the democrats are using the courts to fight against and prevent them from binding. again, you know, the election is just about to begin, but the k o is here in the united states is already in full swing. the w washington bureau chief in his pole in washington dc. thank you so much. i to lead another nation security council has postponed a vote on pausing the fighting and gaza. the boat was originally scheduled for monday, but it's now due on wednesday and the initial draft resolution code for an urgent and lasting cessation of hostilities to allow unimpeded access all the humanitarian, i guess. yeah, there's a now trying to find compromise, voiding acceptable to the us, which is blocked in previous calls for a $65.00 international pressure on these route to angel. still it is is growing as the humanitarian process in gaza. deep so why on negotiated is having such a hard time getting to an agreement, the deputies, janelle,
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to move out on has more. the negotiators have gone into overtime trying to find language that would get the united states to refrain from using its veto on the cease fire resolution in gaza. now if you recall earlier this month, so you asked to adjust that. it basically stood alone and vetoing the resolution that the other security council members over whelming, we supported, but negotiations are ongoing. now because the u. s. has said that it won't support a reference to a cessation of hostilities, but it is a pushing for water down language calling for a suspension of hostilities. now the last draft text of the resolution made available had both phrases. there was a call for the urgent suspension of hostilities, but also for urgent steps towards a sustainable cessation of hostilities and that word secession. that remains a sticking point for the us negotiators. and in addition, the u. s. also wants specific condemnation of homos for its actions on october 7,
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rather the tech, so as it was condemned, all acts of terrorism were generally, and we've heard that, especially the air of negotiators, of the negotiators are representing the arab countries. don't want to agree to any more changes unless the us promises not to veto. but of course, it's entirely possible that after days of the go sion, the us ends up exercising. it's vito power yet again and causes an international outcry. or it could end up abstaining, in which scenario the resolution would go through. you only need 9 votes and no vetoes for resolution to go through. that the vote has yet again been moved to give the resolution a chance shows just how difficult it is to get there to that was the deputies janelle dom a lot on there for us in washington dc. the i'm us run health ministry says in gaza at least a 100 published indians have been killed by the latest is by the extracts in the last day. several countries including germany, classify him, us as a tourist organization. the entire buildings reduced to
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rubble and rough. uh many civilians were killed in the strike despite the cities these like nation as a safe sun by israel a survivor pulled from the rubble moons, her youngest sister, and see she narrowly escaped the himself. but the collapse towards me there was maybe just an inch left between me and the wall. i held it, but it was so heavy. i started screaming for help hoping someone anyone could hear me know. yes ma'am. after being freed from the rubble, another palestinian woman is taken to l. not the hospital where she can sold, surviving family members, wrapped in white of the bodies of her 2 grandchildren. we were
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sleeping safely in our home. there's a kids, kids in us, women. there was no one else. beautiful alone and my 2 grand kids were killed. a mirror here. she was just 2 weeks old. why? her bus wasn't even registered yet. well, i have to have, she doesn't even have a birth certificate until we, i mean, we don't have the palestinians here say they at least to do with the insufferable pain of loss alone to rescue is a rising to find potential survivors after a powerful earthquake struck in north west china, the quite killed at least 131 people and the engine hundreds more. most of the dates were in gunk. soup province, local media say more and more than tens of thousands of homes were damaged or destroyed. you and the social,
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it's the deadliest earthquake to hit china in nearly a decade. we need to wait for the as rescue workers race to find the potential survivors with those who escape with their lives based on uncertain future. i feel that you don't the teacher sent days to the somebody i've never experienced southern like this. well, and i'm 70 years old. i've never experienced such a big one. uh, comma, who's deposit. so i'm afraid. cool. now i have no place to live, which i don't in my home. there isn't a single room left to me. tactical though i have no place to live. then what should i do? need approval doesn't, but if you change, i'll say that kim are hunting the mountain provinces of guns too. and shanghai are frequently hit by earthquakes. but this one was especially intense sonya, not even hours later. heavy after shocks prevented people from sheltering inside it . yet, with temperatures dropping to minus 15 degrees celsius at night, both emergency services have been scrambling to set up 10 to 5 years. yeah. can,
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because thousands of firefighters and rescue personnel have been mobilized to assist victims of the quake, but their job will remain difficult. as power and water outages as well as destroyed roads, complicate relief efforts to doing so. i those to me for me to now to our correspondent james china in taipei. james, could you put the scale of this catastrophe into some perspective for us? i absolutely understand. you, well, we now know that this is a dead list of quake to strikes china in more than a decade. now some of the images are seen coming out from social media. and of course, chinese say meter as well. just give some sense of a level of destruction that we're seeing in this very mountainous, very remote region of china. we now understand moving to a 150000 homes, have been destroyed in this. so it's quite a can, that's giving you some sense of the kind of level of destruction this, this area is now facing. of course,
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one of the key factors here is this very hush environment, the rest of us. it's a now taking place in some of the temperatures reaching kind of well below freezing of the time. of the quaking, of course, that harsh weather has, has continued as the relief assets of have continued. but just to give us a sense of kind of the previous context of both place in china, this isn't the best one that we've ever seen in china. of course, that the listing reason memory was a 2008. i have quite a constituent provence which killed tens of thousands of people that we know about level with this kind of crate. but of course, those, those complicating sites is, you know, the remoteness of this location and the very, very cold weather are going to be raising concerns. the death toll could still arise about the change just briefly. you talked about relief, that's what actions of a joint aids or 3rd he's taking at this point. what does that report mentioned in, with thousands of personnel have been sent into the affected areas that includes members in the fire department, emergency quake response personnel, chinese state media. it was a shows images of people who have been sets up in these new shelters. rows and rows
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of shelves is around the style. hundreds of people have been and spend the night in, in those, in those tens. of course there's uh, 2000000 us stores have been put in by the provincial government for their relief efforts. the chinese central government yesterday said some $35000000.00 us dollars are going to be put aside for reconstruction efforts to try that in type. i thank you. as a side to side, it's hard to predict how long, interrupting volcano in iceland will continue to keep pushing vast amounts of lava out across the landscape. the some residential property could be endangered, but phenomena lives are at risk from a natural display that is drawing a crowd of all struck onlookers. gushing fountains of lava. this volcano on the rate can, is spinning so it has been erupt. and since late monday, their option is slowly losing steam by the situation. he is still dramatic and
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potentially dangerous scientist save me 2 days, weeks or even months till it stops. it's slowly getting more quiet, but it might last a long time with less of a short time. who knows? but it's, it's just in time for christmas and hopefully it will this stay like this or stuff because this group effect. so infrastructure, so hopefully it will look through the nearly full thousands residents of that created from the nearby town of greenville show those hopes for summer. still excited, just in nature, put on a spectacular show coming today, getting the chance to be behind sidney. go ahead to being so close to being able to fly the drone like literally 10 meters away. is amazing. phoenix, the volcano doesn't pose any immediate danger to the population, but scientists form that it could change. if the option continues for too long,
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it could potentially affect air quality with views being able to reach iceland scott the direction. it could also pulls the threat to property if level flows far enough to reach residential areas. and that is open now after the break, a special program title choices for those who did the dream about escaping the city for the country. so that's coming up shortly for now. i'm anthony out in berlin. thanks for watching and stay with us. if we can, the, the name is the calls back. saved loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold a bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. that's what it being nosy bay like good, everyone to kings. check out the award winning called com. no hold back
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